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Google送Nexus One手机啦,大家快去收邮件

  • Java
Google今天通过电子邮件的方式宣布了一个新的开发Android应用程序送手机的活动。作为开发者,只要你的应用程序在Android Market中的评分超过3.5颗星,以及达到5000次的单独下载量,你就可以获得一部免费的摩托罗拉Droid或者Neuxs One。



很多开发者在收到邮件时都持有怀疑的态度,毕竟天上掉馅饼的事比较罕见。Google的Android开发者关系代表Roman Nurik在Android Developers Google Group.这样回应大家的疑问:

“一个欣欣向荣的开发者社区是为来自全球的用户创造出更好的移动体验的一个重要的组成部分。我们希望通过为开发者提供手机,能让他们开发和测试应用程序更方便一点。我们还准备了与此关联的其他活动来为开发者提供支持,包括我们的Android Developer Labs World Tour 和参加即将举行的Game Developers Conference。”

我收到eric的信了,lucky,没想到做free app也有些奖励的,另外不能直接寄到大陆,要香港中转一下,或者找美国aae中转一下。


Due to your contribution to the success of Android Market, we would like to present you with a brand new Android device as part of our developer device seeding program. You are receiving this message because you're one of the top developers in Android Market with one or more of your applications having a 3.5 star or higher rating and more than 5,000 unique downloads.

In order to receive this device, you must click through to this site, read the terms and conditions of the offer and fill out the registration form to give us your current mailing address so that we can ship your device.

You will receive either a Verizon Droid by Motorola or a Nexus One. Developers with mailing addresses in the US will receive either a Droid or Nexus one, based on random distribution. Developers from Canada, EU, and the EEA states (Norway, Lichtenstein), Switzerland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore will receive a Nexus One. Developers with mailing addresses in countries not listed above will not receive a phone since these phones are not certified to be used in other countries.

We hope that you will enjoy your new device and continue to build more insanely popular apps for Android!




1. Where do I find my Google Order Number?

Your Google Order Number is the order number listed on your receipt when you registered as an Android Developer on Google Checkout. You can look up your Google Order Number in the confirmation email receipt you received after your registration or in your order history when you log into the Checkout account you used to register.

2. Why do you need my Google Order Number?

We need to verify that you are indeed the developer who registered in Android Market and not someone who is spoofing the email address we have for you. We cannot verify your authenticity without this information.

3. My app has 5,000 downloads as of today. Why did I not receive an email?

We're screening for apps that have 5,000 or more unique downloads as of Feb 28, 2010, not including re-installs and upgrades. If your app meets the criteria as of that date and you did not receive an email, please send an email to android-market-seeding@google.com. 

4. Is there a time limit that I need to respond by?

Please make sure you fill out the form by March 31, 2010.

5. My app meets the criteria but I'm not based in one of the countries listed. Can I get a phone?

Currently we can only ship phones to one of the countries listed in the form. Developers from countries not listed above will not receive a phone since these phones are not certified to be used in other countries.

6. I have more than one app that meets the listed criteria. Can I get a phone for each one of those apps?

At this time, we're only shipping one device to each developer, regardless of the number of apps that meet the criteria.

7. How soon will I receive my phone?

We will start the shipping process as soon as the form is filled out and we're able to verify your authenticity. You should receive your phone in 2-4 weeks from the date of submission of the form.

8. My phone was not working when I received it OR it stopped working while under warranty. Can I request a replacement?

If you received a Droid, then please go to http://phones.verizonwireless.com/motorola/droid/. If you received a Nexus One, then please go to http://www.google.com/phone/support.

9. I did not receive a confirmation email when I submitted the form. How can I verify that you have received my information and will be shipping the phone to me?

We will send you an email when the phone is scheduled to be shipped. Please allow 2-4 weeks from the date of submission of the form for delivery of the phone. If you do not receive the phone within that timeframe, please send an email to android-market-seeding@google.com.

10. Can I request a specific phone?

Developers based in the US will receive either a Droid or Nexus one, based on random distribution. Developers based outside the US will receive a Nexus One.

11. Verizon is not my current cellphone provider. Can I request a Nexus One?

Phones are assigned by random distribution. Please note that the Droid comes with 30 days of free service and works great on WiFi networks.


7 楼 jxausea 2010-03-05  
lfz8888666 写道
6 楼 javarules 2010-03-04  
wuhoufeng 写道

5 楼 lfz8888666 2010-03-04  
4 楼 wuhoufeng 2010-03-04  
3 楼 hydrogen2008 2010-03-04  
2 楼 BarryWei 2010-03-04  
1 楼 jxausea 2010-03-04  
Developers from Canada, EU, and the EEA states (Norway, Lichtenstein), Switzerland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore will receive a Nexus One. Developers with mailing addresses in countries not listed above will not receive a phone since these phones are not certified to be used in other countries.



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