  • 浏览: 164354 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 武汉


  • C3P0
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;

import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource;

public class GetC3p0Connection
	static final String url = "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/db";
	static final String user = "sa";
	static final String pass = "";
	static final String driver = "org.h2.Driver";

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
		ComboPooledDataSource cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource();
		// cpds.setDriverClass("net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver");
		// cpds.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://;SelectMethod=Cursor");
		// cpds.setUser("sa");
		// cpds.setPassword("hust81");
		//Basic Pool Configuration
		cpds.setMinPoolSize(3);//Default: 3
		cpds.setMaxPoolSize(50);//Default: 15 ensure that minPoolSize <= maxPoolSize.
		cpds.setInitialPoolSize(3);//Default: 3

		//Managing Pool Size and Connection Age. Most databases support Connections that remain open for hours at a time. 
		//There's no need to churn through all your Connections every few seconds or minutes. Setting maxConnectionAge or maxIdleTime to 1800 (30 minutes) is quite aggressive. For most databases, several hours may be more appropriate. 
		//By default, pools will never expire Connections.In order to maintain "freshness", set maxIdleTime and/or maxConnectionAge.
		//You can ensure the reliability of your Connections by testing them, rather than by tossing them. 
		cpds.setMaxIdleTime(600);//Default: 0 how many seconds a Connection should be permitted to go unused before being culled from the pool. 
		cpds.setMaxConnectionAge(1800);//Default: 0 forces the pool to cull any Connections that were acquired from the database more than the set number of seconds in the past. 
		//The only one of these parameters that should generally be set to a few minutes or less is maxIdleTimeExcessConnections. 
		cpds.setMaxIdleTimeExcessConnections(60);//Default: 0   much shorter than maxIdleTime, forcing Connections beyond your set minimum size to be released if they sit idle for more than a short period of time. 

		//Configuring Connection Testing
		// for many applications, high performance is more important than the risk of an occasional database exception. In its default configuration, c3p0 does no Connection testing at all. 
		//Setting a fairly long idleConnectionTestPeriod, and not testing on checkout and check-in at all is an excellent, high-performance approach. 
		//idleConnectionTestPeriod, testConnectionOnCheckout, and testConnectionOnCheckin control when Connections will be tested. 
		//automaticTestTable, connectionTesterClassName, and preferredTestQuery control how they will be tested. 
		//By default, Connections are tested by calling the getTables() method on a Connection's associated DatabaseMetaData object. This has the advantage of working with any database, and regardless of the database schema. However, empirically a DatabaseMetaData.getTables() call is often much slower than a simple database query. 
		cpds.setAutomaticTestTable("test_c3p0_db");//默认为null,speed up Connection testing set table. c3p0 will create an empty table
		cpds.setConnectionTesterClassName("com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester");//默认值 com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester
		cpds.setIdleConnectionTestPeriod(30);//Default: 0  if greater than 0, c3p0 will test all idle, pooled but unchecked-out connections, every this number of seconds.
		// idleConnectionTestPeriod and testConnectionsOnCheckIn. Both the idle test and the check-in test are performed asynchronously, which leads to better performance, both perceived and actual. 
		cpds.setPreferredTestQuery("select now();");//Default: null Defines the query that will be executed for all connection tests
		//本注释是针对下面二个参数.Better choice: verify connections periodically using idleConnectionTestPeriod. Also, setting an automaticTestTable or preferredTestQuery will usually speed up all connection tests.
		cpds.setTestConnectionOnCheckin(false);//Default: false   If true, an operation will be performed asynchronously at every connection checkin to verify that the connection is valid. 
		cpds.setTestConnectionOnCheckout(false);//Default: false  Use only if necessary. Expensive. If true, an operation will be performed at every connection checkout to verify that the connection is valid.  
		//Configuring Statement Pooling
		//Under some circumstances, statement pooling can dramatically improve application performance. Under other circumstances, the overhead of statement pooling can slightly harm performance. 
		cpds.setMaxStatements(100);//Default: 0  defines the total number PreparedStatements a DataSource will cache. maxStatements is JDBC's standard parameter for controlling statement pooling. 
		cpds.setMaxStatementsPerConnection(20);//Default: 0 a non-standard configuration parameter.defines how many statements each pooled Connection is allowed to own.
		//MaxStatements  & MaxStatementsPerConnection  If either of these parameters are greater than zero, statement pooling will be enabled. If both parameters are greater than zero, both limits will be enforced. If only one is greater than zero, statement pooling will be enabled, but only one limit will be enforced. 
		//statementCacheNumDeferredCloseThreads	Default: 0
		//Configuring Recovery From Database Outages,	stale Connections
		// Setting maxIdleTime or maxConnectionAge can help speed up the replacement of broken Connections.
		cpds.setAcquireRetryDelay(1000);//默认1000,Milliseconds 在acquire attempts.中的时间间隔
		cpds.setBreakAfterAcquireFailure(false);//默认False 获取连接失败将会引起所有等待连接池来获取连接的线程抛出异常。但是数据源仍有效保留,并在下次调用getConnection()的时候继续尝试获取连接。如果设为true,那么在尝试获取连接失败后该数据源将申明已断开并永久关闭。
		//Managing Connection Lifecycles with Connection Customizer
		//connectionCustomizerClassName   Default: null 
		//Configuring Unresolved Transaction Handling
		cpds.setAutoCommitOnClose(true);//默认false,By default, c3p0 rolls back unresolved transactional work when a user calls close(). 
		cpds.setForceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions(false);//strongly discouraged, because if clients are not careful to commit or rollback themselves prior to close(), 
		//Configuring to Debug and Workaround Broken Client Applications
		//The right way to address this problem is to fix the client application. c3p0 can help you debug,
		cpds.setDebugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces(true);//默认false, intended to be used only for debugging, then a stack trace will be captured each time a Connection is checked-out. 
		cpds.setUnreturnedConnectionTimeout(60);//Default: 0  secondes   how long a Connection may remain checked out. 
		//Other DataSource Configuration
		//numHelperThreads and maxAdministrativeTaskTime help to configure the behavior of DataSource thread pools. 
		//checkoutTimeout limits how long a client will wait for a Connection,
		cpds.setCheckoutTimeout(60);//默认值 0, getConnection()后等待获取新连接的时间,超时后将抛出SQLException,如设为0则无限期等待。单位毫秒。
//		factoryClassLocation
//		maxAdministrativeTaskTime  Default: 0 Seconds before c3p0's thread pool will try to interrupt an apparently hung task.
//		numHelperThreads  Default: 3
		//overrideDefaultUser	Default: null
		//overrideDefaultPassword	Default: null
		//password	Default: null
		//user	Default: null
		//propertyCycle	Default: 0
		//dataSourceName		Default: if configured with a named config, the config name, otherwise the pool's "identity token"
		//factoryClassLocation	Default: null
		//Configuring and Managing c3p0 via JMX
		//Configuring the VMID
		//Every c3p0 DataSource is allocated a unique "identity token",  com.mchange.v2.c3p0.VMID
		//there are performance costs to c3p0 as well. In order to implement automatic cleanup of unclosed ResultSets and Statements when parent resources are returned to pools, all client-visible Connections, ResultSets, Statements are really wrappers around objects provided by an underlying unpooled DataSource or "traditional" JDBC driver. Thus, there is some extra overhead to all JDBC calls. 
		//Known Shortcomings
		//1.Connections and Statements are pooled on a per-authentication basis. So, if one pool-backed DataSource is used to acquire Connections both for [user=alice, password=secret1] and [user=bob, password=secret2], there will be two distinct pools, 
		//2.The overhead of Statement pooling is too high. For drivers that do not perform significant preprocessing of PreparedStatements, the pooling overhead outweighs any savings. Statement pooling is thus turned off by default.
		//useage  ComboPooledDataSource cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource("intergalactoApp"); 
		// DataSource ds_pooled = DataSources.pooledDataSource( ds_unpooled, "intergalactoApp" );
		Connection c = cpds.getConnection();
		// PoolBackedDataSource pd = cpds.pbds;

		Properties p = cpds.getProperties();
		Set<Map.Entry<Object, Object>> ts = p.entrySet();
		for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> t : ts)
			System.out.println(t.getKey() + "_" + t.getValue());

		// DataSources.destroy(cpds);




	 * PooledDataSource  close
	 * @throws SQLException
	static void PooledDataSource() throws SQLException
		DataSource ds = null;
			DataSource ds_unpooled = DataSources.unpooledDataSource(url, user, pass);
			ds = DataSources.pooledDataSource(ds_unpooled);
			// do all kinds of stuff with that sweet pooled DataSource...
		} finally
			if (ds instanceof PooledDataSource)
				PooledDataSource pds = (PooledDataSource) ds;
				System.out.println("PooledDataSource closed");
			} else
				System.err.println("Not a c3p0 PooledDataSource!");

		// make sure it's a c3p0 PooledDataSource


	static void DataSourceClose() throws SQLException
		DataSource ds_pooled = null;
			DataSource ds_unpooled = DataSources.unpooledDataSource(url, user, pass);
			ds_pooled = DataSources.pooledDataSource(ds_unpooled);
			// do all kinds of stuff with that sweet pooled DataSource...
		} finally
			DataSources.destroy(ds_pooled);// static destroy method




Configuring c3p0 DataSources in Tomcat
	<Resource name="jdbc/pooledDS" auth="Container"
		type="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource" />
	<ResourceParams name="jdbc/pooledDS">

Tomcat 5.5	
	declare your DataSource reference in your web.xml file: 
access your DataSource from code within your web application like this: 
	InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); 
	DataSource ds = (DataSource) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/pooledDS");


c3p0- + mchange-commons-java- 即可使用c3p0连接池
c3p0 requires a level 1.3.x or above Java Runtime Environment, and the JDBC 2.x or above javax.sql libraries.
c3p0 works fine under Java 1.4.x and 1.5.x as well.




    下面将详细介绍C3P0连接池的一些关键参数配置。 1. **初始化参数**: - `initialPoolSize`: 连接池启动时创建的初始连接数。设置合适的值可以避免启动时的延迟。 - `minPoolSize`: 连接池的最小连接数,即使在...


    在配置C3P0连接池时,合理设置参数对于优化数据库访问性能至关重要。 ### 重要参数详解 1. **acquireIncrement**:当连接池中的可用连接数量低于最小阈值时,C3P0会一次性增加此参数指定数量的连接。默认值为3,这...


    在 C3P0 配置中,有多个关键参数用于定制连接池的行为。以下是对这些参数的详细解释: 1. `acquireIncrement`:当连接池中的连接耗尽时,C3P0 会一次尝试获取的连接数。默认值是 3。增加这个值可以更快地扩大连接池...


    配置C3P0连接池时,开发者通常需要在配置文件(如Hibernate的`hibernate.cfg.xml`或Spring的`applicationContext.xml`)中指定以下参数: - `driver_class`: 数据库驱动类名,例如`com.mysql.jdbc.Driver`。 - `...

    C3P0 使用详细说明

    下面将详细介绍C3P0连接池的基本概念、配置、使用方法以及常见问题。 一、C3P0简介 C3P0是由M EHood开发的一款优秀的数据库连接池,其主要功能是管理数据库连接,通过复用已存在的数据库连接,减少创建和销毁连接的...




    **c3p0连接池配置使用** c3p0是一个开源的JDBC连接池,它实现了数据源和JNDI绑定,支持JDBC3规范和JDBC2的标准扩展。使用c3p0连接池可以有效地管理和优化数据库连接,提高系统的性能和稳定性。下面将详细介绍c3p0的...

    c3p0 配置文件 详细 配置

    本文将详细介绍 C3P0 配置文件中的各个参数,并对其进行解释。 minPoolSize minPoolSize 参数用于设置连接池中保留的最小连接数。在上面的配置文件中,minPoolSize 设置为 5,这意味着连接池中至少保留 5 个连接。...


    4. 配置灵活性:C3P0的参数配置非常灵活,可以通过XML配置文件或者代码设置,例如初始化连接数、最大连接数、获取连接的超时时间、测试连接有效性的SQL语句等。 5. 自动调整:C3P0具有自动调整连接池大小的能力,...


    下面将详细介绍C3P0的核心功能、配置以及与MySQL数据库的结合使用。 C3P0的主要功能包括: 1. **连接池管理**:C3P0能够创建并维护一个数据库连接池,池中的连接可以被多个并发的线程共享,提高了数据库操作的效率...



    spring 配置c3p0



    **c3p0配置及jar包** c3p0是一个开源的JDBC连接池,它实现了数据源和JNDI绑定,支持JDBC3规范和JDBC2的标准扩展。在Spring框架中,c3p0作为数据库连接池的实现之一,能够有效地管理和优化数据库连接,提高系统的...


    本文将深入解析如何在Java Web项目中配置与使用C3P0数据源连接池。 ### 一、C3P0简介 C3P0(Concurrent Data Source Pooling for Java)是一款开源的JDBC连接池实现,它提供了对JDBC资源进行统一管理的能力,通过...


    **C3P0连接池配置详解** ...总结来说,C3P0连接池的配置涉及到多个参数,合理的配置能够有效地管理数据库连接,提高应用的性能和稳定性。在实践中,应根据具体应用场景进行调整,以达到最佳的连接池效率和资源利用率。


    在配置C3P0时,通常会有一个名为`c3p0-config.xml`的配置文件,以下是一些常见的配置参数: - `minPoolSize`:初始化连接数,系统启动时创建的最小连接数。 - `maxPoolSize`:最大连接数,池中允许的最大连接数。 -...


    这个压缩包"C3P0_jar包及配置文件.rar"包含了C3P0的jar文件以及可能的配置文件,适用于需要使用C3P0作为数据库连接池的Java项目。 C3P0的核心功能包括: 1. **连接池管理**:C3P0可以创建一个数据库连接池,预先...


    在应用中使用C3P0,通常需要在配置文件(如`persistence.xml`或自定义的配置文件)中设置相关参数,包括最小连接数、最大连接数、初始化连接数、超时时间等。例如: ``` &lt;property name="c3p0....


    上述配置中,`hibernate.connection.provider_class`指定了使用C3P0作为连接池,其他各项参数则用于调整C3P0的行为,如最小连接数、最大连接数、超时时间、空闲检查周期等。 4. **数据库驱动配置** 在`hibernate....

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