# A. match_ends
# Given a list of strings, return the count of the number of
# strings where the string length is 2 or more and the first
# and last chars of the string are the same.
# Note: python does not have a ++ operator, but += works.
def match_ends(words):
for string in words:
if len(string)>=2 and string[0]==string[len(string)-1]:
return temp
# B. front_x
# Given a list of strings, return a list with the strings
# in sorted order, except group all the strings that begin with 'x' first.
# e.g. ['mix', 'xyz', 'apple', 'xanadu', 'aardvark'] yields
# ['xanadu', 'xyz', 'aardvark', 'apple', 'mix']
# Hint: this can be done by making 2 lists and sorting each of them
# before combining them.
def front_x(words):
for word in words:
if word.startswith('x'):
[sstrings.insert(x,xstrings[x]) for x in range(0,len(xstrings))]
return sstrings
# C. sort_last
# Given a list of non-empty tuples, return a list sorted in increasing
# order by the last element in each tuple.
# e.g. [(1, 7), (1, 3), (3, 4, 5), (2, 2)] yields
# [(2, 2), (1, 3), (3, 4, 5), (1, 7)]
# Hint: use a custom key= function to extract the last element form each tuple.
def sort_last(tuples):
def get_last(tu):
return tu[-1]
Python是世界上最受欢迎的编程语言之一,特别是在数据科学、机器学习和Web开发领域。在Python的生态系统中,`pip`是一个至关...通过下载和使用`get-pip.py`,你可以确保在Python 2.7环境中也能享受到`pip`带来的便利。
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Python 2.7教程是为初学者准备的指南,涵盖了Python编程的基础到高级主题。Python是一种高级编程语言,以其简洁的语法和强大的功能而受到欢迎,尤其在互联网领域有着广泛的应用。 1. Python简介: - Python作为一...
1. **获取get-pip.py**:访问Python官方网站或通过Git仓库下载`get-pip.py`文件。 2. **运行脚本**:在命令行界面,定位到`get-pip.py`所在目录,然后使用Python解释器执行该脚本,例如: ``` python get-pip.py ...
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14. **安装与分发**:Python 2.7可以通过`python setup.py install`命令安装第三方库,也可以用pip工具。`python-2.7.msi`是Windows平台上的安装程序文件。 15. **社区与资源**:Python 2.7拥有庞大的开发者社区,...
2. **文件扩展名**:Python源代码文件通常以`.py`结尾,而`.pyw`扩展名则用于无界面的Windows程序。 3. **编译文件**:Python源代码编译后生成`.pyc`文件,这是预编译的字节码文件,能加快程序的加载速度。 4. **...
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1. **安装**:首先需要将`s3am-1.0a1.dev15-py2.7.egg`文件解压缩,然后通过Python的`easy_install`或`pip`工具安装到Python环境中。 2. **导入**:在Python代码中,通过`import s3am`引入库。 3. **配置**:设置...
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