JAVA Functions in XI
1. Split Function
String [ ] StrArray = LGORT.split(",") //-- pass LGORT to this UDF
int len1 = LGORT.length;
for ( i=0;i<len1;i++){
result.addValue(StrArray[i]); }
2. Global Containers
2.1 To
store values in global variable
().setParameter ("str", FIELDNAME);
2.2 To get the value already
stored in global variable.
String myStr = (String)
container.getGlobalContainer().getParameter ("str");
int value = Integer.parseInt(str);
String str1 = Integer.toString(value) ;
return str1;
You can also use this code.
Here a is input
//write your code here
String b =
a.replaceFirst("^0+", "");
return b;
Unique Value
String strLocal =
container.getGlobalContainer().getParameter ("strGlobal");
container.getGlobalContainer ().setParameter ("strGlobal", str);
if (!str.equals(strLocal))
return "1";
return "0";
5. Credit/Debit using Substring
int i = str.length();
String str1 =
if (str1.equals("-"))
return "K";
6. Capturing
Input File name in output file
DynamicConfiguration conf =
DynamicConfigurationKey key =
DynamicConfigurationKey.create("" , "FileName");
String Outputfile = conf.get(key,a); //ENABLE ASMA in Receiver
File Channel
return Outputfile;
7. Remove Comma from
Here 'a' is a input string.
//write your
code here
String b = "";
b = a.replaceAll(",", "");
return b;
8. Find Index of a word or sentence inside one
sentence and get sub string starting from that index
Fixed string to
find in sentence coming from input "a". Result will contain that index no as
start point of index in other sentence.
//write your code here
String fixed = "ORDER OF"; //Fixed string to find in sentence coming from
input "a". Result will contain that index no as start point of index in other
String res = "";
int index = 0;
index = a.indexOf(fixed);
res = b.substring(index+9,index+12);
return res;
9. Add New line
in End of Each xml tag
xmlstring is input to this program.
//write your code here
String res = "";
int flag = 0;
for(int i =
{ if(xmlString.charAt =='<')
Unknown macro: { flag = 1; res = res + xmlString.charAt (i); }
{ if(xmlString.charAt =='>')
Unknown macro:
{ flag = 0; res = res +xmlString.charAt (i) + "n"; }
Unknown macro: { res = res +xmlString.charAt (i); }
return res;
10. Displaying XMLString in single line into
approriate XML format
xmlString =
11. Check if Integer
int i=Integer.parseInt(input,10);
return "Integer";
}catch (NumberFormatException exception)
return "String";
12. Remove duplicates from list
//write your code here
HashSet h = new HashSet();
for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++)
if (! h.contains(a[i]))
Unknown macro: { h.add(a[i]);
result.addValue(a[i]); }
Java 读取 PI 数据库测点值需要使用 PI API 和 JNative,了解 PI 数据库的存储结构,掌握 time functions、archive functions 和 snapshot functions,以及在 Java 中使用 PI API和 JNative 的注意事项。
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class CClientSocket : public CSocket { // Attributes public: // Operations ... // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here. //}}AFX_MSG // Implementation protected: };
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Generalized Functions in Mathmatics Physics. good book
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