
zencart Easy Populate CSV插件,zencart插件,zencart教程

文章来自 : http://zencart.me/archives/780
Easy Populate CSV插件 商品批量导入上传 
- added Metatag support for products. 添加支持商品写meta标签
- doesn't use langer's proprietary file; now uses native php csv support.用回原生态php csv
- if you're using a mac. There is one line you need to uncomment near the top of the main 如果你使用的是Mac系统,有一个问题你要去掉顶部主要注释
添加支持自定义产品表 这样会允许你去自己添加字段 你看到配置菜单Configuration->Easy Populate->Custom Fields.

1) Change the name of the "admin" directory in this package to suit your zencart installation
2) The temp folder is configured to reside in your store directory. If you store is not in the 
   site root (eg. /mystore/) then the temp directory must also go in this directory.
3) If you want to re-name the uploads (temp) folder, ensure that you configure Easy Populate to
   reflect this change after installation
4) Upload all files in their respective directories.
5) Go to Admin -> Tools -> Easy Populate. If prompted to install Easy Populate, click on the
   link provided. Otherwise, type in your browser address bar ?langer=install after /easypopulate.php
   (eg. YOUR_ADMIN/easypopulate.php?langer=install). If you wish to remove and re-install the default
   config settings, type ?langer=remove after /easypopulate.php
   (eg. YOUR_ADMIN/easypopulate.php?langer=remove) and begin this step again.
6) Go to Admin -> Configuration -> Easy Populate, and configure the upload directory if you have
   changed it from default. Also, ensure that the correct date format is set for your upload files.
7) If you have an Apple/MAC, then uncomment the line in the "configuration variables" section in the easypopulate.php
   file that is in the admin folder. 

zencart Easy Populate CSV插件,zencart插件,zencart教程


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    zencart 最新批量上传插件

    3. **灵活的数据映射**:EasyPopulate允许用户自定义CSV文件中的列名与Zencart后台字段的对应关系,这样即使原始数据格式与Zencart不完全匹配,也能顺利导入。 4. **更新与修改**:除了新增产品,EasyPopulate还...

    zencart populate v1.2.5.7

    3. **下载并安装**:从ZenCart的官方插件库或者第三方资源获取ZenCart Populate v1.2.5.7c,并按照指示安装到你的ZenCart店铺中。 4. **运行工具**:在后台管理界面找到并启动ZenCart Populate,选择你之前准备好的...

    zencart 批量上传商品 easy_popular

    商家只需要在CSV文件中填写或编辑这些信息,然后通过easy_popular插件导入到Zencart后台,就能快速更新商品库。 "Easy_Populate" 插件的核心功能包括: 1. **批量商品上传**:商家可以一次性上传大量商品信息,...


    EN_easy_populate_csv_1-2-5-7b (最新版) zencart 商品图片管理,快速上传图片资料。。 不懂可以Q我:137114534

    zencart 学习笔记

    2. **上传文件**:将Easy Populate CSV插件的catalog目录下的所有文件上传到Zencart对应目录。特别注意temp目录的权限应设置为700,有时可能需要777,确保这个目录与admin目录同级,并且清空temp目录中的演示数据。 ...

    Zen Cart 1.5.4 中文插件版.zip

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    10. **工具与辅助功能**:`Tools`下的各种工具,如`Template Selection`、`Layout Boxes Controller`、`Banner Manager`、`Who's Online`、`EzPage`、`Define Pages Editor`、`Easy Populate`等,分别用于模板选择、...

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