made this Oracle cheat sheet as I see so many questions about starting and stoping Oracle:
Oracle URL Links
Oracle Enterprise Manager: http://host.domain:5500/em/
Oracle IsqlPlus Manager: http://host.domain:5560/isqlplus
Oracle IsqlPlus Manager DBA : http://host.domain:5560/isqlplus/dba
Oracle UltraSearch : http://host.domain:5620/ultrasearch
Oracle UltraSearch Admin : http://host.domain:5620/ultrasearch/admin
Oracle HTMLDB : http://host.domain:7777/pls/htmldb/htmldb
Oracle Apache : http://host.domain:7777
Stopping/Starting Oracle Database
Enter the following commands to shut down the instance:
1. $ sqlplus /nolog
2. SQL> CONNECT SYS/sys_password as SYSDBA
1. Enter the following commands to start the instance:
2. $ sqlplus /nolog
3. SQL> CONNECT SYS/sys_password as SYSDBA
Stopping/Starting Oracle Net Listener
1. Enter the following command to stop the Oracle Net listener:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop listenername
1. Enter the following command to start the Oracle Net listener:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start [listenername]
Stopping/Starting iSQL*Plus
1. Enter the following command to stop iSQL*Plus:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/isqlplusctl stop
1. Enter the following command to start iSQL*Plus:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/isqlplusctl start
Stopping/Starting Oracle Ultra Search
1. Enter the following command to stop Oracle Ultra Search:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/searchctl stop
1. Enter the following command to start Oracle Ultra Search:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/searchctl start
Stopping/Staring Enterprise (EM) Database Control
1. Enter the following command to stop the Database Control:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop dbconsole
1. Enter the following command to start the Database Control:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start dbconsole
Stopping/Starting Oracle Management Agent
1. Enter the following command to stop Oracle Management Agent:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/agent/bin/emctl stop agent
1. Enter the following command to start Oracle Management Agent:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/agent/bin/emctl start agent
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Beginning Oracle PL/SQL gets you started in using the... Learn from Don's extensive experience to discover the most commonly used aspects of PL/SQL, without wasting time on obscure and obsolete features.
For instance, one of the most commonly used constructs of the C language is the switch statement. This chapter includes three frequently asked questions regarding this powerful language element. This ...
descriptions of the most widely used commands, I have included a collection of over 750 examples and solved problems, each specifically designed to illustrate an important feature of the Mathematica ...
This book explores the most useful features of Php and how they can speed up the web development process, and explains why the most commonly used Php elements are often misused or misapplied. You’ll...
one of the most commonly used programming languages in biosciences, MATLAB, is currently not supporting directional statistics. To remedy this situation, we have implemented the CircStat toolbox for ...
A debugger is probably the most commonly-used tool when reverse-engineering (a disassembler tool such as the Interactive DisAssembler (IDA) being the next most common). As a result, anti-debugging ...
Health Level Seven (HL7), is an all-... v2.x of the standards, which support clinical practice and the management, delivery, and evaluation of health services, are the most commonly used in the world
Health Level Seven (HL7), is an all-... v2.x of the standards, which support clinical practice and the management, delivery, and evaluation of health services, are the most commonly used in the world
It references the most commonly used concepts in network theory, provides examples of their applications in solving practical problems, and clear indications on how to analyse their results.,解压密码...
Apache Cassandra is the most commonly used NoSQL database written in Java and is renowned in the industry as the only NoSQL solution that can accommodate the complex requirements of today’s modern ...
discretized with a numerical method and solved on a computer.Themost commonly used discretization methods are the finite difference method (FDM), the finite volume method, the finite element method ...
The formant and concatenative methods are the most commonly used in present synthesis systems. The formant synthesis was dominant for long time, but today the concatenative method is becoming more and...
InnoDB is the most commonly used storage engine for MySQL and Percona Server and is the focus for majority of storage engine development by MySQL and Percona Server teams. In this tutorial, we will ...