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Gender: Male

Date of birth: 1981-8-25


E-mail: yuping322@163.com

Position applying: project manager , senior software engineer or the relevant work

More than five years cumulative software design and development experience and three years full time industry experience, including two years with software developing using JAVA and various API sets and libraries and one years of leadership experience with a hands-on development throughout. Predominant skills include Java, VB, Multi-threading , script language, Patterns,  Data Mining, database, and XML. Emphasis is on J2SE with Multi-threading development close to the platform and Data Mining/BI Systems space.

·Excellent experience with important programming methodologies, including: object-oriented, component-oriented architecture and aspect-oriented design, as well as inversion of control design. Strong knowledge of object-oriented patterns referenced by group of Four.

·Solid experience planning and implementing high performance, maintainable J2SE application using Java technology, including extensive experience developing and developing solutions Base on Multi-threading technology, Excellent experience avoiding many performance pitfalls result form thread synchronization.

·Familiar with BI system (especially in data mining) design and analysis with extensive experience in the full design process including requirements definition, design interface implementation ,testing, and maintenance.

·Strong background in rich client development using java 2D,awt/swing APIs.

· Familiar with many J2EE frameworks ,such as SSH.

·experience utilizing various XML server and client-side technologies(SAX,DOM), including using as config file or XML data source or construct UI .

·Javascript / Ruby / Erlang scripting experience.


[Institute] North West Scientific University of Agriculture and Forest (rank top 50 in China)

[Degree/Specialty] Bachelor's Degree /Information and Computing Sciences 


China English Test (CET) Grad 4;

初歩の日本語 読み書きの能力


[Company]  UFIDA Software Engineering Co., Ltd.(Xi'An)


[Project] NESim 2

[Position] Project management and team lead role

[Primary works]

Worked as Project management  customizing and adding new functionality to Network Element Simulator systems, including Network Suite manage and new version released.
Detail designed and implemented new feature for existing Global Messaging system: new feature included changes of core Multi-threading framework and full integration with deployed other system - Implemented same feature to core product, assuring proper thread safety programming and using the TL1 command for external message delivery

[Project] NESim 1

[Position] Lead Application Developer

[Primary works]

Served as  Core Member of Design Team For Network Elements Simmulatornent framework/tool sets ,development testing and metrics tools .Designed architecture including requirement definition ,Object modeling design, tier Structure development and user interface definition,evaluated and recommended technologies including Java version,event model,UI composets ,Defined Product coding standards ,change tracking system.Established Standardized testing methodology using data-mining tools for our platform integration. Well defined testing procedures that allowed member to focus on test planning and problem analysis and resolving.


[Project] Config Tool

[Position]  Project management and team lead role

[Primary works]

Conducted requirements analysis and designed a software solution for a client in XML Management. Developed a XML Management software solution for above design using J2SE .Software developer and designing and implementing Java system: highly interactive Management System being develop using Java architecture, with a Swing GUI.

[Project] FS

[Position] Lead Application Developer

[Primary works]

The responsibility includes financial systems specific performance optimizations , and fixing customer reported defects with focus on the multi-treading . By refactoring several core pieces of the system I reduced the time required to complete a run to less than 1/4 of the original time. Significantly improved the performance of a financial processing system.


[Project]  UGP

[Position] Software engineer

[Primary works]

Responsibilities included trouble shooting and researching on the USE developed Graphics Libraries (Java2D and swing/awt API, Performer, Optimizer) and the supporting Languages called (javascript). Extended the java Swing framework for use with the company's Java product suite for automated data Display. Involved working with the customers and the engineering group to triage bugs .


[Company]  Aidedsoft Information Technique of Beijing Co., Ltd.  

[Project] EQPM 2

EQPM is a "Defect Tracking System" or "Bug-Tracking System". Defect Tracking Systems allow individual or groups of developers to keep track of outstanding bugs in their product effectively.

[Position] Lead Application Developer

[Primary works]

1 Developing one module of EQPM system.

2 Improving the program of Statistics Components

3 Participating in the warehouse part of DSS in Bug analyzing Components.


[Project] OSEP

[Position] Software engineer

[Primary works]

Developed a Managements System utilizing J2EE technology. The system involved content management and customer experience. This System was developed using with the Spring , Servlets, JSP, JDBC,  JNDI, LDAP, Hibernate, Struts ,XML and Oracle.


[Project] EKS

[Position] Software engineer

[Primary works]

1 Understand project requirements all way till requirements are been fulfilled.

2 Perform system implementation followed system design and documentation related

3 Review test plan and perform test case.

4 Follow the developing process guidelines and commit to deadlines.

Personal Projects
Worked on many programming projects which are released under public domain. These are publish at my personal Blog http://XXXXXX, which also has my programming notes and articles.

[Project] EasyDataMining

[Position] Project Leader

[Primary works]

Requirements definition, prototyping, proof of concept, design interface implementation, coding ,testing, and maintenance.

You can visit http://XXXXXXX   to get more information.

What is Easydatamining ?

Easydatamining is an environment for exploring and understanding data. As a data mining tool that combines advanced modeling technology with ease of use.Easydatamining helps you discover and predict interesting and valuable relation ships with your data. You can use Easydatamining for decision-support activities. A data mining engine that provides various function to create, edit, delete data-mining operation.


Three key technique !

1 From a code point of view , easydatamining is an implementation of the infrashruacture for running bundle-plus systems, a set of operation node that implement various optional services.

2 Easydatamining also to great simplify the presses of representing and efficiently hand data mapping data to visual representation.(eg: through spatial position ,size, shape, color) and crafting direct manipulation interaction with the visualized data.(using java 2D APIs)

3 Easydatamining own expression language that provides a convenient way create statements over data table. For example,the expression language can be used to write predicate (such as “Column1>5”) for querying and filter a table to generate new one.Easydataming provides a built-in parser/compiler for generating these Expression for textual text.

· Excellent at cooperation and communication with other professional persons.

· Good attitude, and open mind in my professional field;

· Self learner, self-motivated, self-management.

· Good sense of responsibility and Good team work spirit

· Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

· Curious about new technologies and tools

7 楼 billau 2008-01-09  
CET stands for College English Test, not China....
6 楼 eddie404956 2007-12-15  
yuping322 写道


5 楼 yuping322 2007-12-13  

[Institute] North West Scientific University of Agriculture and Forest (rank top 50 in China)

[Degree/Specialty] Bachelor's Degree /Information and Computing Sciences


More than five years cumulative software design and development experience and three years full time industry experience, including two years with software developing using JAVA and various API sets and libraries and one years of leadership experience with a hands-on development throughout. Predominant skills include Java, VB, Multi-threading , script language, Patterns, Data Mining, database, and XML. Emphasis is on J2SE with Multi-threading development close to the platform and Data Mining/BI Systems space.


requirements definition, design interface implementation
4 楼 yuping322 2007-12-12  
1 不好意思,呵呵,英语献丑。其实英语的句型都是从网上找的。
2 我中文的马上就写好了,明天贴出来。给大家批评吧
3 楼 bcccs 2007-12-12  
yyjn12 写道


2 楼 yawl 2007-12-12  

把TECHNIQUES换成Summary of Qualifications

Three key technique !换成Highlights

Familiar with many J2EE frameworks ,such as SSH. -> SSH怎么会是J2EEframework!!!!

1 楼 yyjn12 2007-12-12  




    ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┃ ┌───────────────┐ ...p.s:同时,我在找工作中,如果大家看到哪有招自动化或者计算机或者网络相关方面的人,欢迎通过上面的方式与我联系,谢谢!


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