
Strom: Trident Fields and tuples




The Trident data model is the TridentTuple which is a named list of values. During a topology, tuples are incrementally built up through a sequence of operations. Operations generally take in a set of input fields and emit a set of "function fields". The input fields are used to select a subset of the tuple as input to the operation, while the "function fields" name the fields the operation emits.

Consider this example. Suppose you have a stream called "stream" that contains the fields "x", "y", and "z". To run a filter MyFilter that takes in "y" as input, you would say:

stream.each(new Fields("y"), new MyFilter())

Suppose the implementation of MyFilter is this:

public class MyFilter extends BaseFilter {
   public boolean isKeep(TridentTuple tuple) {
       return tuple.getInteger(0) < 10;

This will keep all tuples whose "y" field is less than 10. The TridentTuple given as input to MyFilter will only contain the "y" field. Note that Trident is able to project a subset of a tuple extremely efficiently when selecting the input fields: the projection is essentially free.

Let's now look at how "function fields" work. Suppose you had this function:

public class AddAndMultiply extends BaseFunction {
   public void execute(TridentTuple tuple, TridentCollector collector) {
       int i1 = tuple.getInteger(0);
       int i2 = tuple.getInteger(1);
       collector.emit(new Values(i1 + i2, i1 * i2));

This function takes two numbers as input and emits two new values: the addition of the numbers and the multiplication of the numbers. Suppose you had a stream with the fields "x", "y", and "z". You would use this function like this:

stream.each(new Fields("x", "y"), new AddAndMultiply(), new Fields("added", "multiplied"));

The output of functions is additive: the fields are added to the input tuple. So the output of this each call would contain tuples with the five fields "x", "y", "z", "added", and "multiplied". "added" corresponds to the first value emitted by AddAndMultiply, while "multiplied" corresponds to the second value.

With aggregators, on the other hand, the function fields replace the input tuples. So if you had a stream containing the fields "val1" and "val2", and you did this:

stream.aggregate(new Fields("val2"), new Sum(), new Fields("sum"))

The output stream would only contain a single tuple with a single field called "sum", representing the sum of all "val2" fields in that batch.

With grouped streams, the output will contain the grouping fields followed by the fields emitted by the aggregator. For example:

stream.groupBy(new Fields("val1"))
     .aggregate(new Fields("val2"), new Sum(), new Fields("sum"))

In this example, the output will contain the fields "val1" and "sum".






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