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详细看这里 NeoBux赚钱之道-发展直接下线
How is the limit of direct referrals calculated?
First of all, you can only have direct referrals after you meet these conditions:
* Been a member for at least 30 days
* Have made at least 100 clicks
After these conditions are met, the direct referral you can have will be based first on the following limit:
* Standard: 30
* Pioneer: 60
* Golden: 200
* Golden+Pioneer: 250
* Golden/Emerald: 300
* Golden/Sapphire: 300
* Golden/Platinum: 400
* Golden/Diamond: 400
* Golden/Ultimate: 800
Depending on how many days you've been registered, all those days, minus the first 30, will count towards a limit increase.
This means that the older member you are, the more referrals you may have.
The amount will be based on your current membership/pack and the days you're registered (minus 30). This amount will vary and is explained below:
* Standard/Pioneer = Days-30 divided by 4
* Golden (without a pack) = Days-30 divided by 2
* Golden (with a pack) = Days-30
For example, if you have been registered for 330 days (which minus 30 gives 300 days):
* Standard= 30 + (300/4) = 105
* Golden = 200 + (300/2) = 350
* Golden (Ultimate) = 800 + 300 = 1100
If a user registers with your username he/she won't be your referral if you haven't met the 30 days/100 clicks condition or have reached the limit of allowed direct referrals.
You can always remove all direct referrals you don't want to make room for new ones.
详细看这里 NeoBux赚钱之道-发展直接下线
How is the limit of direct referrals calculated?
First of all, you can only have direct referrals after you meet these conditions:
* Been a member for at least 30 days
* Have made at least 100 clicks
After these conditions are met, the direct referral you can have will be based first on the following limit:
* Standard: 30
* Pioneer: 60
* Golden: 200
* Golden+Pioneer: 250
* Golden/Emerald: 300
* Golden/Sapphire: 300
* Golden/Platinum: 400
* Golden/Diamond: 400
* Golden/Ultimate: 800
Depending on how many days you've been registered, all those days, minus the first 30, will count towards a limit increase.
This means that the older member you are, the more referrals you may have.
The amount will be based on your current membership/pack and the days you're registered (minus 30). This amount will vary and is explained below:
* Standard/Pioneer = Days-30 divided by 4
* Golden (without a pack) = Days-30 divided by 2
* Golden (with a pack) = Days-30
For example, if you have been registered for 330 days (which minus 30 gives 300 days):
* Standard= 30 + (300/4) = 105
* Golden = 200 + (300/2) = 350
* Golden (Ultimate) = 800 + 300 = 1100
If a user registers with your username he/she won't be your referral if you haven't met the 30 days/100 clicks condition or have reached the limit of allowed direct referrals.
You can always remove all direct referrals you don't want to make room for new ones.
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> PTC supported: neobux(required page in Spanish) 安装 : ~ # pip install selenium : ~ # pip install beautifulsoup4 : ~ # pip install requests : ~ $ git clone https://github.com/27Sawyer/pyptc.git : ~...
NeoBuxOx将有用的信息添加到NeoBux推荐列表和统计页面。 设计快速,清洁,轻便。 NeoBuxOx将有用的信息添加到NeoBux推荐列表,统计信息和摘要帐户页面,这将使您的帐户管理更加轻松。 设计快速,清洁,轻便。 -立即...