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Batch Framework‏


Java Batch Job Framework - http://jbjf.sourceforge.net/documentation.html#

TERASOLUNA Batch解惑 http://www.offshore-jp.com/html/49/t-549.html

Enterprise Batch Server  http://batchserver.sourceforge.net/

CA 7® Workload Automation 参考

Batch Application Frameworks


How do I do bulk processing? For example, how do I get my ETL done to load the warehouse?


Here are some batch application frameworks, in no particular order.

Vestigo JavaBatch - a zOS (IBM Mainframe) framework for running batch applications written in Java.
CleverSoft Sodiax includes some batch control capability.
Xebia J2EE Batch Framework - depends on WebLogic and Flux for job scheduling.
BMC Control-M - a sophisticated batch control product.
Microsoft Job Scheduling SMF - A windows framework for running batch applications.
Taricon Xi-Batch - job scheduling and control.
CA Unicenter CA-7 - very, very complete scheduling solution.
OpenPBS.ORG Portable Batch System - Looks reasonably complete, and well-established.
Digipede http://www.digipede.net/
http://www.digipede.net/" target="NewWindow">Digipede Network
- which raises the question, do grid controllers count?

What do these frameworks require? Almost nothing... and that's a problem.

What Makes Batch Processing Complex?

In the web framework world, the directory structure for web applications is tightly constrained by the web server and the security considerations around what files can be served. In the desktop GUI world -- Windows mostly -- your application's location is defined by convention, and your data's location is often left to the user to make wise choices.

In the batch control applications listed above, however, directory structures are left unspecified. In my experience, this leaves people foundering, unaware of precisely what they must specify at a broad, architectural level. These products leave too many degrees of freedom.

This foundering can be compounded by enterprise's shift to midrange processing. Some places are growing out of low-end Windows boxes. Other places are not expanding their zOS mainframes and are adding midrange servers instead. Whether growing or down-sizing, they find themselves lost in the UNIX directory tree, unable to determine where files should be located.

The batch-design foundering is further compounded by the implementation of a data warehouse, which is typified by long-running, complex batch processing. In many cases, programmers have more experience with interactive applications and small, simple batch interfaces. This kind of long-running, complex batch job is new to some programmers.

Filling in the Solution.

To prevent foundering, and get the project afloat, we must manage the complexity of batch processing. Data warehouse loads, for example, are already complex; too much freedom in the batch environment adds complexity without creating real value.

This is a four-step process:
1. Document the audit and control requirements. These include non-functional features of batch processing, and functional requirements outside the business purpose of the application software. These are the worst kind of requirements to capture because there's so little user involvement -- it's all IT navel-gazing.
2. Develop a Framework. The important thing is to pare down the degrees of freedom to arrive at the simplest possible batch processing environment that fills audit and control objectives. This is actually hard to do because IT folks tend to over-write their internal requirements.
3. Catalog your basic Design Patterns. Batch jobs are all very similar, and a few key superclasses will assure that every job fits the framework and supports the essential design patterns.
4. Supplement with Programming in the Large patterns. Avoid the shell; it's trouble waiting to happen. These additional design patterns add considerable flexibility and avoid the performance and maintenance costs of doing too much shell programming.

The issue is that the framework is elusive. Many things can work, but what's the simplest approach that assures compliance with the control objectives?


    TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java Version 3.x 説明資料1

    TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java Version 3.x 是NTT DATA Corporation开发的一个批量处理框架,专注于简化Java环境中的批处理开发。这个框架通过组件化的方式提供了必要的功能,使得在线开发者能够快速上手进行...

    TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java 機能説明書1

    【TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java 功能说明书1】 TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java 是由NTT DATA Corporation开发的一个批量处理框架,适用于Java环境。该框架为构建批处理系统提供了执行基础和通用功能...

    spring batch in action

    Jointly developed by SpringSource and Accenture, Spring Batch fills this critical gap by providing a robust and convenient framework for writing batch applications that process large volumes of ...


    - "org.springframework.batch-2.0.0.RELEASE-with-dependencies" 压缩包包含了 Spring Batch 2.0.0.RELEASE 版本及其所有依赖,方便开发者快速搭建环境。 - 依赖包括但不限于 Spring Framework、JDBC 驱动、JPA、...

    The Definitive Guide to Spring Batch, 2nd Edition.epub

    Additionally, you’ll discover how Spring Batch 4 takes advantage of Java 9, Spring Framework 5, and the new Spring Boot 2 micro-framework. After reading this book, you’ll be able to use Spring Boot ...


    spring batch官方文档:https://docs.spring.io/spring-batch spring batch3.x中文文档:http://www.kailing.pub/SpringBatchReference spring batch官方入门实例:https://projects.spring.io/spring-batch/ 简单...


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    Spring Batch in Action英文pdf版

    Spring Batch是一个开源的轻量级、全面的批处理框架,它是为了解决企业应用中的大规模数据处理需求而设计的。Spring Batch in Action是一本专注于Spring Batch框架的书籍,由Arnaud Cogoluègnes、Thierry Templier...


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    What you'll learn * Batch concepts and how they relate to the Spring Batch framework * How to use declarative I/O using the Spring Batch readers/writers * Data integrity techniques used by Spring ...


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    Spring Batch 是一个强大的Java框架,专门用于处理批量数据处理任务。在Spring Batch中,分区处理是一种优化策略,它将大型工作负载分解成多个较小、独立的任务,这些任务可以在不同的线程或甚至不同的节点上并行...

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