(define x (list 1 2 3))
(define y (list 4 5 6))
(append x y)
(cons x y)
(list x y)
(define z (list x y))
(car z)
(cdr z)
(define nil '())
(define (my-reverse x)
(if (null? x)
(append (my-reverse (cdr x)) (list (car x)))))
(define (deep-reverse lst)
(define (iter lst result)
(cond ((null? lst) result)
((not (pair? (car lst))) (iter (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) result)))
(else (iter (cdr lst) (cons (deep-reverse (car lst)) result)))))
(iter lst nil))
(define x (list (list 1 2) (list 3 4 5) (list 6 7) 8))
(define y (list 1 2))
(my-reverse x)
(deep-reverse x)
(define nil '())
(define x (list (list 1 2) (list 3 4)))
(define y (list x x))
(define (fringe x)
(define iter (lambda (x)
(append (fringe (car x)) (fringe (cdr x)))))
(cond ((null? x) nil)
((not (pair? x)) (list x))
(else (iter x))))
(fringe x)
(fringe y)
(define (make-mobile left right)
(list left right))
(define (make-branch length structure)
(list length structure))
(define (left-branch m)
(car m))
(define (right-branch m)
(car (cdr m)))
(define (branch-length b)
(car b))
(define (branch-structure b)
(car (cdr b)))
(define l-branch (make-branch (make-branch 2 2) (make-branch 2 2)))
(define r-branch (make-branch (make-branch 2 2) (make-branch 2 2)))
(define mobile (make-mobile l-branch r-branch))
(left-branch mobile)
(right-branch mobile)
(define (is-mobile? m)
(and (pair? m)
(pair? (left-branch m))
(pair? (right-branch m))))
(define (total-weight m)
(if (is-mobile? m)
(+ (total-weight (left-branch m)) (total-weight (right-branch m)))
(branch-structure m)))
(define (total-moment m)
(if (is-mobile? m)
(+ (total-moment (left-branch m)) (total-moment (right-branch m)))
(* (branch-length m) (branch-structure m))))
(total-weight mobile)
(total-moment mobile)
(define (is-mobile-deep-than-2-level? m)
(and (pair? m)
(pair? (left-branch m))
(pair? (right-branch m))
(pair? (left-branch (left-branch m)))
(pair? (right-branch (left-branch m)))
(pair? (left-branch (right-branch m)))
(pair? (right-branch (right-branch m)))))
(is-mobile-deep-than-2-level? mobile)
(define (is-banlanced? m)
(if (is-mobile-deep-than-2-level? m)
(and (is-banlanced? (left-branch m)) (is-banlanced? (right-branch m)))
(= (total-moment (left-branch m)) (total-moment (right-branch m)))))
2.29 cons
(define (make-mobile left right)
(cons left right))
(define (make-branch length structure)
(cons length structure))
(define (left-branch m)
(car m))
(define (right-branch m)
(cdr m))
(define (branch-length b)
(car b))
(define (branch-structure b)
(cdr b))
(define l-branch (make-branch (make-branch 2 2) (make-branch 2 2)))
(define r-branch (make-branch (make-branch 2 2) (make-branch 2 2)))
(define mobile (make-mobile l-branch r-branch))
(left-branch mobile)
(right-branch mobile)
(define (is-mobile? m)
(and (pair? m)
(pair? (left-branch m))
(pair? (right-branch m))))
(define (total-weight m)
(if (is-mobile? m)
(+ (total-weight (left-branch m)) (total-weight (right-branch m)))
(branch-structure m)))
(define (total-moment m)
(if (is-mobile? m)
(+ (total-moment (left-branch m)) (total-moment (right-branch m)))
(* (branch-length m) (branch-structure m))))
(total-weight mobile)
(total-moment mobile)
(define (is-mobile-deep-than-2-level? m)
(and (pair? m)
(pair? (left-branch m))
(pair? (right-branch m))
(pair? (left-branch (left-branch m)))
(pair? (right-branch (left-branch m)))
(pair? (left-branch (right-branch m)))
(pair? (right-branch (right-branch m)))))
(is-mobile-deep-than-2-level? mobile)
(define (is-banlanced? m)
(if (is-mobile-deep-than-2-level? m)
(and (is-banlanced? (left-branch m)) (is-banlanced? (right-branch m)))
(= (total-moment (left-branch m)) (total-moment (right-branch m)))))
(define nil '())
(define (square x)
(* x x))
(define (square-tree tree)
(cond ((null? tree) nil)
((not (pair? tree)) (square tree))
(else (cons (square-tree (car tree)) (square-tree (cdr tree))))))
(define (square-tree-map tree)
(map (lambda (sub-tree)
(if (pair? sub-tree)
(square-tree-map sub-tree)
(square sub-tree)))
(square-tree (list 1 (list 2 (list 3 4) 5) (list 6 7)))
(square-tree-map (list 1 (list 2 (list 3 4) 5) (list 6 7)))
《SICP习题解答,主要第一章的内容习题答案》 SICP,全称《Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs》(计算机程序的构造和解释),是计算机科学领域的一本经典教材,由MIT(麻省理工学院)的 Harold ...
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《SICP解题集》是一份专注于探讨和解答《结构与解释程序》(Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs,简称SICP)一书中习题的资源。SICP是计算机科学领域的一本经典教材,由Harold Abelson、Gerald Jay ...
"sicp-solutions"是一个针对该书练习题的解答集,主要使用了Scheme语言,一个Lisp方言,而具体的实现环境是mit-scheme 9.2。 Scheme语言是Lisp家族的一员,以其简洁的语法和强大的函数式编程特性闻名。在"sicp-...
《计算机程序的构造与解释》(Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs,简称SICP)是一本备受推崇的经典计算机科学教材,由Harold Abelson和Gerald Jay Sussman撰写,并由MIT出版社出版。这本书以其深入...
《SICP 2.2.4 节:图形语言》是计算机科学经典教材《结构与解释程序》(Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)中的一个重要章节,它深入介绍了如何利用编程来创建图形,以及如何设计和理解复杂的计算...
《计算机程序构造和解释》(SICP,Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)是一本具有深远影响力的计算机...压缩包中的“SICP 北大课件”文件可能包含课件、讲义、习题解答等资料,是学习SICP的宝贵资源。
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《SICP》全称是《Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs》,中文译为《计算机程序的构造和解释》。这是一本经典的计算机科学教材,由Harvard大学的 Harold Abelson 和 Gerald Jay Sussman 教授撰写,...
标题中的"PyPI 官网下载 | sicp-0.0.1b102.dev4.tar.gz"指的是从Python的官方包索引(Python Package Index,简称PyPI)上下载的一个名为"sicp"的软件包的版本号为0.0.1b102.dev4的压缩文件,其格式是tar.gz。...
本书名为《a_book_sicp_py》,是一本以Python语言为基础介绍设计模式和计算机科学基础的书籍。根据描述和部分内容,可以提炼出以下知识点: 1. 编程语言的重要性:在计算机科学的宽泛领域中,编程语言扮演着至关...
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