FastDFS is an open source high performance distributed file system. It's major functions include: file storing, file syncing and file accessing (file uploading and file downloading), and it can resolve the high capacity and load balancing problem. FastDFS should meet the requirement of the website whose service based on files such as photo sharing site and vidio sharing site.
FastDFS has two roles: tracker and storage. The tracker takes charge of scheduling and load balancing for file access. The storage store files and it's function is file management including: file storing, file syncing, providing file access interface. It also manage the meta data which are attributes representing as key value pair of the file. For example: width=1024, the key is "width" and the value is "1024".
1. 在http://code.google.com/p/fastdfs/downloads/list下载所需文件,此外还需先安装好libevent
2. tar xzf FastDFS_v2.11.tar.gz
3. cd FastDFS
如果支持HTTP, vi make.sh, 使用/WITH_HTTPD查找到这一行,输入i进入编辑模式,删除掉前面的注释#,:wq保存退出,如果需要安装成服务,则把下面一行也解开
./make.sh install
4. 使用netstat -an | grep 端口号, 找几个空闲的端口
5. 根据实际情况修改/etc/fdfs下的配置文件,每个上面都有注释说明,如果需要HTTP,别忘了解开最下面的#include http.conf,要带一个#
6. 启动tracker: /usr/local/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf
7. 启动storage: /usr/local/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf如果出现错误,可以到步骤5修改配置文件时设置的目录的log目录下查看具体错误原因,我就是因为多删了一#导致变量无法导入,总是空.
8. 到此安装配置完毕
上传文件:/usr/local/bin/fdfs_upload_file <config_file> <local_filename>
下载文件:/usr/local/bin/fdfs_download_file <config_file> <file_id> [local_filename]
删除文件:/usr/local/bin/fdfs_delete_file <config_file> <file_id>
monitor: /usr/local/bin/fdfs_monitor /etc/fdfs/client.conf
killall fdfs_trackerd
killall fdfs_storaged
/usr/local/bin/stop.sh /usr/local/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf
/usr/local/bin/stop.sh /usr/local/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf
/usr/local/bin/restart.sh /usr/local/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf
/usr/local/bin/restart.sh /usr/local/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf
9.java client
- package com.gary.test;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.FileInputStream;
- import org.csource.common.NameValuePair;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.ClientGlobal;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.ServerInfo;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.StorageClient;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.StorageServer;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.TrackerClient;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.TrackerServer;
- /**
- * 测试上传
- * @author gary
- *
- */
- public class TestUpload {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
- String classPath = new File(TestUpload.class.getResource("/").getFile()).getCanonicalPath();
- String configFilePath = classPath + File.separator + "fdfs_client.conf";
- System.out.println("配置文件:" + configFilePath);
- ClientGlobal.init(configFilePath);
- TrackerClient trackerClient = new TrackerClient();
- TrackerServer trackerServer = trackerClient.getConnection();
- StorageServer storageServer = null;
- StorageClient storageClient = new StorageClient(trackerServer, storageServer);
- NameValuePair[] meta_list = new NameValuePair[3];
- meta_list[0] = new NameValuePair("width", "120");
- meta_list[1] = new NameValuePair("heigth", "120");
- meta_list[2] = new NameValuePair("author", "gary");
- // byte[] file_buff = "F:\\pic.jpg".getBytes(ClientGlobal.g_charset);
- File file = new File("F:\\pic.jpg");
- FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
- byte[] file_buff = null;
- if(fis != null){
- int len = fis.available();
- file_buff = new byte[len];
- fis.read(file_buff);
- }
- System.out.println("file length: " + file_buff.length);
- String group_name = null;
- StorageServer[] storageServers = trackerClient.getStoreStorages(trackerServer, group_name);
- if (storageServers == null) {
- System.err.println("get store storage servers fail, error code: " + storageClient.getErrorCode());
- }else{
- System.err.println("store storage servers count: " + storageServers.length);
- for (int k = 0; k < storageServers.length; k++){
- System.err.println(k + 1 + ". " + storageServers[k].getInetSocketAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress() + ":" + storageServers[k].getInetSocketAddress().getPort());
- }
- System.err.println("");
- }
- long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- String[] results = storageClient.upload_file(file_buff, "jpg", meta_list);
- System.out.println("upload_file time used: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms");
- if (results == null){
- System.err.println("upload file fail, error code: " + storageClient.getErrorCode());
- return;
- }
- group_name = results[0];
- String remote_filename = results[1];
- System.err.println("group_name: " + group_name + ", remote_filename: " + remote_filename);
- System.err.println(storageClient.get_file_info(group_name, remote_filename));
- ServerInfo[] servers = trackerClient.getFetchStorages(trackerServer, group_name, remote_filename);
- if (servers == null){
- System.err.println("get storage servers fail, error code: " + trackerClient.getErrorCode());
- } else {
- System.err.println("storage servers count: " + servers.length);
- for (int k = 0; k < servers.length; k++){
- System.err.println(k + 1 + ". " + servers[k].getIpAddr() + ":" + servers[k].getPort());
- }
- System.err.println("");
- }
- }
- }
- 配置文件:D:\AEclipse2\workspace\myeclipse\testFastDFS\bin\fdfs_client.conf
- file length: 10
- store storage servers count: 1
- 1.
- upload_file time used: 29 ms
- group_name: group1, remote_filename: M00/00/00/wKgxgk5HbLvfP86RAAAAChd9X1Y736.jpg
- source_ip_addr =, file_size = 10, create_timestamp = 2011-08-14 14:35:39, crc32 = 394092374
- storage servers count: 1
- 1.
- package com.gary.test;
- import java.io.File;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.ClientGlobal;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.FileInfo;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.StorageClient;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.StorageServer;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.TrackerClient;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.TrackerServer;
- /**
- * 获取文件信息
- * @author gary
- *
- */
- public class TestGet {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
- String classPath = new File(TestGet.class.getResource("/").getFile()).getCanonicalPath();
- String configFilePath = classPath + File.separator + "fdfs_client.conf";
- ClientGlobal.init(configFilePath);
- TrackerClient trackerClient = new TrackerClient();
- TrackerServer trackerServer = trackerClient.getConnection();
- StorageServer storageServer = null;
- StorageClient storageClient = new StorageClient(trackerServer, storageServer);
- String group_name = "group1";
- String remote_filename = "M00/00/00/wKgxgk5HcFCwvS9QAAANWIusP08057.jpg";
- FileInfo fi = storageClient.get_file_info(group_name, remote_filename);
- String sourceIpAddr = fi.getSourceIpAddr();
- long size = fi.getFileSize();
- System.out.println("ip:" + sourceIpAddr + ",size:" + size);
- }
- }
- ip:,size:3416
- package com.gary.test;
- import java.io.File;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.ClientGlobal;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.StorageClient;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.StorageServer;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.TrackerClient;
- import org.csource.fastdfs.TrackerServer;
- /**
- * 删除文件
- * @author gary
- *
- */
- public class TestDelete {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
- String classPath = new File(TestDelete.class.getResource("/").getFile()).getCanonicalPath();
- String configFilePath = classPath + File.separator + "fdfs_client.conf";
- ClientGlobal.init(configFilePath);
- TrackerClient trackerClient = new TrackerClient();
- TrackerServer trackerServer = trackerClient.getConnection();
- StorageServer storageServer = null;
- StorageClient storageClient = new StorageClient(trackerServer, storageServer);
- String group_name = "group1";
- String remote_filename = "M00/00/00/wKgxgk5HbLvfP86RAAAAChd9X1Y736.jpg";
- storageClient.delete_file(group_name, remote_filename);
- System.out.println("删除成功");
- }
- }
**FastDFS简介** FastDFS是一个开源的高性能、轻量级的分布式文件系统,它对文件进行管理,包括文件存储、...了解并熟练掌握FastDFS的安装、配置、使用以及与Java的集成,对于提升系统的稳定性和扩展性具有重要意义。
在本文中,我们将详细介绍如何在Linux环境中安装配置FastDFS,并确保Java客户端能够成功调用。 首先,我们需要安装libevent库,它是FastDFS运行所依赖的关键组件。通过以下步骤来安装libevent-1.4.14b-stable: 1....
在Java应用中使用FastDFS,需要引入FastDFS的Java客户端库。这个Demo中可能包含了FastDFS的Java SDK,用于文件上传和下载操作。 1. **引入依赖**:将FastDFS的Java客户端库加入到项目类路径,如果是Maven项目,可以...
2. **fastdfs-client-java-1.27-SNAPSHOT.pom**:这是Maven项目的依赖配置文件,包含了该库的依赖关系和版本信息。如果项目使用Maven构建,可以通过引入这个POM文件来管理FastDFS客户端的依赖,确保与其他库的兼容性...
本示例代码将帮助开发者理解如何使用Java与FastDFS进行交互。 在Java中,我们通常会使用FastDFS的Java客户端来实现文件的上传和下载。首先,你需要在项目中引入FastDFS的Java客户端库。这可以通过Maven或Gradle的...
1. **安装与配置**:包括FastDFS服务器端的安装、配置以及启动,客户端Java库的引入和配置。 2. **连接管理**:理解和使用FastDFS的连接池,有效地管理和复用连接,以提高系统性能。 3. **文件上传**:通过Java ...
1. **fastdfs-client-java-1.27-SNAPSHOT.jar**:这是FastDFS Java客户端的核心库文件,包含了所有与FastDFS交互的API和实现。开发人员可以通过引入这个JAR包,调用其提供的接口来完成文件的上传、下载、查询等操作...
- FastDFS可以在CentOS 7环境下安装配置。在新版的FastDFS(如5.0.5版本)中,若安装后访问没有反应(例如8099端口),需要查看日志文件(error.log)来诊断问题。根据日志提示,如果发现缺少支持多组的配置,应在/...
使用 Docker 安装 FastDFS FastDFS 是一个开源的分布式文件系统,使用 Docker 安装 FastDFS 可以简化安装过程同时提高系统的可扩展性和可靠性。本文将指导您如何使用 Docker 安装 FastDFS。 知识点一:安装 ...
使用FastDFS客户端Java库时,开发者需要配置FastDFS服务器的地址和相关参数,然后可以通过API调用来执行以下操作: 1. 文件上传:将本地文件上传到FastDFS服务器,返回文件ID。 2. 文件下载:根据文件ID从FastDFS...
**FastDFS配置** 1. **tracker服务配置**:`tracker.conf`主要配置监听端口、日志路径等。 2. **storage服务配置**:`storage.conf`包含存储路径、组名、数据和元数据的存储策略等。 3. **连接池配置**:如果使用...