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import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import player.LrcBean; import com.google.gson.Gson; /** * Servlet implementation class PlayerServlet */ @WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/play.do", asyncSupported = true) public class PlayerServlet extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final String SPLIT_TOKEN = "|||"; /** * @see HttpServlet#HttpServlet() */ public PlayerServlet() { super(); } public String getLrcNameFromSrc(String srcName) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(srcName)) { return ""; } return srcName.substring(srcName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, srcName.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".txt"; } public int getSecondsInt(String timeStr) { if (timeStr.length() == 5) { timeStr = "00:" + timeStr; } DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); dateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); Date date = null; try { date = dateFormat.parse(timeStr); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } long seconds = date.getTime() / 1000L; return (int) seconds; } /** * @see HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse * response) */ protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { doPost(request, response); } /** * @see HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse * response) */ protected synchronized void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String remoteAddr = request.getRemoteAddr(); System.out.println("###doPost### date:" + new Date() + " remoteAddr:" + remoteAddr); String action = request.getParameter("action"); String name = request.getParameter("name"); String startStr = request.getParameter("start"); String endStr = request.getParameter("end"); String textStr = request.getParameter("text"); String lastUptStr = request.getParameter("lastUpt"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(textStr)) { textStr = " "; } textStr = StringUtils.replace(textStr, "\r", " "); textStr = StringUtils.replace(textStr, "\n", " "); name = getLrcNameFromSrc(name); System.out.println("action:" + action + " startStr:" + startStr + " endStr:" + endStr + " textStr:" + textStr); System.out.println("name:" + name); File lrcDir = new File("lrcDir"); if (!lrcDir.exists()) { lrcDir.mkdirs(); } File lrcFile = new File(lrcDir, name); if ("add".equals(action)) { String msg = "0"; int start = getSecondsInt(startStr); int end = getSecondsInt(endStr); List<String> lineList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (lrcFile.exists()) { lineList = FileUtils.readLines(lrcFile); } System.out.println("###lrcDir:" + lrcDir.getAbsolutePath()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String lastestUptStr = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") .format(new Date()); String lineInfo = start + SPLIT_TOKEN + end + SPLIT_TOKEN + textStr + SPLIT_TOKEN + lastestUptStr + SPLIT_TOKEN + remoteAddr; boolean matched = false; for (int i = 0; i < lineList.size(); i++) { String oneLine = lineList.get(i); if (StringUtils.trim(oneLine).isEmpty()) { continue; } String[] fieldsArr = StringUtils.split(oneLine, SPLIT_TOKEN); // update data if (fieldsArr[0].equals(start + "")) { if(!oneLine.contains(SPLIT_TOKEN + lastUptStr)) { msg = "-1"; } oneLine = lineInfo; matched = true; } // insert data if (!matched && Integer.parseInt(fieldsArr[0]) > start) { matched = true; sb.append(lineInfo + "\r\n"); } sb.append(oneLine + "\r\n"); } if (lineList.size() == 0 || !matched) { sb.append(lineInfo + "\r\n"); } if("0".equals(msg)) { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(lrcFile, sb.toString()); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(lrcDir, "historyLog_" + name), lineInfo + "\r\n", true); } response.setContentType("application/json"); Gson gson = new Gson(); response.getWriter().print(gson.toJson(new String[]{msg, lastestUptStr})); response.getWriter().close(); } else if ("getLrcList".equals(action)) { List<String> lineList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<LrcBean> lrcBeanList = new ArrayList<LrcBean>(); if (lrcFile.exists()) { lineList = FileUtils.readLines(lrcFile); } for (int i = 0; i < lineList.size(); i++) { String oneLine = lineList.get(i); if (StringUtils.trim(oneLine).isEmpty()) { continue; } String[] fieldsArr = StringUtils.split(oneLine, SPLIT_TOKEN); LrcBean lrcBean = new LrcBean(fieldsArr[0], fieldsArr[1], fieldsArr.length <= 2 ? "" : (StringUtils.isBlank(fieldsArr[2]) ? "" : fieldsArr[2]), fieldsArr[3]); lrcBeanList.add(lrcBean); } response.setContentType("application/json"); Gson gson = new Gson(); response.getWriter().print(gson.toJson(lrcBeanList)); response.getWriter().close(); } else if ("downloadLrc".equals(action)) { if (!lrcFile.exists()) { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(lrcFile, ""); } response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + lrcFile.getName()); BufferedInputStream buffInput = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(lrcFile.getAbsolutePath())); BufferedOutputStream buffout = new BufferedOutputStream( response.getOutputStream()); int length = -1; byte[] buff = new byte[1024]; while ((length = buffInput.read(buff)) != -1) { buffout.write(buff, 0, length); } buffout.flush(); buffInput.close(); buffout.close(); } else if ("getAudioList".equals(action)) { String rootPath = getServletConfig().getServletContext() .getRealPath("/"); File audioDir = new File(rootPath + "/audio"); response.setContentType("application/json"); Gson gson = new Gson(); response.getWriter().print(gson.toJson(audioDir.list())); response.getWriter().close(); } else if ("fetchRawMsg".equals(action)) { String fileContent = "N/A"; if (lrcFile.exists()) { fileContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(lrcFile); } response.getWriter().print(fileContent); response.getWriter().close(); } /*else if ("saveRawMsg".equals(action)) { String fileContent = request.getParameter("content"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(lrcFile, fileContent); response.getWriter().print("save successfully"); response.getWriter().close(); }*/ } }
var currAudio; var duration = 30; var timer ; var initTimer ; var currentAudioSrc = ""; function Init() { $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : "play.do", data : { action : 'getLrcList', name : currentAudioSrc }, async:false, dataType : "json", success : function(data) { // alert(data); for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { addDetail(data[i].start, data[i].end, data[i].text, data[i].lastUpt, null, true); } } }); var startVar = 0; var endVar = 0; if ($("#tblData tr").length == 1) { startVar = 0; endVar = duration; addDetail(startVar, endVar, null, null, null, false); } } //<img src='images/delete.png' class='btnDelete'/> function addDetail(startVar, endVar, text, lastUpt, baseRow, saved) { var baseObj; if(typeof (text) == "undefined" || text == null) { text = ""; } var trInfo = "<tr>" + "<td><span name='numSpan'>1</span></td>" + "<td>" + conversionTime(startVar) + "</td>" + "<td><span>" + conversionTime(endVar) + "</span><div><input type='button' value='split' onclick='mysplit(this)' /></div></td>" + "<td><textarea class='textareaText' rows='5' cols='10' onkeyup='taChange(this)'>" + text + "</textarea></td>" + "<td><img src='images/play.JPG' class='btnPlay' onclick='playSeg(this)'><img src='images/save" + (saved ? "d" : "") + ".png' class='btnSave' onclick='Save(this)'>" + "<input type='hidden' name='lastUpt' value='" + lastUpt + "'" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; if (typeof (baseRow) == "undefined" || baseRow == null) { baseObj = $("#tblData tbody"); baseObj.append(trInfo); } else { baseObj = baseRow; baseObj.after(trInfo); } // $(".btnSave").bind("click", Save); // $(".btnDelete").bind("click", Delete); // var numSpans = document.getElementsByName("numSpan"); // alert("numSpans.length:" + $('[name="numSpan"]').length); // for(var i = 0; i < numSpans.length; i++) { // alert(i); // $(numSpans[i]).html(i + 1); // } $.each( $('[name="numSpan"]'), function( key, value ) { // alert( key + ": " + value ); $(value).html(key + 1); }); } $('.textareaText').bind('input propertychange', function() { taChange(this); }); function taChange(taObj) { // alert($(taObj).val()); var saveBtn = $(taObj).parent().next().children(".btnSave"); saveBtn.attr("src", "images/save.png"); } var lastPlayBtn = null; var ix = 0; function playSeg(btn) { if(lastPlayBtn != null && lastPlayBtn != btn) { // $(".btnPlay").attr("src", "images/play.JPG"); $(lastPlayBtn).attr("src", "images/play.JPG"); } //var currBtnSrc = $(btn).attr("src"); //$(btn).attr("src", currBtnSrc); clearInterval(timer); currAudio.pause(); // alert("here1"); var start; var end; // alert("start:" + start + " end:" + end + " currentTime:" + // currAudio.currentTime); var startTd = $(btn).parent().prev().prev().prev(); var endTd = $(btn).parent().prev().prev(); var thisTr = startTd.parent().parent(); start = getSeconds(startTd.html()); end = getSeconds(endTd.text()); if ($(btn).attr("src") == "images/play.JPG") { console.log("here22"); //alert("here2"); setTimeout(function () { $(btn).attr("src", "images/pause.jpg"); }, 100); currAudio.currentTime = start; currAudio.play(); timer = setInterval(function() { if (currAudio.currentTime > end) { currAudio.pause(); $(btn).attr("src", "images/play.JPG"); clearInterval(timer); } else { // $(btn).attr("src", "images/pause.jpg"); } }, 1000); } else { console.log("here3"); //alert("here3"); $(btn).attr("src", "images/play.JPG"); currAudio.pause(); } lastPlayBtn = btn; } function Save(btn) { var lastUpt = $(btn).next().val(); console.log("lastUpt:" + lastUpt); // alert("save btn"); var start; var end; var startTd = $(btn).parent().prev().prev().prev(); var endTd = $(btn).parent().prev().prev(); var textTd = $(btn).parent().prev(); var thisTr = startTd.parent().parent(); start = startTd.html(); end = endTd.text(); $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : "play.do", data : { action : 'add', name : currAudio.currentSrc, start : start, end : end, text : textTd.children(0).val(), lastUpt : lastUpt }, dataType : "json", success : function(data) { // alert(data); if(data[0] == "0") { $(btn).attr("src", "images/saved.png"); $(btn).next().val(data[1]); } else { alert("your this row data is dirty, please backup data, refresh page, and try to save again"); } } }); } function Delete() { var par = $(this).parent().parent(); // tr par.remove(); } function mysplit(btn) { var start; var end; var endStr; var preSpan = $(btn).parent().prev(); var thisTr = preSpan.parent().parent(); start = getSeconds($(btn).parent().parent().prev().html()); end = getSeconds(preSpan.html()); // alert("start:" + start + " end:" + end); if (currAudio.currentTime > start && currAudio.currentTime < end) { var saveBtn = $(btn).parent().parent().next().next().children(".btnSave"); var playBtn = $(btn).parent().parent().next().next().children(".btnPlay"); saveBtn.attr("src", "images/save.png"); playBtn.attr("src", "images/play.JPG"); preSpan.html(conversionTime(parseInt(currAudio.currentTime))); addDetail(parseInt(currAudio.currentTime), end, "", "", thisTr); saveBtn.click(); $(btn).parent().parent().parent().next().children("td:last-child").children(".btnSave").click(); } } function back() { currAudio.currentTime -= 3; } // 歌词时间增加2s function forward() { currAudio.currentTime += 3; } function conversionTime(time){ var surplusHour, surplusMinite, surplusSecond, cTime; //将剩余秒数转化为分钟 surplusHour = Math.floor(time / 3600); //将剩余秒数转化为分钟 surplusMinite = Math.floor((time / 60) % 60); //将剩余秒数转化为秒钟 surplusSecond = Math.floor(time % 60); if(surplusSecond < 10){ surplusSecond = "0" + surplusSecond; } if(surplusMinite < 10){ surplusMinite = "0" + surplusMinite; } if(surplusHour < 10){ surplusHour = "0" + surplusHour; } cTime = surplusMinite + ":" + surplusSecond; if(surplusHour != 0) { cTime = surplusHour + ":" + cTime; } return cTime; } function getSeconds(timeStr) { var timeStrArr = timeStr.split(":"); var timeLong = 0; timeLong += (parseInt(timeStrArr[timeStrArr.length-1]) + parseInt(timeStrArr[timeStrArr.length-2] * 60)); if(timeStrArr.length == 3) { timeLong += parseInt(timeStrArr[0] * 3600); } //alert("timeStr:" + timeStr + " timeLong:" + timeLong); return timeLong; } /* *函数功能:从href获得参数 *sHref: http://www.artfh.com/arg.htm?arg1=d&arg2=re *sArgName:arg1, arg2 *return: the value of arg. d, re */ function GetArgsFromHref(sHref, sArgName) { var args = sHref.split("?"); var retval = ""; if(args[0] == sHref) /*参数为空*/ { return retval; /*无需做任何处理*/ } var str = args[1]; args = str.split("&"); for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i ++) { str = args[i]; var arg = str.split("="); if(arg.length <= 1) continue; if(arg[0] == sArgName) retval = arg[1]; } return retval; } function fetchRawText() { $("#rawTa").val(""); $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : "play.do", data : { action : 'fetchRawMsg', name : currentAudioSrc }, dataType : "text", success : function(data) { $("#rawTa").val(data); } }); } function downloadRawText() { window.location = "play.do?action=downloadLrc&name=" + currentAudioSrc; } function saveRawText() { $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : "play.do", data : { action : 'saveRawMsg', name : currentAudioSrc, content : $("#rawTa").val() }, dataType : "text", success : function(data) { alert(data); window.location = window.location; } }); } function doSearch() { var fromDate = $("#from").val() + " 00:00:00"; var toDate = $("#to").val() + " 23:59:59"; console.log("fromDate:" + fromDate + " toDate:" + toDate); $.each( $("#tblData tr"), function( key, value ) { console.log( key + ": " + value ); if(key != "0") { var currUptDate = $(value).children().eq(4).children().eq(2).val(); if(currUptDate >= fromDate && currUptDate <= toDate) { $(value).show(); } else { $(value).hide(); } } // $(value).html(key + 1); }); } $(document).ready(function() { currAudio = document.getElementById("currAudio"); // alert("window.location.href:" + window.location.href); //alert("source:" + GetArgsFromHref(window.location.href, "source")); var audioSource = GetArgsFromHref(window.location.href, "source"); if(audioSource == "") { $("#filenameSpan").html("demo.mp3"); audioSource = "audio/demo.mp3"; } else { $("#filenameSpan").html(audioSource); audioSource = "audio/" + audioSource; } // alert("audioSource:" + audioSource ); $("#audioSource").attr("src", audioSource).detach().appendTo("#currAudio"); currentAudioSrc = audioSource; // currAudio.load(); initTimer = setInterval(function() { // alert("here:" + currAudio.duration + " isNaN:" + !isNaN(currAudio.duration)); if (!isNaN(currAudio.duration)) { duration = currAudio.duration; $("#totSec").html(duration); clearInterval(initTimer); Init(); } }, 1000); $('#currAudio').bind('pause', function () { $(".btnPlay").attr("src", "images/play.JPG"); }); $( "#from" ).datepicker({ defaultDate: "+1w", changeMonth: true, numberOfMonths: 1, dateFormat : "yy-mm-dd", onClose: function( selectedDate ) { $( "#to" ).datepicker( "option", "minDate", selectedDate ); } }); $( "#to" ).datepicker({ defaultDate: "+1w", changeMonth: true, dateFormat : "yy-mm-dd", numberOfMonths: 1, onClose: function( selectedDate ) { $( "#from" ).datepicker( "option", "maxDate", selectedDate ); } }); });
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标题“player0109change”可能指的是一个与游戏或者播放器相关的代码修改或更新,但没有具体的描述,我们只能通过关联标签和提供的资源来推测可能的知识点。 标签包括“源码”和“工具”,这暗示了我们可能讨论的是...
player.on('stateChange', (event) => { console.log(`视频状态变更: ${event.data}`); }); // 控制播放 player.play(); player.pause(); player.stop(); // 销毁播放器 player.destroy(); ``` **五、总结** ...
- `TimeChange`:播放位置改变时触发,可用于实现进度条同步。 4. **方法**: - `Play()`:开始播放媒体。 - `Stop()`:停止播放。 - `Pause()`:暂停播放。 - `SeekToBegin()`:跳转到媒体的开头。 - `...
百度apollo lane_change_decider 详细注释代码
You can sort the tracks by the Title or Artist, as well as change the Equalizer. Does not yet support filtering by artist or album, stay tuned! It contains a widget with customizable text color, ...
### Windows Media Player 循环播放实现方法 在本篇文章中,我们将探讨如何使用 C# WinForms 实现 Windows Media Player 的循环播放功能。该知识点适用于希望为自己的应用程序添加媒体播放功能的开发人员,尤其是...
Java的`ActionListener`和`ChangeListener`接口常用于实现这一功能。 6. **线程管理**:音乐播放通常需要在后台线程进行,以免阻塞用户界面。Java的`Thread`类和`Runnable`接口可用于实现多线程,确保播放和UI交互...
MP3Player播放器是一款基于Flex技术实现的音频播放软件,主要功能是播放MP3格式的音频文件。在本文中,我们将深入探讨Flex技术以及如何利用它来开发一个高效的MP3播放器。 首先,Flex是一种开源的、基于XML的标记...
此扩展程序更改了Chrome中的默认媒体播放器。 新播放器提供了更舒适的控制面板以供使用。 此扩展程序更改了Chrome中的默认纯媒体播放器。 新播放器提供了更舒适的控制面板以供使用。 语言:English
, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) { if keyPath == "rate" && player.rate == 0 { // 播放暂停,展示广告 showAd() } } ``` 5. **广告展示**:广告的实现通常...
在探讨"C#_Windows_Media_Player控件的所有属性和方法"这一主题时,我们深入剖析了Windows Media Player(WMP)控件的核心功能与特性,该控件是Microsoft为开发人员提供的一种强大工具,用于在.NET框架下创建多媒体...
标题中的“macos13 ventura unlocker for vmware workstation/player 17”指的是一个工具,这个工具的主要目的是为了让VMware Workstation或Player 17能够支持安装和运行 macOS 13 Ventura操作系统。在虚拟化环境中...
最后,"CHANGELOG.txt"是一个关键文件,记录了Flourish Player自发布以来的所有版本更新和变更,这对于开发者跟踪项目的演进和解决潜在问题非常有用。 从技术角度来看,Flourish Player依赖于Flash技术,这是一种...
使用`<input type="range">`创建音量和进度滑块,通过`.change()`方法监听滑动事件并更新媒体状态。 5. **实现媒体操作**:通过JavaScript的Audio或Video对象的API,我们可以控制媒体的播放、暂停、音量、缓冲等...
Source code of registry manager.... 4)Change the Title of Windows Media Player. 5)Remove Recent Documents from the Start Menu. 6)Hide the Taskbar Clock. 7)Remove Username from the Start Menu.
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary,id> *)change context:(void *)context { if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"status"]) { AVPlayerStatus status = ...
2. **MIDI处理**:理解MIDI协议,包括MIDI消息类型(如Note On/Off,Controller Change等),以及如何将这些消息转换为声音。 3. **音频处理**:可能需要使用Android的AudioTrack或AudioRecord类来处理音频流,或者...
tb-video-player 版本:1.5 教程: demo: changelog V1.5 修复一个页面上有多个播放器同时存在引起的bug; V1.4 增加两个方法:play和pause,支持js处理播放器的播放和暂停; 修复一个拼写错误,万万不该,destroy...
document.getElementById('player-select').addEventListener('change', function() { let selectedPlayer = this.value; // 获取用户选择的球员 favorite_player = selectedPlayer; // 更新favorite_player }); `...
6. ChangeLog:记录了软件开发过程中的版本变更和更新内容,帮助用户和开发者了解软件的演化历史。 7. configure:这是由configure.ac生成的,用于检测系统环境并生成Makefile,以适应不同的操作系统和硬件平台。 ...