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修复android获取ip地址失败 Fix Obtaining IP Address Android WiFi Problem



This is a common problem in android.

The name of the issue says it all. Android fails to obtain an IP address from a wireless router: connection attempt fails. It goes through stages in an infinite loop: wifi重复执行以下操作

1.Obtaining IP address 获取ip地址

2.disconnecting   失去连接

3.scanning  搜索


After searching about this problem on internet, I found that many other people facing the same problem. But at last I found a solution for this problem and going to share here. Here’s the solution to Obtaing IP address Wifi problem on android:

The solution is to use a static IP for your WiFi connection, to do this:

From your android device, goto Settings > Wireless and networks > WiFi Settings > Click menu button (left) and select advanced.



You’ll see an option “use static IP” under IP settings section. Enable it and enter the following parameters.


IP address :





This method works 100% when we tested it. 这是真的;不过俺试了,是连接上了,不过还是上不了网,再次取消用静态地址连接,magic wierd it work. enjoy it if you are the lucky guy as me.




For samsung users, I have a pretty good trick which works very well.

When you have obtaining IP address problem,

1.Turn off wifi.

2.Open “Allshare”, then you will be asked to connect to a wifi network.

3.Then select the wifi network that you need to connect from the list opened.

Magically, you will be connected without any extra effort.This works 100% sure without fail.



  • 大小: 18.6 KB



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