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Configure SSH and Use putty for remote-control


Firstly, what is SSH?Which is a abbreviation of "Secure Shell Protocol", it is a protocol that support remote logon through insecure network. So, if we want to use putty on a client. we should install that ssh on the server side.

1) check the active internet connections

  1. ~# netstat -at   

The result will be all(-a) the socket using TCP protocol. But there is no socket listening at ssh port (default 22). That is to say, if we run

  1. ~# netstat -at | grep ssh  

there will be none.

2) install the ssh

  1. sudo apt-get install ssh  

this process will take several minutes and it will ask "Yes or no" question. Of course yes.

After that, you can check the connections again as 1). This time the result can include the ssh connection which is at LISTEN state.

3) Use putty on your client

Ok, putty connection use ssh protocal. Input the server Ip address or Host name. Click "open", that will be great.

At last, if ssh has been installed , but it is not at LISTEN state,  you can restart is.

  1. ~# sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart  


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