Given a nested list of integers, returns the sum of all integers in the list weighted by their depth
For example, given the list {{1,1},2,{1,1}} the function should return 10 (four 1's at depth 2, one 2 at depth 1)
Given the list {1,{4,{6}}} the function should return 27 (one 1 at depth 1, one 4 at depth 2, one 6 at depth2)
/** * This is the interface that represents nested lists. * You should not implement it, or speculate about its implementation. */ public interface NestedInteger { //Returns true if this NestedInteger holds a single integer, rather than a nested list public boolean isInteger(); //Returns the single integer that the NestedInteger holds, if it holds a single integer //Returns null if this NestedInteger holds a nested list public Integer getInteger(); //Returns the nested list that this NestedInteger holds, if it holds a nested list //Returns null if this NestedInteger holds a single integer public List<NestedInteger> getList(); }
public int sumOfNestedInteger(NestedInteger nest) { if(nest.isInteger()) { return nest.getInteger(); } return sumList(nest.getList(), 1); } private int sumList(List<NestedInteger> list, int depth) { int sum = 0; for(NestedInteger item: list) { if(item.isInteger()) { sum += item.getInteger()*depth; } else { sum += sumList(item.getList(), depth+1); } } return sum; }
Follow Up:
followup说改成return the sum of all integers in the list weighted by their “reversed depth”.
需要两个变量计数,sum 与 prev
例子 {{2,2,{3}},1,{2,2}}
第一层 prev = 1 sum=1
第二层 prev =prev+2+2+2+2 最后prev =9, sum = 10
第三层 prev =prev +3 prev = 12 sum =22
理论结果 3+2*2*4+1*3 =22
public int sumOfReversedWeight(NestedInteger ni) { if(ni.isInteger()) { return ni.getInteger(); } int prev = 0, sum = 0; List<NestedInteger> cur = ni.getList(); List<NestedInteger> next = new ArrayList<>(); while(!cur.isEmpty()) { for(NestedInteger item:cur) { if(item.isInteger()) { prev += item.getInteger(); } else { next.addAll(item.getList()); } sum += prev; cur = next; next = new ArrayList<>(); } } return sum; }
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