To install Boost.Build from an official release or a nightly build, as available on the official web site, follow these steps:
- Unpack the release. On the command line, go to the root of the unpacked tree.
- Run either .\bootstrap.bat (on Windows), or ./ (on other operating systems).
- Run
./b2 install --prefix=
is a directory where you want Boost.Build to be installed. - Optionally, add
to yourPREFIX
environment variable.
If you are not using a Boost.Build package, but rather the version bundled with the Boost C++ Libraries, the above commands should be run in the tools/build/v2
Now that Boost.Build is installed, you can try some of the examples. Copy
to a different directory, then change to that directory and run:PREFIX
A simple executable should be built.
1.3 Installation 1.4 Overview Chapter 2: Smart Pointers 2.1 General 2.2 RAII 2.3 Scoped Pointer 2.4 Scoped Array 2.5 Shared Pointer 2.6 Shared Array 2.7 Weak Pointer 2.8 Intrusive Pointer 2.9 Pointer ...
9. **配置安全设置**:运行`mysql_secure_installation`脚本以删除匿名用户、禁止远程root登录、删除测试数据库等,提高系统的安全性。 10. **连接与验证**:通过`mysql -u root -p`命令连接到MySQL服务器,输入...
If you're trying to build a project which uses Boost.Build, look at Installation and then read about the section called “Command line”. If you have questions, please post them to our mailing list, ...
安装完成后,可以通过`mysql_secure_installation`脚本来进一步强化MySQL服务器的安全性,比如删除匿名用户、禁用root远程登录、删除测试数据库等。 总的来说,MySQL 5.7.30结合Boost库的源码安装是一个复杂但有益...
5. 初始化数据库并设置权限:`sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_secure_installation`。 6. 启动MySQL服务:`sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start`。 在实际应用中,MySQL-Boost 5.7.18的用户...
7. **安全设置**:首次安装后,建议运行`mysql_secure_installation`脚本来增强安全性,例如删除匿名用户,禁止远程root登录,删除测试数据库等。 8. **连接与管理**:你可以使用`mysql`命令行客户端连接到MySQL...
最后,你可以通过`systemctl start mysql`(或类似命令,取决于你的系统)来启动MySQL服务,并使用`mysql_secure_installation`脚本来增强安全性。 总结来说,"boost_1_59_0+mysql-5.7.24安装必备.tar"是一个包含...
5. **初始化数据库**:使用`sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &`启动MySQL服务,并用`mysql_secure_installation`设置初始安全选项。 了解了MySQL-Boost 5.7.11的基本特性和安装流程后,开发者...
7. **配置用户与权限**:使用`bin/mysql_secure_installation`脚本设置root用户的密码和其他安全选项。 8. **测试连接**:最后,通过`mysql -u root -p`登录MySQL服务器,验证安装是否成功。 **三、使用MySQL ...
7. **安全设置**:为了生产环境的安全,你应该通过`mysql_secure_installation`脚本设置root用户的密码,删除匿名用户,禁止root远程登录,删除测试数据库等。 8. **验证**:最后,你可以使用`mysql -u root`连接到...
OpenRAVE需要一系列依赖库,包括Boost、OpenGL、Qt等,通过以下命令安装: ``` sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git libboost-all-dev libqt4-dev libflann-dev libqhull-dev libeigen3-dev ``` 3....
sudo yum -y install boost boost-devel freetype freetype-devel freeglut freeglut-devel ruby ruby-devel SDL* DevIL DevIL-devel ode ode-devel ``` 然后,安装 simspark 0.2.2 和 rcssserver3d 0.6.5: ``` yum...
will leave Boost binaries in the lib/ subdirectory of your installation prefix. You will also find a copy of the Boost headers in the include/ subdirectory of the installation prefix, so you can ...
5. `extra/`:附加工具和实用程序,如mysql_install_db、mysql_secure_installation等。 6. `scripts/`:安装和配置脚本。 解压并编译"mysql-boost-5.7.36.tar.gz"后,开发者可以通过阅读源码来理解MySQL的工作原理...
使用`mysql_secure_installation`脚本可以进一步强化安全性,比如设置root用户的密码。 7. **连接与测试**:现在,你可以使用`mysql -u root`命令连接到MySQL服务器,首次连接可能需要输入在初始化阶段设置的root...
默认官方版本 ”是我们不会在我们的案例中使用 32 位版本,而是选择来自的 64 位分叉版本,作为奖励,它包含在最新的 Boost 库中。 首先,从这里下载 MinGW 安装程序: 启动 exe 后按照说明选择合适的位置来放置...
l EMC NetWorker Data Domain Boost Integration Guide l EMC NetWorker Server Disaster Recovery and Availability Best Practices Guide l EMC NetWorker Error Message Guide l EMC NetWorker Licensing Guide l...
The API is very similar to boost::python, or Luabind, but SLB doesn't use boost at all (or any other library). SLB can be compiled as dynamic library, or it can be included in your project, see ...
The API is very similar to boost::python, or Luabind, but SLB doesn't use boost at all (or any other library). SLB can be compiled as dynamic library, or it can be included in your project, see ...
The API is very similar to boost::python, or Luabind, but SLB doesn't use boost at all (or any other library). SLB can be compiled as dynamic library, or it can be included in your project, see ...