public enum CachingPolicy { THROUGH("through"), AROUND("around"), BEHIND("behind"); private String policy; private CachingPolicy(String policy) { this.policy = policy; } public String getPolicy() { return policy; } } public class LruCache { class Node { String userId; UserAccount userAccount; Node previous; Node next; public Node(String userId, UserAccount userAccount) { this.userId = userId; this.userAccount = userAccount; } } int capacity; Map<String, Node> cache = new HashMap<>(); Node head; Node end; public LruCache(int capacity) { this.capacity = capacity; } /** * Get user account */ public UserAccount get(String userId) { if (cache.containsKey(userId)) { Node node = cache.get(userId); remove(node); setHead(node); return node.userAccount; } return null; } /** * * Remove node from linked list. */ public void remove(Node node) { if (node.previous != null) { =; } else { head =; } if ( != null) { = node.previous; } else { end = node.previous; } } /** * * Move node to the front of the list. */ public void setHead(Node node) { = head; node.previous = null; if (head != null) { head.previous = node; } head = node; if (end == null) { end = head; } } /** * Set user account */ public void set(String userId, UserAccount userAccount) { if (cache.containsKey(userId)) { Node old = cache.get(userId); old.userAccount = userAccount; remove(old); setHead(old); } else { Node newNode = new Node(userId, userAccount); if (cache.size() >= capacity) { System.out.println("# Cache is FULL! Removing " + end.userId + " from cache..."); cache.remove(end.userId); // remove LRU data from cache. remove(end); setHead(newNode); } else { setHead(newNode); } cache.put(userId, newNode); } } public boolean contains(String userId) { return cache.containsKey(userId); } /** * Invalidate cache for user */ public void invalidate(String userId) { System.out.println("# " + userId + " has been updated! Removing older version from cache..."); Node toBeRemoved = cache.get(userId); remove(toBeRemoved); cache.remove(userId); } public boolean isFull() { return cache.size() >= capacity; } public UserAccount getLruData() { return end.userAccount; } /** * Clear cache */ public void clear() { head = null; end = null; cache.clear(); } /** * * Returns cache data in list form. */ public List<UserAccount> getCacheDataInListForm() { ArrayList<UserAccount> listOfCacheData = new ArrayList<>(); Node temp = head; while (temp != null) { listOfCacheData.add(temp.userAccount); temp =; } return listOfCacheData; } /** * Set cache capacity */ public void setCapacity(int newCapacity) { if (capacity > newCapacity) { clear(); // Behavior can be modified to accommodate for decrease in cache size. For now, we'll // just clear the cache. } else { this.capacity = newCapacity; } } } public class CacheStore { static LruCache cache; private CacheStore() { } /** * Init cache capacity */ public static void initCapacity(int capacity) { if (null == cache) { cache = new LruCache(capacity); } else { cache.setCapacity(capacity); } } /** * Get user account using read-through cache */ public static UserAccount readThrough(String userId) { if (cache.contains(userId)) { System.out.println("# Cache Hit!"); return cache.get(userId); } System.out.println("# Cache Miss!"); UserAccount userAccount = DbManager.readFromDb(userId); cache.set(userId, userAccount); return userAccount; } /** * Get user account using write-through cache */ public static void writeThrough(UserAccount userAccount) { if (cache.contains(userAccount.getUserId())) { DbManager.updateDb(userAccount); } else { DbManager.writeToDb(userAccount); } cache.set(userAccount.getUserId(), userAccount); } /** * Get user account using write-around cache */ public static void writeAround(UserAccount userAccount) { if (cache.contains(userAccount.getUserId())) { DbManager.updateDb(userAccount); cache.invalidate(userAccount.getUserId()); // Cache data has been updated -- remove older // version from cache. } else { DbManager.writeToDb(userAccount); } } /** * Get user account using read-through cache with write-back policy */ public static UserAccount readThroughWithWriteBackPolicy(String userId) { if (cache.contains(userId)) { System.out.println("# Cache Hit!"); return cache.get(userId); } System.out.println("# Cache Miss!"); UserAccount userAccount = DbManager.readFromDb(userId); if (cache.isFull()) { System.out.println("# Cache is FULL! Writing LRU data to DB..."); UserAccount toBeWrittenToDb = cache.getLruData(); DbManager.upsertDb(toBeWrittenToDb); } cache.set(userId, userAccount); return userAccount; } /** * Set user account */ public static void writeBehind(UserAccount userAccount) { if (cache.isFull() && !cache.contains(userAccount.getUserId())) { System.out.println("# Cache is FULL! Writing LRU data to DB..."); UserAccount toBeWrittenToDb = cache.getLruData(); DbManager.upsertDb(toBeWrittenToDb); } cache.set(userAccount.getUserId(), userAccount); } /** * Clears cache */ public static void clearCache() { if (null != cache) { cache.clear(); } } /** * Writes remaining content in the cache into the DB. */ public static void flushCache() { System.out.println("# flushCache..."); if (null == cache) { return; } List<UserAccount> listOfUserAccounts = cache.getCacheDataInListForm(); for (UserAccount userAccount : listOfUserAccounts) { DbManager.upsertDb(userAccount); } } /** * Print user accounts */ public static String print() { List<UserAccount> listOfUserAccounts = cache.getCacheDataInListForm(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\n--CACHE CONTENT--\n"); for (UserAccount userAccount : listOfUserAccounts) { sb.append(userAccount.toString() + "\n"); } sb.append("----\n"); return sb.toString(); } }
本文将详细介绍一个前端开源库——`lighter-lru-cache`,它是一个轻量级的JavaScript LRU缓存实现。 `lighter-lru-cache`库的核心设计目标是提供一个简单易用、占用资源少的缓存解决方案。它适用于那些对性能敏感,...
node-lru-native, 面向 node.js的高性能LRU缓存 node-lru-native这是 node.js 内存缓存的简单实现,支持 LRU ( least-recently-used ) 备份和 TTL expirations 。它是作为与( 精彩) node-lru-cache库的替代
javascript js_leetcode题解之146-lru-cache.js
《PyPI上的backports.functools_lru_cache-1.3.tar.gz:Python高效缓存技术解析》 在Python编程中,高效的代码执行是至关重要的,特别是在处理大量数据或者需要频繁重复计算的场景下。PyPI(Python Package Index)...
Node LRU Cache 基于Nodejs开发的LRU Cache, 兼有缓存超时清除功能 usage var options = { expires: 5 * 60 * 1000, capacity: 5 }; var LRU = require('node-lru'); var cache = new LRU(2);//var cache = new ...
kakku-lru-cache-store 一个存储在内存中的-backed 。 用法 var LRU = require ( "lru-cache" ) ; var Kakku = require ( "kakku" ) . Kakku ; var LruCacheStore = require ( "kakku-lru-cache-store" ) . ...
var LRU = require ( "lru-cache" ) , options = { max : 500 , length : function ( n , key ) { return n * 2 + key . length } , dispose : function ( key , n ) { n . close ( ) } , maxAge : 1000 * 60 *...
LRU-K 中的 K 表示最近使用的次数,LRU 可视为 LRU-1。算法中需要维护一个访问历史列表,只有当数据访问次数达到 K 次时才会放入缓存。淘汰时,LRU-K 会淘汰第 K 次访问时间距当前最远的数据。LRU-K 的命中率相对 ...
2Q算法的命中率优于LRU,但略逊于LRU-K,而代价则介于LRU和LRU-K之间。 MultiQueue (MQ)算法则进一步优化了缓存策略。MQ将数据分配到多个具有不同访问优先级的LRU队列中。数据的优先级随着访问次数的增加而提升,...
lru-cache 支持的用于 koa@2 的速率限制器中间件 Koa2 中间件使用async/await ,因此您必须使用--harmony_async_await或使用babel在 Node.js >= 7.0.0 中运行 安装 $ npm install koa - ratelimit - lru 例子 const ...
LRU-K算法改进了LRU的命中率,但其复杂度和代价也随之增加,因为需要额外的空间来记录未达到K次访问的数据,并且需要维护一个优先级队列。 2Q算法,又称为Two Queues,是LRU-2的一种变体,它将数据分为FIFO队列和...
LRU-K在一定程度上解决了LRU的缓存污染问题,但它的实现更为复杂,需要维护优先级队列,内存消耗和CPU消耗相对较大。 Two Queues(2Q)算法是类似于LRU-2的策略,它包含两个缓存队列:一个FIFO(先进先出)队列和一...
lru-cache-node 具有最近使用策略的节点的照明快速缓存管理器。 具有LRU策略的节点的超快速缓存。 缓存将继续添加值,直到达到maxSize为止。 之后,它将开始从缓存中弹出最近最少使用/访问的值,以便设置新值。 支持...
python python_leetcode题解之146_LRU_Cache
python源码安装包backports.functools_lru_cache-1.5.tar 解压后python install 进行安装
lru缓存leetcode LRU缓存 受启发的简单 LRU 缓存实现 发展 建造 ./gradlew build 测试 ./gradlew test 使用示例 LRUCache< String , String > cache = new LRUCache<> ( 2 /* capacity */ ); cache . put( " ...
在""这个压缩包中,我们可以期待找到一个LRU Cache的实现,版本为2.5.0。通常,这样的库会包含以下关键组件: 1. **Cache容器**:这是一个存储键值对的数据结构,可以是哈希表或者其他高效的...
lua-lru,Lua中的LRU缓存 安装: $ luarocks install lua-lru ...cache = lru. new ( 100 ) 为总共1000个字节的100个元素创建LRU缓存的实例: lru = require ' lru ' cache = lru. new ( 100 , 1000 ) 方法: ca