- 浏览: 52439 次
- 性别:
- 来自: 北京
create or replace function Fun_getinvclPK( cinvclasscode varchar2,cinvclasslev number)
return varchar2 is
fpk_invcl varchar(200) := '';
invclass_code varchar(20):='';
invclass_lev number :=0;
invclass_code := trim(cinvclasscode);
invclass_code := substr(invclass_code,0,length(invclass_code)-2);
invclass_lev := cinvclasslev-1;
select pk_invcl into fpk_invcl from bd_invcl where invclasscode like invclass_code||'%' and invclasslev = invclass_lev;
return fpk_invcl;
create or replace function Fun_getinvclInfo( cinvclasscode varchar2,cinvclasslev number)
return varchar2 is
fpk_invcl varchar(200) := '';
invclass_code varchar(20):='';
invclass_lev number :=0;
invclass_code := trim(cinvclasscode);
invclass_code := substr(invclass_code,0,length(invclass_code)-2);
invclass_lev := cinvclasslev-1;
select pk_invcl into fpk_invcl from bd_invcl where invclasscode like invclass_code||'%' and invclasslev = invclass_lev;
select invclasscode into xx from bd_invcl where bd_invcl.pk_invcl = fpk_invcl;
return fpk_invcl;
create or replace function f1(pk bd_corp.pk_corp%type) return bd_corp.unitcode%type
v_unitcode bd_corp.unitcode%type;
select unitcode into v_unitcode from bd_corp where pk_corp=pk;
return v_unitcode;
create or replace function Fun_getRInfo( cpkcorp varchar2,cflag number,cpk varchar2)
return varchar2 is
rinfo varchar(200) := '';
pkcorp varchar(20):='';
pk varchar(20):='';
flag number :=0;
pkcorp := trim(cpkcorp);
flag := cflag;
pk := cpk;
if (flag = 0) then
select unitcode into rinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=pkcorp and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
if (flag = 1) then
select unitname into rinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=pkcorp and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
if (flag = 3) then
select invclasscode into rinfo from bd_invcl where pk_corp=pkcorp and nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_invcl = pk;
end if;
return rinfo;
select Fun_getRInfo('1114',5,'') aa ,Fun_getRInfo('1004',1,'') bb from dual;
select * from bd_invcl
create or replace function Fun_getRInfo( cpkcorp varchar2,cflag number,cpk varchar2)
return varchar2 is
rinfo varchar(200) := '';
pkcorp varchar(20):='';
pk varchar(20):='';
flag number :=0;
pkcorp := trim(cpkcorp);
flag := cflag;
pk := cpk;
if (flag = 0) then
if (pkcorp=='0001') then
select unitcode into rinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=pkcorp and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
end if;
if (flag = 1) then
if (pkcorp=='0001') then
select unitname into rinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=pkcorp and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
end if;
if (flag = 2) then
select invclasscode into rinfo from bd_invcl where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_invcl = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 3) then
select invclassname into rinfo from bd_invcl where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_invcl = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 4) then
select shortname into rinfo from bd_measdoc where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_measdoc = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 5) then
select measname into rinfo from bd_measdoc where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_measdoc = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 6) then
select doclistname into rinfo from bd_defdoclist where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_defdoclist = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 7) then
select doclistcode into rinfo from bd_defdoclist where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_defdoclist = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 6) then
select bdname into rinfo from bd_bdinfo where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_bdinfo= pk;
end if;
if (flag = 7) then
select bdcode into rinfo from bd_bdinfo where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_bdinfo= pk;
end if;
return rinfo;
create or replace function Fun_gettptaxiInfo(ctypetaxitempk varchar2,cinvclpk varchar2,cflag number)
return varchar2 is typettinfo varchar(200) :='';
cfpk varchar2(20):='';
cinvpk varchar2(20):='';
flag number :=0;
if(flag=0) then
select unitcode into typettinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=(select pk_corp from zm_typetaxitem_h where pk_typetaxitem_h=cfpk and nvl(dr,0)=0) and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
if(flag=1) then
select unitname into typettinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=(select pk_corp from zm_typetaxitem_h where pk_typetaxitem_h=cfpk and nvl(dr,0)=0) and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
if(flag=2) then
select invclasscode into typettinfo from bd_invcl where pk_invcl=cinvpk and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
if(flag=3) then
select invclassname into typettinfo from bd_invcl where pk_invcl=cinvpk and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
return typettinfo ;
create or replace function Fun_getinvclInfo( cinvclasscode varchar2,cinvclasslev number,cflag number)
return varchar2 is
finvclinfo varchar(200) := '';
invclass_code varchar(20):='';
invclass_lev number :=0;
flag number :=0;
invclass_code := trim(cinvclasscode);
invclass_code := substr(invclass_code,0,length(invclass_code)-2);
invclass_lev := cinvclasslev-1;
if(flag=0) then
select invclassname into finvclinfo from bd_invcl where invclasscode like invclass_code||'%' and invclasslev = invclass_lev;
end if;
return finvclinfo;
Fun_getRInfo(a.pk_corp, 0, '') as unitcode,Fun_getRInfo(a.pk_corp, 1, '') as unitname,Fun_getinvclInfo(a.invclasscode,a.invclasslev,0) as fatherinvclassname, Fun_getinvclInfo(a.invclasscode,a.invclasslev,1) as fatherinvclass_code
create or replace function Fun_getinvclInfo( cinvclasscode varchar2,cinvclasslev number,cflag number)
return varchar2 is
finvclinfo varchar(200) := '';
invclass_code varchar(20):='';
invclass_lev number :=0;
flag number :=0;
invclass_code := trim(cinvclasscode);
invclass_code := substr(invclass_code,0,length(invclass_code)-2);
invclass_lev := cinvclasslev-1;
if(flag=0) then
select invclassname into finvclinfo from bd_invcl where invclasscode like invclass_code||'%' and invclasslev = invclass_lev;
end if
if(flag=1) then
end if;
return finvclinfo;
create or replace function Fun_getRInfo( cpkcorp varchar2,cflag number,cpk varchar2)
return varchar2 is
rinfo varchar(200) := '';
pkcorp varchar(20):='';
pk varchar(20):='';
flag number :=0;
pkcorp := trim(cpkcorp);
flag := cflag;
pk := cpk;
if (flag = 0) then
if (pkcorp='0001') then
rinfo :='0001';
select unitcode into rinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=pkcorp and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
end if;
if (flag = 1) then
if (pkcorp='0001') then
rinfo :='0001';
select unitname into rinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=pkcorp and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
end if;
if (flag = 2) then
select invclasscode into rinfo from bd_invcl where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_invcl = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 3) then
select invclassname into rinfo from bd_invcl where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_invcl = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 4) then
select shortname into rinfo from bd_measdoc where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_measdoc = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 5) then
select measname into rinfo from bd_measdoc where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_measdoc = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 6) then
select doclistname into rinfo from bd_defdoclist where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_defdoclist = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 7) then
select doclistcode into rinfo from bd_defdoclist where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_defdoclist = pk;
end if;
if (flag =
select docname into rinfo from bd_defdoc where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_defdoclist = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 9) then
select doccode into rinfo from bd_defdoc where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_defdoclist = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 10) then
select bdname into rinfo from bd_bdinfo where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_bdinfo= pk;
end if;
if (flag = 11) then
select bdcode into rinfo from bd_bdinfo where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_bdinfo= pk;
end if;
if (flag = 12) then
select prodlinename into rinfo from bd_prodline where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_prodline= pk;
end if;
if (flag = 13) then
select prodlinecode into rinfo from bd_prodline where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_prodline= pk;
end if;
if (flag = 14) then
select taxname into rinfo from bd_taxitems where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_taxitems= pk;
end if;
if (flag = 15) then
select taxcode into rinfo from bd_taxitems where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_taxitems= pk;
end if;
return rinfo;
return varchar2 is
fpk_invcl varchar(200) := '';
invclass_code varchar(20):='';
invclass_lev number :=0;
invclass_code := trim(cinvclasscode);
invclass_code := substr(invclass_code,0,length(invclass_code)-2);
invclass_lev := cinvclasslev-1;
select pk_invcl into fpk_invcl from bd_invcl where invclasscode like invclass_code||'%' and invclasslev = invclass_lev;
return fpk_invcl;
create or replace function Fun_getinvclInfo( cinvclasscode varchar2,cinvclasslev number)
return varchar2 is
fpk_invcl varchar(200) := '';
invclass_code varchar(20):='';
invclass_lev number :=0;
invclass_code := trim(cinvclasscode);
invclass_code := substr(invclass_code,0,length(invclass_code)-2);
invclass_lev := cinvclasslev-1;
select pk_invcl into fpk_invcl from bd_invcl where invclasscode like invclass_code||'%' and invclasslev = invclass_lev;
select invclasscode into xx from bd_invcl where bd_invcl.pk_invcl = fpk_invcl;
return fpk_invcl;
create or replace function f1(pk bd_corp.pk_corp%type) return bd_corp.unitcode%type
v_unitcode bd_corp.unitcode%type;
select unitcode into v_unitcode from bd_corp where pk_corp=pk;
return v_unitcode;
create or replace function Fun_getRInfo( cpkcorp varchar2,cflag number,cpk varchar2)
return varchar2 is
rinfo varchar(200) := '';
pkcorp varchar(20):='';
pk varchar(20):='';
flag number :=0;
pkcorp := trim(cpkcorp);
flag := cflag;
pk := cpk;
if (flag = 0) then
select unitcode into rinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=pkcorp and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
if (flag = 1) then
select unitname into rinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=pkcorp and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
if (flag = 3) then
select invclasscode into rinfo from bd_invcl where pk_corp=pkcorp and nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_invcl = pk;
end if;
return rinfo;
select Fun_getRInfo('1114',5,'') aa ,Fun_getRInfo('1004',1,'') bb from dual;
select * from bd_invcl
create or replace function Fun_getRInfo( cpkcorp varchar2,cflag number,cpk varchar2)
return varchar2 is
rinfo varchar(200) := '';
pkcorp varchar(20):='';
pk varchar(20):='';
flag number :=0;
pkcorp := trim(cpkcorp);
flag := cflag;
pk := cpk;
if (flag = 0) then
if (pkcorp=='0001') then
select unitcode into rinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=pkcorp and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
end if;
if (flag = 1) then
if (pkcorp=='0001') then
select unitname into rinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=pkcorp and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
end if;
if (flag = 2) then
select invclasscode into rinfo from bd_invcl where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_invcl = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 3) then
select invclassname into rinfo from bd_invcl where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_invcl = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 4) then
select shortname into rinfo from bd_measdoc where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_measdoc = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 5) then
select measname into rinfo from bd_measdoc where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_measdoc = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 6) then
select doclistname into rinfo from bd_defdoclist where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_defdoclist = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 7) then
select doclistcode into rinfo from bd_defdoclist where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_defdoclist = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 6) then
select bdname into rinfo from bd_bdinfo where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_bdinfo= pk;
end if;
if (flag = 7) then
select bdcode into rinfo from bd_bdinfo where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_bdinfo= pk;
end if;
return rinfo;
create or replace function Fun_gettptaxiInfo(ctypetaxitempk varchar2,cinvclpk varchar2,cflag number)
return varchar2 is typettinfo varchar(200) :='';
cfpk varchar2(20):='';
cinvpk varchar2(20):='';
flag number :=0;
if(flag=0) then
select unitcode into typettinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=(select pk_corp from zm_typetaxitem_h where pk_typetaxitem_h=cfpk and nvl(dr,0)=0) and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
if(flag=1) then
select unitname into typettinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=(select pk_corp from zm_typetaxitem_h where pk_typetaxitem_h=cfpk and nvl(dr,0)=0) and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
if(flag=2) then
select invclasscode into typettinfo from bd_invcl where pk_invcl=cinvpk and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
if(flag=3) then
select invclassname into typettinfo from bd_invcl where pk_invcl=cinvpk and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
return typettinfo ;
create or replace function Fun_getinvclInfo( cinvclasscode varchar2,cinvclasslev number,cflag number)
return varchar2 is
finvclinfo varchar(200) := '';
invclass_code varchar(20):='';
invclass_lev number :=0;
flag number :=0;
invclass_code := trim(cinvclasscode);
invclass_code := substr(invclass_code,0,length(invclass_code)-2);
invclass_lev := cinvclasslev-1;
if(flag=0) then
select invclassname into finvclinfo from bd_invcl where invclasscode like invclass_code||'%' and invclasslev = invclass_lev;
end if;
return finvclinfo;
Fun_getRInfo(a.pk_corp, 0, '') as unitcode,Fun_getRInfo(a.pk_corp, 1, '') as unitname,Fun_getinvclInfo(a.invclasscode,a.invclasslev,0) as fatherinvclassname, Fun_getinvclInfo(a.invclasscode,a.invclasslev,1) as fatherinvclass_code
create or replace function Fun_getinvclInfo( cinvclasscode varchar2,cinvclasslev number,cflag number)
return varchar2 is
finvclinfo varchar(200) := '';
invclass_code varchar(20):='';
invclass_lev number :=0;
flag number :=0;
invclass_code := trim(cinvclasscode);
invclass_code := substr(invclass_code,0,length(invclass_code)-2);
invclass_lev := cinvclasslev-1;
if(flag=0) then
select invclassname into finvclinfo from bd_invcl where invclasscode like invclass_code||'%' and invclasslev = invclass_lev;
end if
if(flag=1) then
end if;
return finvclinfo;
create or replace function Fun_getRInfo( cpkcorp varchar2,cflag number,cpk varchar2)
return varchar2 is
rinfo varchar(200) := '';
pkcorp varchar(20):='';
pk varchar(20):='';
flag number :=0;
pkcorp := trim(cpkcorp);
flag := cflag;
pk := cpk;
if (flag = 0) then
if (pkcorp='0001') then
rinfo :='0001';
select unitcode into rinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=pkcorp and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
end if;
if (flag = 1) then
if (pkcorp='0001') then
rinfo :='0001';
select unitname into rinfo from bd_corp where pk_corp=pkcorp and nvl(dr,0)=0;
end if;
end if;
if (flag = 2) then
select invclasscode into rinfo from bd_invcl where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_invcl = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 3) then
select invclassname into rinfo from bd_invcl where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_invcl = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 4) then
select shortname into rinfo from bd_measdoc where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_measdoc = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 5) then
select measname into rinfo from bd_measdoc where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_measdoc = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 6) then
select doclistname into rinfo from bd_defdoclist where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_defdoclist = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 7) then
select doclistcode into rinfo from bd_defdoclist where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_defdoclist = pk;
end if;
if (flag =

select docname into rinfo from bd_defdoc where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_defdoclist = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 9) then
select doccode into rinfo from bd_defdoc where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_defdoclist = pk;
end if;
if (flag = 10) then
select bdname into rinfo from bd_bdinfo where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_bdinfo= pk;
end if;
if (flag = 11) then
select bdcode into rinfo from bd_bdinfo where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_bdinfo= pk;
end if;
if (flag = 12) then
select prodlinename into rinfo from bd_prodline where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_prodline= pk;
end if;
if (flag = 13) then
select prodlinecode into rinfo from bd_prodline where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_prodline= pk;
end if;
if (flag = 14) then
select taxname into rinfo from bd_taxitems where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_taxitems= pk;
end if;
if (flag = 15) then
select taxcode into rinfo from bd_taxitems where nvl(dr,0)=0 and pk_taxitems= pk;
end if;
return rinfo;
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socket_recv 函数使用心得 在学习 socket_recv 函数时,需要了解其返回值的含义和使用场景。在阻塞模式下,当网络异常时,recv 函数返回值为-1,表示连接异常,需要关闭连接。在非阻塞模式下,如果没有数据,recv ...
Excel 中的 COUNTA 和 COUNTIF 函数使用入门 Excel 中的 COUNTA 和 COUNTIF 函数是两种非常有用的函数,可以帮助用户快速统计单元格中的非空白单元格数量或特定值的出现次数。在本文中,我们将详细介绍 COUNTA 和 ...
"SYBASE iq与ORACLE使用分析函数计算同期值及常用计算函数使用" 本资源摘要信息主要介绍了SYBASE iq和ORACLE中使用分析函数计算同期值和常用计算函数的使用方法。文章涵盖了同期值的计算、累计及同期累计值的计算、...
Axure 9.0 高级教程:最新最全的函数使用手册 Axure 9.0 高级教程:最新最全的函数使用手册是 Axure 9.0 的一个高级教程,旨在帮助用户深入了解 Axure 9.0 的各项功能和应用。该教程涵盖了 Axure 9.0 的各种函数...
《winAPI函数使用手册》是一本专为程序员设计的实用参考书籍,主要涵盖了Windows操作系统中的所有API函数。这本书对于想要深入了解系统级编程、提高编程技能的开发者来说,是一份不可多得的资源。Windows API...
该手册不仅提供了详尽的Linux C函数使用指南,还特别提供了CHM格式的手册,以便于用户快速检索所需信息。 对于那些对英文技术文档感到困惑的初学者来说,本手册的中文实例将极大地降低学习难度,提高学习效率。即便...