
The D Programming Language(目录)


Table of Contents



Chapter 1. “D”iving In
Section 1.1. Numbers and Expressions

Section 1.2. Statements

Section 1.3. Function Basics

Section 1.4. Arrays and Associative Arrays

Section 1.5. Basic Data Structures

Section 1.6. Interfaces and Classes

Section 1.7. Values vs. References

Section 1.8. Templates

Section 1.9. Closing Notes

Chapter 2. Basic Types. Expressions
Section 2.1. Symbols

Section 2.2. Literals

Section 2.3. Implicit Conversions

Section 2.4. Operators

Section 2.5. Summary

Chapter 3. Statements
Section 3.1. The Empty Statement

Section 3.2. The Expression Statement

Section 3.3. The Compound Statement

Section 3.4. The if Statement

Section 3.5. The static if Statement

Section 3.6. The switch Statement

Section 3.7. The final switch Statement

Section 3.8. Looping Statements

Section 3.9. The goto Statement

Section 3.10. The with statement

Section 3.11. The return statement

Section 3.12. The throw and try statements

Section 3.13. The scope statement

Section 3.14. The synchronized statement

Section 3.15. The asm statement

Section 3.16. Summary and Quick Reference

Chapter 4. Arrays, Associative Arrays, and Strings
Section 4.1. Dynamic Arrays

Section 4.2. Fixed-Size Arrays

Section 4.3. Multidimensional Arrays

Section 4.4. Associative Arrays

Section 4.5. Strings

Section 4.6. Summary

Chapter 5. Data and Functions. Functional Style
Section 5.1. Writing and unittesting a Simple Function

Section 5.2. Pass by Value vs. Reference

Section 5.3. Type Parameters

Section 5.4. Signature Constraints

Section 5.5. Overloading

Section 5.6. Higher-Order Functions. Function Literals

Section 5.7. Nested Functions

Section 5.8. Closures

Section 5.9. Beyond Arrays. Ranges. Pseudo-Members

Section 5.10. Variadic Functions

Section 5.11. Function Attributes

Section 5.12. Compile-Time Evaluation

Chapter 6. Classes. Object-Oriented Style
Section 6.1. Classes

Section 6.2. Object Names Are References

Section 6.3. It’s an Object’s Life

Section 6.4. Methods and Inheritance

Section 6.5. Class-Level Encapsulation with static Members

Section 6.6. Curbing Extensibility with final Methods

Section 6.7. Encapsulation

Section 6.8. One Root to Rule them All

Section 6.9. Interfaces

Section 6.10. Abstract Classes

Section 6.11. Nested Classes

Section 6.12. Multiple Inheritance

Section 6.13. Multiple Subtyping

Section 6.14. Parameterized Classes and Interfaces

Chapter 7. Other User-Defined Types
Section 7.1. structs

Section 7.2. unions

Section 7.3. Enumerated Values

Section 7.4. alias

Section 7.5. Parameterized Scopes with template

Chapter 8. Error Handling
Section 8.1. throwing and catching

Section 8.2. Types

Section 8.3. finally clauses

Section 8.4. nothrow Functions

Section 8.5. Collateral Exceptions

Section 8.6. Stack Unwinding and Exception-Safe Code

Section 8.7. Uncaught Exceptions

Chapter 9. Contract Programming
Section 9.1. Contracts

Section 9.2. Assertions

Section 9.3. Preconditions

Section 9.4. Postconditions

Section 9.5. Contracts: Not For Scrubbing Input

Section 9.6. Invariants

Section 9.7. Skipping Contracts. Release Builds

Section 9.8. Contracts and Inheritance

Section 9.9. Contracts in Interfaces

Chapter 10. Scaling Up
Section 10.1. Packages and Modules

Section 10.2. Safety

Section 10.3. Module Constructors and Destructors

Chapter 11. Operator Overloading





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