* @author yaoyuan
public class Main implements Runnable{
public void run(){
public static void main(String[] args){
Thread t = new Thread(new Main());
* What is result ?
*A compilcation fails
*B An Exception is thrown at runtime
*C The code executes and prints "running"
*D The code executes and prints "runningrunning"
*E The code executes and prints "runningrunningrunning"
// Answer : E
public void start()
使该线程开始执行;Java 虚拟机调用该线程的 run 方法。
结果是两个线程并发地运行;当前线程(从调用返回给 start 方法)和另一个线程(执行其 run 方法)。
public void run()
如果该线程是使用独立的 Runnable 运行对象构造的,则调用该 Runnable 对象的 run 方法;否则,该方法不执行任何操作并返回。
Thread 的子类应该重写该方法。
* @author yaoyuan
public class Threads1{
int x = 0;
public class Runner implements Runnable{
public void run(){
int current = 0;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
current = x;
System.out.print(current + ", ");
x = current + 2;
public static void main(String[] args){
new Thread1().go();
public void go(){
Runnable r1 = new Runner();
new Thread(r1).start();
new Thread(r1).start();
*Which two are possible results?
*A 0,2,4,4,6,8,10,6,
*B 0,2,4,6,8,10,2,4,
*C 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14
*D 0,0,2,2,4,4,6,6,8,8,10,10,12,12,14,14
*E 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14
// Answer : A C
* int x = 0; x是全局变量,Thread1和Thread2公有一个x
* int current = 0; current是局部变量,每次都被初始化为0
* @author yaoyuan
void waitForSignal(){
Object obj = new Object();
synchronized (Thread.currentThread()){
* Which statement is true?
*A This code may thorw an InterruptedException
*B This code may thorw an IllegalStateException
*C This code may throw a TimeOutException after ten minutes
*D This code will not compile unless "obj.wait()" is replaced with "((Thread)obj).wait()"
*E Reversing the order of obj.wait() and obj.notify() may cause this method to complete normally
// Answer : B
* @author yaoyuan
public class TestOne implements Runnable{
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
Thread t = new Thread(new TestOne());
public void run(){
for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
*What can be a result ?
*A Compilation fails
*B An exception thrown at runtime
*C The code executes and prints "StartedComplete"
*D The code executes and prints "StartedComplete"
*E The code executes and prints "Started0123Complete"
// Answer : E
* @author yaoyuan
*Which two code fragments will execute the method doStuff() in a separate thread?
*A new Thread(){
* public void run(){
* doStuff();
* }
* };
*B new Thread(){
* public void start(){
* doStuff();
* }
* };
*C new Thread(){
* public void start(){
* doStuff();
* }
* };
* run();
*D new Thread(){
* public void run(){
* doStuff();
* }
* }
* start();
*E new Thread(new Runnable(){
* public void run(){
* doStuff();
* }
* });
* run();
*F new Thread(new Runnable(){
* public void run(){
* doStuff();
* }
* });
* start();
// Answer : D F
* @author yaoyuan
*Which three will compile and run without exception?(choose three)
*A private synchronized object;
*B void go(){
* synchronized(){
* / code here /
* }
* }
*C public synchronized void go(){
* / code here /
* }
*D private synchronized(this) void go(){
* / code here /
* }
*E void go(){
* synchronized(object.class){
* / code here /
* }
* }
*F void go{
* synchronized(o){
* / code here /
* }
* }
// Answer : C E F
* @author yaoyuan
class Computation extends Thread{
private int num;
private boolean isComplete;
private int result;
public Computation(int num){
this.num = num;
public synchronized void run(){
result = num * 2;
isComplete = true;
public synchronized int getResult(){
catch(InterruptedException e){
return result;
public static void main(String[] args){
Computation[] computations = new Computation[4];
for(int i=0;i<computations.length;i++){
computations[i] = new Computation(i);
for(Computation c : computations){
System.out.print(c.getResult() + " ");
*What is Result ?
*A The code will deadlock
*B The code may run with no output
*C An exception thrown at runtime
*D The code may run with output "06"
*E The code may run with output "2064"
*F The code may run with output "0246"
// Answer : F
* @author yaoyuan
public class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
*What is Result ?
*A Compilation fails
*B An exception is thrown at runtime
*C The code executes normally and prints "sleep"
*D The code executes normally, but nothing is printed
// Answer : C
* @author yaoyuan
*Which two statements are true about has-a and is a relationships?(choose two)
*A Inheritance represents an is-a relationship
*B Inheritance represents an has-a relationship
*C Inheritance must be used when creating a has-a relationship
*D Instance variables can be used when creating a has-a relationship
// Answer : A D
* @author yaoyuan
package yaoyuan;
class Target{
public String name = "hello";
*What can directly access and change the value of the variable name?
*A any class
*B only the Target class
*C any class in the yaoyuan package
*D any class that extends Target
// Answer : C
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Java认证,全称为Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition ...以上这些知识点都是SCJP认证考试的重点,通过深入学习和大量练习,考生可以提升自己的Java编程技能,提高通过考试的可能性。
这个压缩包文件包含了多个与SCJP认证相关的学习资源,包括试题、题库和答案,以及一些重要的复习资料。 1. **SCJP认证概述**:SCJP是Java初学者或初级开发者提升职业资质的重要途径。通过这个认证,开发者可以证明...
本压缩包文件提供了三个部分的"JAVA SCJP认证模拟试题",分别是"SCJP模拟试题(一).doc"、"SCJP模拟试题(二).doc"和"SCJP模拟试题(三).doc",这些文档可能包含了多个章节的练习题目,覆盖了Java语言的核心概念...
SCJP认证试题通常涵盖以下几个主要领域: 1. **Java语言基础**:包括基本语法、数据类型、变量、运算符、流程控制(如if-else、switch、for、while循环)、方法、数组等。这些是Java编程的基础,理解和熟练掌握它们...
这份"java scjp模拟试题"包含三套模拟测试题,是准备SCJP认证考试的宝贵资源。通过这些试题,考生可以检验自己的知识掌握程度,熟悉考试的格式和题型,提高备考效率。 模拟试题通常涵盖以下几个关键知识点: 1. **...
SCJP,全称为Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform,是Oracle公司(原Sun Microsystems)推出的针对Java程序员的认证考试。这个考试旨在测试考生对于Java SE平台基础编程的知识和技能。以下是一些SCJP...
根据给定的文件信息,以下是对“SCJP认证试题”中的关键知识点的详细解析: ### SCJP认证概览 SCJP(Sun Certified Programmer for Java Platform)是Java领域中最具权威的专业程序员认证之一,由Sun Microsystems...
Java SCJP(SUN Certified Programmer for the Java Platform)是针对Java初学者的一项认证考试,它主要测试考生对Java基础知识的理解和应用能力。...熟悉并掌握这些知识点对于通过SCJP认证考试至关重要。
首先,我们要了解SCJP认证涉及的基础知识: 1. **Java语言基础**:包括数据类型(如整型、浮点型、字符型、布尔型)、变量声明、运算符(算术、关系、逻辑、位、赋值等)、流程控制(if-else、switch、循环、跳转...
"SCJP认证套题解析"是一个针对这项认证的备考资源,通常包括一系列模拟试题、答案解析以及相关的知识点讲解。 SCJP认证覆盖的知识点广泛,主要包括以下几个方面: 1. **Java语言基础**:这部分内容涉及Java语法、...
### Java SCJP考试知识点解析 #### 题目87: 命令行参数解析与输出 **题目描述:** 在给定的代码中,`Test` 类包含了一个 `main` 方法,该方法试图从命令行参数数组 `args` 中获取元素并将其赋值给 `String` 类型的...
【JAVA认证历年真题 SCJP认证套题解析】主要涵盖了JAVA语言的基础知识,包括数据类型、标识符规则、数值类型转换、字符串操作以及对象和类的使用等方面。以下是这些知识点的详细说明: 1. **数据类型**:题目中提到...
首先,SCJP认证是Java程序员入门阶段的重要凭证,它证明了持有者具备编写和调试Java程序的基本技能。这个认证涵盖了语言特性、类库、内存管理以及异常处理等方面的基础知识。 1. **Java语言特性**:书中会涵盖Java...
SCJP认证考试通常涵盖以下几个核心领域: 1. **Java语法**:包括基本的数据类型、变量、运算符、流程控制(if语句、switch、循环)、方法、类和对象的概念,以及异常处理。理解这些基础知识是编写任何Java程序的...