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MOF - the Meta-Object Facility


MOF - the Meta-Object Facility

This is probably the least known of the OMG standards, although I personally consider it to be the most important one. MOF is a conceptual framework for describing meta-data. Meta-data is, as the names suggests, data about data. To explain this, consider the following layers:

0. A customer, ACME Corp., has placed an order for 32 boxes of candy on the 23rd of April.
1. A customer has a name and can place zero to n orders, each order having a date and referencing a specfic item that is being sold.
2. Classes have attributes which have a type, and classes can be related to each other.
3. There are things that describe something, and there are connections between those things.

With numbers increasing, we move away from pure information (level 0) to a model layer (1), to a meta-model layer roughly resembling UML (2), to a meta-meta-model layer representing a way to describe meta-models.

MOF is mainly concerned with level 3, for which it contains a hard-coded set of "things". (If you're not confused enough already: in fact this layer is a subset of UML. Don't worry, things will hopefully become clearer soon).

So what is MOF? MOF is way to describe meta-models, which in turn describe a specific way to model something. One example of a well-known meta-model is UML. But the separation allows MOF to be independent of UML and support other meta-models as well. MOF is thus a very generic and very powerful framework for expressing model and meta data information.

Apart from being a conceptual framework, MOF also defines a CORBA IDL mapping that specifies how MOF data can be accessed from CORBA applications. With JMI, the Java Metadata Interface, the JCP has just finalized a mapping of these interfaces for the Java language.

copy from MDA from a Developer's Perspective



    MetaObject Facility Specification 2.0

    ### MetaObject Facility (MOF) 规范 2.0 版本详解 #### MOF 规范概览 MetaObject Facility(MOF)规范是由Object Management Group(OMG)发布的,该规范定义了一种用于描述和管理元数据的方法。MOF 2.0版本正式...

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    MOF(Meta-Object Facility)是OMG(Object Management Group)制定的一种元模型框架,用于定义和交换元数据。在这个上下文中,"mof-license.txt"很可能是该特定Transformer组件的许可协议文件。在开源软件世界中,...

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    后者,mof-license.txt,很可能是关于MOF(Meta-Object Facility)的许可协议,MOF是OMG(对象管理组)制定的一个标准,用于定义元模型和模型交换,它是UML的基础之一。 使用argouml-i18n-zh.jar时,首先需要将其解...


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    此外,压缩包中还包含了一份名为"mof-license.txt"的文件,这很可能是指Meta-Object Facility(MOF)的许可协议。MOF是OMG(Object Management Group)制定的一种元模型框架,它是UML的基础,用于定义和实现统一的...

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    而"mof-license.txt"则可能是Meta-Object Facility(MOF)的许可证文件,MOF是OMG(对象管理组)定义的一种元模型框架,用于表达和交换模型信息,它与UML紧密相关。 下载并解压"argouml-csharp.jar.zip"后,开发者...

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    MOF(Meta-Object Facility)是OMG(Object Management Group)定义的一套元模型框架,用于支持各种不同的模型交换。"mof-license.txt"可能是关于MOF相关资源的许可协议,确保用户在使用这些资源时遵守相应的版权...


    MOF(Meta-Object Facility)是OMG(Object Management Group)制定的一种元模型框架,用于定义和实现元数据。"mof-license.txt"很可能是关于MOF的许可协议文本,表明了使用或分发该组件时需要遵守的法律条款。 总...


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    这通常意味着它包含了关于Meta-Object Facility (MOF)的许可协议信息。MOF是OMG(对象管理组)定义的一种元模型框架,用于描述和交换模型数据,是UML和其他建模语言的基础。 了解这些基本信息后,我们就可以开始...

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