
WebSphere Message Broker -JavaCompute组件的使用



 IBM WebSphere Message Broker JavaCompute节点的使用.


import java.util.List;

import com.ibm.broker.javacompute.MbJavaComputeNode;
import com.ibm.broker.plugin.*;

public class Sub_FFN_JavaCompute extends MbJavaComputeNode {

	private final ArticleCreator articleCreator;
	private final StatementCreator statementCreator;
	private final SaleListCreator saleListCreator;
	public Sub_FFN_JavaCompute() throws MbException
		// instantiate the output tree creation objects

		saleListCreator = new SaleListCreator();
		statementCreator = new StatementCreator();
		articleCreator = new ArticleCreator();

	public void evaluate(MbMessageAssembly inAssembly) throws MbException {
		MbOutputTerminal out = getOutputTerminal("out");
		MbOutputTerminal alt = getOutputTerminal("alternate");

		MbMessage inMessage = inAssembly.getMessage();

		// create new message
		MbMessage outMessage = new MbMessage(inMessage);
		MbMessageAssembly outAssembly = new MbMessageAssembly(inAssembly,

		try {			
			MbElement root = outMessage.getRootElement();
			MbElement document = root.getLastChild().getFirstChild();
			MbElement chapter2 = document.createElementAsLastChild(MbElement.TYPE_NAME,"Chapter",null);

			// add title attribute
			MbElement title2 = chapter2.createElementAsFirstChild(MbElement.TYPE_NAME_VALUE,
			"title", "Message Flows");

		} finally {
			// clear the outMessage

	public void copyMessageHeaders(MbMessage inMessage, MbMessage outMessage)
	throws MbException 
		MbElement outRoot = outMessage.getRootElement();

		// iterate though the headers starting with the first child of the root element
		MbElement header = inMessage.getRootElement().getFirstChild();
		while (header != null && header.getNextSibling() != null) // stop before the last child (body)
			// copy the header and add it to the out message
			// move along to next header
			header = header.getNextSibling();

	 * Iterates over the incoming message's SaleList elements and builds the output
	 * message's SaleList
	 * 在入报文的遍历SaleList元素并建立输出讯息。
	private final class SaleListCreator extends XPathOperation 
		private SaleListCreator() throws MbException 
			super("/SaleEnvelope/SaleList"); // expression evaluated on the incoming message

		 * Called once for each SaleList element
		protected void forEachElement(MbElement saleList) throws MbException
			List <MbElement> nodeset = (List <MbElement>)getOutputElement().evaluateXPath("/?SaleEnvelope/?$SaleList");
			MbElement outSaleList = nodeset.get(0);

			// create the statements for each SaleList

	private final class ArticleCreator extends XPathOperation {
		private ArticleCreator() throws MbException 
			super("Item"); // expression evaluated on the incoming Invoice sub-tree

		public ArticleCreator(String expression) throws MbException {
			// TODO 自动生成的构造函数存根

		protected void forEachElement(MbElement element) throws MbException {
			// TODO 自动生成的方法存根



	 * Iterates over the incoming message's Invoice elements and builds the output
	 * message's Statement sub-tree
	 * 遍历的发票在入报文元素并建立输出;
	private final class StatementCreator extends XPathOperation 
		private final MbXPath setCustomer = new MbXPath(
				"?$Statement[?@Type[set-value('Monthly')]]" +
				"           [?@Style[set-value('Full')]]" +
				"           [?Customer[?Initials[set-value(concat($invoice/Initial[1], $invoice/Initial[2]))]]" +
				"                     [?Name[set-value($invoice/Surname)]]" +
				"                     [?Balance[set-value($invoice/Balance)]]]" +
		"           /?Purchases");

		private StatementCreator() throws MbException 
			super("Invoice"); // expression evaluated on the incoming SaleList sub-tree

		 * Called once for each Invoice element
		protected void forEachElement(MbElement invoice) throws MbException
			MbElement outSaleList = getOutputElement();

			setCustomer.assignVariable("invoice", invoice);
			List <MbElement> nodeset = (List <MbElement>)outSaleList.evaluateXPath(setCustomer);
			MbElement purchases = nodeset.get(0);

			// Now create the articles for each invoice

	 * XPathOperation is an abstract helper class allowing a method to be repeatedly applied to 
	 * results of an XPath expression.  The user can optionally access the output message tree
	 * allowing message transformations to be defined based on XPath evaluations of the input
	 * tree.
	 * 是一种抽象的XPathOperation帮助类允许一个方法反复应用到,
	 * 的节点。用户可以选择性地访问输出消息树,
	 * 许信息转换的被定义基于0评估输入的树
	abstract class XPathOperation
		private MbXPath xpath = null;
		private MbElement outputElement = null;

		 * Constructor taking the XPath expression to evaluate.  The expression must evaluate to 
		 * a nodeset.
		 * 通过构造方法,expression 参数值生成一个xpath路径;
		public XPathOperation(String expression) throws MbException
			xpath = new MbXPath(expression);

		 * Must be called prior to the evaluate method if the user wishes to work with the output
		 * tree (eg for message transformation).
		public void setOutputElement(MbElement out)
			outputElement = out;

		 * Allows the user to access the output tree in the forEachElement() method
		public MbElement getOutputElement()
			return outputElement;

		 * Can be overridden by the user to do initialisation processing before iterating over the
		 * XPath nodeset results
		protected void before() throws MbException { }

		 * This gets called once for each element in the XPath nodeset results. The current element
		 * is passed in as the only argument.  This method is abstract and must be implemented
		 * in the derived class.
		 * 这将被调用一次为每个元素在0 nodeset结果。当前元素,
		 * 通过是作为唯一的论点。该方法是抽象的,必须执行
		 * 在派生类。
		protected abstract void forEachElement(MbElement element) throws MbException;

		 * Can be overridden by the user to do post-processing after iterating over the
		 * XPath nodeset results
		protected void after() throws MbException { }

		 * Called by the user to iterate over the XPath nodeset.
		 *被称为由用户自行遍历的nodeset 0。
		 * @param element The context element to which the XPath expression will be applied.
		public void evaluate(MbElement element) throws MbException
			Object result = element.evaluateXPath(xpath);
			if(!(result instanceof List))
				// error


			List<MbElement> nodeset = (List<MbElement>)result;

			for(MbElement node : nodeset)















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