Straight from the programming trenches, The Pragmatic Programmer cuts through the increasing specialization and technicalities of modern software development to examine the core process--taking a ...
-- Ward Cunningham Straight from the programming trenches, The Pragmatic Programmer cuts through the increasing specialization and technicalities of modern software development to examine the core ...
Pragmatic ADO .NET - Data Access for the Internet World Pragmatic ADO .NET - Data Access for the Internet World Pragmatic ADO .NET - Data Access for the Internet World
of them, the contents of Part IV come to the rescue. You will learn how to find out if items are similar, and you will convert quantitative similarities into network edges. A network of psychological ...
Each developer is unique, with individual strengths and weaknesses, preferences and dislikes.... However, if you're a Pragmatic Programmer, you'll share many of the following characteristics:
Straight from the programming trenches, The Pragmatic Programmer cuts through the increasing specialization and technicalities of modern software development to examine the core process--taking a ...
The Pragmatic Programmer 是我转的 txt的
"The Pragmatic Programmer"是“注重实效的程序员”的意思。 书中讲述关于编程的各种话题:个人责任、调试策略、元程序设计、按合约设计(Design By Contract)、重构...
《The Pragmatic Programmer》(《实用程序员》)是一本由Andrew Hunt和David Thomas所著的经典软件开发书籍。书中不仅深入探讨了软件开发的最佳实践,还着重讲解了如何成为一名更加高效、有责任感的程序员。本书...
《Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide》第二版(2005年注释版)是一本在IT行业中享有盛誉的经典书籍,专门针对Ruby编程语言进行了深入浅出的讲解。该书不仅覆盖了Ruby语言的基础知识,还探讨了其...
-- Ward Cunningham Straight from the programming trenches, The Pragmatic Programmer cuts through the increasing specialization and technicalities of modern software development to examine the core ...
The Pragmatic Programmer; From Journeyman to Master - Pearson Education.pdf
Pragmatic ADO .NET - Data Access for the Internet World Pragmatic ADO .NET - Data Access for the Internet World Pragmatic ADO .NET - Data Access for the Internet World
- **The Pragmatic Programmer, From Journeyman To Master**:此书名暗示了本书旨在帮助软件开发人员从初级阶段(学徒,journeyman)成长为高级专家(大师)。这里的“实用程序员”指的是那些能够运用实践经验和...
《精通实用Java编程:开源项目pragmatic-java-engineer解析》 在当今的软件开发领域,Java语言以其强大、稳定和跨平台的特性,一直是企业级应用开发的首选。开源项目"pragmatic-java-engineer"是Java开发者的一个...
《程序员修炼之道——从码农到大师》(The Pragmatic Programmer)是一本深受程序员喜爱的经典书籍,由Andrew Hunt和David Thomas合著。这本书旨在帮助程序员提升技能,提高工作效率,成为一个更加“务实”的开发者...
本书程序员修炼的介绍:从中级到大师- 。
《Programming Ruby: A Pragmatic Programmer's Guide》(俗称“Pickaxe”书,因其封面上的镐头图标而得名)是一本关于Ruby编程语言的经典著作。这本书由David Thomas、Andrew Hunt和Dave Thomas共同编写,被认为是...
of them, the contents of Part IV come to the rescue. You will learn how to find out if items are similar, and you will convert quantitative similarities into network edges. A network of psychological ...
Each developer is unique, with individual strengths and weaknesses, preferences and dislikes.... However, if you're a Pragmatic Programmer, you'll share many of the following characteristics: