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在RHEL 3上安装Hyperic HQ 3.0.3 -- Server端安装日志
I. Server端安装 1.Hyperic HQ的安装与其他管理软件在安装用户的权限要求上,有很大区别。一般管理软件都要求安装用户必须是root,但是Hyperic HQ却整好相反,他要求用 户必须不能是root。 [root@TServer hyperic-hq-installer]# ./setup.sh 提示不能使用root用户安装。 Execution of HQ setup not allowed as the root user. Please log in as a different user and re-run /opt/hyperic/hyperic-hq-installer/installer-3.0.3/bin/hq-setup.sh 2. su到普通用户安装 [root@TServer hyperic-hq-installer]# su - cl 因为Hyperic HQ是基于j2ee的,所以需要JAVA_HOME环境变量被正确设置。 [cl@TServer hyperic]$ set | grep JAVA JAVA_HOME=/usr/java 3. 执行安装脚本 [cl@TServer hyperic]$ /opt/hyperic/hyperic-hq-installer/installer-3.0.3/bin/hq-setup.sh Initializing Hyperic HQ 3.0.3 Installation... Loading taskdefs... Taskdefs loaded 4.选择模块 提示选择安装module,可以多选,以“,”分隔。 此处我们只选择安装Server。 Choose which software to install: 1: Hyperic HQ Server 2: Hyperic HQ Shell 3: Hyperic HQ Agent You may enter multiple choices, separated by commas. 1 5.选择路径 选择安装路径,默认为/home/hyperic,此处我选择/opt/hyperic。 注意,此目录对安装用户一定要有写(w)的权限; HQ server installation path [default '/home/hyperic']: /opt/hyperic 6.指定smtp server 选择smtp主机ip,此处使用本机为smtp server。 Enter the fully qualified domain name of the SMTP server that HQ will use to send email messages [default '']: 7.选择数据库 Hyperic 3.0.3目前支持Oracle 8/9i/10g和PostgreSQL,对比较流行的MySQL不支持,应该算是个比较大的遗憾。 此处我选择2,Oracle9i/10g. Choices: 1: Oracle 8 2: Oracle 9i/10g 3: PostgreSQL What backend database should the HQ server use? [default '2']: 2 8.配置JDBC连接串 Url,此处按照自己的实际情况配置即可。 Enter the JDBC connection URL for the Oracle 9i/10g database [default 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:HYPERIC_HQ']: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:fbdb 用户/密码,密码要输入两次: Enter the username to use to connect to the database: cl Enter the password to use to connect to the database: (again): 9.选择数据库数据安装方式 因为我原来安装过Hyperic HQ的其他版本,所以选择2,删除现有数据。 Choices: 1: Upgrade the HQ server database 2: Overwrite the HQ server database (ERASE all existing data) 3: Exit the installer An HQ server database already exists at the JDBC connection URL. What should be done with this database? [default '3']: 2 10.开始安装进程 Loading install configuration... Install configuration loaded. Preparing to install... Validating server install configuration... Checking server webapp port... Checking server secure webapp port... Checking server JRMP port... Checking server JNP port... Checking database permissions... Verifying admin user properties Validating server DB configuration... Installing the server... Unpacking server to: /opt/hyperic/server-3.0.3... Creating server configuration files... Copying binaries and libraries to server installation... Copying server configuration file... Copying server control file... Copying server binaries... Copying server libs... Setting up server database... Setting permissions on server binaries... Fixing line endings on text files... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Complete: Server successfully installed to: /opt/hyperic/server-3.0.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. 安装成功 提示启动server的脚本名称及用法,以及登录的url地址等。 要记住用户、密码为:hqadmin/hqadmin。 以及更改用户密码的方法。 You can now start your HQ server by running this command: /opt/hyperic/server-3.0.3/bin/hq-server.sh start Note that the first time the HQ server starts up it may take several minutes to initialize. Subsequent startups will be much faster. Once the HQ server reports that it has successfully started, you can log in to your HQ server at: username: hqadmin password: hqadmin To change your password, log in to the HQ server, click the "Administration" link, choose "List Users", then click on the "hqadmin" user. 12. 安装日志 如果安装错误,可以从中找找原因。 Setup completed. A copy of the output shown above has been saved to: /opt/hyperic/hyperic-hq-installer/installer-3.0.3/hq-install.log 今天先写道这里,周一接着写Agent的安装及Hyperic HQ的配置。 |
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