


a rain check 改天

I can't make it to dinner tonight. Can I take a rain check?

I'll have to take a rain check on going to the movies. I 

have too much work to do tonight.

a babe fest 帅哥靓女云集的地方
meat fest
jazz fest
film fest

Let's go to the beach, it's a total babe fest.

grease some wheels 润滑  关系拉近一些 套近乎
If you want to make sure your firm gets the account, you 

should grease some wheels with the client.

We had to grease some wheels to get into the VIP room.

That American tourist is so clueless. She thinks 100 kuai 

is a good price for a cup of coffee.
I'm clueless when it comes to women. I have no idea what 

they want.

buddy up to someone 和谁交朋友, 关系拉近
hey Can I buddy up with you? I need a new lab partner for 

chemistry class.
You should buddy up to sb, you don't want to get lost in 

the crowd, do you?

draw a blank 一片空白,什么也想不起来
I'm totally draw a blank
I can't the name of ...I'm completely drawing a blank

--can't remember
I'm drawing a blank ,what's your brother 's name?

beat it out of sb 开玩笑逼谁说出来
She wouldn't tell me the name of her new boyfriend. I 

practically had to beat it out of her.

best picture 最佳影片

creepy 奇怪 吓人
That girl's really creepy, She is always staring at me 


you people got nothing on me 抓住把柄
You can't prove that I was the one who stole your bike. You 

have got nothing on me.

We can't get her fired. We've got nothing on her.

Happy new year.
Right back at you  彼此彼此

feature 故事片

Don't blow it all at once =   waste

You shouldn't blow all your money on beer, rent is due next 


Hong kong is our turf now
The garden is my mother's turf. I wouldn't go digging  

around in there.

help you settle a score==clear up some old debt, usually 

with violence

Either you pay up now, or I'll send in my bodyguards to 

settle the score.

a chance to get even 报复
She wanted a chance to get even with him after she broke 

her heart.

bankroll ['bæŋkrəul]   
vt. 提供资金;提供财务上的资助
n. 资金;钞票

That company bankroll our party, and everything is free

If you setting things in white and black, that means you 

think about simply

I'm seeing things in black and white, you're either with us 

or against us.

you have to stop seeing thing is black and white, there are 

many ways to look at a situation

to do sth in no time at all = to to sth very quickly
I can't believe I finished my work so fast, it took no time 

at all.

tread carefully = handle a situation with caution

analog 模拟

jinx = sth that brings bad luck 扫帚星

I think this watch is a jinx to me. Every time I wear it, 

something bad happens.

Some people think the Year of Goat is a jinx

"Next to nothing" is another way of saying "very little".

You've turned up next to nothing.  几乎没做事

to "mix things up" means to try new things where old ones 

are failing 新花样 新方法
Mix things up a little with Mr. Graves

Let's try and mix things up today in our program, and see 

if we can get better results.

out of hand = out of control / it's hard to deal with

Kill first, ask questions later. 先斩后奏

you've managed kept business and pleasure separate

This route is a dead end. Let's find another way to go

She was stuck in a dead end job. There were no 

opportunities for advancement
bring us up to speed 
If you bring us up to speed on the proposal, we'll be able 

to make a decision better.

Now that I'm up to speed on how this machine works, I'll 

actually be able to use it.

Let's get down to business. = get to work. 办正事,开始工作

You need to stop wasting time, and get down to business. 

There's a lot of work to be done today.

leave sth in the hands of someone

Why did you leave dinner in the hands of Dad? He's a 

terrible cook.

key light 主光

stay cool = stay relax
When we go to the party tonight, stay cool, you don't want 

the ladies to think you're a geek.呆瓜

Stay cool. This is an important meeting. I know you can 

handle it.

save the day 帮了大忙
Our team was losing the game util I scored 3 goals in a 

row! I saved the day!

all talk = just talk , not action 光说不练
You're all talk. There's no way you got five girl's phone 

numbers tonight.

Off the record 非正式的(私下说)
Our boss is a very important man, but off the record, I 

think he's a lazy fool



    Action English 动感英语

    【Action English 动感英语】是一个曾经在中央6台播出的英语学习栏目,由新东方的教师翁元凯主持。该节目旨在通过各种形式的教学内容,帮助观众提升英语水平,尤其是美国俚语和经典电影对白的学习。 在节目中,...


    动感英语全套笔记[1-365期] 学英语的看看


    相信大家都看过动感英语吧 那是一个不错的教育学习节目 非常喜欢 这是我收集的一些笔记 与大家分享


    【动感英语节目归纳笔记3】 动感英语是一档深受观众喜爱的教育学习类节目,它以独特的形式教授英语,包括电影词汇、美国俚语、经典电影对白和原声音乐等,帮助学习者深入理解英语的实用性和文化背景。以下是根据...


    【动感英语】是一档深受观众喜爱的教育学习节目,它以独特的方式教授英语知识,包括词汇、俚语和经典电影对白等。本篇笔记主要涵盖了ACTION ENGLISH 1-50集中的一些重要知识点。 首先,我们来了解一下“MOVIE ...


    【动感英语】是一个深受观众喜爱的教育学习节目,它涵盖了丰富的英语知识,包括词汇、俚语、经典电影对白和音乐。以下是从节目中提取的一些重要知识点: 1. **电影词典**: - **Property Manager**:在电影制作中...

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