Five Tips for Impediment Resolution with Scrum
1. make the impediments visible
-attach them to wall
-update impediment status and properly prioritised
2.Search for impediments
- no movement on taskboard
- more task "in process" than developer on the team
- what things that would help team accomplish task faster
3.Limit the number of impediments
- limit the time
- limit the number(top 4)
4. Differentiate between local and global impediments
- resolve global impediments with top4
- attach red sticky notes to the stories for localimpediments
5. Help the team to resolve impediments
- work together with the team to determine which impediments it may resolve itself and whatsupport it needs
### Scrum Master 认证考试知识点解析 #### 标题:Scrum Master 认证考试原题 **解析**:本题目集旨在帮助考生通过Scrum Master (CSM) 认证考试,该考试评估考生对Scrum框架、原则及实践的理解与应用能力。 #### ...
ScrumMaster职责和认证知识概要: ScrumMaster是敏捷开发框架Scrum中的关键角色,承担着促进团队内部协作、提升工作效率、解决团队障碍并引导团队向既定目标前进的职责。ScrumMaster不仅需要协调团队与产品负责人...
The Professional ScrumMaster's Handbook A collection of tips, tricks, and war stories to help the professional ScrumMaster break the chains of traditional organization and management
"Scrum专业Scrum Master II题库" Scrum是一种敏捷项目管理方法,旨在帮助团队更好地协作、更快速地交付价值。Scrum Master扮演着关键角色,是Scrum团队的 facilitator、 coach和servant leader。Scrum Master负责...
Scrum Master在日常工作中会遇到各种各样的场景,这些场景涉及到Scrum框架的不同方面,包括团队协作、角色职责、会议管理、变更控制以及问题解决。以下是对这些场景的详细分析: 1. **CEO的干预**:在Scrum中,CEO...
A ScrumMaster, like a good rider, must know when to go easy on the horse, when to use the spur, when to pull the reins, and when to just hang up the bridle and put the saddle away for the day....
Scrum Master的角色是敏捷方法中的关键职能,主要负责引导和促进Scrum流程,确保团队以高效的方式协同工作。Scrum Master需要确保团队成员理解Scrum原则,同时还要帮助去除项目进展中的障碍,协助团队保持高产和提升...
### ScrumMaster中文认证课程详解 #### 一、课程背景及意义 Scrum作为一种轻量级的敏捷开发框架,在软件开发和其他项目管理领域被广泛应用。它强调团队协作、自我管理和快速适应变化的能力。为了更好地推广和发展...
Scrum Master是Scrum框架中的关键角色,他们不仅是团队的教练,也是流程的守护者,负责确保团队遵循Scrum原则和实践。Scrum Master的主要职责包括: 1. 教育团队:Scrum Master需要向团队成员传授Scrum的基本理念、...
This book is for scrum masters and all readers whose scrum and stakeholder roles bring them into contact with scrum masters.Scrum Master Dave McKenna catalogs the three skill sets that scrum masters ...
Scrum Master是敏捷开发框架Scrum中的一个关键角色,负责确保Scrum的流程得到遵循,团队高效运作,并协助解决任何阻碍开发进度的问题。在互联网行业中,Scrum Master的角色尤其重要,因为快速变化的需求和激烈的竞争...
ScrumMaster是敏捷开发流程中的关键角色,负责指导团队遵循Scrum原则,促进协作和效率。在2021年,成为一个高效的ScrumMaster需要掌握更深入的技能和策略,以应对快速变化的互联网环境。以下是一些核心要点: 1. **...
详细的scrum教程,让你轻松成为Scrum master
本文将探讨老板提议一个人同时担任ScrumMaster和产品负责人是否合适,以及Scrum中的三个关键角色——Product Owner、Scrum Master和Development Team的特点和职责。 首先,ScrumMaster的角色是保护和促进Scrum框架...
Scrum Master Training的课程内容涉及了Scrum框架的核心概念以及Scrum Master在团队中的工作方式。Scrum是一种敏捷开发方法,它通过短周期的迭代开发来提高产品或项目的交付效率。Scrum团队通常由跨功能的成员组成,...
Scrum作为敏捷开发的一种实践,定义了三个核心角色:Product Owner(产品负责人)、Scrum Master(Scrum主管)和Development Team(开发团队)。老板提议你同时担任Scrum Master和Product Owner,这种提议在某些情况...
Scrum is the most popular agile project management methodology used in web projects today. While most Scrum books tend to be lengthy textbooks that cover every detail of Scrum for all types of ...