Systematic study of protein sumoylation: Development of a site-specific predictor of SUMOsp 2.0
. Jian
, Xinjiao Gao, Changjiang Jin, Mei Zhu, Xiwei Wang, Andrew Shaw, Longping Wen, Xuebiao Yao and Yu Xue
. Proteomics.2009;
9:3409-3412 [Abstract]
past decade has witnessed the rapid progresses
on functional dissections of protein sumoylation
and Melchior, 2007
). The SUMO (small
ubiquitin-related modifier) gene SMT3 was firstly
identified in S. cerevisiae
as a suppressor
of the centromeric protein Mif2 (Meluh
and Koshland, 1995
), and later was
shown to be covalently coupled to the Ran GTPase-activating
protein RanGAP1 as a reversible modifier (Mahajan,
et al., 1997
; Matunis,
et al., 1996
). Proteins modified
by SUMO could alter their sub-cellular localization,
activity or stability, etc (Fernandez-Lloris,
et al., 2006
; Mahajan,
et al., 1997
; Matunis,
et al., 1996
). And protein sumoylation
plays important roles in a variety of biological
processes, such as transcriptional regulation,
signaling transduction, cell cycle progression
and differentiation (Deyrieux,
et al., 2007
; Gill,
; Montpetit,
et al., 2006
; Seeler
and Dejean, 2003
), etc. In addition,
aberrance of SUMO system is highly implicated
in numerous diseases and cancer developments
and Fraser, 2007
; Fernandez-Lloris,
et al., 2006
; Li,
et al., 2005
; Seeler,
et al., 2007
this work, we updated our SUMOsp
into version 2.0
The training data set was manually collected
from scientific literature. The non-redundant
training data contained 279 sumoylation sites
from 166 distinct proteins. Then an updated
version of GPS algorithm was deployed. The self-consistency,
leave-one-out validation and 4-, 6-, 8-, 10-fold
cross-validations were calculated to evaluate
the prediction performance and system robustness
of SUMOsp 2.0. Also, the prediction performance
was tested on an additional data set not included
in the training data set, with 53 sumoylation
sites from 31 proteins. We compared SUMOsp 2.0
with SUMOplot and SUMOsp 1.0, on both the training
data and new data. The specificity (Sp) of SUMOsp
2.0 was improved significantly, while the sensitivity
(Sn) was similar or just slightly reduced against
previous tools. The SUMOsp 2.0 was implemented
in JAVA 1.4.2
would use local CPU for computation. With a
high speed, SUMOsp 2.0 could predict out potential
sumoylation sites for ~
proteins (with an average length of ~1000aa)
within ten minutes. Taken together, we proposed
that the highly specific SUMOsp 2.0 web server
will be more efficient for sumoylation sites
prediction. The SUMOsp 2.0 is freely available
at: http://sumosp.biocuckoo.org
2.0 User Interface
1. **启动SUMO服务**:从Matlab中启动SUMO,并初始化与SUMO的连接。 2. **开发具体应用**:编写Matlab代码实现特定的功能,如交通信号灯的智能控制、车辆的路径优化等。 3. **关闭连接**:完成任务后,记得释放资源...
此外,还可以使用SUMO的可视化工具sumo-gui观察仿真过程。 7. 实验设计与测试:这个案例可能是为了检验特定的交通管理策略,例如改变车道数、调整信号灯配时或者引入智能交通系统。通过改变参数,可以对比不同方案...
《SUMO用户手册》是交通仿真软件SUMO的详尽指南,它为用户提供了全面的了解和操作SUMO的步骤与技巧。SUMO,全称为Simulation of Urban MObility(城市移动性模拟),是一个开源的微观交通模拟工具,用于模拟城市交通...
同时,SUMO的官方文档也是非常好的学习资源,虽然英文版可能初看有些难度,但通过翻译工具辅助,可以更好地理解和掌握SUMO的高级功能。 总之,通过设置SUMO_HOME环境变量,我们可以顺利启动SUMO-GUI,然后利用提供...
6. **可视化界面**:SUMO提供了名为sumo-gui的图形用户界面,可以实时显示交通模拟情况,方便用户观察和分析。 7. **接口支持**:SUMO与MATLAB、Python、Java等编程语言有良好的接口,可以进行二次开发,实现自定义...
需要注意的是,手动编辑适用于车辆数量较少的情况,对于大量车辆的需求文件,应考虑使用自动化工具生成。 综上所述,SUMO作为一个功能强大的交通仿真工具,通过上述方法可以实现其快速运行和文件生成。研究者在掌握...
标题 "sumo实例,资源可共享" 暗示了我们正在讨论SUMO(Simulation of Urban MObility)——一个广泛使用的开源交通模拟工具。SUMO可以用来模拟城市中的交通流,包括车辆、行人和公共交通,帮助规划者分析交通网络...
Netedit是SUMO提供的一款图形化界面工具,用于创建、编辑和优化网络配置。 首先,让我们了解十字路口建模的基本步骤: 1. **启动netedit**:打开SUMO工具包,启动netedit应用程序。这是通过在命令行输入`sumo-...
SUMO(Simulation of Urban MObility)是一款开源的微观交通模拟工具,被广泛应用于城市交通规划、交通管理以及自动驾驶系统的研究。"sumo-main240319.zip"这个压缩包显然包含了与SUMO相关的科研资料,可能是模型、...
在微观交通仿真领域,SUMO(Simulation of Urban MObility)是一个广泛应用的开源软件,它允许用户模拟复杂的交通网络和交通行为。本文将详细介绍SUMO中的交通需求模型及其构建方法,帮助用户更好地理解和运用SUMO...
同时,SUMO提供了强大的可视化工具,使用户能够直观地观察交通流动态。 在Veins框架中,SUMO扮演着至关重要的角色。Veins是一个基于OMNeT++和SUMO的无线通信与移动网络模拟器,专为车联网(V2X)通信研究设计。通过...