Ext JS 3.0.2 (Support Subscribers Only)
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Release Notes for Ext 3.0.2
Release Date: Sep 13, 2009
Current Version: 3.0.2 (rev 5340)
Previous Version: 3.0.1 (rev 5073)
- Ext.Container
- Fixed an issue where the default layout was not being set correctly on a container if a layout wasn't specified.
- Ensure that getComponent only returns children of the current container.
- Added a fix to ensure the item is removed from the item collection as the last operation.
- Ext.Editor
- Ensure name property of any editor field is cleared so it isn't submitted with forms by default.
- Ext.Panel
- Added a fix to ensure that toolbars are laid out correctly inside panels.
- Added an extra check to ensure that the height property is not set to 'auto', to go along with the autoHeight check.
- Ensure panel height is not auto when attempting toolbar layout related operations.
- Added a fix that makes buttons align to the right correctly in IE.
- Ext.TabPanel
- Fixed an issue where changing the icon class on the tab was not updating other classes on the parent tab element
- Ext.Window
- Added a fix to ensure that the window doesn't steal focus when it shouldn't while being shown.
- Ext.adapter.prototype-bridge
- Standardize ajax response for jquery and prototype adapters.
- Ext.adapter.yui-bridge
- Fixed an issue where firefox would erroneously report elements as existing. Very old bug in FF, still not fixed.
- Ext.chart.Chart
- Added a fix to ensure that any extra style overrides the default chart style.
- Ext.core.Element.scroll-more
- Fixed the behaviour of scrollTo where it was not maintaining the scroll position of the other dimension correctly.
- Ext.core.Ext-more
- Fix for Ext.getScrollBarWidth in IE6/7 in strict mode.
- Fixed num() when using an empty string as the value.
- Ext.data.Tree
- Ensure that the attributes of the node are changed when the id is modified.
- Ext.data.XmlReader
- Missing return value in the getTotal method. Also re-added the node property to the record.
- Ext.data.XmlWriter
- Split up the XML header to ensure it isn't parsed by any server language.
- Ext.direct.RemotingProvider
- Added a fix to ensure that "falsey" values can still be used as a result for a direct request
- Added a fix for DirectForm actions to respect server exceptions. Also added a timeout option on the remoting provider.
- Ext.form.BasicForm
- Made the waitTitle for forms localized.
- Ext.form.CheckboxGroup
- The panel created
inside a check/radio group should default to buffferResize: false,
since it's not really in a proper container hierarchy.
- Fix getValue method being declared twice.
- Ext.form.Checkbox
- Added a fix to ensure the correct value gets returned for an unrendered checkbox.
- Ext.form.Combo
- Fixes a regression issue
introduced by the keyboard handling fixes, specifically with editor
grid fields tabbing twice on occasion.
- Added an extra fix for synchronizing the list width with the combo.
- Ext.form.HtmlEditor
- Added a fix to stop the default value of the editor being posted to the server because it can cause encoding issues.
- Merging trunk revision
- Fixed an issue where line breaks don't work correctly in the editor in WebKit.
- Ext.form.RadioGroup
- Added a fix to allow check/radio groups to respect the value config option.
- Ext.form.VTypes
- Escape the leading hyphens in the regex. Though this doesn't cause any issues in JS, it does make the intent slightly more clear
- Ext.grid.GridView
- Added a fix for column alignment with hidden columns in WebKit browsers.
- Ext.grid.PropertyGrid
- Upgrade boolean field to use new "both" option for alignment to ensure it's aligned properly.
- Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel
- Fix for tabbing
from combo when not in a grid. Related to the keyboard fixes that were
made in a previous revision. This fix also removes the need for a delay
in the RowSelectionModel edit grid.
- Added a fix that stops RowSelectionModel editor grids firing superfluous rowselect and deselect events.
- Ext.layout.BoxLayout
- Fixed an issue where the scroll offset on the vbox layout was incorrectly reserving space in the width, instead of the height.
- Ext.layout.CardLayout
- Removed an extraneous call to doLayout in CardLayout.
- Added a fix to initially layout tabs when they are rendered, a regression introduced by the previous fix.
- Ext.layout.FormLayout
- Added a fix that ensures trackLabels works correctly with initially hidden items.
- Fixed an issue when removing hidden fields from a form.
- Ext.layout.vbox
- Correct the use of hbox in the vbox layout example.
- Ext.locale.ext-lang-ukr
- Corrected Ukrainian translations (by @hempslayer)
- Ext.menu.ColorMenu
- This fix allows an id to be
assigned to a ColorMenu/DateMenu. Introduced a new configuration option
pickerId/paletteId which is optional. If one is not assigned, Ext will
generate an id.
- Ext.menu.Menu
- Ensure that the menu is
constrained to the viewport when showing. This also includes the x
dimension for menus that have scrolling enabled.
- Fix to allow menu to use other layouts (not just MenuLayout).
- Remove console.log statement.
- Ext.src.data
- Merging trunk revision.
Incorrectly accessed params.jsonData in read action of DirectProxy.
Only write actions will find params.jsonData to be valid. refs #173
- Merging
trunk revision. refs #170. baseParams in Store#load were over-writing
params when provided with new params as function arg. Used Ext.applyIf
instead Ext.apply.
- Ext.tasks.tasks
- Set the header to explicitly
false, since setting collapsible will now create a header (due a to a
previous fix, specifying tools now automatically creates a header).
- Ext.tips.QuickTip
- Added a fix to allow tooltips to work correctly when using nested elements.
- Ext.tips.ToolTip
- Added a fix to ensure that previous listeners are removed correctly when initializing a new target on the tooltip.
- Ext.tree.TreeLoader
- Ensure that callbacks for tree loader are consistent.
- Ext.tree.TreePanel
- Stop add/remove events
bubbling for containers that can't have children (grid/tree). Also
added an extra check to ensure that events is not empty when making a
call to bubble.
- Added a fix to allow selectPath to work correctly on the root node.
- Ext.tree.TreeSelectionModel
- Fixed some potential memory leaks in tree cleanup code.
- Ext.ux.BufferView
- When removing a row, update the grid display to ensure that there is no empty space if there are rows to be shown.
- Ext.ux.GroupSummary
- Added a fix to allow GroupSummary to continue working after a grid reconfigure.
- Ext.ux.SelectBox
- Fixed a few minor issues with this control:
1) Removed the code overriding the render method, moved it to a template method.
2) Changed the isSafari check to isWebKit.
3) Fixed a typo in the focusAndSelect method.
- ux-all.js
- Remove Focus.js from the ux-all
build as it causes issues when included with other components. To use
it, it will need to be explicitly included.
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