然而Swagger对这块的兼容也比较差,降低版本后系统启动也会失败,一直提示:Property 'scan' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:org.reflections.util.ClasspathHelper.forPackage(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Ljava/util/Collection。在社区上找了一圈也没有提供什么解决方案。没办法只好自己啃骨头了。
/**删除这些代码*/ // public boolean getScan() { // return true; // } // // public void setScan(boolean shouldScan) { // scanAndRead(); // new SwaggerContextService() // .withConfigId(configId) // .withScannerId(scannerId) // .withContextId(contextId) // .withServletConfig(servletConfig) // .withSwaggerConfig(this) // .withScanner(this) // .initConfig() // .initScanner(); // } // // public void setScan() { // setScan(true); // } /**新增该方法:*/ public void init() { scanAndRead(); new SwaggerContextService() .withConfigId(configId) .withScannerId(scannerId) .withContextId(contextId) .withServletConfig(servletConfig) .withSwaggerConfig(this) .withScanner(this) .initConfig() .initScanner(); }
package io.swagger.jaxrs.config; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLClassLoader; import java.net.URLDecoder; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Set; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import org.reflections.Reflections; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; public class MyReflections{ /** returns {@code Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()} */ public static ClassLoader contextClassLoader() { return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } /** returns {@code Reflections.class.getClassLoader()} */ public static ClassLoader staticClassLoader() { return Reflections.class.getClassLoader(); } /** returns given classLoaders, if not null, otherwise defaults to both {@link #contextClassLoader()} and {@link #staticClassLoader()} */ public ClassLoader[] classLoaders(ClassLoader... classLoaders) { if (classLoaders != null && classLoaders.length != 0) { return classLoaders; } else { ClassLoader contextClassLoader = contextClassLoader(), staticClassLoader = staticClassLoader(); return contextClassLoader != null ? staticClassLoader != null && contextClassLoader != staticClassLoader ? new ClassLoader[]{contextClassLoader, staticClassLoader} : new ClassLoader[]{contextClassLoader} : new ClassLoader[] {}; } } /** returns urls with resources of package starting with given name, using {@link ClassLoader#getResources(String)} * <p>that is, forPackage("org.reflections") effectively returns urls from classpath with packages starting with {@code org.reflections} * <p>if optional {@link ClassLoader}s are not specified, then both {@link #contextClassLoader()} and {@link #staticClassLoader()} are used for {@link ClassLoader#getResources(String)} */ public Set<URL> forPackage(String name, ClassLoader... classLoaders) { return forResource(resourceName(name), classLoaders); } /** returns urls with resources of given @{code resourceName}, using {@link ClassLoader#getResources(String)} */ public Set<URL> forResource(String resourceName, ClassLoader... classLoaders) { final Set<URL> result = Sets.newHashSet(); final ClassLoader[] loaders = classLoaders(classLoaders); for (ClassLoader classLoader : loaders) { try { final Enumeration<URL> urls = classLoader.getResources(resourceName); while (urls.hasMoreElements()) { final URL url = urls.nextElement(); int index = url.toExternalForm().lastIndexOf(resourceName); if (index != -1) { result.add(new URL(url.toExternalForm().substring(0, index))); } else { result.add(url); //whatever } } } catch (IOException e) { if (Reflections.log != null) { Reflections.log.error("error getting resources for " + resourceName, e); } } } return result; } /** returns the url that contains the given class, using {@link ClassLoader#getResource(String)} * <p>if optional {@link ClassLoader}s are not specified, then either {@link #contextClassLoader()} or {@link #staticClassLoader()} are used for {@link ClassLoader#getResources(String)} * */ public URL forClass(Class<?> aClass, ClassLoader... classLoaders) { final ClassLoader[] loaders = classLoaders(classLoaders); final String resourceName = aClass.getName().replace(".", "/") + ".class"; for (ClassLoader classLoader : loaders) { try { final URL url = classLoader.getResource(resourceName); if (url != null) { final String normalizedUrl = url.toExternalForm().substring(0, url.toExternalForm().lastIndexOf(aClass.getPackage().getName().replace(".", "/"))); return new URL(normalizedUrl); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } /** returns urls using {@link java.net.URLClassLoader#getURLs()} up the default classloaders parent hierarchy * <p>using {@link #classLoaders(ClassLoader...)} to get default classloaders **/ public Set<URL> forClassLoader() { return forClassLoader(classLoaders()); } /** returns urls using {@link java.net.URLClassLoader#getURLs()} up the classloader parent hierarchy * <p>if optional {@link ClassLoader}s are not specified, then both {@link #contextClassLoader()} and {@link #staticClassLoader()} are used for {@link ClassLoader#getResources(String)} * */ public Set<URL> forClassLoader(ClassLoader... classLoaders) { final Set<URL> result = Sets.newHashSet(); final ClassLoader[] loaders = classLoaders(classLoaders); for (ClassLoader classLoader : loaders) { while (classLoader != null) { if (classLoader instanceof URLClassLoader) { URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader) classLoader).getURLs(); if (urls != null) { result.addAll(Sets.<URL>newHashSet(urls)); } } classLoader = classLoader.getParent(); } } return result; } /** returns urls using {@code java.class.path} system property */ public Set<URL> forJavaClassPath() { Set<URL> urls = Sets.newHashSet(); String javaClassPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); if (javaClassPath != null) { for (String path : javaClassPath.split(File.pathSeparator)) { try { urls.add(new File(path).toURI().toURL()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return urls; } /** returns urls using {@link ServletContext} in resource path WEB-INF/lib */ public Set<URL> forWebInfLib(final ServletContext servletContext) { final Set<URL> urls = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Object urlString : servletContext.getResourcePaths("/WEB-INF/lib")) { try { urls.add(servletContext.getResource((String) urlString)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { /*fuck off*/ } } return urls; } /** returns url using {@link ServletContext} in resource path WEB-INF/classes */ public URL forWebInfClasses(final ServletContext servletContext) { try { final String path = servletContext.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/classes"); if (path != null) { final File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) return file.toURL(); } else { return servletContext.getResource("/WEB-INF/classes"); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { /*fuck off*/ } return null; } /** return urls that are in the current class path. * attempts to load the jar manifest, if any, and adds to the result any dependencies it finds. */ public Set<URL> forManifest() { return forManifest(forClassLoader()); } /** get the urls that are specified in the manifest of the given url for a jar file. * attempts to load the jar manifest, if any, and adds to the result any dependencies it finds. */ public Set<URL> forManifest(final URL url) { final Set<URL> result = Sets.newHashSet(); result.add(url); try { final String part = cleanPath(url); File jarFile = new File(part); JarFile myJar = new JarFile(part); URL validUrl = tryToGetValidUrl(jarFile.getPath(), new File(part).getParent(), part); if (validUrl != null) { result.add(validUrl); } final Manifest manifest = myJar.getManifest(); if (manifest != null) { final String classPath = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(new Attributes.Name("Class-Path")); if (classPath != null) { for (String jar : classPath.split(" ")) { validUrl = tryToGetValidUrl(jarFile.getPath(), new File(part).getParent(), jar); if (validUrl != null) { result.add(validUrl); } } } } } catch (IOException e) { // don't do anything, we're going on the assumption it is a jar, which could be wrong } return result; } /** get the urls that are specified in the manifest of the given urls. * attempts to load the jar manifest, if any, and adds to the result any dependencies it finds. */ public Set<URL> forManifest(final Iterable<URL> urls) { Set<URL> result = Sets.newHashSet(); // determine if any of the URLs are JARs, and get any dependencies for (URL url : urls) { result.addAll(forManifest(url)); } return result; } // //a little bit cryptic... URL tryToGetValidUrl(String workingDir, String path, String filename) { try { if (new File(filename).exists()) return new File(filename).toURI().toURL(); if (new File(path + File.separator + filename).exists()) return new File(path + File.separator + filename).toURI().toURL(); if (new File(workingDir + File.separator + filename).exists()) return new File(workingDir + File.separator + filename).toURI().toURL(); if (new File(new URL(filename).getFile()).exists()) return new File(new URL(filename).getFile()).toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // don't do anything, we're going on the assumption it is a jar, which could be wrong } return null; } public String cleanPath(final URL url) { String path = url.getPath(); try { path = URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { /**/ } if (path.startsWith("jar:")) { path = path.substring("jar:".length()); } if (path.startsWith("file:")) { path = path.substring("file:".length()); } if (path.endsWith("!/")) { path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("!/")) + "/"; } return path; } private String resourceName(String name) { if (name != null) { String resourceName = name.replace(".", "/"); resourceName = resourceName.replace("\\", "/"); if (resourceName.startsWith("/")) { resourceName = resourceName.substring(1); } return resourceName; } else { return name; } } }
//config.addUrls(ClasspathHelper.forPackage(pkg)); MyReflections ref =new MyReflections(); config.addUrls(ref.forPackage(pkg));
这个库包含多个模块,如`springfox-swagger2`用于处理Swagger 2.0规范,`springfox-swagger-ui`则提供了与Swagger UI集成的设施,让开发者在本地就能查看和测试API。 使用Swagger和Springfox,开发者可以实现以下...
在Spring MVC框架中,Swagger可以与之完美结合,帮助开发人员更轻松地管理API接口。这个"swagger所需jar包大全"包含了使用Swagger进行API文档构建和接口调试所需要的所有关键库。 首先,我们来看`lib`目录下的jar包...
这个“swagger2依赖包”包含了Swagger2实现所需的关键组件,使得开发人员可以自动化生成API的客户端代码,从而简化了与服务端交互的过程。 Swagger-Annotations-1.5.9是Swagger的核心组件之一,它提供了Java注解,...
以下是一些与 Swagger 静态部分相关的知识点: 1. **OpenAPI 规范**:Swagger 基于 OpenAPI 规范,这是一种标准的、语言无关的格式,用于描述 RESTful API。它定义了如何编写 API 文档,包括端点、方法、参数、响应...
Swagger通过使用Swagger-UI和Swagger-Annotations,可以让开发者以注解的方式描述API,然后自动生成易于理解和使用的Web服务接口文档。这样,开发人员和测试人员可以方便地查看和测试API,无需手动编写文档。 首先...
在与SpringMVC框架整合时,Swagger可以提供一个交互式的文档界面,使得开发者可以通过UI直接测试API,大大提升了开发效率和用户体验。下面将详细介绍Swagger与SpringMVC整合的相关知识点。 1. **Swagger介绍** ...
-- 解决进入swagger页面报类型转换错误,排除2.9.2中的引用,手动增加1.5.21以上版本,这里选1.6.0版本--> <groupId>io.swagger <artifactId>swagger-annotations <version>1.6.0 <!-- ...
因此,在集成过程中,首先要明确当前Spring项目的Spring MVC版本,并找到与之兼容的Swagger版本。 Swagger的核心组件主要包括以下jar包: 1. `swagger-core`:提供了核心的API定义和解析功能。 2. `swagger-ui`:...
在IT行业中,SpringMVC和Swagger的整合是一个常见的需求,特别是在构建RESTful API服务时,为了提供清晰的接口文档和方便的API测试。SpringMVC是Spring框架的一部分,用于处理HTTP请求,而Swagger则是一个强大的工具...
Spring的灵活性使得与Swagger的集成变得简单,可以无缝地与Spring MVC或Spring Boot结合。 在提供的压缩包文件中,"swagger"很可能是包含Swagger UI静态资源的文件夹。这些资源包括HTML、CSS、JavaScript等,用于...
本篇文章将详细讲解如何解决“环信导入源码后io.swagger的导入报错”的问题。 首先,我们需要了解环信(Easemob)的基本概念。环信是一家提供即时通讯云服务的公司,为开发者提供了丰富的SDK,包括Android、iOS、...
在本例中,"spring3集成swagger的jar包"很可能包含了`swagger-core`、`swagger-springmvc`以及它们的依赖项。你可以通过Maven或Gradle来管理这些依赖,但如果你没有使用构建工具,手动下载jar包也是可行的。 集成...
Swagger与SpringMVC的结合,可以帮助开发者高效地实现RESTful API的设计、测试和文档。 Swagger的核心是OpenAPI Specification(OAS),这是一个用于描述RESTful API的标准,它允许开发者用YAML或JSON格式定义API的...
### swagger开启身份认证 在现代Web开发中,API文档自动生成工具如Swagger变得越来越重要,它们不仅能够提高开发效率,还能够帮助团队更好地管理和维护API接口。然而,随着API暴露给外部用户,安全问题也日益突出。...
现在市面上的swagger UI不足之处 1、原生UI显示的有些不够漂亮和清晰,特别是request 的model部分 2、每个服务都需要引入一套资源文件,不能作为一个中间件为其他API使用 3、默认通用配置繁琐,每个项目都需要复制...
Swagger是流行的一款用于构建RESTful API的文档工具,它与SpringBoot结合使用可以方便地在开发过程中实时展示接口文档,帮助开发者理解和测试API。 `@ApiModel`是Swagger的核心注解之一,用于描述一个模型(Model)...
Swagger 是一个用于生成、描述和调用 RESTful 接口的 Web 服务。通俗的来讲,Swagger 就是将项目中所有(想要暴露的)接口展现在页面上,并且可以进行接口调用和测试的服务。swagger可以将项目中所有的接口展现在...