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the permanent HWaddr of eth0 .. is still in use by bond0


the permanent hwaddr is still in use by bond0. set the HWaddr of eth0 to a defferent address to avoid conflicts.

1 楼 yu26333 2013-08-21  


    Torque Control Strategy of an IPMSM Considering the Flux Variation of the

    according to operating temperature and manufacturing tolerance, especially in the magnetization of the magnet, results in variation of the capability curve of an Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous...

    Design of Brushless Permanent-Magnet Motors

    for hrush less permanent-niaghei motors ever It is dcnigncd to sent the modern computer based generation of mo;or engineers, '['he book. uoe» hand-in-hand with modern software-based tedwiquer- for ...


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    AVG 破解版

    4. The Licensee shall not allow a third party to use the software or circulate the software to a third party in case the third party is suspected to contravene the provisions of this Agreement ...

    A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge

    The paper used in this book complies with the Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National Information Standards Organization (Z39.48-1984). 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 an American National Standard...


    partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Science degree in the Department of Geography. This thesis has been approved and accepted by: Date Committee in Charge: W. Andrew Marcus, ...

    Login Control

    It is assumed that the control is used in the first form of the page. This is true as long as the Framework does not support more than one form as it currently. The control provides three accessors: ...

    polycom宝利通视频会议软件3.9 2018

    1.1You may use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT pursuant to the license grant above and subject to the following terms and the proprietary notices in the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or on the media upon which the SOFTWARE ...

    Python库 | django-permanent-helpers-0.0.4.tar.gz

    《Python库深度解析:django-permanent-helpers-0.0.4》 在Python的世界里,框架Django以其高效、灵活和强大的特性深受开发者喜爱。而`django-permanent-helpers`是一个针对Django框架的扩展库,旨在为开发提供一些...

    Biostatistics by Example Using SAS Studio

    Most of the remaining chapters cover all the basic statistical tests commonly used in biostatistical analysis. A final chapter is devoted to sample size and power calculations. This topic is not ...


    The MOS capacitors are arranged in a linear fashion, allowing for the sequential transfer of charges through the register by applying a sequence of voltages to the electrodes. #### 2. ...


    the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License. b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document. c) For a Combined ...

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    这个项目"Encrypted Zipping of files in C# _Source"显然是一个利用Visual Studio 2005(VS2005)进行开发的源代码示例,它实现了对Zip文件的加密功能。下面我们将深入探讨如何在C#中实现这一功能。 首先,我们...

    Permanent Magnet Synchronous and Brushless DC Motor Drives

    Books on permanent magnet (PM) ac machine drives have focused primarily on the design of the machines and have covered the control and converters for these drives only in an elementary manner. In ...


    This document reflects the use offsckwith the 4.2BSD and 4.3BSD file system organization. Thisis a revision of the original paper written by T.J.Kow alski. File System Check Program (fsck)...

    Characterizing the Torque Lookup Table of an IPM Machine for Automotive

    The characterized lookup table can be utilized in open-loop torque control algorithms, and is verified to achieve high torque control accuracy and suitable for torque control of IPM in automotive ...


    It is also considered a northern subcontinent of the Americas.[2] It is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the southeast by South America, and to the ...


    The friction coefficient is an indicator that reflects the change in friction performance of the pavement surface, indirectly reflecting the influence of the micro-environment on the pavement surface...

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