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SciTE (Scintilla Text Editor) supports API and Keyword files to customize some aspects of the editor for a given programming language. Keywords files extend the highlighting of source code files (i.e. Class names in Java), and API files allow to displays calltips, basic form of the popular Microsoft Intellisense ®. The BeanShell script, SciteJavaApi.bsh, generates both the Java API and the Keyword files for your current Java Runtime Environment.
- Product: SciTE Java API
- Version: 1.5
- Date: 12/23/2006
- Operating System: Win32/Linux
- License: Open Source Software, MIT License
- Download Script: SciteJavaApi15.zip (8kB)
- Download Script and BeanShell 2.0b5: SciteJavaApi15_bsh.zip (364kB)
- Download Java API Files: SciteJavaApi_api_files.zip (947kB)
If you just need the API and Keyword files, download SciteJavaApi_api_files.zip (947kB) and jump to section SciTE Configuration.
In order to run SciteJavaApi.bsh you need:
- A recent version of the Java Runtime Environment.
- A recent version of the Java Dynamic Language BeanShell. Some packages available for download already include the BeanShell library.
Of course, you also need SciTE (Scintilla Text Editor) in order to use the Java API files.
Installation and Usage
- Download the latest release: SciteJavaApi15.zip (8kB). If you don’t have already BeanShell, download the package including it: SciteJavaApi15_bsh.zip (364kB).
- Extract the content of the SciteJavaApi zip file to your hard drive.
- Assuming SciteJavaApi.bsh and bsh-2.0b5.jar being in C:\SciteJavaApi, execute:
C:\SciteJavaApi>java -cp bsh-2.0b5.jar bsh.Interpreter SciteJavaApi.bsh
- You should get the following output:
Start ClassPath Mapping Mapping: Archive: file:/C:/bsh/bsh-2.0b5.jar Mapping: Archive: file:/C:/jdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/rt.jar End ClassPath Mapping ====================================== Beanshell SciteJavaApi Version 1.5 December 23, 2006 Copyright 2000-2006 (c) Andre Burgaud ====================================== BeanShell 2.0b5 - by Pat Niemeyer (pat@pat.net) Java 1.5.0_06 - by Sun Microsystems Inc. ====================================== Beanshell SciTETools Menu - Type "q|Q" and [ENTER] to quit. - Type "1" and [ENTER] to build a Java Keywords file for SciTE. - Type "2" and [ENTER] to build a Java Api file for SciTE. Your choice:
- Choose 1 or 2 to generate respectively the Java Keywords file or the Java API file.
- To generate the API files for a different Java version, invoke the corresponding Java command. You can achieve this by using the environment variable JAVA_HOME. See the shell script java_api.sh and windows batch file java_api.bat included in the package for more detailed examples.
- After generating the API files, you can configure SciTE.
SciTE Configuration
- Copy the Java API and keywords files in the install directory of SciTE (where the default SciTE properties files are).
- Assuming that the API and Keywords files are respectively: java150.api and java150_kwd.properties.
- Open the file cpp.properties available in the install directory of SciTE.
- Add the following lines (check first if similar lines are already existing and modify accordingly):
import java150_kwd api.*.java=$(SciteDefaultHome)\java150.api calltip.java.word.characters=._$(word.chars.cxx) calltip.java.parameters.start=( calltip.java.parameters.start=) calltip.java.parameters.separators=.
Note: In versions prior to 1.5, SciteJavaApi.bsh generated the keyword file with the format java150.kwd. You had to rename the file to java150_kwd.properties, in order to allow the import to work.
Configuring SciTE as explained above will enable the following features:
- Java classes highlighting,
- Calltips,
- Auto completion.
Java Classes Highlighting
The Java classes highlighting is automatically enabled due to the import of the keywords file. Classes are highlighted as shown in the following screen capture:
To modify the highlight color, modify the value of the style associated with keyword2 in the file cpp.properties:
... # Keywords2 style.cpp.16=fore:#B00040 ...
Note: To limit the size of the keywords properties file, only classes from packages started with java are included. This excludes classes from javax packages for example.
With the calltip configuration, such as the one described in the section Scite Configuration, when you type the open parenthesis after a method name, a scrollable pop-up help box displays the possible parameters of this method. You can enter the parameters accordingly, and also use the mouse to navigate up and down to see the other method signatures. You can also invoke calltips by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Space with the cursor located inside of the method parameter parenthesis.
Auto Completion
SciTE allows you to customize the behavior of the word completion feature, based on the source code being edited. In the case of Java, I simply suggest to take advantage of the the word completion from the API file by invoking it via the shortcut key Ctrl+Space or Ctrl+i, as shown in the screen capture below:
Though not directly related to the auto completion provided by the API file, there is another auto completion feature available in SciTE. By typing Ctrl+Enter just after at least one character, SciTE will open a list of words already available in your file and matching the first characters of the word being typed.
- Version 1.5 of the BeanShell script was tested with BeanShell 2.0b4 and 2.0b5, Java 1.3.1, 1.4.2, 1.5.0 and 1.6.0, on Windows XP and Linux. BeanShell 2.0b5 is not compatible with Java 1.3.1 and Java 1.4.2: it causes the error java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError.
- Version 1.4 of the BeanShell script was tested with BeanShell 1.3, 2.0b2 and 2.0b4, Java 1.4.2 and 5.0.
- Version 1.3 of the BeanShell script was tested with BeanShell 2.0b1. It is not compatible with previous versions of BeanShell.
- Version 1.2 of the script is not compatible with BeanShell 1.3 nor 2.0b1. It is only working with BeanShell 1.2.
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SCITE的"包含各种API"意味着它内建了对Java标准库以及一些常见第三方库的语法支持。这使得开发人员在编写涉及这些API的代码时,能够得到智能提示和自动完成,方便记忆和使用API,减少了查找文档的时间。 "括号补齐...
它最初是为支持Lisp方言——Common Lisp设计的,但随着时间的发展,SciTe已经扩展到支持多种编程语言,包括但不限于C、C++、Java、Python、Perl和许多其他脚本语言。这款编辑器因其高度可配置性而备受赞誉,允许用户...
SciTE通过API文件提供了符号完成和文档提示功能,有助于提升编码速度。 它允许用户通过Lua脚本进行配置和增强,实现个性化设置,如快捷键绑定、代码检查工具集成等。 SciTE非常适合用于快速原型开发,在不需要完整...
Scite,全名是 SciTE (pronounced "sigh-tay"),是一个开源的文本编辑器,主要设计用于编写程序代码,尤其是支持多种编程语言,包括C++, Java, Python等。它是由 Wayne R. Thompson 开发,基于 GTK+ 和 Lua 语言构建...
这是我配置好的中文版SciTE,内含cpp的API和批处理的API。 如果要自己配置,请参考帮助.(英语水平应好,我没有翻译帮助文件). Sc1.exe 是 静态版本。即不需要SciLexer.dll,Scintilla.dll两个动态连接库,只有一个...
- **语法高亮**:SciTE支持众多编程语言的语法高亮,包括C、C++、Java、Python、Perl、HTML、XML等,有助于提高代码可读性。 - **代码折叠**:用户可以折叠和展开代码块,以便于管理和查看大型代码文件。 - **自动...
2. **SciTE.exe**:这是 SciTE 的可执行文件,它是一个轻量级的源代码编辑器,支持多种编程语言,如 C++, Python, Java 等。它提供了语法高亮、自动缩进、代码折叠等功能,是开发者日常编码的好帮手。 3. **...
QScintilla的设计目标是为Qt应用程序提供类似SciTE(Scientific TErminal)的功能,它结合了Scintilla的优秀特性,并将其无缝集成到Qt环境中,使得开发者能够轻松地在他们的应用中实现复杂的文本编辑和高亮显示功能...
- **集成开发环境**:推荐使用FreeRIDE、SciTE等集成开发环境提高开发效率。 **2.3 使用irb(交互式Ruby解释器)** irb是一个命令行工具,可以让开发者直接在命令行中测试Ruby代码片段,非常适合学习和调试。 **...
QScintilla是一个流行的文本编辑组件,它为Qt框架提供了类似于SciTE(Scientific TErminal)的功能。这个"example-Qt4Qt5.zip"文件包含了QScintilla在Qt4和Qt5环境下使用的示例工程,为开发者提供了一手的实践参考...
此外,还推荐了一些编辑器,如TextMate(仅限OSX)、jEdit、SciTE、RadRails、Aptana、NetBeans、vim、Emacs等。 #### 三、Rails背景 Ruby on Rails是由Jason Fried和David Heinemeier Hansson共同创立的。起初是...