
Continious Integration - CI

• Jenkins :
o Basic knowledge
o Git integration “Setup a Jenkins job to build tagged git code source”
• Code coverage tools (Jacoco/Cobertura) :
o Integration in Maven  
o Integration in Jenkins   “How Jacoco and Cobertura are used in our CI”
o Integration in Sonar      |
• Maven :
o Basic knowledge “Create a new project with Maven”
o Adding a dependency ”Add dependencies in a real project”
o Profile “Create a new maven profile in an existing project”
o Multi module project « Analyze a multi-module project »
• Sonar :
o Basic knowledge ->  “Sonar metrics”
o Define some rules and enable email notifications
o Integration with Jenkins
• Git :
• ReviewBoard


    continuous integration-improving software quality and reducing risk

    持续集成(Continuous Integration,简称CI)是一种软件开发实践,旨在通过频繁地将开发者的工作集成到共享的主干分支中,并自动运行构建和测试流程来提高软件质量和减少项目风险。本书《持续集成:提升软件质量与...

    Continuous Delivery & Continuous Integration

    Through more than forty CI-related practices using application examples in different languages, readers learn that CI leads to more rapid software development, produces deployable software at every ...

    Python库 | qgis-plugin-ci-2.1.1.tar.gz

    QGIS-plugin-ci-2.1.1是QGIS的持续集成(Continuous Integration, CI)插件,主要用于自动化测试和构建QGIS插件。持续集成是一种开发实践,通过频繁地将代码集成到主分支,确保代码库的一致性和可靠性,从而提高软件...


    【标题】"continuous-integration-circle" 指的是一个与持续集成(Continuous Integration, CI)相关的项目,可能是用于实现或演示CI流程的一个工具或者模板。持续集成是软件开发过程中的一个重要实践,它鼓励开发...

    Python Continuous Integration and Delivery: A Concise Guide with Examples

    Gain the techniques and tools that enable a smooth and efficient software development process in this quick and practical guide on Python continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD)....

    Hands-On Continuous Integration and Delivery

    Hands-On Continuous Integration and Delivery starts with the fundamentals of continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) and where it fits in the DevOps ecosystem. You will explore the ...


    wnpm-ci作为一个专门针对前端的开源库,旨在为开发者提供持续集成(Continuous Integration, CI)的解决方案,使得代码质量管理、自动化测试以及构建过程更加顺畅。下面,我们将深入探讨wnpm-ci的特性和使用方法。 ...


    【标题】"continuous-integration-travis" 涉及的核心知识点是持续集成(Continuous Integration, CI)以及Travis CI,这是一种流行的开源自动化测试和部署工具,尤其在Ruby开发社区中广泛应用。 持续集成(CI)是...

    Learning Continuous Integration with Jenkins, 2nd(2017).epub

    This book, Learning Continuous Integration with Jenkins Second Edition, serves as a step-by-step guide to setting up a Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment system ...


    这个压缩包“开源项目-travis-ci-travis-ci.zip”包含了一个名为“travis-ci-master”的文件或目录,这通常意味着它是Travis CI配置和项目的主分支。现在我们深入探讨Travis CI及其相关知识点。 1. **什么是Travis ...


    is-ci 如果当前环境是Continuous Integration服务器,则返回true 。 如果未正确检测到您的CI服务器,请:)安装npm install is-ci --save程序用法const isCI = require ( 'is-ci' )if ( isCI ) { console . log ( '...

    PyPI 官网下载 | carpentry-ci-0.2.4.tar.gz

    标题中的"PyPI 官网下载 | carpentry-ci-0.2.4.tar.gz"表明这是一个从Python Package Index(PyPI)官方源下载的软件包,名为`carpentry-ci`,版本为`0.2.4`,并且是打包成`.tar.gz`格式的压缩文件。`PyPI`是Python...

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