You’ll find a lot of material on how to write web pages both on the Internet and in print.
But a book on JSP wouldn’t be complete without a chapter explaining what makes the
WorldWide Web work as it does. We’ll explain the key concepts while covering as much
ground as possible.
Web Pages in General
For your browser to render a web page correctly, it must be able to do the following:
• Communicate with the server, or servers,where the page content is stored: This
means the browser must support the necessary protocols, and it must be configured
correctly and include the proper addressing.
• Interpret the page syntax correctly and act on it as expected by the page designer:
This means using the same standards that are used on the server and conforming
to them.
• Include the plug-ins and have access to the facilities needed to process all compo-
nents of the page: For example, the browser must be able to render Adobe Shockwave
animations or whatever else the page designer has included on the page.
Before going into the details of how you structure and develop web pages, we’ll provide
some background information to put everything into the right perspective.
The Protocols
A data-communication protocol is a standardized set of rules that computers must follow to
be able to communicate with each other. The protocol rules define the format of the data
packets being transferred and the way in which the exchange takes place.
To make this complex process more manageable, the functionality necessary to move
data across networks is broken down into layers organized into protocol stacks, or protocol
suites. Higher layers can perform more general and complex tasks by relying on the services
of the lower layers. Computers communicate across the Internet by means of the Internet
protocol stack, which consists of five layers. Starting from the top, these layers are applica-
tion, transport, network, link, and physical.
### Apress - Beginning JSP, JSF, and Tomcat Web Development, From Novice to Professional (2007) #### 知识点概述 本书《Beginning JSP, JSF, and Tomcat Web Development, From Novice to Professional》由...
### 关于《Apress - Beginning JSP, JSF, and Tomcat Web Development 2007》的关键知识点 #### 1. JavaServer Pages (JSP) 技术介绍 - **定义**:JavaServer Pages(简称JSP)是Sun Microsystems(现已被Oracle...
Beginning JSP,JSF and Tomcat 书中源码 Beginning JSP,JSF and Tomcat 书中源码
Comprehensive and example–driven, Beginning JSP, JSF, and Tomcat: Java Web Development, Second Edition is all you need to develop dynamic Java-based web applications using JSP, connect to databases ...
《Beginning JSP, JSF and Tomcat》是一本非常适合Java Web开发初学者的入门书籍,它不仅介绍了JSP和JSF这两种重要的Web开发技术的基本概念,还详细讲解了如何使用Tomcat服务器来部署和运行这些应用。通过学习本书,...
Beginning Jsp Jsf And Tomcat Web Development
- 《Beginning JSP JSF and Tomcat_2012_PDF》是一本专注于Java服务器页面(JSP)、JavaServer Faces(JSF)以及Apache Tomcat服务器的入门级教程或书籍。 - 出版年份为2012年,表明书籍内容可能较为陈旧,但仍...
《2007年图书:JSP_JSF_Tomcat Web编程从入门到精通》这本书主要涵盖了Java服务器页面(JSP)、JavaServer Faces(JSF)以及Tomcat应用服务器在Web开发中的应用,旨在帮助初学者及有一定基础的开发者深入理解和掌握...
《JSP, JSF和Tomcat Web开发入门》是一本专为初学者设计的书籍,旨在引导读者深入了解Java Server Pages(JSP)、JavaServer Faces(JSF)以及Apache Tomcat Web服务器的综合应用。这本书结合了理论知识和实践案例,...
标题和描述中提到的书籍是《Beginning JSP, JSF and Tomcat: Java Web Development》作者是Giulio Zambon。从这个标题中我们可以提炼出一些关键的知识点,这些知识点围绕Java Web开发领域,特别是与JSP(Java Server...
《初学者指南:JSP、JSF与Tomcat》是一本深入探讨Java Web开发核心技术和框架的书籍,由Giulio Zambon撰写。本书主要围绕JSP(Java Server Pages)、JSF(JavaServer Faces)以及Tomcat服务器展开,旨在为读者提供一...
Apress源代码 该存储库伴随着Giulio Zambon和Michael Sekler的(Apress,2007年)。 使用绿色按钮将文件下载为zip格式,或使用Git将存储库克隆到您的计算机上。 发行版 版本v1.0对应于已出版书籍中的代码,没有更正...
1:MySQL™ and JSP™ Web Applications: Data-Driven Programming ...2:Beginning JSP™ ,JSF™ ,and Tomcat Web Development From Novice to Professional 3:JSP 2.0 技术手册 4:Professional Apache Tomcat 5
《Apress.Beginning.JSP.JSF.and.Tomcat.Web.Development.Nov.2007》这本书可能会涵盖以下内容: 1. JSP基础:介绍JSP语法、生命周期、指令和脚本元素,以及如何处理HTTP请求和响应。 2. JSP表达式语言和JSTL:讲解...