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TIBCO General Interface Application Developer

TIBCO Software Inc. currently has openings for four software engineers to developer browser-based rich internet applications using the TIBCO General Interface (GI) product.  GI is a mature AJAX software development platform with an established customer base and real-world deployment.  We have been in market for over four years and were recently awarded the 2006 'Technology of the Year' Award, by IDG's InfoWorld as the "Best AJAX Toolkit".  These are high profile projects, both within TIBCO and in the enterprise software market as whole.

Interested candidates should expect to be challenged and will be encouraged to immediately assume responsibility for the development of the browser-based run-time user interfaces for a wide range of TIBCO products, including TIBCO ActiveMatrix SOA platform. Candidates should expect to share in a broad range of responsibilities, including:

• User interface proof of concept development and prototyping
• User interface development and integration with back-end SOA
• Development of new GUI classes to support best-of-breed user experience
• Providing feedback to the GI engineering team on product features, performance and enhancements.

Above all we are looking for talented and motivated individuals with great problem solving skills and an understanding of software engineering fundamentals.   In addition to entrepreneurial spirit, maturity and the ability to work successfully in a small team environment, the successful candidate will be able to discuss specific historical success in the most of the following areas:

• strong experience with a scripting language, preferably ECMA based, such as JavaScript, ActionScript, etc.
• excellent understanding of object-oriented software engineering principles
• experience working with XML and XSLT
• experience developing and deploying web applications with Perl/mod_perl, ASP, JSP/J2EE, etc.
• understanding of Web Services, including WSDL, SOAP, and Schema
• experience with CSS, DHTML, and cross-browser compatibility issues
• Component-based architectures
• Script-based access to the internal XML Parser and its APIs
• XSLT: versions supported by internal parsers
• SOAP: script based access to the internal SOAP APIs
• Knowledge about the different builds/versions/releases and what is possible in each
• Document Object Model
• Event model

About TIBCO General Interface
TIBCO General Interface is a rich graphical user interface (GUI) framework and accompanying visual development environment (TIBCO General Interface Builder) that enables developers to quickly and easily create rich Web-based interfaces. Equipped with a library of extensible and high-performance GUI, data management and communication components, TIBCO General Interface makes it possible to give browser-based interfaces the features and performance characteristics typically found only in thick-client GUIs. TIBCO General Interface is effectively the SOA interface between the machines and the end user. Web applications built on the framework are used by Fortune 500 enterprises in financial services, logistics, consumer products, healthcare and Government/Military.

General Interface is licensed to enterprises for internal deployment, and is free to developers under a BSD open source license.  More information about General Interface, and software download is available at http://developer.tibco.com/gi.



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