
Selenium is already running on port 4444


Port 4444 seems to be in use on your machine, either by an already running selenium server or some other process. Terminate the process that occupied the port, or start selenium server on a different port, like

java -jar selenium-server.jar -port 4445


from http://clearspace.openqa.org/thread/10172




    Automatic Operation of Browser using Selenium and C#

    Those sites are constructed on virtual machine on Windows PC and we perform automatic operation using Selenium WebDriver for those sites. Those are our own environment so we can practice Selenium as ...

    ruby selenium-client-1.2.18.gem

    Also make sure that you have the Selenium RC server running. 12. The selenium script will get executed and you will see the results on the command prompt. Loaded suite googlesearch Started . Finished...

    Automatic Operation of Browser using Selenium and Python 1st Edition

    Those sites are constructed on virtual machine on Windows PC and we perform automatic operation using Selenium WebDriver for those sites. Those are our own environment so we can practice Selenium as ...

    selenium selenium selenium selenium selenium selenium selenium selenium

    selenium selenium selenium selenium selenium selenium selenium selenium selenium selenium selenium selenium selenium selenium



    Automatic Operation of Browser using Selenium and Java 1st Edition

    Those sites are constructed on virtual machine on Windows PC and we perform automatic operation using Selenium WebDriver for those sites. Those are our own environment so we can practice Selenium as ...

    Automatic Operation of Browser using Selenium and Ruby 1st Edition

    Those sites are constructed on virtual machine on Windows PC and we perform automatic operation using Selenium WebDriver for those sites. Those are our own environment so we can practice Selenium as ...

    selenium RC与selenium webdriver的区别

    Selenium RC与Selenium WebDriver的区别 Selenium RC(Remote Control)和Selenium WebDriver是两个不同的自动化测试工具,都是Selenium项目的一部分。然而,它们有着不同的实现机制和应用场景。在Selenium 2中,...


    Selenium 是一个强大的开源自动化测试框架,用于网页应用。它支持多种编程语言,如 Java、Python、C#、Ruby 等,使测试工程师能够编写脚本来模拟用户在浏览器中的各种交互行为。Selenium 4.5.0 版本是该框架的一个...

    nodejs-selenium-runner:一个用于下载和启动Selenium Server的库。 改写https

    // selenium is running // selenium.host / selenium.port are available // selenium is a child process, so you can do selenium.kill() } ) 强制Selenium服务器版本 您可以通过环境变量覆盖跑步者使用的...

    Learning Selenium Testing Tools with Python(PACKT,2014)

    Towards the end of this book, you'll get to grips with Selenium Grid, which is used for running tests in parallel using nodes for cross-browser testing. It will also give you a basic overview of the ...

    selenium selenium

    selenium selenium selenium


    selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", SeleniumServer.getDefaultPort(), "*iexplore", url); selenium.start(); super.setUp(); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { selenium.stop(); ...

    selenium RC怎么使用

    这将启动Selenium Server,监听默认端口4444,等待客户端的连接。 为了编写测试脚本,我们需要在开发环境中配置依赖库。如果你使用的是Eclipse,可以创建一个新的Java项目,然后在项目的构建路径(Build Path)中...




    config.setPort(4444); // 设置服务器端口 config.setBrowserStartCommand("firefox"); // 设置默认浏览器 SeleniumServer server = new SeleniumServer(config); server.start(); Selenium selenium = new ...


    Set up Selenium Grid for faster and parallel running of tests, increasing test coverage and reducing test execution time for cross-browser testing Build extended Selenium WebDriver tests for ...


    Selenium 是一个强大的开源自动化测试框架,用于网页应用。它支持多种编程语言,如Java、Python、C#、Ruby等,使得测试工程师可以编写可跨浏览器执行的测试脚本。Selenium_v2.5是该框架的一个特定版本,它带来了许多...

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