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写的真好啊, 牛
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《JAVA面试题解惑系列合集》PDF电子书下载 -
*空对象(null object)可以用于返回无意义的对象时,它可以承担处理null的责任。有时候空对象也被视为一种设计模式。
*宏命令(Macro Command)是一个命令队列,它包含了一组实现了同一个命令接口的类。
3.宏命令(Macro Command)实例
4.聪明命令(Smart Command)实例
----GarageDoorOpenCommand类---- public class GarageDoorOpenCommand { GarageDoor door; public GarageDoorOpenCommand(GarageDoor door){ this.door = door; } public void execute() { door.up(); } } ------------
*空对象(null object)可以用于返回无意义的对象时,它可以承担处理null的责任。有时候空对象也被视为一种设计模式。
----CeilingFanLowCommand类---- public class CeilingFanLowCommand implements Command { private CeilingFan fan; private int prevSpeed; public CeilingFanLowCommand(CeilingFan fan) { this.fan = fan; } public void execute() { prevSpeed = fan.getSpeed(); fan.low(); } public void undo() { if (prevSpeed == CeilingFan.HIGH) { fan.high(); } else if (prevSpeed == CeilingFan.MEDIUM) { fan.medium(); } else if (prevSpeed == CeilingFan.LOW) { fan.low(); } else if (prevSpeed == CeilingFan.OFF) { fan.off(); } } } ------------ ----CeilingFanMediumCommand类---- public class CeilingFanMediumCommand implements Command { private CeilingFan fan; private int prevSpeed; public CeilingFanMediumCommand(CeilingFan fan) { this.fan = fan; } public void execute() { prevSpeed = fan.getSpeed(); fan.medium(); } public void undo() { if (prevSpeed == CeilingFan.HIGH) { fan.high(); } else if (prevSpeed == CeilingFan.MEDIUM) { fan.medium(); } else if (prevSpeed == CeilingFan.LOW) { fan.low(); } else if (prevSpeed == CeilingFan.OFF) { fan.off(); } } } ------------ ----CeilingFanOffCommand类---- public class CeilingFanOffCommand implements Command { private CeilingFan fan; private int prevSpeed; public CeilingFanOffCommand(CeilingFan fan) { this.fan = fan; } public void execute() { prevSpeed = fan.getSpeed(); fan.off(); } public void undo() { if (prevSpeed == CeilingFan.HIGH) { fan.high(); } else if (prevSpeed == CeilingFan.MEDIUM) { fan.medium(); } else if (prevSpeed == CeilingFan.LOW) { fan.low(); } else if (prevSpeed == CeilingFan.OFF) { fan.off(); } } } ------------
*宏命令(Macro Command)是一个命令队列,它包含了一组实现了同一个命令接口的类。
----Sharpen Your Pencil解答---- Light light = new Light("Living Room"); TV tv = new TV("Living Room"); Stereo stereo = new Stereo("Living Room"); Hottub hottub = new Hottub(); LightOffCommand lightoff = new LightOffCommand(light); TVOffCommand tvoff = new TVOffCommand(tv); StereoOffCommand stereooff = new StereoOffCommand(stereo); HottubOffCommand hottuboff = new HottubOffCommand(hottub); ------------ ----undo()方法---- public void undo() { // 我觉得根据命令执行的顺序反向地撤销更为合理 for(int i = commands.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { commands[i].undo(); } } ------------
// mp3播放器 public class Mp3Player { private String name; public Mp3Player(String n) { this.name = n; } public void playMusic() { System.out.println("Music is playing."); } public void stopMusic() { System.out.println("Music is stopped."); } public String getName() { return name; } } // 收音机 public class Radio { private float frequency = 100;// 频率 private String name; public Radio(String n) { this.name = n; } public void on() { System.out.println("Radio is on."); } public void off() { System.out.println("Radio is off."); } public void setFrequency(float f) { this.frequency = f; System.out.println("Frequency is set to " + f); } public float getFrequency() { return this.frequency; } public String getName() { return name; } } // 命令接口 public interface Command { public void execute(); public void undo(); } // 播放音乐命令 public class PlayMusicCommand implements Command { private Mp3Player player; public PlayMusicCommand(Mp3Player p) { this.player = p; } public void execute() { this.player.playMusic(); } public void undo() { this.player.stopMusic(); } } // 停止音乐命令 public class StopMusicCommand implements Command { private Mp3Player player; public StopMusicCommand(Mp3Player p) { this.player = p; } public void execute() { this.player.stopMusic(); } public void undo() { this.player.playMusic(); } } // 打开收音机命令 public class RadioOnCommand implements Command { private Radio radio; public RadioOnCommand(Radio p) { this.radio = p; } public void execute() { this.radio.on(); } public void undo() { this.radio.off(); } } // 关闭收音机命令 public class RadioOffCommand implements Command { private Radio radio; public RadioOffCommand(Radio p) { this.radio = p; } public void execute() { this.radio.off(); } public void undo() { this.radio.on(); } } // 频率调高命令 public class FrequencyHigherCommand implements Command { private Radio radio; private float prevFre; public FrequencyHigherCommand(Radio p) { this.radio = p; } public void execute() { this.prevFre = radio.getFrequency(); radio.setFrequency(this.prevFre + 0.1f); } public void undo() { this.radio.setFrequency(prevFre); } } // 频率调低命令 public class FrequencylowerCommand implements Command { private Radio radio; private float prevFre; public FrequencylowerCommand(Radio p) { this.radio = p; } public void execute() { this.prevFre = radio.getFrequency(); if (this.prevFre >= 0.1) radio.setFrequency(this.prevFre - 0.1f); } public void undo() { this.radio.setFrequency(prevFre); } } // 遥控器 public class RemoteControl { private Command[] leftCommands; private Command[] rightCommands; private Command prevCommand; public RemoteControl() { leftCommands = new Command[3]; rightCommands = new Command[3]; for (int i = 0; i < leftCommands.length; i++) { leftCommands[i] = new NoCommand(); } for (int i = 0; i < rightCommands.length; i++) { rightCommands[i] = new NoCommand(); } prevCommand = new NoCommand(); } public void setCommand(int index, Command left, Command right) { leftCommands[index] = left; rightCommands[index] = right; } public void leftButtonPressed(int index) { System.out.println("Left button [" + index + "] is pressed."); leftCommands[index].execute(); prevCommand = leftCommands[index]; } public void rightButtonPressed(int index) { System.out.println("Right button [" + index + "] is pressed."); rightCommands[index].execute(); prevCommand = rightCommands[index]; } public void cancelButtonPressed() { System.out.println("Cancel button is pressed."); prevCommand.undo(); } } // 空命令,处理空对象(null object) public class NoCommand implements Command { public void execute() { } public void undo() { } } ----命令(Command)模式测试程序---- // 测试程序 public class TestRemoteControl { public static void main(String[] args) { RemoteControl rc = new RemoteControl(); Mp3Player player = new Mp3Player("Sony Ericsson"); PlayMusicCommand pm = new PlayMusicCommand(player); StopMusicCommand sm = new StopMusicCommand(player); rc.setCommand(0, pm, sm); Radio radio = new Radio("Tecsun"); RadioOnCommand ron = new RadioOnCommand(radio); RadioOffCommand roff = new RadioOffCommand(radio); FrequencyHigherCommand fh = new FrequencyHigherCommand(radio); FrequencylowerCommand fl = new FrequencylowerCommand(radio); rc.setCommand(1, ron, roff); rc.setCommand(2, fh, fl); rc.leftButtonPressed(0); rc.cancelButtonPressed(); rc.leftButtonPressed(0); rc.rightButtonPressed(0); rc.cancelButtonPressed(); rc.leftButtonPressed(1); rc.cancelButtonPressed(); rc.leftButtonPressed(1); rc.rightButtonPressed(1); rc.cancelButtonPressed(); rc.leftButtonPressed(2); rc.cancelButtonPressed(); rc.leftButtonPressed(2); rc.rightButtonPressed(2); rc.cancelButtonPressed(); } }
Left button [0] is pressed.
Music is playing.
Cancel button is pressed.
Music is stopped.
Left button [0] is pressed.
Music is playing.
Right button [0] is pressed.
Music is stopped.
Cancel button is pressed.
Music is playing.
Left button [1] is pressed.
Radio is on.
Cancel button is pressed.
Radio is off.
Left button [1] is pressed.
Radio is on.
Right button [1] is pressed.
Radio is off.
Cancel button is pressed.
Radio is on.
Left button [2] is pressed.
Frequency is set to 100.1
Cancel button is pressed.
Frequency is set to 100.0
Left button [2] is pressed.
Frequency is set to 100.1
Right button [2] is pressed.
Frequency is set to 100.0
Cancel button is pressed.
Frequency is set to 100.1
Left button [0] is pressed.
Music is playing.
Cancel button is pressed.
Music is stopped.
Left button [0] is pressed.
Music is playing.
Right button [0] is pressed.
Music is stopped.
Cancel button is pressed.
Music is playing.
Left button [1] is pressed.
Radio is on.
Cancel button is pressed.
Radio is off.
Left button [1] is pressed.
Radio is on.
Right button [1] is pressed.
Radio is off.
Cancel button is pressed.
Radio is on.
Left button [2] is pressed.
Frequency is set to 100.1
Cancel button is pressed.
Frequency is set to 100.0
Left button [2] is pressed.
Frequency is set to 100.1
Right button [2] is pressed.
Frequency is set to 100.0
Cancel button is pressed.
Frequency is set to 100.1
3.宏命令(Macro Command)实例
// 宏命令 public class MacroCommand implements Command { private Command[] commands; public MacroCommand(Command[] commands) { this.commands = commands; } public void execute() { for (int i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { commands[i].execute(); } } public void undo() { for (int i = commands.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { commands[i].undo(); } } } ----宏命令(Macro Command)测试程序---- // 测试宏命令 public class TestMacroCommand { public static void main(String[] args) { Mp3Player player = new Mp3Player("Sony Ericsson"); PlayMusicCommand pm = new PlayMusicCommand(player); StopMusicCommand sm = new StopMusicCommand(player); Radio radio = new Radio("Tecsun"); RadioOnCommand ron = new RadioOnCommand(radio); RadioOffCommand roff = new RadioOffCommand(radio); FrequencyHigherCommand fh = new FrequencyHigherCommand(radio); FrequencylowerCommand fl = new FrequencylowerCommand(radio); FrequencyHigherCommand fh2 = new FrequencyHigherCommand(radio); FrequencylowerCommand fl2 = new FrequencylowerCommand(radio); Command[] commands = new Command[] { pm, sm, ron, fh, fh2, fl, fl2, roff }; MacroCommand mc = new MacroCommand(commands); RemoteControl rc = new RemoteControl(); rc.setCommand(0, mc, mc); rc.leftButtonPressed(0); rc.cancelButtonPressed(); } }
Left button [0] is pressed.
Music is playing.
Music is stopped.
Radio is on.
Frequency is set to 100.1
Frequency is set to 100.2
Frequency is set to 100.1
Frequency is set to 100.0
Radio is off.
Cancel button is pressed.
Radio is on.
Frequency is set to 100.1
Frequency is set to 100.2
Frequency is set to 100.1
Frequency is set to 100.0
Radio is off.
Music is playing.
Music is stopped.
Left button [0] is pressed.
Music is playing.
Music is stopped.
Radio is on.
Frequency is set to 100.1
Frequency is set to 100.2
Frequency is set to 100.1
Frequency is set to 100.0
Radio is off.
Cancel button is pressed.
Radio is on.
Frequency is set to 100.1
Frequency is set to 100.2
Frequency is set to 100.1
Frequency is set to 100.0
Radio is off.
Music is playing.
Music is stopped.
4.聪明命令(Smart Command)实例
// 聪明(Smart)命令实例 public class PrintLogCommand implements Command { public void execute() { // 自己实现,而不是委托其它类 System.out.println("Log at " + new Date()); } public void undo() { // 命令可以支持撤销,也可以不支持 } } ----聪明命令(Smart Command)测试程序---- // 测试聪明命令 public class TestSmartCommand { public static void main(String[] args) { PrintLogCommand pl = new PrintLogCommand(); RemoteControl rc = new RemoteControl(); rc.setCommand(0, pl, pl); rc.leftButtonPressed(0); } }
Left button [0] is pressed.
Log at Tue Jan 19 14:44:02 CST 2010
Left button [0] is pressed.
Log at Tue Jan 19 14:44:02 CST 2010
Java6.0新特性之StAX--全面解析Java XML分析技术
2010-04-19 12:57 23897作者:臧圩人(zangweiren) 网址:http://za ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.全书总结
2010-04-14 15:13 56111、模式(Pattern)定义 ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.其他设计模式
2010-04-14 13:33 22491、附录A部分-剩下的模 ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.第十三章
2010-04-13 14:40 20171、与设计模式相处 模式:是在某种情境下(Context), ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.第十二章
2010-04-12 15:15 20801、复合(Complex)模式部分 *模式通常被一起使用,并 ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.第十一章
2010-04-08 17:57 24241、代理(Proxy)模式部分 实现RMI(远程方法调用)的 ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.第十章
2010-04-02 17:22 22881.状态(State)模式部分 *设计谜题 -------- ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.第八章
2010-03-30 14:28 24021.模板方法(Template Metho ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.第九章
2010-01-27 10:33 26281.迭代器(Iterator)模式 ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.第七章-外观模式实例补充
2010-01-21 17:08 2105// 电源 public class Power { p ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.第七章
2010-01-21 11:02 23011.适配器(Adapter)模式部分 *OO适配器和真实世界 ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.第五章
2010-01-15 16:48 21011.单件(单态,Singleton)模式部分 *有些对象我们 ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.第四章
2010-01-14 17:06 25481.简单工厂(Simple Factory ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.第三章
2010-01-13 12:07 21661.装饰者(Decorator)模式部分 *利用组合(com ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.第二章
2010-01-12 15:04 24921.观察者(Observer)模式部分 *观察者模式:定义了 ... -
《Head First设计模式》阅读笔记.第一章
2010-01-12 10:00 38391.策略模式部分 *面向对象(OO)的四个基本概念是:抽象、 ...
### Head.First 设计模式学习笔记知识点总结 #### 一、设计模式概述 设计模式是一种用于解决软件设计中常见问题的标准化方法。通过采用设计模式,开发者可以提高代码的复用性、灵活性和可维护性。《Head First 设计...
通过上述对Head First设计模式学习笔记的解析,我们可以看到每种模式都在特定场景下发挥了重要作用,帮助开发者更好地组织代码,提高程序的可扩展性和可维护性。在实际项目中灵活运用这些设计模式,可以有效提升软件...
《HeadFirst设计模式学习笔记1--策略模式Demo》 在软件工程中,设计模式是一种解决常见问题的标准方案,它提供了一种在特定情况下组织代码的模板。策略模式是设计模式中的一种行为模式,它允许在运行时选择算法或...
在“HeadFirst 设计模式学习笔记3--装饰模式 Demo”中,作者通过实例讲解了装饰模式的基本概念、结构和应用场景。这篇文章可能是从CSDN博客平台上的一个链接访问的,遗憾的是,由于我们当前无法直接访问该链接,所以...
HeadFirst设计模式 读书 笔记
读书笔记:设计模式学习笔记和代码。《图解设计模式》《Head First 设计模式》
《Head First 设计模式》是软件开发领域内一本广受欢迎的书籍,由Eric Freeman、Elisabeth Robson、Bert Bates和Kathy Sierra四位作者共同撰写。这本书以其独特的视觉风格和易于理解的教学方法,深入浅出地介绍了...
《Head First设计模式》是一本深受开发者喜爱的设计模式学习书籍,它以易懂且生动的方式介绍了23种经典设计模式。这些模式是软件工程中经过实践验证的最佳实践,旨在提高代码的可重用性、可读性和可维护性。下面,...
在《Head First 设计模式学习笔记(十四)模式的组合使用》中,作者探讨了如何在实际编程中灵活地组合多种设计模式以解决复杂问题。这篇文章可能是基于《Head First 设计模式》这本书的一个章节,该书是设计模式领域...
《Head First设计模式》是软件开发领域的一本经典著作,其深入浅出地介绍了23种设计模式。第一章主要讲解的是策略模式,这是一种行为设计模式,它使你能在运行时改变对象的行为。策略模式的核心思想是定义一系列算法...
本项目为《Head First 设计模式》的Java语言学习笔记与实战练习源码集合,包含104个文件,主要包括88个Java源文件、12个Markdown文档、3个XML配置文件及少量其他辅助文件。内容涵盖设计模式的学习笔记以及相应的代码...
著名的《Head First Design ...由于书本过长,整理出笔记帮助回想起设计模式。文件是docx格式,只能由OFFICE Word 2007之后的版本打开,内附Visio类图文件。本文由个人整理摘录,部分内容来自书本,仅供学习使用。
根据提供的信息,“Head First设计模式”是一本广受好评的设计模式书籍。虽然具体的章节内容没有给出,但从描述中得知本书的第22页至39页涵盖了重要的设计模式概念,因此我们将围绕这些页面可能涉及的设计模式进行...
以上只是《Head First Servlets & JSP》一书中的部分核心知识点,实际内容还包括过滤器、监听器、MVC设计模式、JSTL等更广泛的主题,旨在帮助读者全面理解和掌握Servlet和JSP技术。通过深入学习,开发者能够构建高效...
【Servlet&JSP基础知识】 ...以上是`head_first_servlet&jsp`学习笔记的主要知识点,涵盖了Servlet和JSP的基础、Web应用架构、MVC模式、会话管理和JSP编程等多个方面,为深入理解和实践Servlet与JSP开发奠定了基础。