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Programming Rules and Conventions
3.1 Export as few functions as possible from a module
3.2 Try to reduce intermodule dependencies
Note also that it is desirable that the inter-module calling dependencies form a tree and not a cyclic graph.
3.3 Put commonly used code into libraries
The libraries should be collections of related functions,典范如lists module .The best library functions have no side effects. Libraries with functions with side effects limit the re-usability. 不应该有lists_maths module混合功能是一个非常不好的习惯!
3.4 Isolate "tricky" or "dirty" code into separate modules
3.5 Don't make assumptions about what the caller will do with the results of a function
Instead write something like:
3.6 Abstract out common patterns of code or behavior
Avoid "copy" and "paste" programming, use functions! 如果两个函数有共同的特点,就把共同的部分抽象出来。
3.7 Top-down
3.8 Don't optimize(优化) code
Don't optimize your code at the first stage. First make it right, then (if necessary) make it fast (while keeping it right).先做对,再做好。
3.9 Use the principle of "least astonishment"
If you get astonished by what a function does, either your function solves the wrong problem or it has a wrong name.
3.10 Try to eliminate side effects.排除边界效应。
边界效应都是不可逆的,如改变环境变量,发消息 什么的。如果要写这样的函数,一定要独立且加注释啊!
Collect together the functions which have side effect and clearly document all the side effects.
3.11 Don't allow private data structure to "leak" out of a module
3.12 Make code as deterministic(确定)as possible.
3.13 Do not program "defensively"
3.14 Isolate hardware interfaces with a device driver
3.15 Do and undo things in the same function
分清好层次关系,如打开文件-》开了后操作,关闭文件 ;->没开error end 这里的关闭文件 和开启文件是同一个级别的,不要把这封装到下一级(子函数)里面去了。
4 Error Handling
4.1 Separate error handling and normal case code(与防护性编程一样的原则)
Don't clutter code for the "normal case" with code designed to handle exceptions. As far as possible you should only program the normal case. If the code for the normal case fails, your process should report the error and crash as soon as possible. Don't try to fix up the error and continue. The error should be handled in a different process (See "Each process should only have one "role"" on page 15.).
Clean separation of error recovery code and normal case code should greatly simplify the overall system design.
The error logs which are generated when a software or hardware error is detected will be used at a later stage to diagnose and correct the error. A permanent record of any information that will be helpful in this process should be kept.
4.2 Identify the error kernel(分清哪一些是可以出错的,哪一些核心是不可出错的?)
One of the basic elements of system design is identifying which part of the system has to be correct and which part of the system does not have to be correct.
In conventional operating system design the kernel of the system is assumed to be, and must be, correct, whereas all user application programs do not necessarily have to be correct. If a user application program fails this will only concern the application where the failure occurred but should not affect the integrity of the system as a whole.
The first part of the system design must be to identify that part of the system which must be correct; we call this the error kernel. Often the error kernel has some kind of real-time memory resident data base which stores the state of the hardware.
5 Processes, Servers and Messages
5.1 Implement a process in one module
The code for the top loop of a process should not be split into several modules - this would make the flow of control extremely difficult to understand. This does not mean that one should not make use of generic server libraries, these are for helping structuring the control flow.
5.2 Use processes for structuring the system
Processes are the basic system structuring elements. But don't use processes and message passing when a function call can be used instead.
5.3 Registered processes
5.4 Assign exactly one parallel process to each true concurrent activity in the system
"Use one parallel process to model each truly concurrent activity in the real world"
If there is a one-to-one mapping between the number of parallel processes and the number of truly parallel activities in the real world, the program will be easy to understand.
5.5 Each process should only have one "role"
Supervisor: watches other processes and restarts them if they fail.
Worker: a normal work process (can have errors).
Trusted Worker: not allowed to have errors.
5.6 Use generic functions for servers and protocol handlers wherever possible
尽量使用系统自带的OTP gen_server gen_fsm。。。。
5.7 Tag messages
发消息时一定要在头标记一个atom的tuple来标记消息 ,PID !{for_fun,Test,1,2}.
5.8 Flush unknown messages
5.9 Write tail-recursive servers
5.11 Time-outs
Be careful when using after in receive statements. Make sure that you handle the case when the message arrives later (See "Flush unknown messages" on5.8.).
5.12 Trapping exits
As few processes as possible should trap exit signals. Processes should either trap exits or they should not. It is usually very bad practice for a process to "toggle"(栓牢套住) trapping exits.
6 Various Erlang Specific Conventions
6.1 Use records as the principle data structure
The record features of Erlang can be used to ensure cross module consistency of data structures and should therefore be used by interface functions when passing data structures between modules.
6.2 Use selectors and constructors
demo() ->
P = #person{name = "Joe", age = 29},
#person{name = Name1} = P,% Use matching, or...
Name2 = P#person.name. % use the selector like this.
6.3 Use tagged return values
just like 5.7 Tag message
6.4 Use catch and throw with extreme care
不要用catch throw
Catch and throw can be useful when the program handles complicated and unreliable input (from the outside world, not from your own reliable program) that may cause errors in many places deeply within the code. One example is a compiler.
6.5 Use the process dictionary with extreme care
不要用进程字典:The use of get and put will cause a function to behave differently when called with the same input at different occasions. This makes the code hard to read since it is non-deterministic.
6.6 Don't use import
Hard to understand.
6.7 Exporting functions
It is a user interface to the module.
It is an interface function for other modules.
It is called from apply, spawn etc. but only from within its module.
7 Specific Lexical and Stylistic Conventions
7.1 Don't write deeply nested code嵌套要少一点。
7.2 Don't write very large modules
400 lines是极限
7.3 Don't write very long functions
Don't write functions with more than 15 to 20 lines of code.
7.4 Don't write very long lines
Don't write very long lines. A line should not have more than 80 characters.
7.5 Variable names
Choose meaningful variable names - this is very difficult.
7.6 Function names
The function name must agree exactly with what the function does.
7.7 Module names
Erlang has a flat module structure (i.e. there are not modules within modules).
7.8 Format programs in a consistent manner
统一风格 {1,2,3} VS { 1 , 2 , 3 }
8 Documenting Code
8.1 Attribute code
You must always correctly attribute all code in the module header. Say where all ideas contributing to the module came from - if your code was derived from some other code say where you got this code from and who wrote it.
Never steal code - stealing code is taking code from some other module editing it and forgetting to say who wrote the original.
Examples of useful attributes are:
8.2 Provide references in the code to the specifications
8.3 Document all the errors
8.4 Document all the principle data structures in messages
Make sure that comments are kept up to date with the code.
8.6 Comment each function return 一定要写清楚
8.7 Data structures
The record should be defined together with a plan text description. Example:
8.11 Do not comment out old code - remove it
8.12 Use a source code control system
All non trivial projects must use a source code control system such as RCS, CVS or Clearcase to keep track of all modules.
9. the most common mistakes:
Structure and Erlang Terminology
Erlang systems are divided into modules. Modules are composed of functions and attributes. Functions are either only visible inside a module or they are exported i.e. they can also be called by other functions in other modules. Attributes begin with "-" and are placed in the beginning of a module.
The work in a system designed using Erlang is done by processes. A process is a job which can use functions in many modules. Processes communicate with each other by sendingmessages. Processes receive messages which are sent to them, a process can decide which messages it is prepared to receive. Other messages are queued until the receiving process is prepared to receive them.
A process can supervise the existence of another process by setting up a link to it. When a process terminates, it automatically sends exit signals to the process to which it is linked. The default behavior of a process receiving an exit signal is to terminate and to propagate the signal to its linked processes. A process can change this default behavior by trapping exits, this causes all exit signals sent to a process to be turned into messages.
A pure function is a function that returns the same value given the same arguments regardless of the context of the call of the function. This is what we normally expect from a mathematical function. A function that is not pure is said to have side effects.
Side effects typically occur if a function a) sends a message b) receives a message c) calls exit d) calls any BIF which changes a processes environment or mode of operation (e.g. get/1, put/2, erase/1, process_flag/2 etc).
Erlang systems are divided into modules. Modules are composed of functions and attributes. Functions are either only visible inside a module or they are exported i.e. they can also be called by other functions in other modules. Attributes begin with "-" and are placed in the beginning of a module.
The work in a system designed using Erlang is done by processes. A process is a job which can use functions in many modules. Processes communicate with each other by sendingmessages. Processes receive messages which are sent to them, a process can decide which messages it is prepared to receive. Other messages are queued until the receiving process is prepared to receive them.
A process can supervise the existence of another process by setting up a link to it. When a process terminates, it automatically sends exit signals to the process to which it is linked. The default behavior of a process receiving an exit signal is to terminate and to propagate the signal to its linked processes. A process can change this default behavior by trapping exits, this causes all exit signals sent to a process to be turned into messages.
A pure function is a function that returns the same value given the same arguments regardless of the context of the call of the function. This is what we normally expect from a mathematical function. A function that is not pure is said to have side effects.
Side effects typically occur if a function a) sends a message b) receives a message c) calls exit d) calls any BIF which changes a processes environment or mode of operation (e.g. get/1, put/2, erase/1, process_flag/2 etc).
3.1 Export as few functions as possible from a module
3.2 Try to reduce intermodule dependencies
Note also that it is desirable that the inter-module calling dependencies form a tree and not a cyclic graph.
3.3 Put commonly used code into libraries
The libraries should be collections of related functions,典范如lists module .The best library functions have no side effects. Libraries with functions with side effects limit the re-usability. 不应该有lists_maths module混合功能是一个非常不好的习惯!
3.4 Isolate "tricky" or "dirty" code into separate modules
3.5 Don't make assumptions about what the caller will do with the results of a function
do_something(Args) -> case check_args(Args) of ok -> {ok, do_it(Args)}; {error, What} -> String = format_the_error(What), io:format("* error:~s\n", [String]), %% Don't do this error end.
Instead write something like:
do_something(Args) -> case check_args(Args) of ok -> {ok, do_it(Args)}; {error, What} -> {error, What} end. error_report({error, What}) -> format_the_error(What).
3.6 Abstract out common patterns of code or behavior
Avoid "copy" and "paste" programming, use functions! 如果两个函数有共同的特点,就把共同的部分抽象出来。
3.7 Top-down
3.8 Don't optimize(优化) code
Don't optimize your code at the first stage. First make it right, then (if necessary) make it fast (while keeping it right).先做对,再做好。
3.9 Use the principle of "least astonishment"
If you get astonished by what a function does, either your function solves the wrong problem or it has a wrong name.
3.10 Try to eliminate side effects.排除边界效应。
边界效应都是不可逆的,如改变环境变量,发消息 什么的。如果要写这样的函数,一定要独立且加注释啊!
Collect together the functions which have side effect and clearly document all the side effects.
3.11 Don't allow private data structure to "leak" out of a module
-module(queue). -export([add/2, fetch/1]). add(Item, Q) -> lists:append(Q, [Item]). fetch([H|T]) -> {ok, H, T}; fetch([]) -> empty. Better is: -module(queue). -export([new/0, add/2, fetch/1]). new() -> []. add(Item, Q) -> lists:append(Q, [Item]). fetch([H|T]) -> {ok, H, T}; fetch([]) -> empty. Now we can write: NewQ = queue:new(), Queue1 = queue:add(joe, NewQ), Queue2 = queue:add(mike, Queue1), ... Len = length(Queue) % Don't do this since they know that the queue is represented as a list. Again this is bad programming practice and leads to code which is very difficult to maintain and understand. If they need to know the length of the queue then a length function must be added to the module, thus: -module(queue). -export([new/0, add/2, fetch/1, len/1]). new() -> []. add(Item, Q) -> lists:append(Q, [Item]). fetch([H|T]) -> {ok, H, T}; fetch([]) -> empty. len(Q) -> length(Q). -module(queue). -export([new/0, add/2, fetch/1, len/1]). new() -> {[],[]}. add(Item, {X,Y}) -> % Faster addition of elements {[Item|X], Y}. fetch({X, [H|T]}) -> {ok, H, {X,T}}; fetch({[], []) -> empty; fetch({X, []) -> % Perform this heavy computation only sometimes. fetch({[],lists:reverse(X)}). len({X,Y}) -> length(X) + length(Y).
3.12 Make code as deterministic(确定)as possible.
3.13 Do not program "defensively"
3.14 Isolate hardware interfaces with a device driver
3.15 Do and undo things in the same function
分清好层次关系,如打开文件-》开了后操作,关闭文件 ;->没开error end 这里的关闭文件 和开启文件是同一个级别的,不要把这封装到下一级(子函数)里面去了。
do_something_with(File) -> case file:open(File, read) of, {ok, Stream} -> doit(Stream), file:close(Stream) % The correct solution Error -> Error end.
4 Error Handling
4.1 Separate error handling and normal case code(与防护性编程一样的原则)
Don't clutter code for the "normal case" with code designed to handle exceptions. As far as possible you should only program the normal case. If the code for the normal case fails, your process should report the error and crash as soon as possible. Don't try to fix up the error and continue. The error should be handled in a different process (See "Each process should only have one "role"" on page 15.).
Clean separation of error recovery code and normal case code should greatly simplify the overall system design.
The error logs which are generated when a software or hardware error is detected will be used at a later stage to diagnose and correct the error. A permanent record of any information that will be helpful in this process should be kept.
4.2 Identify the error kernel(分清哪一些是可以出错的,哪一些核心是不可出错的?)
One of the basic elements of system design is identifying which part of the system has to be correct and which part of the system does not have to be correct.
In conventional operating system design the kernel of the system is assumed to be, and must be, correct, whereas all user application programs do not necessarily have to be correct. If a user application program fails this will only concern the application where the failure occurred but should not affect the integrity of the system as a whole.
The first part of the system design must be to identify that part of the system which must be correct; we call this the error kernel. Often the error kernel has some kind of real-time memory resident data base which stores the state of the hardware.
5 Processes, Servers and Messages
5.1 Implement a process in one module
The code for the top loop of a process should not be split into several modules - this would make the flow of control extremely difficult to understand. This does not mean that one should not make use of generic server libraries, these are for helping structuring the control flow.
5.2 Use processes for structuring the system
Processes are the basic system structuring elements. But don't use processes and message passing when a function call can be used instead.
5.3 Registered processes
5.4 Assign exactly one parallel process to each true concurrent activity in the system
"Use one parallel process to model each truly concurrent activity in the real world"
If there is a one-to-one mapping between the number of parallel processes and the number of truly parallel activities in the real world, the program will be easy to understand.
5.5 Each process should only have one "role"
Supervisor: watches other processes and restarts them if they fail.
Worker: a normal work process (can have errors).
Trusted Worker: not allowed to have errors.
5.6 Use generic functions for servers and protocol handlers wherever possible
尽量使用系统自带的OTP gen_server gen_fsm。。。。
5.7 Tag messages
发消息时一定要在头标记一个atom的tuple来标记消息 ,PID !{for_fun,Test,1,2}.
5.8 Flush unknown messages
main_loop() -> receive {msg1, Msg1} -> ..., main_loop(); {msg2, Msg2} -> ..., main_loop(); Other -> % Flushes the message queue. error_logger:error_msg( "Error: Process ~w got unknown msg ~w~n.", [self(), Other]), main_loop() end.不要让不明消息一直在邮箱里面啊。多了就不会太长。
5.9 Write tail-recursive servers
loop() -> receive {msg1, Msg1} -> ..., loop(); stop -> true; Other -> error_logger:log({error, {process_got_other, self(), Other}}), loop() end, io:format("Server going down"). % Don't do this! % This is NOT tail-recursive5.10 Interface functions
5.11 Time-outs
Be careful when using after in receive statements. Make sure that you handle the case when the message arrives later (See "Flush unknown messages" on5.8.).
5.12 Trapping exits
As few processes as possible should trap exit signals. Processes should either trap exits or they should not. It is usually very bad practice for a process to "toggle"(栓牢套住) trapping exits.
6 Various Erlang Specific Conventions
6.1 Use records as the principle data structure
The record features of Erlang can be used to ensure cross module consistency of data structures and should therefore be used by interface functions when passing data structures between modules.
6.2 Use selectors and constructors
demo() ->
P = #person{name = "Joe", age = 29},
#person{name = Name1} = P,% Use matching, or...
Name2 = P#person.name. % use the selector like this.
6.3 Use tagged return values
just like 5.7 Tag message
6.4 Use catch and throw with extreme care
不要用catch throw
Catch and throw can be useful when the program handles complicated and unreliable input (from the outside world, not from your own reliable program) that may cause errors in many places deeply within the code. One example is a compiler.
6.5 Use the process dictionary with extreme care
不要用进程字典:The use of get and put will cause a function to behave differently when called with the same input at different occasions. This makes the code hard to read since it is non-deterministic.
6.6 Don't use import
Hard to understand.
6.7 Exporting functions
It is a user interface to the module.
It is an interface function for other modules.
It is called from apply, spawn etc. but only from within its module.
7 Specific Lexical and Stylistic Conventions
7.1 Don't write deeply nested code嵌套要少一点。
7.2 Don't write very large modules
400 lines是极限
7.3 Don't write very long functions
Don't write functions with more than 15 to 20 lines of code.
7.4 Don't write very long lines
Don't write very long lines. A line should not have more than 80 characters.
7.5 Variable names
Choose meaningful variable names - this is very difficult.
7.6 Function names
The function name must agree exactly with what the function does.
7.7 Module names
Erlang has a flat module structure (i.e. there are not modules within modules).
7.8 Format programs in a consistent manner
统一风格 {1,2,3} VS { 1 , 2 , 3 }
8 Documenting Code
8.1 Attribute code
You must always correctly attribute all code in the module header. Say where all ideas contributing to the module came from - if your code was derived from some other code say where you got this code from and who wrote it.
Never steal code - stealing code is taking code from some other module editing it and forgetting to say who wrote the original.
Examples of useful attributes are:
-revision('Revision: 1.14 '). -created('Date: 1995/01/01 11:21:11 '). -created_by('eklas@erlang'). -modified('Date: 1995/01/05 13:04:07 '). -modified_by('mbj@erlang').
8.2 Provide references in the code to the specifications
8.3 Document all the errors
8.4 Document all the principle data structures in messages
Make sure that comments are kept up to date with the code.
8.6 Comment each function return 一定要写清楚
8.7 Data structures
The record should be defined together with a plan text description. Example:
%% File: my_data_structures.h %%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Data Type: person %% where: %% name: A string (default is undefined). %% age: An integer (default is undefined). %% phone: A list of integers (default is []). %% dict: A dictionary containing various information about the person. %% A {Key, Value} list (default is the empty list). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------
8.11 Do not comment out old code - remove it
8.12 Use a source code control system
All non trivial projects must use a source code control system such as RCS, CVS or Clearcase to keep track of all modules.
9. the most common mistakes:
- 一个函数写太多页了
- 嵌套写太深了
- 函数返回值不标记
- 函数名与函数功能不对应
- 变量名没有意义
- 在不该用进程的地方用开启进程
- 数据结构错
- 不注释或乱注释
- 使用进程字典
- 对邮箱里的消息不flush time_outs处理
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### Erlang编程规范详解 #### 一、概述 在Erlang编程中,遵循一套合理的编程规范至关重要。本文档旨在介绍《使用Erlang进行程序开发——编程规则与约定》中的一些关键点,帮助读者更好地理解和应用这些规范。文档...
“即便我已经使用Erlang多年,在编程的时候仍然需要参考《Erlang编程指南》。不同层次的Erlang程序员都会发现本书是有价值的学习和参考资料。”, ——Steve Vinoski,《IEEE Internet Computing》专栏作家, 《Erlang...
它能实时分析源代码,查找潜在的语法错误或不符合Erlang编程规范的地方,帮助开发者及时发现和修复问题。这对于保持代码质量来说非常关键。 对于调试方面,虽然没有明确提到,但通常这样的IDE插件会集成Erlang的...
10. GenServer行为:GenServer是OTP行为之一,它提供了一种标准的方式来实现状态管理的服务器进程,具有回调函数和状态更新的规范,使得并发编程更加规范和可维护。 学习Erlang并发编程,需要理解这些基本概念,并...
- **Gilad Bracha**(Java语言共同创造者,Java虚拟机规范共同制定者,Newspeak语言创造者,Dart语言团队成员)认为这是一本实用而合理的函数式编程入门书籍。 - **Jonas Bonér**(Akka项目创建者,AspectWerkz AOP...
- **代码规范**: 遵循社区约定的代码风格和命名规则,提高代码可读性。 #### 4. 工具介绍 - **调试工具**: - `debugger`: 提供了断点、单步执行等功能,帮助开发者定位问题。 - `observer`: 可视化工具,显示系统...
### Erlang Supervisor Behaviour...Supervisor是Erlang并发编程中的重要组成部分,通过合理的配置可以大大提高系统的容错能力和稳定性。了解和掌握Supervisor的基本概念和使用方法对于构建可靠的分布式系统至关重要。
确保遵循Erlang的模块命名规范,并在`rabbit.app`配置文件中声明你的模块。 在测试和调试过程中,可以使用Erlang的调试工具如`dbg`或`recon`。这些工具可以帮助你跟踪进程、查看内存使用情况和监控系统状态。 最后...
《Programming Erlang second edition》是Joe Armstrong的经典著作,它是Erlang编程语言领域的权威指南,该书第二版于2013年首次发行。书中不仅覆盖了Erlang的核心语言和框架基础知识,还包括了重要的社区项目,例如...
Erlang 是一种高效、并发、面向进程的编程语言,常用于构建分布式系统。在处理 JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)数据时,Erlang 社区提供了多种库,其中之一便是 Jiffy。Jiffy 是一个轻量级、快速且功能强大的 ...
- **Erlang 简介**: Erlang 是一种通用、并发、容错性强的编程语言,特别适用于构建高可用性的分布式系统。本手册旨在为初学者提供Erlang的基础知识。 - **手册目标**: 手册的目标是介绍Erlang的基本概念和语法,...
**Erlang的面向对象编程(OOP)功能** Erlang是一种动态类型的语言,以其在并发处理和分布式计算中的高效性能而闻名。虽然Erlang最初的设计并未包含传统的面向对象编程特性,如类和继承,但随着时间的发展,Erlang...
Erlang是一种并发、分布式、面向进程的编程语言,特别适合构建高可用性和容错性的系统。在Erlang中处理JSON数据通常需要使用第三方库,因为Erlang的标准库并没有内置的JSON支持。"erlang-rfc4627-master.zip" 提供的...
Erlang是一种并发、分布式和容错的函数式编程语言,它在实时系统和大规模并发处理中表现出色。在Erlang中,处理JSON数据通常需要借助于专门的库,其中一个常见的库就是`jsone`。 `jsone`是Erlang中的一个高效且易于...
Erlang是一种功能强大的并发编程语言,广泛应用于分布式系统、实时系统和容错系统。yamerl是专门为Erlang设计的开源库,旨在提供高效、稳定且符合YAML 1.2规范的解析器。同时,yamerl还支持JSON(JavaScript Object ...