That's a long shot.
美国口语中的常用语“long shot”,英文的解释是“something that is not likely to happen or there is only a small possibility of success”(不太可能发生或成功的可能性很小的事情)。这个习语来源于射击:射击的动作距离越远、射中的可能性越小。名词shot本来也是“打枪、射击”之类的意思。
需要注意的是,long shot作为一个名词,既可以用于单数(a long shot),也可以用于复数(the long shots)。严格来说,本句“That's a long shot”应该翻译为“那是一件成功希望不大的事情”,但过长地使用定语不符合汉语的语言习惯,所以,在句子的翻译中,实际上把这个习语转变成了形容词。
I admit she's talented in many ways, but being a professional singer is really a long shot.
Long shots don't win elections very often.
before that, you will get a background on what goes into today’s web sites and appli- cations. Knowing what comprises Ajax and how to use it helps you apply it more effectively and integrate it with ...
libvpx’ VP9 encodes miss the target bitrates by a long shot (100% off) for the ETV clip, possibly because of our use of –aq-mode=1. libvpx tends to slowly crumble at higher bitrates for hard content...
If you feel you need to send me a screen shot, please send it in GIF or PNG format. If you mail a bug report to me, please include the words "Drag Drop" in the subject of your email. --------------...
27. **for a long time**:很长时间,表示持续的时间。 28. **connect ... with ...**:把……和……连接起来,用于表示事物之间的关系。 29. **write down**:写下,记录信息。 30. **mind map**:思维导图,...
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- fall: 动词,此处指“患病,病倒”,如:She fell ill after the long journey. - mind: 既可作动词,表示“介意”,如:Do you mind if I open the window?;也可作名词,表示“思想,想法”。 - kick: 动词,...
This function delete all the reference or list objects that user has forgotten to delete. Parameters: In: None Out: None Returns: Returns EDS_ERR_OK if successful. In other cases, see ...