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mule 学习笔记 Available Transports
Transport Description
Abdera Transport Allows you to easily integrate with Atom feeds and Atom Publishing Protocol servers via the Apache Abdera project.
Axis Transport Allows Mule managed components to be published as Axis services and allows components to invoke web services using Axis client calls. Includes a WSDL connector that invokes remote web services by obtaining the service WSDL.
BPM Transport Allows Mule events to initiate and/or advance processes in a Business Process Management System (BPMS) a.k.a. Process Engine.
CXF Transport Provides support for web service integration via Apache CXF. Includes a WSDL connector that invokes remote web services by obtaining the service WSDL.
EJB Transport Allows EJB invocations to be made using outbound endpoints.
Email Transport This transport supplies various email connectivity options.
File Transport This transport allows files to be read and written to directories on the local file system. The connector can be configured to filter the file it reads and the way files are written, such as whether binary output is used or the file is appended to.
FTP Transport Allows files to be read / written to a remote FTP server.
HTTP Transport This transport supplies HTTP transport of Mule messages between applications and other Mule servers.
HTTPS Transport A secure version of the HTTP transport.
IMAP Transport Connectivity to IMAP mail folders.
IMAPS Transport A secure version of the IMAP transport.
JCR Transport A transport that reads from, writes to, and observes JCR 1.0 containers. This transport is available on MuleForge.
JDBC Transport A transport for JDBC connectivity. Some of its features are available only in Mule Enterprise.
Jersey Transport Adds support for the JSR-311 implementation Jersey, which makes it possible to build RESTful services via a few simple annotations.
Jetty Transport Provides support for exposing services over HTTP by embedding a light-weight Jetty server. For inbound endpoints only.
Jetty SSL Transport A secure version of the Jetty transport.
JMS Transport A Mule transport for JMS connectivity. Mule itself is not a JMS server but can use the services of any JMS 1.1 or 1.02b compliant server such as ActiveMQ and OpenJms, and commercial vendors such as Weblogic, SonicMQ, and more.
LDAP Transport Allows you to send and receive Mule Messages to/from an LDAP directory.
Legs4Mule Transport Provides transformers and connectors for IBM mainframes.
Multicast Transport Allows your components to receive and send events via IP multicast groups.
POP3 Transport Connectivity to POP3 inboxes.
POP3S Transport A secure version of the POP3 transport.
Quartz Transport Provides scheduling facilities with cron / interval definitions and allows Mule events to be scheduled/rescheduled.
Restlet Transport Allows you to embed Restlet services inside of Mule, use the Restlet client API over Mule, and use URI templates to route messages inside of Mule.
RMI Transport Enables events to be sent and received over RMI via JRMP.
Servlet Transport Provides facilities for Mule components to listen for events received via a servlet request. There is also a servlet implementation that uses the Servlet transport to enable REST style services access. This transport is now bundled with the HTTP transport.
SMTP Transport Connectivity to SMTP servers.
SMTPS Transport A secure version of the SMTP transport.
SOAP Transport Enables your components to be exposed as web services and to act as SOAP clients. The SOAP transport supports CXF and Apache Axis.
SSL Transport Provides secure socket-based communication using SSL or TLS.
STDIO Transport This transport provides connectivity to streams such as System.in and System.out and is useful for testing.
TCP Transport Enables events to be sent and received over TCP sockets.
UDP Transport Enables events to be sent and received as datagram packets.
VM Transport Enables event sending and receiving over VM, embedded memory, or persistent queues.
WebSphere MQ Transport A Mule transport for WebSphere MQ. This transport is available with Mule Enterprise version 1.6 and later.
WSDL Connectors Connectors on the Axis and CXF transports that allow remote web services to be invoked using their WSDL contract.
XMPP Transport Provides connectivity over the XMPP (Jabber) instant messaging protocol.
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【Mule学习笔记】初学者指南 Mule是一个开源的企业服务总线(ESB)和集成平台,它允许开发者轻松地连接不同的系统、应用和服务,实现数据的交换和业务流程的自动化。本学习笔记将帮助初学者理解Mule的基本原理、...
在本篇“Mule ESB 学习笔记(13)CSV数据文件到数据库”中,我们将探讨如何使用Mule ESB(Enterprise Service Bus,企业服务总线)处理CSV(Comma Separated Values,逗号分隔值)数据,并将其有效地导入到数据库中...
【Mule学习资料:Java轻量级框架】 Mule ESB(Enterprise Service Bus,企业服务总线)是一款强大的集成平台,专为简化企业系统集成而设计。它属于Java轻量级框架,允许开发者轻松地连接各种应用程序和服务,实现...
### Mule 学习文档知识点概述 #### 一、Mule ESB 基础配置理解(Understanding Mule Configuration) Mule ESB 的配置是基于 XML 的,这使得开发者能够清晰地定义应用间的集成逻辑。在《Mule3 User Guide》中,...
"Mule3.4入门学习" 本文将对Mule3.4进行入门学习,涵盖Mule环境搭建、Webservice的发布、JMS消息通信、ftp、File应用、协议转换等知识点。 一、Mule环境搭建 Mule环境的搭建需要JDK的支持,包括下载、安装、配置...
2. **传输(Transports)**:传输是Mule如何接收和发送消息的基础。例如,HTTP传输允许你创建Web服务,而JMS传输则可以处理消息队列。 3. **数据流(DataWeave)**:Mule的数据转换工具,允许你在不同格式之间转换...
本教程将聚焦于一个"Mule学习demo",特别关注它如何处理Web服务调用以及参数转换。Web服务是软件系统通过网络进行通信的一种方式,通常采用SOAP(简单对象访问协议)或REST(Representational State Transfer)架构...
Mule ESB 是一个轻量级的基于java的企业服务总线和集成平台, 使得开发人员可以快速,简单的连接多个应用, 使得它们可以交换数据。 Mule ESB 容易集成现有异构系统,包括:JMS, Web Services, JDBC, HTTP, 等. ESB...
《Mule in Action》是关于Mule ESB的实战指南,该书深入浅出地介绍了如何使用Mule这一强大的企业服务总线(ESB)进行应用程序集成。Mule ESB以其用户基数庞大、文档详尽以及社区活跃而备受赞誉,是企业级集成解决...
**Mule ESB详解** Mule ESB,全称为Mule Enterprise Service Bus,是由MuleSoft公司开发的一款强大且灵活的企业服务总线。它是一种中间件,旨在促进不同应用程序之间的数据交换,通过提供一个集成平台来连接各种...
"Mule开发环境搭建和部署" Mule是当前流行的企业服务总线(Enterprise Service Bus, ESB),它提供了一个灵活、可扩展、高性能的集成平台。构建Mule开发环境是Mule应用程序的基础,以下将对Mule开发环境的搭建和...
《深入解析Mule ESB源码》 Mule ESB(Enterprise Service Bus,企业服务总线)是一款开源的集成平台,旨在简化企业级应用之间的数据交互。本文将围绕Mule ESB的源码进行深入探讨,揭示其核心设计理念与工作原理。 ...
David Dossot is a software architect and has created numerous modules and transports for Mule. John D’Emic is a principal solutions architect and Victor Romero a solutions architect, both at MuleSoft...
Mule 企业版和社区版功能比较 Mule 企业版和社区版是两种不同的Mule版本,主要区别在于功能、安全性和可靠性等方面。本文将对Mule 企业版和社区版的功能进行比较,帮助用户选择合适的Mule版本。 一、功能框架 ...
Mule ESB(企业服务总线)是一款强大的集成平台,由Mulesoft公司开发,用于构建和管理企业级的应用程序网络。"mule-standalone-3.9.0.zip"是一个包含Mule ESB独立运行时环境的压缩包,版本为3.9.0。在本文中,我们将...
【Mule Web Service 示例】 Mule ESB(Enterprise Service Bus)是一种强大的集成平台,它允许开发者轻松地构建和部署分布式应用程序。在这个示例中,我们将深入探讨如何使用Mule来发布Web服务,这是一种允许不同...