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第一章 以How开头的疑问句型;
1. How about...?;……怎么样?
Top 1: How about taking a walk? Top 2: How about parking here?;(出去散散步怎么样?) (把车停放在这儿行 吗?)
Top 3: How about going for a trip?;(去旅游怎么样?)
A: How about a cup of tea? B: Sounds great.;A: 来杯茶怎么样? B: 好的。
A: How about going to a movie tonight? B: Sounds like a good idea.;A: 今晚去看电影怎么样? B: 不错的主意。
A: How about walking to the concert instead of taking a taxi? It will be fun!;A: 我们不打车,而是走 着去音乐会怎么样?会很 有意思的。
B: How about...no?;B:"不行"怎么样?
2. How do you like...?;你认为……怎么样?
Top 1: How do you like living in China? Top 2: How do you like your new job?;(你觉得在中国的生活 怎么样?) (你觉得新的工作 怎么样?)
Top 3: How do you like my new car?;(你觉得我的新车怎 么样?)
A: How do you like my new dress? B: Terrific. Where did you buy it?;A: 你认为我的新裙子 怎么样? B: 简直太漂亮了。 在哪儿买的?
A: How do you like the weather in Guangzhou?;A: 你觉得广州的天气 如何?
B: I like the warm weather here, but it rains too much.;B: 我喜欢这里温暖的 天气,但是这里雨水太 多了。
3. How much shall I pay for...?;我该为……付多少钱?
A: How much shall I pay for this? B: I wonder if you can afford it.;A: 我要为此付多少钱? B: 我怀疑你能不能付 得起。
A: How much shall I pay for the hotel room?;A: 宾馆住宿要多少钱?
B: Actually, it's free.;B: 事实上,宾馆住宿是 免费的。
4. How often do you...?;你多久……?
A: How often do you go on a vacation?;A: 你多久度一次假?
B: I never had a chance to go on a vacation.;B: 我从来不曾有机会 度过假。
A: How often do you work overtime? B: Almost every day.;A: 你们多久加一次班? B: 几乎每天都加班。
A: How often do you eat out?;A: 你多久到外面吃一 次饭?
B: Oh, I eat out all the time. I hate to cook. I'm too lazy.;B: 哦,我常在外面吃饭。 我讨厌做饭。我太懒了。
A: How often do you go to the English Corner?;A: 你多久去一次英语 角?
B: I used to go to the English Corner every week,;B: 我以前每个星期都去,
but now I seldom go because I find it more and more boring.;但现在很少去了,因为我 发现越来越没意思了。
5. How can you...?;你怎么能……?
Top 1: How can you stand such terrible weather?;(你怎么能受得了这种 恶劣天气?)
Top 2: How can you stand her nagging all the time?;(你怎么能受得了她 整天唠叨?)
Top 3: How can you stand the pressure here?;(你怎么能受得了这 里的压力?)
A: How can you treat me like that?;A: 你怎么能那样对我?
B: You're too sensitive. I didn't do anything wrong!;B: 你太敏感了。我没做 错什么事。
A: How can you do such a stupid thing?;A: 你怎么能做出这种 蠢事?
B: I don't know. I wasn't thinking I guess.;B: 我不知道。可能没 有思考过。
Besides, what would you have done if you were in my shoes?;再说,如果你处于我的 位置,你会怎么做呢?
6. How come...?;……是怎么回事?
How come he failed the exam? Isn't he the best student in the class?;(他怎么会在考试中失 败呢?他不是班里最优 秀的学生吗?)
How come you never visit us any more?;(你怎么不来看我 们了?)
How come I have to go to bed so early? How come I'm not allowed to eat candy?;(为什么要我这么早 睡觉啊?) (为什么不让我吃糖 啊?)
How come I can't get a new bike?;(我为什么不能买辆新 自行车啊?)
7. How long have you been...?;你……多久了?
Top 1: How long have you been learning English?;(你学英语有多久了?)
Top 2: How long have you been in China?;(你到中国有多久了?)
Top 3: How long have you been feeling like this?;(你感觉这样有多 久了?)
1. How long have you been married? 2. How long have you been dating her?;(你们结婚多久了?) (你跟她谈恋爱谈了多 久了?)
3. How long have you been working here? 4. How long have you been a teacher?;(你在这里工作多 久了?) (你从教多长时间了?)
5. How long have you been collecting stamps?;(你集邮集了多久了?)
6. How long have you been doing this?;(你干这干了多久了?)
7. How long have you been working on this project?;(这个项目你们做了多 久了?)
8. How long have you been attending night classes?;(你上夜校有多久了?)
9. How long have you been doing business with the Japanese?;(你跟日本人做生意多 久了?)
10. How long have you been a football fan?;(你成为一个足球迷有 多久了?)
11. How long have you been living in Shenzhen?;(你住在深圳有多久 了?)
12. How long have you been seeing a psychologist?;(你看心理医生有多 久了?)
13. How long have you been having these feelings?;(你有这些感觉多久 了?)
14. How long have you been having this dream?;(你做这个梦做了多 久了?)
15. How long have you been having trouble sleeping?;(你睡不着觉有多长时 间了?)
16. How long have you been feeling depressed?;(你感觉情绪低落有多 久了?)
17. How long have you been keeping this to yourself?;(你有这个秘密多 久了?)
18. How long have you been in love with your boss?;(你跟你上司恋爱多 久了?)
19. How long have you been thinking about killing yourself?;(你有自杀的念头有多 久了?)
20. How long have you been hearing voices?;(你听到这种怪声有 多久了?)
21. How long have you been keeping this a secret?;(你保守这个秘密有 多久了?)
A: How long have you been waiting?;A: 你等了多久了?
B: Not very long, just five minutes or so.;B: 不是很久,只不过 五分钟左右。
A: How long have you been staying in China? B: I've been here for almost two months.;A: 你在中国呆了多久了? B: 我到中国已经两个 月了。
A: How long have you been on a diet?;A: 你节食多长时间了?
B: It seems like I've been on a diet my whole life.;B: 好像我一生都在节食。
A: How long have you been in business? B: We've been in business a long time.;A: 你们经营多久了? B: 我们经营已经很长 时间了。
We were the first chemical company in Western China.;我们是中国西部第一家 化工企业。
A: How long have you been thinking about going abroad?;A: 出国的事儿你考虑 多久了?
B: All my life I have been dreaming of going abroad.;B: 我一生都在梦想着 出国。
8. How long will it take...?;……要多久?
Top 1: How long will it take to get there?;(到那里要多久?)
Top 2: How long will it take to make a million dollars?;(赚一百万要多长时 间?)
Top 3: How long will it take to rebuild New York city?;(重建纽约要多长时 间?)
A: How long will it take to conquer English?;A: 学好英语要多长时 间?
B: It will depend on how hard you work, and how often you practice!;B: 这要看你有多用功, 是不是常练习!
A: How long will it take to finish this project?;A: 完成这个项目要多 久?
B: I think it will take us at least two months.;B: 我想至少要两个月。
A: How long will it take to fly from Beijing to New York?;A: 从北京飞往纽约要 多久?
B: If you fly directly, it takes about eighteen hours.;B: 如果直飞的话, 大约十八小时。
9. How do you know...?;你怎么知道……?
Top 1: How do you know I can't do it? Top 2: How do you know it won't work?;(你怎么知道我做不 了?) (你怎么知道没用?)
Top 3: How do you know which stocks to buy?;(你怎么知道买哪些 股票?)
A: How do you know my name?;A: 你怎么知道我的名 字?
B: We met last month at the IBM sales conference, remember?;B: 我们上次在IBM的营 销会议上见过,还记 得吗?
A: How do you know she can't do it? B: Don't you know she's a stupid girl?;A: 你怎么知道她做不了? B: 你不知道她是个愚蠢 的女孩子吗?
10. How are you getting along with...?;你跟……相处得怎么样?
Top 1: How are you getting along with your roommate?;(你跟你的室友相处得 怎么样?)
Top 2: How are you getting along with your colleagues?;(你跟你的同事相处 得怎么样?)
Top 3: How are you getting along with your new girlfriend?;(你跟你现在的女朋友 相处得怎么样?)
A: How are you getting along with your classmates?;A: 你跟同学们相处 得怎么样?
B: Just great. I love my new school.;B: 不错,我喜欢我的 新学校。
A: How are you getting along with your new boss?;A: 你跟新上司的关系怎 么样?
B: OK I guess. I really don't see him that much.;B: 我想还不错。我真的 很少见到他。
第二章 以What开头的疑问句型;
1. What about...?;……怎么样呢?
Top 1: What about your future? Top 2: What about that new restaurant?;(你的未来怎么样?) (那家新餐馆怎么样?)
Top 3: What about going together?;(一起去怎么样?)
A: I think Chinese students are more hardworking than American students.;A: 我认为中国的学生比 美国学生学习更努力。
What about you?;你认为呢?
B: I think both countries have some hardworking students;B: 我想两个国家都有 勤奋的学生
and some lazy ones too.;和懒惰的学生。
A: People in my country like to drive everywhere they go.;A: 我们国家的人到哪里 都喜欢开车去,
What about people in your country?;你们国家的人怎么样呢?
B: More and more people own their own cars in China now too.;B: 现在中国也有越来越 多的人拥有自己的车了。
2. What else...?;还有什么……?
Top 1: What else can I do for you? Top 2: What else have you heard?;(我还能为你做什么?) (你还听到了什么?)
Top 3: What else do you want to know?;(你还想知道什么?)
3. What kind of...?;什么样的……?
Top 1: What kind of person do you think you are?;(你以为你是什么样 的人?)
Top 2: What kind of fool do you think I am?;(你以为我是什么样的 傻瓜?)
Top 3: What kind of movies do you like?;(你喜欢什么样的电 影?)
A: What kind of girl do you like? B: I like a loving, considerate,;A: 你喜欢什么样的女孩? B: 我喜欢有爱心、善解 人意、
intelligent girl who is confident and knows what she wants to do with her life.;聪明的女孩,要有自信, 懂得生活。
A: What kind of girl do you like? B: Oh, I like fat, black girls.;A: 你喜欢什么样的女 孩? B: 哦,我喜欢身材肥胖 的黑人女孩,越肥越好!
The fatter the better! I like a really big,;我喜欢一个又高又胖的 女孩子,
fat girl that I can really hold on to. You know what I mean? That's sexy!;那样有一种实实在在的 感觉。你知道我是什么 意思吗?那样的女人 性感!
A: What kind of food do they serve at the new restaurant?;A: 新餐馆有些什么 菜式?
B: They serve western food and Chinese food, but the Chinese food is much better!;B: 有西餐和中餐,但是 中餐要好得多!
A: What kind of job do you prefer?;A: 你喜欢什么样的工 作啊?
B: I like a job that is challenging and exciting. I like to push myself.;B: 我喜欢具有挑战性、 刺激的工作。我喜欢 进取,
I like to use my ability. A: What kind of job do you prefer?;喜欢发挥自己的潜能。 A: 你喜欢什么样的工作 呢?
B: I prefer a job where I am the only guy in the office.;B: 我喜欢我工作的办 公室里只有我一个男的。
A: You mean you like to work with all women?;A: 你的意思是你喜欢 跟一帮女的一起工作?
B: No, I mean I don't like anyone to be around me.;B: 不,我的意思是, 我不喜欢周围有任何人。
I don't like any interruptions while I'm sleeping;我不喜欢睡觉
or chatting on the internet.;聊天时有人来打搅我。
4. What do you think...?;你认为……怎么样?
Top 1: What do you think I should do? Top 2: What do you think he wants?;(你认为我该怎么做?) (你认为他想要什么?)
Top 3: What do you think America will do to fight terrorism?;(你认为美国会怎样打 击恐怖活动?)
A: What do you think they are saying to each other?;A: 你认为他们在说什 么?
B: They must be gossiping about our new CEO again.;B: 她们肯定又在说我们 的新任CEO的闲话了。
A: What do you think the chances are of my passing the TOEFL exam?;A: 你认为我通过TOEFL 考试的机会怎么样?
B: I think that your chances are good.;B: 我认为你的机会很大。
You've been preparing for a long time;你准备了很长时间,
and I've noticed a big improvement in your spoken English.;而且我发现你的口语有了 很大进步。
5. What would you like to...?;你想……?
Top 1: What would you like to know? Top 2: What would you like to do next?;(你想知道什么?) (你下一步想怎么做?)
Top 3: What would you like to drink?;(你想喝什么?)
6. What do you think of...?;你觉得……怎么样?
What do you think of China so far?;(你觉得中国怎么样?)
Answer 1: Amazing!/ Pretty good! ;回答一: 令人惊讶!
Answer 2: China is a very interesting country. I want to learn more about it.;回答二:中国是一个非常 有趣的国家。我想了解 更多一些。
Answer 3: China has the friendliest people and the best food in the world!;回答三:中国有世界上 最友好的人民和最美味 的佳肴!
So far I've been having a fantastic time!;到今天为止,我在这里 过得非常棒!
Answer 4: China is a fascinating place.;回答四:中国是一个 迷人的地方。
Everything here is so different from America.;这里的一切都跟美国 不同。
China has a long glorious history,;回答五:中国历史悠久、 灿烂,
and the development in the past twenty years is amazing too.;而且过去二十年来发展 也很惊人。
But China still has a long way to go.;但是中国还有很长一段 路要走。
A: What do you think of her new boyfriend?;A: 你觉得她新交的男 朋友怎么样?
B: I think he is easy-going, handsome, but stupid.;B: 我觉得他性格随和、 长相英俊,但有点蠢。
A: What do you think of Crazy English?;A: 你认为疯狂英语怎 么样?
B: It's a good way to improve your English in a short time!;B: 这是在短期内提高 英语的好方法!
7. What's wrong with...? ……怎么了?;
Top 1: What's wrong with George W. Bush? Top 2: What's wrong with this world?;(乔治·布什怎么了?) (这个世界怎么了?)
Top 3: What's wrong with your phone?;(你的电话怎么了?)
A: What's wrong with you?/Are you out of your mind?;A: 你怎么回事儿?
B: Nothing is wrong with me. What's wrong with you?;B: 我没怎么,你怎么 回事儿?
A: What's wrong with this computer? B: It's a cheap piece of junk.;A: 这台电脑怎么了? B: 简直一堆垃圾。
8. What's your favorite...?;你最喜欢……?
A: What's your favorite food?;A: 你最喜欢吃什么?
B: I love spicy food. Sichuan food is my favorite.;B: 我喜欢吃辣的, 最喜欢川菜。
A: What's your favorite kind of music?;A: 你最喜欢听什么样的 音乐?
B: I love rock and roll music. The louder the better!;B: 我喜欢摇滚乐。 越大声越好!
9. What seems to be the problem with...?;……大概是什么问题?
A: What seems to be the problem with your sister?;A: 你姐姐怎么了?
She looks very upset this morning.;她今天早上似乎心神 不宁。
B: I don't know. She hasn't been herself lately.;B: 我不知道,她最近有 点不对劲。
A: What seems to be the problem with those two?;A: 他们俩的关系好像出 了什么问题?
B: Oh nothing's wrong. They are always fighting.;B: 没什么。他们总是 吵个不停。
10. What makes/ made you...?;你怎么会……?
Top 1: What made you so angry? Top 2: What makes you think he did it?;(是什么使你这么 生气?) (是什么使你认为是 他做的?)
Top 3: What makes you so motivated?;(是什么使你如此受 鼓舞?)
A: What makes you so upset?;A: 你怎么那么心烦 意乱啊?
B: I lost my job and I got robbed on the way home.;B: 我丢了饭碗,而且在 回家路上遭到了抢。
A: What makes you say that?;A: 你怎么会那样说?
B: I have been studying English for years. I know what I am talking about.;B: 我已经学了几年英语 了。我知道我在说什么。
A: What makes you do such stupid things?;A: 你怎么会做这些蠢 事?
B: I don't know. I can't control myself.;B: 我不知道。我无法 自控。
I don't want to do stupid things but I just can't help it.;我不想做蠢事,但我 就是不行。
A: What makes you work so hard? B: I want to retire by the time I am thirty.;A: 是什么使你这么努 力工作? B: 我想在三十岁之前 退休。
第三章 以Why开头的疑问句型;
1. Why didn't you...?; 你为什么不……?
Top 1: Why didn't you wait for me? Top 2: Why didn't you tell me?;(你为什么不等我呢?) (你为什么不告诉 我呢?)
Top 3: Why didn't you buy it?;(你为什么不买下来 呢?)
A: Why didn't you call me? B: I'm terribly sorry. It slipped my mind.;A: 你为什么不打电话给 我? B: 实在对不起。我忘掉 了。
A: My flight is at 7 o'clock in the morning.;A: 我乘早上7点的航班。
B: Why didn't you say something earlier?;B: 你为什么不早说?
2. Why don't we just...?;我们为什么不……?
A: Why don't we just leave it until tomorrow?;A: 我们何不留待明天 呢?
B: That's OK with me. I am dead tired anyway.;B: 我没问题。不管怎么 说,我已经累死了。
A: Why don't we just have dinner together somewhere this Saturday?;A: 我们星期六找个地方 一起吃饭吧?
B: Are you asking me on a date, or do you expect me to pay for your dinner again?;B: 你想跟我约会呢,还 是想让我付这顿饭钱呢?
3. Why do you think...?;你为什么会认为……?
A: Why do you think he is unqualified for the job?;A: 你为什么会认为他不 能胜任这项工作呢?
B: He has never worked in an international company before;B: 他从来没有在跨国公 司工作过,
and besides that, he can't even use a computer!;而且,他连电脑都不会 用。
A: Why do you think Guangzhou is a bad place to live?;A: 你为什么会认为广 州不适合居住呢?
B: The air is too dirty and it's just too crowded.;B: 空气太脏, 而且太拥挤。
4. Why do you have to...?;你为什么要……?
A: Why do you have to tell her the truth?;A: 你为什么要告诉她?
B: Because she always finds out the truth anyway!;B: 因为不管怎么样, 她总能发现事情的真相。
A: Why do you have to leave so early?;A: 你为什么要这么 早走呢?
B: I have an early appointment tomorrow morning.;B: 明天一大早我有个 约会。
5. Why is it that...?; 为什么……?
A: Why is it that I find chocolate so addictive?;A: 我发现巧克力很容易 上瘾,这是为什么?
B: Because you're a woman. All women find chocolate addictive.;B: 因为你是个女人, 而所有女人都会发现巧 克力上瘾。
A: Why is it that I have had nightmares all these nights?;A: 这几个晚上我连续 做噩梦,到底是怎么了?
B: Maybe you shouldn't eat so much chocolate before bedtime!;B: 也许你不应该在睡觉 前吃那么多巧克力!
第四章 以When开头的疑问句型;
1. When are you going to...?;你打算什么时候……?
A: When are you going to buy a new house?;A: 你打算什么时候 买房子?
B: When are you going to stop asking such personal questions?;B: 你什么时候不再问 这种私人的问题?
A: When are you going to ask your boss for a raise?;A: 你要等到什么时候才 去要求你老板给你加工 资啊?
B: When I think the time is right. This is definitely not the right time!;B: 在我认为时间适当的 时候。现在肯定不是时 候!
2. When would you like to...?;你想什么时候……?
A: When would you like to place an order?;A: 你想什么时候下定 单?
B: I'm not sure. I need some time to think it over.;B: 我不清楚。我需要一 些时间来考虑。
A: When would you like to have the computer delivered?;A: 你想什么时候让我们 把电脑送过去?
B: I work until five. Can I have it delivered later in the evening?;B: 我五点下班。能不能 晚上送过来?
3. When do you want me to...?;你想让我在什么时 候……?
When do you want me to report for work tomorrow?;(明天你想什么时候让 我做工作报告?)
When do you want me to have it ready for you?;(你想让我在什么时候 为你准备好?)
4. When could you possibly...?;你大概能在什么时 候……?
When could you possibly finish this?;(你大概什么时候能 完成?)
A: When could you possibly let me know the result?;A: 你大概什么时候能给 我消息?
B: We'll let you know the result as soon as possible.;B: 我们会尽快告诉你 结果。
5. When will it be convenient for you to...?;你看什么时候方便……?
When will it be convenient for you to arrange an interview for me?;(你看什么时候方便安 排我面试?)
A: When will it be convenient for you to come to my office?;A: 你看什么时候方便 来我办公室一趟?
B: I'm in Guangzhou from Monday until Thursday. Which day is best for you?;B: 我从星期一到星期四 在广州。你看哪天对你 最合适?
2011-03-27 21:28 1101http://Enook.cn[00:01.00]李阳疯狂英语 ... -
2011-03-27 21:16 928第一部分; 1. Nice to do / d ... -
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MY AIM 我的志向
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2009-10-13 19:12 766第四十二天:OUR NATIONAL FATHER 我的國父 ...
《疯狂英语口语突破-突破句型》文档主要涵盖了两种常见的英语口语表达句型:1. Nice to do / doing... 和 2. How is/was...? 这些句型在日常对话和各种场合中非常常见,是提升英语口语能力的关键。 1. Nice to do /...
《疯狂英语口语版 2008年12月》是一款集知识性与趣味性于一身的英语学习资源,它代表了疯狂英语品牌在2008年末推出的最新一期口语学习材料,被广大英语学习者誉为“提升口语能力的利器”。本资源的发布为语言爱好者...
李阳疯狂英语口语速成vcd.torrent 12集,rmvb格式
【李阳疯狂英语脱口而出-实战篇】是一款广受欢迎的英语学习资源,由著名英语教育家李阳创立的疯狂英语品牌所推出。这个实战篇是该系列的重要组成部分,旨在帮助学习者提升口语表达能力,实现英语脱口而出的目标。 ...
大声的朗读出来吧,我们不再是哑巴英语。 ^_^
【疯狂英语之口语突破突破对话】的文档主要关注的是日常英语口语的核心对话,旨在帮助学习者掌握最常用、最有力量的表达方式。文档中的第一部分是"Core Dialogues"(核心对话),它围绕着生活中最频繁使用的10个超级...
李阳疯狂英语团队基于这一需求,推出了一份专业课件——《李阳疯狂英语 口语速成全本PPT课件》,该课件旨在帮助学习者迅速提升英语口语能力,特别是通过系统学习国际音标的发音规律来提高英语发音的准确性和自然度。...
《疯狂英语900句》正是应运而生,作为一种针对性强、实用性强的口语学习资源,它为学习者搭建了一座通向流利英语表达的桥梁。 这套资源共有四个部分组成,目前公开的仅是第一部分内容,但已经足够展示其强大的实用...
李阳疯狂英语电子书第一章 字母发音突破第二章 三最法突破发音