





1、N-COUNT(可数名词) (词数:5150)
2、V(动词) (词数:3881)
3、ADJ-GRADED(能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词) (词数:2583)
4、N-UNCOUNT(不可数名词) (词数:2038)
5、ADJ(形容词) (词数:1837)
6、N-VAR(可变名词) (词数:938)
7、N-SING(单数名词) (词数:721)
8、V-ERG(动词(及物/不及物)) (词数:511)
9、N-PLURAL(复数名词) (词数:420)
10、ADV(副词) (词数:319)
11、N-MASS(物质名词) (词数:167)
12、CONVENTION(惯用语) (词数:158)
13、V-RECIP(相互动词) (词数:112)
14、N-IN-NAMES(名称名词) (词数:87)
15、PREP(介词) (词数:80)
16、ADV-GRADED(能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的副词) (词数:67)
17、N-VOC(称呼名词) (词数:53)
18、N-TITLE(头衔名词) (词数:53)
19、COLOUR(颜色词) (词数:51)
20、N-COUNT-COLL(可数集合名词) (词数:50)
21、QUANT(数量词) (词数:44)
22、V-RECIP-ERG(相互动词(及物/不及物)) (词数:43)
23、N-PROPER(专有名词) (词数:40)
24、EXCLAM(感叹语) (词数:38)
25、NUM(数词) (词数:38)
26、V-PASSIVE(被动动词) (词数:37)
27、CONJ-SUBORD(从属连词) (词数:36)
28、DET(限定词) (词数:29)
29、V-LINK(连系动词) (词数:26)
30、N-SING-COLL(单数集合名词) (词数:24)
31、PRON(代词) (词数:20)
32、ORD(序数词) (词数:15)
33、QUEST(疑问词) (词数:14)
34、FRACTION(分数词) (词数:12)
35、CONJ-COORD(并列连词) (词数:11)
36、MODAL(情态动词) (词数:10)
37、N-UNCOUNT-COLL(不可数集合名词) (词数:10)
38、PREDET(前置限定词) (词数:8)
39、PRON-INDEF(不定代词) (词数:8)
40、PRON-REL(关系代词) (词数:8)
41、PRON-REFL-EMPH(强调反身代词) (词数:8)
42、PRON-REFL(反身代词) (词数:8)
43、PRON-SING(单数型代词) (词数:7)
44、DET-POSS(所有格限定词) (词数:6)
45、N-FAMILY(家庭成员名词) (词数:6)
46、N-PROPER-COLL(专有集合名词) (词数:6)
47、ADV-BRD-NEG(广义否定结构副词) (词数:5)
48、ADJ-COMPAR(形容词比较级形式) (词数:5)
49、PRON-POSS(所有格代词) (词数:5)
50、PRON-PLURAL(复数型代词) (词数:5)
51、AUX(助动词) (词数:4)
52、ADV-COMPAR(副词比较级形式) (词数:4)
53、ADJ-SUPERL(形容词最高级形式) (词数:3)
54、ADV-INDEF(不定副词) (词数:3)
55、ADV-SUPERL(副词最高级形式) (词数:3)
56、COMB-in-COLOUR(与颜色词构成的词) (词数:3)
57、COMB-in-ADJ(与形容词构成的词) (词数:3)
58、DET-NEG(否定限定词) (词数:2)
59、N-VAR-COLL(可变集合名词) (词数:2)
60、ADJ-UNGRADED(不能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词) (词数:2)
61、COMB-in-ADJ-GRADED(与能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词构成的词) (词数:2)
62、QUANT-PLURAL(复数数量词) (词数:2)
63、CONJ-COORD-NEG(否定并列连词) (词数:2)
64、PRON-RECIP(相互代词) (词数:2)
65、SOUND(声音词) (词数:2)
66、PRON-INDEF-NEG(否定不定代词) (词数:2)
67、V-LINK-ERG(连系动词(及物/不及物)) (词数:2)
68、COMB-in-N-UNCOUNT(与不可数名词构成的词) (词数:1)
69、SUFFIX(后缀) (词数:1)
70、ADV-INDEF-NEG(否定不定副词) (词数:1)
71、PRON-EMPH(强调代词) (词数:1)
72、COMB-in-QUANT(与数量词构成的词) (词数:1)
73、ADV-NEG(否定副词) (词数:1)
74、NEG(否定词) (词数:1)
75、N-PROPER-PLURAL(专有复数名词) (词数:1)
76、V-RECIP-PASSIVE(被动相互动词) (词数:1)



1、ADJ(形容词) (词数:1837)

1 African American Arabian Asian Australian
2 British Byzantine Canadian Catholic Chinese
3 Christian Cuban Dutch Egyptian English
4 European Fahrenheit French German Greek
5 Hispanic Indian Italian Japanese Latin
6 Marxist Mediterranean Portuguese Roman Russian
7 Scotch Soviet Spanish Swiss abandoned
8 ablaze aboriginal abortive about absent
9 absentee absolute abstract academic accessory
10 accidental accidentally accustomed acoustic action
11 active actively actual actuarial acute
12 additional adjacent adjustable administrative adolescent
13 adoptive adult advance adverbial aerial
14 affected affirmative agape aggregate aggregation
15 agnostic agog agrarian airborne airtight
16 ajar alabaster alien alight alive
17 allergic allied alluvial alone alphabetical
18 alpine alternate alternately alternation alternative
19 amateur ambidextrous ambient anaerobic analogue
20 analytical anarchist anatomical ancestral ancillary
21 animal animate animated annual annually
22 anonymity anonymous antecedent antediluvian anterior
23 anticipatory antiseptic apart apocalyptic apocryphal
24 apoplectic apparent appealing aquatic arable
25 arboreal architectural archive arithmetic art
26 artificial artistic ascending asleep aspirant
27 aspiring assault assistant associate assorted
28 assured astronomical athletic atmospheric atomic
29 atonal atrocious attached attendant audio
30 audiovisual aural authentic authenticity automatic
31 automotive auxiliary availability available average
32 awful awfully baby back backhanded
33 backward bad bald banana bankrupt
34 bare barefaced baroque barren barrenness
35 basic battery bay beaded beauty
36 beginning beholden benevolent benign bent
37 bespectacled biennial big bilateral bilingual
38 bilious black blank blazing blind
39 blindfold blinds blissful blooming blue
40 blues blunt bodily bone born
41 bosom bottom bottomless bound boundless
42 bourgeois bovine brackish bravura brawny
43 breathless broken brown brute buck
44 bucolic budget bumper burning bust
45 busy buzz calculated candid canine
46 canonical capacity capital captive cardiac
47 cardinal career caring carnivorous casual
48 catholic causal celestial celibate cellular
49 centigrade central cerebral ceremonial certain
50 chance charitable charter chaste cheap
51 chemical cherubic chief childish chill
52 choral choreographic chromatic chronic chronological
53 circular circumstantial civic civil civilian
54 clairvoyance clairvoyant clandestine class classic
55 classical classified clean clear clearly
56 cleft climatic clinical closet coastal
57 coed cognate cognitive coincident cold
58 collect collected collective colonial comatose
59 comfortable comic commensurate commercial common
60 commonly communal communist compact compaction
61 comparable comparative comparatively compatible compensatory
62 competing complementary complete completely completion
63 complex complimentary component composite compound
64 compressed compulsory conceivable concentric conceptual
65 concerning concise concomitant concrete concurrent
66 concurrently congenital congressional congruent conjugal
67 conscious consciously consecutive consequent consequential
68 conservative consistent consistently constant constantly
69 constituent constitutional consultation contact contemporary
70 contiguous continental contingency contingent continual
71 continuous contrary convalescent conventional conventionally
72 convertible convinced cooperative copper cord
73 corporate correct correctly corrugated cosmetic
74 cosmic costume council counterfeit countless
75 courtesy creative crepuscular criminal crimson
76 crippling crisscross critical crooked cross
77 crude crudity crystalline cubic culinary
78 cult cultivated cultural cumulative current
79 currently custom customarily customary customs
80 cyclic cyclical daily dairy damn
81 dandy dank dappled daredevil darling
82 daytime dazzling dead deadly deaf
83 dear decent deciduous decimal dedicated
84 deductive deep default defensive deficient
85 definite defunct delinquent delirious delivery
86 democratic demotic dental dependent designate
87 designer desktop destined detached detective
88 deterrent devastating devoted devotional diabolic
89 diabolical diagonal diagonally diaphanous diet
90 dietary different digestive digital diocesan
91 diplomatic direct dirt dirty discrete
92 discretionary discriminatory discussion disembodied disposable
93 disposed dissident distance diurnal divine
94 documentary domestic donor doomed dormancy
95 dormant dormitory dorsal double down
96 downstairs downtown downward dramatic dramatically
97 dread dreadful dreadfully dream dropout
98 dry dual due dues dulcet
99 dumb duplicate dwarf dying dynamic
100 dynamics earsplitting earthenware earthly east
101 eastern ecological economic economy ecumenical
102 edible editorial effective effectiveness eggshell
103 elect electoral electric electrical electromagnetic
104 electronic else emblematic embryo emergency
105 emollient emotional empirical empty endemic
106 engaged enormous enormously ensemble entire
107 environmental epic epicurean equal equestrian
108 equine ersatz erstwhile escape estranged
109 eternal ethically ethnic even eventual
110 everlasting every everyday evolutionary exact
111 excellent excess exclusive executive exemplary
112 exempt exemption existential expansive experimental
113 experimentally expert exponential exponentially express
114 expressly exquisite extant extended exterior
115 external extinct extra extraneous extraordinarily
116 extraordinary extremist extrinsic fair fake
117 fallow false family fantastic fantasy
118 far fast fatal fatty faultless
119 faulty favourite federal feeder feline
120 fellow female feminine feminist feral
121 ferrous festive feudal feverish few
122 fictional fictitious field figurative filial
123 final financial finite fireproof fiscal
124 fit fitful fixed flat fledgling
125 floral fluorescent flush folk following
126 fond fool foot forcibly fore
127 foreign foremost forensic formal former
128 forthcoming foster frame fraternal fraudulent
129 fraught freak free fresh freshness
130 frightful fringe front full functional
131 fundamental furious furry further fused
132 future gangling gaseous gastric gathering
133 gay general generation generic genetic
134 genetically genuine geographical giant given
135 glacial glandular glazed global glossy
136 golden good gossamer gourmet graduated
137 grammatical granary grand granular graphic
138 graphics grave gravitational great green
139 greenhouse grey gross ground grown
140 growth guilty gum gymnastics habitual
141 halcyon handmade handsome hard harmonic
142 hatchet haunted heavenly heavy herbaceous
143 hereditary heretical hermetic heroic heterodox
144 high historic historical hollow holy
145 home homemade homespun homosexual honorary
146 honourable hopeful horizontal horned horror
147 hostile hot house household human
148 humane humanistic humanitarian hydraulic hyperactivity
149 hypersensitive hypnotic hypodermic hypothetical hysterical
150 ideal identical ideological idiot idle
151 idleness igneous ill illegal illegitimate
152 illicit illiterate imaginary imbecile imitation
153 immanent immediate immemorial imminent immobile
154 immortal immune immunity impatient impending
155 imperial impermeable impervious implicit impossible
156 impregnable impromptu improper impulse in
157 inadvertently inalienable inanimate inaugural inborn
158 incandescence incandescent incapable incarnate incendiary
159 inchoate incipient inclined inclusive incompatible
160 incontrovertible incorrect incorrigible incorruptible incumbent
161 indecisive indefatigable indefinite indelible independent
162 indigenous indirect individual indoor indubitable
163 industrial ineffable ineligible ineluctable inert
164 inestimable inevitable inexhaustible infant infantile
165 infernal infertile infinite infinitely infinitesimal
166 informal informed infrared inherent inimitable
167 initial inland innate inner innermost
168 innocent innumerable inordinate inorganic insane
169 insatiable inside insoluble insolvent instant
170 instantly instinctive instinctively instrumental insufficient
171 insuperable insurmountable intact integral integrated
172 intellectual intelligent intentional intentionally interchangeable
173 intercontinental interdisciplinary interim interior intermediate
174 interminable internal international internecine interpersonal
175 interstellar intrinsic invalid invaluable inverse
176 inversely inveterate invidious invincible inviolable
177 invisible involuntary inward iridescent iron
178 irreconcilable irredeemable irreducible irregular irregularity
179 irregularly irremediable irreparable irreversible irrevocable
180 isolated itinerant jewish joint journalistic
181 judicial juvenile kaleidoscopic key kid
182 kindred kinetic knotty labour laden
183 landlocked last lasting late latent
184 lateral latter lay lazy leading
185 learned leery left legal legendary
186 legion legislative legitimate lesbian level
187 lexical liable liberal liberally light
188 lightly lightning limited limitless lineal
189 linear linguistic linguistics liquid literal
190 literary literate litter little live
191 living local locally logical long
192 loose loosely lucky lunar luxury
193 lyric mad magic magical magnetic
194 maiden main major majority male
195 malignant managerial mandatory maniac manila
196 manual manually marginal marine marital
197 maritime marked markedly market married
198 martial masculine mass massive master
199 matching matchless material maternal maternity
200 mathematical mature maximum mean meaningful
201 measurable mechanical mechanically medical medieval
202 medium melodic member memorial mental
203 mercantile merchant mercy mere merry
204 metabolic metallic metaphysical metric metropolitan
205 microscopic middle midget midnight midweek
206 migratory military milky mimetic miniature
207 minimal minimum minor minus minuscule
208 miracle miraculous miserable missing missionary
209 mobile mobility mock model moderate
210 moderately modern molecular molten momentary
211 monetary monochrome monotone monster monthly
212 monumental moral mortal motor mountainous
213 muffled multilateral multiple municipal muscular
214 musical mute mutual myriad mystery
215 naked narcotic nasal nascent national
216 native natural nautical naval navigable
217 near neat necessary negative negotiable
218 neighbouring neoclassical neolithic neon nervous
219 net neutral new next nice
220 niche nocturnal nomadic nominal nonconformist
221 nonhuman nonverbal noon north northeast
222 northern northwest notional nuclear nude
223 numerical nuptial nut nutritional objective
224 obligated obligatory oblique obscene obsolescent
225 obtainable obtuse occidental ocular odd
226 offensive official offshore offstage okay
227 old olfactory olive omnipotent omniscient
228 omnivorous on oncoming one ongoing
229 online only onward open opening
230 operational operative opposed opposing opposite
231 optic optical optimum optional oral
232 orbital organic organically oriental original
233 originality ornamental orthodox ostensible other
234 out outdoor outer outermost outgoing
235 outlying outright outside outstanding outward
236 oval over overall overcast overhead
237 overnight overriding overseas overweening own
238 pagan paper parallel paramount paranoid
239 parasitic parent parental parliamentary parochial
240 partial partiality particular passenger passive
241 past pastel pastoral pathological pay
242 peak pearl peculiar pecuniary pedagogic
243 pedagogical pellucid penal pending penultimate
244 perennial perennially perfect performance period
245 periodic periodical periodically peripheral perishable
246 permanence permanent permanently permissible perpendicular
247 perpetual personal pesky pestilential pet
248 petty phantom pharmaceutical philharmonic phonetics
249 photographic physical physically pictorial piebald
250 pink pinpoint pioneering pirate pivotal
251 plain plastic platonic plebeian plenary
252 plural plus pneumatic pocket polar
253 polite political polyglot poor popular
254 popularity port positive possessed possible
255 postal posterior postgraduate posthumous postoperative
256 postwar potable potential potted power
257 practical precious predatory prefabricated pregnant
258 prehistoric preliminary premeditated premier premium
259 preparatory present prestige preternatural prevailing
260 previous primary prime primordial principal
261 print prior pristine private prize
262 probable problem prodigal profane professional
263 profuse progressive prone proof proper
264 prophetic proportional proprietary prospective prostrate
265 protective prototypical proud provincial provisional
266 psychological public puckish pulp pure
267 purgative purple putative pygmy quack
268 qualified qualitative quality quantitative quantum
269 quarterly queer quiet rabid racial
270 radial radiant random rank ranking
271 rare raspy raven ravenous raw
272 ready real rebellious recessive reciprocal
273 record recreational rectangular recumbent red
274 redemptive redoubtable redundant reedy reference
275 regenerative regular regularly reigning related
276 relative relevant religious remaining renegade
277 renewable rental repeat replete representative
278 reproductive reptilian republican requisite resident
279 residential residual resigned resonant respective
280 respiratory responsible responsive responsiveness restoration
281 resultant retroactive retrospective return reverent
282 reverently reverse reversible revolutionary rheumatic
283 rid right riotous ritual riven
284 roast rollicking romance romantic root
285 rosy rotary rotten round routine
286 royal rubber rubbish rubicund ruddy
287 rude ruinous rusty sacred safe
288 safety saline salinity same sanitary
289 sartorial satanic satellite saturation saturnine
290 scalding scale scaled scant scenic
291 scholarly scientific scoop scorching scrap
292 screw sculptural seafaring seasonal secondary
293 sectional sedative sedimentary seismic seminal
294 senior sensational senseless sensory sentient
295 sentimental separate septic sequential serial
296 serious serrated serried service session
297 set sexual shadow shadowy shady
298 sheer sheltered shifting shiftless shining
299 shock shocked short show sibilant
300 side sidesplitting signal signature silent
301 silly simian simple simultaneous single
302 singular singularity sink sister situated
303 skeleton ski skilled smart snap
304 sneaking snowbound snub social socialist
305 sodden sodium soft softly softness
306 solar sole solid solitary solo
307 solvent sometime somnolent sopping sound
308 soundproof sour south southeast southern
309 southwest sovereign spanking spare spatial
310 special specific spectral speculative spherical
311 spinal spiny spiritual spontaneous spontaneously
312 spy square squash stagnant stalwart
313 standard standby standing staple state
314 stationary statistical statutory stellar stereo
315 sterile sterling still stock straight
316 strange strategic stray stretch strict
317 strong strongly structural studied subject
318 subjected sublime subliminal submarine submerged
319 subordinate subscription subsequent subsequently subsidiary
320 subsistence subterranean successive sufficient sufficiently
321 suicide summarily summary sundry sunlit
322 super superannuated superficial superficiality superficially
323 superior superlative supersonic supine supplementary
324 supposedly supreme supremely sure surface
325 surplus surrogate sweeping sweltering symmetrical
326 synonymous synthetic tacit tactile tangential
327 tantamount tarry taxfree technical teetotal
328 temporal temporarily temporary tenor tensile
329 tepid terminal terrestrial terrible terribly
330 territorial tertiary textbook textured then
331 theoretical therapeutic thermal thespian thick
332 thickness thorny thorough through titanic
333 titular together token top topographical
334 torrential total totalitarian towering traceable
335 tragic transcendent transcendental transcontinental transit
336 transitive transverse triangular tribal triple
337 trivia tropical true tutorial twilight
338 twin typographical ulterior ultimate ultrasonic
339 ultraviolet unable unadorned unanimous unbidden
340 unbridgeable unbridled unbroken uncharted uncommitted
341 unconditional unconscionable unconscious undeniable underdeveloped
342 underground underlying understated underwater undeserved
343 undisturbed undoubtedly undue unearthly uneasy
344 unemployed unexceptionable unfailing unfounded unguarded
345 unhappy unilateral unimpeachable uninhabited unique
346 uniqueness universal unjustified unknown unlawful
347 unlimited unmatched unmitigated unnoticed unofficial
348 unpaid unparalleled unprecedented unprovoked unqualified
349 unquestionably unremitting unrepentant unrequited unreserved
350 unrestrained unrestricted unstinting unsubstantiated untamed
351 untapped unthinkable untimely untold untouched
352 untoward untutored unwarranted unwitting up
353 upcoming upland upright uproarious upstairs
354 upward used usual utilitarian utmost
355 utopian utter vacant vain valedictory
356 valid vanilla variegated various vascular
357 vegetable vegetarian venomous verbal veritable
358 vernacular vertical very vestigial veterinary
359 viability viable vicarious victorious viral
360 virgin virtual virtuoso visible visual
361 vitreous vocal vocational void volcanic
362 voluntary wanton ware warning waste
363 waterproof watertight weekly welfare west
364 western wet whirlwind white whole
365 wholesale wide widely wild wind
366 winding wireless wonder wooden woollen
367 woolly world wretched wrong wrought
368 yearly zero      

2、ADJ-COMPAR(形容词比较级形式) (词数:5)

1 elder later lesser lower upper

3、ADJ-GRADED(能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词) (词数:2583)

1 Byzantine Catholic aberrant abhorrent abiding
2 abject able abnormal abrasive abrupt
3 absent abstemious abstract abstruse absurd
4 abundant abusive abysmal academic acceptable
5 accessibility accessible accommodating accomplished accountability
6 accurate accustomed acerbic acid acidic
7 acidity acquainted acquisitive acrid acrimonious
8 active actively acute adamant adaptable
9 adaptive addictive adept adequate adhesive
10 adroit adult advanced advantageous adventurous
11 adverse adversely advisable aesthetic affable
12 affectionate affluent affordable afraid aggressive
13 aggressiveness aghast agile agility agitated
14 agreeable akin alert alien alike
15 alive allergic alluring alone aloof
16 altruistic amateurish amazing ambient ambiguous
17 ambitious ambivalence ambivalent amenable amiable
18 amicable amiss amoral amorphous ample
19 anachronistic analgesic analogous analytic analytical
20 ancient anecdotal angry angular animated
21 annoying anodyne anomalous anonymity anonymous
22 antiquated anxious apocalyptic apologetic appalling
23 apparent appealing appetizing applicable apposite
24 appreciable apprehensive appropriate approximate approximately
25 apropos apt aptly aquiline arbitrary
26 arcane arch archaic arctic ardent
27 arduous arid aromatic arrogance arrogant
28 artful articulate artificial artistic artless
29 ascetic ashamed asinine askew assertive
30 assertiveness assiduous assured astonished astonishing
31 astounding astringent astute asymmetric asymmetrical
32 athletic atmospheric atrocious attached attentive
33 attractive audacious audible august auspicious
34 austere authentic authenticity authoritarian authoritative
35 autobiographical automated autonomous avaricious average
36 averse avid avoidable avuncular awake
37 aware awareness awesome awful awfully
38 awkward awkwardly awry backhanded backward
39 bad balanced bald baleful balmy
40 banal barbarous bare baroque barren
41 barrenness base basic bawdy beatific
42 beautiful bedraggled belated bellicose belligerence
43 beloved bemused beneficial benevolent benign
44 bent bereft berserk bestial better
45 bewildering big bilious biodegradable bitter
46 bitterness bizarre black bland blank
47 blanket blatant bleak blind blinds
48 blissful blithe bloated blonde bloody
49 blue blues bluff blunt boastful
50 bogus bohemian boisterous bold bombastic
51 boring bound bourgeois bovine bracing
52 brash brassy brave brazen breathless
53 breathtaking brief bright brightness brilliance
54 brilliant brilliantly brisk briskness brittle
55 broad brotherly brown brusque brutal
56 bulky bumptious buoyant burdensome burning
57 busy buxom cacophonous calculated calculating
58 callous callow calm camp candid
59 canny cantankerous capable capacious capricious
60 carefree careful careless careworn caring
61 casual catching categorical catholic caustic
62 cautionary cautious cautiously cavalier ceaseless
63 celebrated celestial central cerebral certain
64 chaotic characteristic charitable charming chary
65 chaste chauvinistic cheap cheerful chic
66 childish childlike chilly chivalrous choice
67 choleric choppy chubby circuitous circular
68 civil clannish classic clean clear
69 clearly clement clever climactic clinical
70 close closed cloudy cloying clumsy
71 coarse cogent cognizant coherent cohesive
72 coincident cold collected colloquial colossal
73 coltish combustible comely comfortable comic
74 comical commercial commodious common commonly
75 commonplace compact compaction compassionate compatible
76 compelling competent competitive competitiveness complacent
77 complaisant complex compliant complicated complimentary
78 composed comprehensible comprehensive concave conceited
79 concerted conciliatory concise conclusive concrete
80 condescending conducive conductivity confident confidential
81 conformist congenial congested conjectural conscientious
82 conscious consciously consequential conservative considerable
83 considerably considerate consistent consistently consonant
84 conspicuous constant constantly consummate contagious
85 contemporary contemptible contemptuous content contented
86 contentious continental contradictory contrite contrition
87 contrived controversial convenient conventional conventionally
88 conversant conversational convex convincing convivial
89 conviviality convoluted cool cooperative copious
90 cordial corny corporeal corpulent correct
91 correctly corrosive corrupt cosmopolitan costly
92 cosy counterproductive courageous courteous courteously
93 courtly covert coy crack crafty
94 cramped cranky crass craven crazy
95 creative credible credulous crestfallen crisp
96 critical crooked cross crotchety crucial
97 crude crudity cruel cryptic culpable
98 cultivated cumbersome cunning curious curly
99 cursory curt curvaceous cute cutting
100 cynical daft dainty damp dangerous
101 dapper daring dark dated daunting
102 dazzling dead deadly deadpan deaf
103 dear debatable debonair decadence decadent
104 decent deceptive decisive decorative decrepit
105 dedicated deep defective defensive deferential
106 deficient defined definite definitive deft
107 degenerate dejected delectable deleterious deliberate
108 deliberately delicate delicious delightful delirious
109 demanding demented democratic demonstrative demure
110 dense dependable dependent depraved depressed
111 deranged derelict derivative derogatory desirable
112 desirous desolate desperate desperately despicable
113 despondent despotic destitute destructive desultory
114 detached detectable detestable detrimental devastating
115 deviance deviant devious devoid devoted
116 devout dexterous diabolical didactic different
117 difficult diffident diffuse diffusion dilapidated
118 dilatory diligence diligent diligently dilute
119 dim dimly dingy diplomatic dire
120 direct dirty disabled disagreeable disastrous
121 discernible discerning disciplined discontented discreet
122 discursive disgusted disinterested disjointed dismal
123 disparate dispassionate dispensable disposed disproportionate
124 disreputable disruptive dissimilar dissipated dissolute
125 distant distasteful distinct distinctive distinctively
126 distinctly distinguished distracted distraught divergent
127 diverse divine dizziness dizzy dizzying
128 docile doctrinaire dogged doleful domestic
129 domesticated dominant doting doubtful dour
130 dowdy down drab draconian dramatic
131 dramatically drastic dreadful dreadfully dreamy
132 dreary drizzly droll drowsy drunk
133 dry dubious dull dumb durable
134 dusty dutiful dynamic dynamics dysfunctional
135 eager early earnest earthy easy
136 ebullience eccentric eclectic economic economical
137 economically ecstatic educated eerie effective
138 effectiveness effeminate effete efficacious efficient
139 egalitarian egocentric egregious elaborate elaborately
140 elaboration elastic elated elderly electric
141 elegance elegant elemental elementary elephantine
142 eligible elite elliptical eloquence eloquent
143 elusive embryonic eminent emollient emotional
144 emphatic empty encyclopedic endearing endemic
145 endless endlessly energetic engaging enjoyable
146 enormous enormously enterprising enthusiastic enthusiastically
147 envious ephemeral episodic equable equal
148 equitable equivocal erect erratic erratically
149 erroneous erudite escapist esoteric essential
150 estimable estranged ethereal ethically ethnic
151 evanescent evasive even evenhanded eventful
152 evident evil evocative exact exacting
153 exalted exceptional exceptionally excessive excessively
154 excitability exciting exclusive execrable exemplary
155 exhaustive exhilarating exorbitant exotic expansive
156 expedient expeditious expensive experimental experimentally
157 expert explanatory explicable explicit explosive
158 expressive exquisite extensive extraordinarily extraordinary
159 extravagant extreme extrovert exuberant exultant
160 fabulous facetious facile factual faddish
161 faint fainthearted fair faithful fallacious
162 fallibility fallible false familiar famous
163 fanatic fanatical fanciful fancy fantastic
164 fascinating fashionable fast fastidious fat
165 fatal fateful fatty fatuous faulty
166 favourable fearful fearless feasible febrile
167 feckless fecund fecundity federal feeble
168 feisty felicitous feline feminine ferocious
169 fertile fervent festive fetid feverish
170 fickle fierce filling fine finicky
171 firm firmness fishy fit fitting
172 fittingly fixed flabby flaccid flagrant
173 flamboyant flammable flash flashy flat
174 fleeting flexibility flexible flimsy flip
175 flippant floppy florid fluent fluffy
176 fluid flush foggy fond foolish
177 foolproof foppish forbidding foreign foreseeable
178 forlorn formal formative formidable forthcoming
179 forthright fortuitous fortunate forward foul
180 fractional fractious fragile fragility fragrant
181 frail frank frantic fraternal fraught
182 free frenetic frequent frequently fresh
183 freshness friendly frightening frightful frigid
184 frigidity frisky frivolous frothy frugal
185 frugality fruitful fruitless fruitlessly frustrating
186 full fulsome fun functional fundamental
187 funereal funny furious furtive fussy
188 fusty futile gallant game gangly
189 garbled gargantuan garish garrulous gauche
190 gaudy gaunt gay general generous
191 genial genteel gentle gently genuine
192 germane ghastly giddy gigantic given
193 glacial glad glamorous glazed glib
194 global gloomy glorious glossy glowing
195 glutinous gluttonous gnarled gnomic good
196 gorgeous graceful gracious gradual grand
197 grandiose graphic graphics grasping grassy
198 grateful grating gratuitous grave great
199 greedy green gregarious grey grievous
200 grim grisly gross grotesque gruesome
201 gruff grumpy guileless guilty gullible
202 gutless habitable hackneyed haggard hale
203 halfhearted hallowed halting handsome handy
204 hangdog haphazard happiness happy hard
205 hardbitten hardheaded hardy harmful harmless
206 harmonious harrowing harsh harshly harshness
207 hasty hateful haughty haunted hazardous
208 headstrong healthful healthy heartrending hearty
209 heavenly heavy hectic heinous helpful
210 helpless henpecked herculean hermetic heroic
211 hesitant heterogeneous hidebound hideous high
212 highbrow hilarious hilly hip hirsute
213 histrionic hoarse hoary hollow holy
214 homely homesick homogeneous honest honourable
215 hopeful hopeless horrendous horrible horrific
216 hospitable hostile hot huge human
217 humane humble humdrum humid humorous
218 hungry hurt husky hypnotic hypocritical
219 hysterical iconoclastic icy ideal identifiable
220 idiomatic idyllic ignoble ignominious ignorant
221 ill illegible illiberal illogical illusory
222 illustrious imaginative imitative immaculate immediate
223 immense immensity immobile impartial impartially
224 impassioned impassive impatient impeccable impecunious
225 impenetrable imperative imperious impermanent impersonal
226 imperturbable impervious impetuous implausible implicit
227 important imposing impossible impractical imprecise
228 impressionable impressive improbable improper imprudent
229 impudent impulsive inaccessible inaccurate inactive
230 inadequate inane inappropriate incessant incisive
231 inclement inclined inclusive incompetent incomplete
232 incomprehensible inconclusive incongruous inconsequential inconvenient
233 incorrect incredible indebted indecipherable indecisive
234 indelible indented independent indeterminate indicative
235 indifferent indigent indignant indirect indiscriminately
236 indispensable individual indolent industrialized industrious
237 ineffectual inefficient inept inert inexorable
238 inexpensive inexplicable inextricable infantile infatuated
239 infectious inferior inferiority infertile infirm
240 inflamed inflammable inflexible influential informal
241 informative informed ingenious ingeniously ingenuous
242 ingrained ingratiating inhumane inimical iniquitous
243 injurious innocent innocuous innovative inoffensive
244 inquisitive insane inscrutable insidious insignificant
245 insincerity insipid insistent insolence insolent
246 insouciant inspiring instantaneous instructive instrumental
247 insubordinate insubstantial insular insularity insulting
248 intangible intelligent intelligible intense intensity
249 intensive intent interactive interdependent interesting
250 intermittent interrogative intimate intractable intransigent
251 intrepid intricate intricately intriguing introspective
252 intuitive inured invidious invigorating invincible
253 inviolable invisible inviting invulnerable irascible
254 irate irksome ironclad ironic irregular
255 irregularity irregularly irrelevant irrepressible irresistible
256 irresponsible irreverence irreverent irritable irritating
257 isolated jaded jagged jaundiced jaunty
258 jealous jejune jocular jolly jovial
259 joyful jubilant judicious juicy junior
260 just justifiable juvenile keen kind
261 knotty laborious laboriously lachrymose lackadaisical
262 laconic laden lame lamentable languid
263 lank large late laudable lavish
264 lawful lax laxative lazy leafy
265 leaky lean learned leery legendary
266 legible legitimate leisurely lengthy lenient
267 lethal lethargic level levelheaded lewd
268 liable liberal liberally licentious light
269 lightly lightweight likely limited limp
270 limpid listless literal literary literate
271 lithe little lively livid loath
272 loathsome lofty logical lonely long
273 loose loosely lopsided loquacious loud
274 loutish lovely low loyal lucid
275 lucky lucrative ludicrous lukewarm luminous
276 lunatic lurid luscious lush lustrous
277 lusty luxuriant luxurious lyrically macabre
278 mad magic magical magisterial magnanimous
279 magnetic magnificence magnificent majestic major
280 makeshift maladroit malevolent malicious malign
281 malignant malleable mammoth mangy manifest
282 manifold manipulative manly mannered marginal
283 marked markedly marshy marvellous masculine
284 massive maternal mathematical mature maudlin
285 mawkish meagre mean meaningful measly
286 measurable measured mechanical mechanically meddlesome
287 mediocre meditative meek melancholy mellifluous
288 melodic melodious memorable mendacious menial
289 mental mercenary merciful mercurial meretricious
290 meritorious merry messy metallic meteoric
291 methodical methodically meticulous mighty mild
292 militant military milky minimalist minor
293 minute miraculous miscellaneous mischievous miserable
294 miserly misguided misleading misshapen mobile
295 mobility moderate moderately modern modest
296 modish moist momentous monolithic monotonous
297 monstrous monumental moody moral moralistic
298 morbid mordant moribund morose mortal
299 motionless motley mottled mountainous mournful
300 muddy muggy multifaceted multifarious mundane
301 murky muscular musical musty muted
302 mutinous muzzy myopic mysterious mystic
303 mythical naive naivety narrow nasty
304 natty natural naturalistic naughty near
305 neat nebulous necessary needless needy
306 nefarious negative negligent negligible nervous
307 neurotic neutral new nice niggling
308 nimble noble noisome noisy nomadic
309 nonchalance nonchalant noncommittal nonconformist nonsensical
310 nonviolence normal northwest notable noted
311 noticeable notorious notoriously novel noxious
312 nubile numb numerous numinous nutritious
313 obdurate obedience obedient obese obesity
314 objective obliging oblique oblivious obnoxious
315 obscene obscure obsequious obsessed obsolete
316 obstinacy obstinate obstreperous obtuse obvious
317 occasional occasionally occupational odd odious
318 off offbeat offensive offhand officious
319 old ominous omnipresent onerous opalescence
320 opaque open opinionated opportune opposed
321 optimistic opulent orderly ordinary original
322 originality ornamental ornate orthodox out
323 outdated outgoing outlandish outmoded outrageous
324 outspoken outstanding overbearing overdue overpowering
325 overrun overt overweight overwhelming overwhelmingly
326 overwrought pacific pacifist packed painful
327 painstaking palatable palatial pale pallid
328 palpable paltry panoramic paranoid parlous
329 parochial partial partiality particular partisan
330 passionate passive pastoral pat patent
331 patently pathetic pathological patient patriarchal
332 patrician patriotic patronizing paunchy peaceful
333 peculiar pedestrian peerless peevish pejorative
334 penetrating penitent pensive perceptible perceptive
335 peremptory perennial perennially perfect perfidious
336 perfunctorily perfunctory perilous peripatetic peripheral
337 perky permeable permissive pernicious perpendicular
338 perplexing persistent persnickety personable personal
339 perspicacious persuasive pertinacious pertinent pervasive
340 perverse pessimistic petty petulant phenomenal
341 phenomenally philanthropic philistine phlegmatic physical
342 physically picturesque piddling piecemeal piercing
343 pious piquant pithy pitiful pitiless
344 placid plain plainspoken plaintive plangent
345 plastic platonic plausible pleasant pleasing
346 plebeian plentiful pliable pliant plump
347 plural plush poignant pointed pointless
348 poisonous polemical polished polite politic
349 political pompous ponderous poor popular
350 popularity populous porous portable portentous
351 positive possible potent powerful practicable
352 practical pragmatic precarious precious precipitate
353 precipitous precise precocious predatory predictability
354 predictable predictive predominant preeminent preferable
355 preferential pregnant premature preposterous prescience
356 pressing prestigious pretentious pretty prevalent
357 prim primal primitive prissy private
358 probable problematic prodigious productive profane
359 professional proficient profitable profligate profound
360 profoundly profuse progressive prohibitive prohibitively
361 prolific prominent promising prompt prone
362 pronounced proper prophetic propitious proprietary
363 prosaic prosperous protean protectionist protective
364 protuberant proud providential provincial provocative
365 prudent prudish public puerile pugnacious
366 punctilious punctual pungent puny pure
367 pusillanimous putrid quaint queasy queer
368 querulous questionable quick quickly quiescent
369 quiet quixotic quotidian rabid racy
370 radiant radical radically radioactive radioactivity
371 raffish ragged rainy rakish rambunctious
372 rampant ramshackle rancid random rapacious
373 rapid rapidity rapidly rapt rare
374 rash rational raucous ravishing raw
375 reactionary ready real realistic reasonable
376 rebellious recalcitrant recent receptive reckless
377 recondite red redolent refined refractory
378 refreshing regal regressive regular regularly
379 relative relaxed relentless relevant reliability
380 reliable reliant relieved religious reluctant
381 remarkable remarkably remiss remote remunerative
382 renewable renowned repellent replete reprehensible
383 representative repressed repressive repugnance repugnant
384 reputable resentful resilience resilient resistant
385 resolute resonant resourceful respectable respectful
386 resplendent responsible responsive responsiveness restive
387 restiveness restless restorative restrictive retentive
388 reticent retiring revealing revolutionary rewarding
389 rheumatic rhythmic ribald rich rickety
390 ridiculous rife righteous rigid rigidity
391 rigorous riotous ripe risky riveting
392 robust romantic rosy rotten rotund
393 rough roughly round roundabout routine
394 rowdy rubbery ruddy rude rudimentary
395 rugged ruinous rural rustic rusty
396 ruthless ruthlessness saccharine sacred sacrilegious
397 sad sadistic safe sagacious sage
398 saintly salient saltiness salubrious salutary
399 sanctimonious sandy sane sanguine sanitary
400 sarcastic sardonic satanic sated satiric
401 satisfactorily satisfactory saturated savage savvy
402 scabrous scant scarce scathing scenic
403 sceptical schematic scholarly scientific scrappy
404 scrumptious scrupulous scrupulously scurrilous seamy
405 seasoned secluded secret secretive secular
406 secure securely sedate sedentary seditious
407 seductive seemly select selective selfish
408 senile senior sensational senseless sensible
409 sensitive sensitivity sensual sentimental sepulchral
410 serene serious serpentine serviceable servile
411 settled severe severely shabby shadowy
412 shady shaky shallow shameful sharp
413 sharply shattered sheer sheltered shiny
414 shipshape shocking shoddy short showy
415 shrewd shrill shy shyness sick
416 significant silent silly similar simple
417 sincere sincerity singular singularity sinister
418 sinuous sizeable sketchy skilled skittish
419 slack slanderous slapdash slavish sleazy
420 sleepy slender slick slight slim
421 slimy slippery slipshod sloppy slothful
422 slow slowly sluggish sly small
423 smarmy smart smooth smoothly smug
424 snappish snappy snide snobbish snowy
425 snug sober sociable social soft
426 softly softness soggy solemn solemnity
427 solicitous solid solitary soluble sonorous
428 sophisticated soporific sordid sore sorrowful
429 sorry sound sour spacious spare
430 sparing sparingly sparse sparsely spartan
431 spasmodic special specialized specific specious
432 spectacular spectacularly speculative speedy spicy
433 spindly spineless splendid spongy spontaneous
434 spontaneously sporadic sporadically spotless sprightly
435 spruce spurious squalid square squat
436 squeamish stable staccato staggering stagnant
437 staid stale stalwart standard starchy
438 stark stately static steadfast steadily
439 steady steep stellar stentorian sterile
440 stern sticky stiff stiffness still
441 stilted stingy stocky stodgy stoic
442 stolid stony stormy stout straight
443 straightforward strange strenuous strenuously stricken
444 strict strident striking strikingly stringent
445 strong strongly stubborn stubbornness studious
446 stuffy stunning stupendous stupid sturdy
447 stylish stylized subdued subjective sublime
448 subordinate substantial substantive subtle subversive
449 successful successfully succinct sudden suggestive
450 suitable suited sulky sullen sultry
451 sumptuous sunny superb supercilious superficial
452 superficiality superficially superfluous superior supernatural
453 supine supple supportive sure surly
454 surprising surprisingly surreptitious susceptible suspect
455 suspicious svelte swampy swank swarthy
456 sweeping sweet swell swift swiftness
457 sybaritic symbiotic sympathetic systematic systematically
458 taciturn tactful tactile talented tall
459 tame tangential tangible tangy tardiness
460 tardy tart tasteless tasty tattered
461 tatty taut tautological tawdry taxing
462 technical tedious telling temperate tempestuous
463 tempting tenable tenacious tendentious tender
464 tense tentative tenuous tepid terrible
465 terribly terrific terrifying territorial terse
466 testy thematic therapeutic thick thickness
467 thin thirsty thorny thorough thoughtful
468 thoughtless threadbare threateningly thrifty ticklish
469 tidy tight tightfisted tightly timely
470 timeworn timid timidity timorous tiny
471 tired tiresome together tolerable tolerant
472 toneless torpid torrid tortuous touching
473 touchy tough toxic tractable traditional
474 tragic tranquil transient transitory translucent
475 transparent treacherous tremendous tremulous trenchant
476 tricky trim trite triumphant trivial
477 tropical troublesome truculent true trustworthy
478 turbulent turgid typical tyrannical ubiquitous
479 ugly unaffected unanimous unassuming unbearable
480 unbecoming unbiased uncanny uncertain uncomfortable
481 unconcerned unconscious unconventional unconvincing uncooperative
482 uncouth unctuous understanding underutilized undesirable
483 uneasy uneven unevenly unexceptional unexpected
484 unfair unfit unflappable unfortunate ungainly
485 unhappy uniform uniformly unimaginable unique
486 uniqueness unjust unjustly unkempt unkind
487 unknown unlikely unlucky unmoved unnecessary
488 unobtrusive unpalatable unpleasant unprecedented unpredictable
489 unprepossessing unpretentious unprincipled unproductive unpromising
490 unquestioning unreasonable unsatisfactory unscathed unscrupulous
491 unseemly unselfish unsettling unsophisticated unsound
492 unspoiled unstable unsuitable unusual unwieldy
493 unwilling unworkable unworldly upright upscale
494 upset uptight urban urbane urgency
495 urgent useful useless utilitarian utopian
496 vacant vacuous vague vain valiant
497 valid valuable vapid variability variable
498 varied variegated vast vastness vehement
499 venal venerable vengeful venomous venturesome
500 verbose verdant versatile versed viability
501 viable vibrancy vibrant vicious vigilance
502 vigilant vigorous vile villainous vindictive
503 violent virile virility virtuous virulent
504 visceral viscous visible visionary vital
505 vitriolic vituperative vivacious vivid vocal
506 volatile voluble voluminous voluptuous voracious
507 vulgar vulnerable wan wanton warm
508 wary waspish wasteful watchful watertight
509 watery wavy waxy weak wealthy
510 weariness wearisome weary weird welcome
511 well wet whimsical white wholesome
512 wicked wide widely widespread wild
513 willing willowy wily windy winsome
514 wise wistful witty wizened wonderful
515 wooden woolly worthless worthwhile worthy
516 wretched wrong wry yielding young
517 youthful yummy zealous    

4、ADJ-SUPERL(形容词最高级形式) (词数:3)

1 least most near

5、ADJ-UNGRADED(不能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词) (词数:2)

1 brown dominant

6、ADV(副词) (词数:319)

1 about above abreast abroad absolutely
2 abundantly accordingly across actually admittedly
3 again ago ahead alas albeit
4 alike all almost aloft alone
5 along aloud already also altogether
6 always anew anticlockwise any anyhow
7 anyway apart apiece around ashore
8 aside asunder away awful awfully
9 back bang basically before beforehand
10 behind below besides bodily but
11 certainly clean clear clearly clockwise
12 consequently considering conversely counterclockwise daily
13 dead deadly deep definitely directly
14 doubtless down downstairs due dues
15 duly east eastward either elsewhere
16 enough especially even eventually ever
17 exactly exceedingly exclusively extra extremely
18 fairly far finally first fore
19 forever formerly forte forth forward
20 freshly full further furthermore generally
21 gratis half head headlong heavily
22 hence henceforth here highly hither
23 hitherto home honest how however
24 ideally immediately in incidentally increasingly
25 indeed indefinitely indoors inevitably initially
26 inland inshore inside instead invariably
27 jolly just justly largely last
28 lately later level likewise literally
29 long lot mainly maximum maybe
30 meanwhile merely minimum moreover mostly
31 much namely naturally nearby necessarily
32 nevertheless newly next no nonetheless
33 normally north northeast northwest notably
34 now nowadays nowhere obviously odd
35 oddly off offhand offstage often
36 on once only onward ordinarily
37 otherwise out outdoors outside outwards
38 over overnight part partially particularly
39 partly perfectly perhaps period piano
40 place plain please plenty plumb
41 positively possibly practically pray precisely
42 presently presumably pretty previously primarily
43 principally promptly properly purely quite
44 rather real really regardless relatively
45 repeatedly respectively retail right rough
46 roughly round routinely safely second
47 secondly seemingly separately seriously sharp
48 sharply short sideways sight similarly
49 simply since slightly so solely
50 some somehow sometime sometimes somewhat
51 south southeast southwest spanking specially
52 squarely stiff stiffness still straight
53 strictly substantially super sure surely
54 tail that then there thereafter
55 thereby therefore therein thereof third
56 thirdly this though through thus
57 to today together tomorrow tonight
58 too top truly twice ultimately
59 underground underneath underwater unduly universally
60 unseasonably up upstage upstairs upwards
61 usually utterly verbatim very virtually
62 way well west westward what
63 whatever whatsoever whole wholesale wholly
64 worldwide wrong yesterday yet  

7、ADV-BRD-NEG(广义否定结构副词) (词数:5)

1 barely hardly rarely scarcely seldom

8、ADV-COMPAR(副词比较级形式) (词数:4)

1 better further less more

9、ADV-GRADED(能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的副词) (词数:67)

1 abundantly alike assuredly badly bitterly
2 carelessly certainly decidedly deep definitely
3 early easily eminently fairly far
4 fast flat fortunately forward freely
5 gaily generally gingerly gradually greatly
6 hard high highly ill inextricably
7 largely late little long many
8 mighty much near nearly notably
9 obviously often perfectly plainly precisely
10 predominantly probably promptly quick quickly
11 readily recently safely shortly similarly
12 slow slowly soon staccato substantially
13 suddenly tight tightly unfortunately unusually
14 weak well      

10、ADV-INDEF(不定副词) (词数:3)

1 anywhere everywhere somewhere

11、ADV-INDEF-NEG(否定不定副词) (词数:1)

1 nowhere

12、ADV-NEG(否定副词) (词数:1)

1 never

13、ADV-SUPERL(副词最高级形式) (词数:3)

1 best least most

14、AUX(助动词) (词数:4)

1 be do get have

15、COLOUR(颜色词) (词数:51)

1 amber amethyst aquamarine azure black
2 blonde blue blues bronze brown
3 brownish chestnut chocolate coral cream
4 crimson emerald fawn ginger gold
5 green grey hazel ivory jade
6 lemon magenta maroon mauve mustard
7 navy neutral oatmeal olive orange
8 peach pink purple red rose
9 ruby rust sapphire scarlet silver
10 tan turquoise violet white wine
11 yellow        

16、COMB-in-ADJ(与形容词构成的词) (词数:3)

1 carat ready soluble

17、COMB-in-ADJ-GRADED(与能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词构成的词) (词数:2)

1 off well

18、COMB-in-COLOUR(与颜色词构成的词) (词数:3)

1 dark deep medium

19、COMB-in-N-UNCOUNT(与不可数名词构成的词) (词数:1)

1 ware

20、COMB-in-QUANT(与数量词构成的词) (词数:1)

1 worth

21、CONJ-COORD(并列连词) (词数:11)

1 and both but either minus
2 or plus so than time
3 yet        

22、CONJ-COORD-NEG(否定并列连词) (词数:2)

1 neither nor

23、CONJ-SUBORD(从属连词) (词数:36)

1 although as because before considering
2 for granted how however if
3 immediately lest like now once
4 only provided since so that
5 though unless what whatever when
6 whenever where whereas wherever whether
7 while whilst who whoever whom
8 why        

24、CONVENTION(惯用语) (词数:158)

1 God after ask bad beat
2 behold best bet better bless
3 bother bottom break care charming
4 check cheer clear clearly come
5 comment correct correctly could cut
6 dead dear do doubt drink
7 easy enough ever excuse fact
8 fair farewell fear feeling fine
9 forget get go god good
10 goodbye greeting guess guest hail
11 hardly hat hear heart hello
12 here hey hi hold home
13 hope how hum hush joke
14 just kid know late laugh
15 lie life like likely listen
16 live long look love luck
17 lucky man manage mark matter
18 means mention merry mind minute
19 nice no not nothing now
20 oblige offence oh okay order
21 over pardon perish perishing please
22 pleasure problem question quote rather
23 ready really repeat return right
24 same say search see seriously
25 service shame shout sir so
26 sorry speak sure sweat take
27 taking tell thank that there
28 this tight tightly to truly
29 understand very wait warn welcome
30 well what whatever why win
31 wood woods work works worry
32 wrong yes yours    

25、DET(限定词) (词数:29)

1 a all another any both
2 each either enough every few
3 last less little many more
4 much next one several some
5 such that the them these
6 this those which whichever  

26、DET-NEG(否定限定词) (词数:2)

1 neither no

27、DET-POSS(所有格限定词) (词数:6)

1 his my our their whose
2 your        

28、EXCLAM(感叹语) (词数:38)

1 Christ Jesus ask bingo blast
2 boo bother boy cry damn
3 dash dear excellent fancy goodness
4 gracious great grief heaven hip
5 know look lord never no
6 oh really say shuck snap
7 sod splendid steadily steady stuff
8 up well why    

29、FRACTION(分数词) (词数:12)

1 eighth fifth fourth half ninth
2 quarter seventh sixth tenth third
3 twelfth twentieth      

30、MODAL(情态动词) (词数:10)

1 can could may might must
2 need shall should will would

31、N-COUNT(可数名词) (词数:5150)

1 Australian Bible Canadian Catholic Christian
2 Cuban Egyptian Englishman Euro European
3 Ford God Greek Indian Italian
4 Latin Marxist Negro Russian Soviet
5 Swiss abbreviation abdomen abolitionist aboriginal
6 abrasion absentee absolute abstract academic
7 academician academy accelerator accent accessory
8 accident accolade accommodation accompaniment accomplice
9 accomplishment accord according accordion account
10 accountant accretion accumulation accusation accuser
11 ache achievement acolyte acorn acoustic
12 acquaintance acquisition acre acrobat acronym
13 act action activity actor actress
14 ad adage adaptation addendum addict
15 addition additive address adherent adjective
16 adjunct adjustment adlib administration administrator
17 adult advance advantage adventure adventurer
18 adverb advert advertisement advocate aerial
19 aeroplane aerosol aesthete affair affidavit
20 affiliate affinity affix affront age
21 agency agenda agent aggregate aggregation
22 aggressor agnostic agreement aid ailment
23 aim air aircraft airing airline
24 airplane airport aisle alarm albino
25 album alcove alert alias alibi
26 alien allegation allegory allergy alliance
27 allotment allowance ally alphabet alpine
28 alteration alternate alternately alternation alternative
29 amalgam amateur ambassador ambition ambulance
30 amendment amenity amnesty ampere amphibian
31 amplifier amulet amusement anagram analogue
32 analogy analysis anarchist anatomy ancestor
33 ancestry anchor angel angle animal
34 animation ankle anniversary announcement announcer
35 annual annually annuity anode anomaly
36 answer ant antecedent antenna anthem
37 anthology antibiotic antibody antidote antihistamine
38 antique antiquity antithesis antonym anvil
39 aorta apartment aperture apex aphorism
40 apostate apostrophe apothecary apparition appeal
41 appearance appellation appendage appendix appetite
42 appetizer appliance applicant application appointment
43 appreciation apprentice approach approaching appropriation
44 apron aquarium aqueduct aquifer arabesque
45 arbiter arboretum arc arch archer
46 archetype archipelago architect archive area
47 arena argument aria aristocrat arm
48 armada arms aroma arrangement array
49 arrival arrow arsenal art artery
50 article artisan artist ascent aside
51 aspect aspirant ass assassin assault
52 assay assemblage assembly asset assignment
53 assistant associate association assortment assumption
54 asterisk asteroid astringent astronaut astronomer
55 asylum atheist athlete atlas atmosphere
56 atom attachment attack attainment attempt
57 attendant attic attorney attraction attribute
58 audience audition auditorium augury author
59 authority auto autobiography autocracy autocrat
60 automatic automobile auxiliary avalanche avenue
61 average aviary aviator award awning
62 axe axiom axis axle baboon
63 baby bachelor back backbone backdrop
64 background backpack backwater badge badger
65 bag bail bake balance balcony
66 bale ball ballad ballerina ballet
67 balloon balloonist ballot ban band
68 bandage bandanna bandit bandleader bang
69 banister bank banker banknote bankrupt
70 bankruptcy banner banquet bar barb
71 barbecue barber bard bargain barge
72 barn barometer baron barrage barrel
73 barricade barrier barrister base baseball
74 basement basin basis basket basketball
75 bat batch bath bather bathroom
76 baton battalion batter battery battle
77 bauble bay bazaar beach beacon
78 bead beak beam bean bear
79 beard bearing beast beat beautician
80 beauty bed bee beetle beggar
81 beginner beginning behind beholder being
82 bell belligerence bellows bellwether belly
83 belt bench bend benefactor benefit
84 bequest berry berth bet beverage
85 bible bibliography bicycle bid biennial
86 bigot bike bill billboard billionaire
87 billow bin biographer biography biped
88 bird birthday birthright biscuit bishop
89 bison bit bite black blackboard
90 blacksmith blade blank blanket blast
91 blaze blemish blend blessing blind
92 blindfold blinds blizzard bloc block
93 blockade blockage blonde bloom blot
94 blotch blouse blow blue blueprint
95 blues bluff blunder blur blurb
96 board boarder boat bob body
97 bodyguard bog boil boiler bolster
98 bolt bomb bonanza bond bonnet
99 bonus book bookcase bookkeeper booklet
100 bookmark bookstall boom boon boor
101 boot booth border bore bosom
102 boss botch bottle bottleneck bottom
103 bough boulder bound boundary bounty
104 bouquet bout boutique bow bowel
105 bower bowl box boy brace
106 bracelet bracket braid brain brainstorm
107 brake branch brand brandy brass
108 brat brave brawl breach breadwinner
109 break breakage breakdown breakfast breakthrough
110 breakup breast breed breeze brew
111 brewery bribe bricklayer bride bridegroom
112 bridge bridle brief briefcase bright
113 brightness brim bristle broad broadcast
114 brochure broker bromide bronze brooch
115 brood brook broom brother brow
116 bruise brush brute bubble buck
117 bucket buckle bud buddy budget
118 buffalo buffer buffet buffoon bug
119 bugbear buggy bugle building bulb
120 bulge bull bullet bulletin bully
121 bump bumper bunch bundle bungalow
122 bunk buoy burden bureau bureaucracy
123 burglar burner burrow bursar burst
124 bus bush bushel business bust
125 butcher butt butterfly button buttress
126 buy buzzer buzzword byline bypass
127 byproduct bystander cab cabal cabbage
128 cabin cabinet cable cache cacophony
129 cactus cadaver cadence cadet cafeteria
130 cage cake calculator calendar calibre
131 calipers call calling callus calm
132 calorie camel cameo camera camp
133 campaign campus can canal canard
134 canary candidate candle cane canine
135 canker cannon canoe canon canopy
136 cantata canteen canvas canyon cap
137 capacitor capacity cape caper capillary
138 capital capsule captain caption car
139 carafe carapace carat caravan carbon
140 carcinogen card cardinal cardiologist care
141 career caricature carnival carnivore carol
142 carousel carpenter carpet carriage carrier
143 carrot cart cartographer carton cartoon
144 cartridge carver carving cascade case
145 cashier casino cassette cast caste
146 casting castle casualty cat cataclysm
147 catalogue catalyst catapult cataract catastrophe
148 catch category caterpillar cathedral catholic
149 caucus cavalcade cave caveat cavern
150 cavity ceiling celebrity cell cellar
151 cellist cemetery censor census cent
152 centaur centenary centimetre centre centurion
153 century ceramic ceramics cereal ceremonial
154 ceremony certainty certificate cervix chain
155 chair chairman chalice chamber chameleon
156 champion championship chance chancellor chandelier
157 change channel chant chapel chapter
158 character characteristic charade charge charity
159 charlatan charm chart charter chasm
160 cheat check checkout checkpoint checkup
161 cheek cheetah chef chemical chemist
162 cheque cherry chest chestnut chew
163 chicken chief child chill chime
164 chimera chimney chimpanzee chin chip
165 chipmunk chisel chocolate choice choir
166 choke chop chopsticks chord chore
167 choreographer chorus chromosome chronology chrysanthemum
168 chunk church cigar cigarette cinema
169 cipher circle circuit circular circulation
170 circumstance circus cistern citadel citation
171 citizen city civilian claim clairvoyance
172 clairvoyant clam clamp clan clap
173 clasp class classic classification classmate
174 classroom clause claw clearing cleavage
175 cleaver cleft clergyman clerk client
176 cliff climate climax clinch clinic
177 clip clipper clique cloak clock
178 clog cloister clone closet closure
179 clot cloth cloud cloudburst clown
180 club clue cluster clutch coach
181 coalition coast coat cob cobbler
182 cock cocoon coda code coed
183 coefficient coffer coffin cog coil
184 coin colander cold collaboration collage
185 collar colleague collection collective college
186 collision colloquialism colon colonel colonial
187 colonist colonnade colony colossus colt
188 column coma comb combat combination
189 combine comedienne comedy comet comfort
190 comic comma command commander commentary
191 commentator commercial commission commissioner commitment
192 commodity common commonly commonplace commune
193 communication communist commute commuter compact
194 compaction companion company comparison compartment
195 compass compatriot compendium competitor complaint
196 complement complex complexion complication compliment
197 component composer composition compound comprehensive
198 compress compression compulsion computer comrade
199 conceit concept concern concert concerto
200 concession conclave conclusion concomitant condenser
201 condiment condition conditioning condom condor
202 conductor conduit cone confection confederacy
203 confederate confederation conference confession confidant
204 confidence configuration conflagration confluence conglomerate
205 congressman conifer conjunction connection connoisseur
206 connotation conqueror conquest conscience consciousness
207 conscript consequence conservationist conservatory consideration
208 console consonant consort conspiracy constable
209 constabulary constant constantly constellation constituent
210 constitution constraint construct construction consul
211 consultant consultation consumer contact container
212 contemporary contender contention contest contestant
213 continent continental contingent continuation continuum
214 contour contract contraction contractor contradiction
215 contrast contribution control conundrum convenience
216 convention conversation conversion convert converter
217 convertible convict conviction convoy convulsion
218 cook coop cooperative coordinate coordinated
219 cop cope copper copy coral
220 core cork corn corner cornerstone
221 cornet cornice coronation corporal corporation
222 corps corpus corpuscle corral correction
223 correlation correspondence correspondent corridor corruption
224 cosmetic cost cottage cottonwood couch
225 cougar cough council counsel count
226 countdown countenance counter counterbalance counterpart
227 country county coupon courier course
228 court courtesy courthouse courtyard cousin
229 covenant cover covert cow coward
230 cowboy crab crack crackdown cradle
231 craft crag crane crank crash
232 crate crater cravat crayon craze
233 crease creation creative creature credit
234 creditor credo creek creep crescendo
235 crest crevice crew cricket crime
236 criminal crinkle cripple crisp criteria
237 criterion critic critique crook crop
238 cross crossbreeding crossing crossroads crow
239 crowd crown crowning cruise crumb
240 crusade crush crust crustacean crutch
241 cry crypt crystal cub cube
242 cubicle cuckoo cue cuff culprit
243 cult culture cup cupboard curator
244 cure curiosity curl curmudgeon current
245 currently curriculum curse curtain curve
246 cushion custodian customer cut cuticle
247 cutter cutting cycle cyclone cygnet
248 cylinder cynic cypress dagger daily
249 dairy daisy dalliance dam damper
250 dance dandy danger dare darling
251 dart dash database date daughter
252 day deadline deal dealer dealing
253 dean dear death debacle debate
254 debt debtor debut decade decibel
255 decimal decision deck declaration decoration
256 decoy decrease decree dedication deed
257 deer defeatist defect defence defendant
258 deficit defile definition deflection degenerate
259 degree deity delegate delegation delicacy
260 delight delivery delta deluge delusion
261 demagogue demand democracy demonstration demonstrative
262 den denizen denomination denouement dent
263 dentist department departure dependant deposit
264 deposition depositor depot depression deputy
265 derelict derivative dermatologist descendant descent
266 desert deserted deserter desertion design
267 designer desire desk desktop desperado
268 despot destination destiny detail detective
269 detector determinant deterrent detonation detour
270 development deviance deviant device devil
271 devotee diagonal diagonally diagram dial
272 dialect diameter diamond diaphragm diary
273 diatribe dictate dictator dictionary dictum
274 die diehard diesel diet dieter
275 difference difficulty dig digest digestion
276 digestive digit dignitary dilemma dilettante
277 dilution dime dimension dimple dinner
278 dinosaur dip diploma diplomat director
279 directory dirge disadvantage disappearance disappointment
280 disaster disc disciple discipline disclaimer
281 discography discomfort discount discourse discussion
282 disease dish disk dislike dispatch
283 display disposition dissenter dissertation dissident
284 distinction distraction district disturbance ditch
285 ditty diva dive diver diversion
286 divide dividend divine division do
287 dock doctor doctorate doctrine document
288 documentary dog doll dollar dolphin
289 dolt domain dome domestic domicile
290 donation donkey donor doodle door
291 doorway dorm dormitory dose dossier
292 dot double dove downfall downpour
293 dowry doyen draft drag dragon
294 dragonfly drain drama draw drawback
295 drawbridge drawer drawing dream dress
296 dribble drift drill drink drip
297 drive driver driveway drone drop
298 droplet dropout drug drum drunk
299 duck duckling duct duel duet
300 duke dullard dummy dump dunce
301 dune dupe dustbin dwarf dweller
302 dwelling dynamic dynamics dynamo dynasty
303 eagle ear earplug earring earth
304 earthquake easel ebb eccentricity echo
305 eclipse ecologist economy ecosystem eddy
306 edge edict edifice edit edition
307 editor editorial effect effigy effort
308 egg egotist elastic elbow elder
309 electrician electrode electron elegy element
310 elephant elevation elevator elite elixir
311 embankment embargo embassy emblem embryo
312 emerald emergency emigrant emissary emolument
313 emperor empire employee employer empty
314 enclosure encounter encyclopedia end ending
315 endowment enemy energy engagement engine
316 engineer engraving enormity enrolment ensemble
317 ensign entanglement enterprise entertainer enthusiasm
318 entity entourage entrance entrancing entrant
319 entrepreneur entry envelope environment enzyme
320 epic epicure epidemic epigram epilogue
321 episode epitaph epithet epoch equal
322 equation equivalent era errand escalator
323 escape escort essay essential establishment
324 estate estimate estuary etching etymology
325 eulogy euphemism eve event evergreen
326 evil ewe ewer exam examination
327 example exception excerpt excess exchange
328 exclamation excursion excuse executive exercise
329 exhaust exhausted exhausting exhibit exhibition
330 exile existence exit expanse expatriate
331 expectation expedient expedition experience expert
332 explanation exploit exploitation explorer explosion
333 exponent export exposition exposure express
334 expression expressly extension exterior extinguisher
335 extra extract extravagance extreme extremist
336 extremity eye eyebrow eyewitness facade
337 face facelift facet facilities facility
338 facsimile fact faction factor factory
339 factotum faculty fad fag failure
340 fair fairy faith fake falcon
341 falconer fall falsehood family fan
342 fanatic fancy fanfare fang fantasia
343 fantasy farce fare farm farmer
344 fascia fascination fashion fastener fastness
345 fate father fathom fatty faucet
346 fault favour favourite fawn fax
347 feast feat feather feature federal
348 federation fee feeder feeling feline
349 fellow fellowship felon felony female
350 feminist fence fender ferret ferry
351 festival festivity fetish fetter feud
352 fever fiasco fiat fibre fiction
353 field fiend fight fighter figure
354 figurehead figurine filament file filibuster
355 filings fillet filling filly film
356 filter final finale finch find
357 finding fine finger fingertip finish
358 fire firearm firebrand firefly fireman
359 fireplace firework firm firmness first
360 fish fisherman fishery fissure fist
361 fit fitting fittingly fix fixture
362 flag flagging flagstone flail flake
363 flame flange flank flannel flap
364 flare flash flashlight flask flat
365 flavour flaw flea fleck fledgling
366 fleece fleet flicker flickering flight
367 fling flint flirt float flock
368 flood floor flourish flower fluke
369 flutter fly flyover focus foe
370 foghorn foible foil fold folder
371 folding follower following folly fool
372 foot football foothold footnote footpath
373 footstep foray force ford forebear
374 forecast forefather forehead foreigner forerunner
375 forest foreword forfeit forge forger
376 forgery fork form formality format
377 formation formula fort forte fortnight
378 fortress fortune forum forward fossil
379 foul foundation founder fountain four
380 fowl fox foyer fraction fracture
381 fragment frame framework fraternity fraud
382 freak freckle freelancer freighter fresco
383 fret fridge friend friendly frieze
384 fright fringe fritter frock frog
385 frond front frontier fruit function
386 functionary fund funeral funnel fur
387 furnace furrow fuse fusion future
388 gadfly gadget gaffe gait galaxy
389 gale gall gallery galley gallon
390 gallows gamble game gander gang
391 gangster gangway gap garage garden
392 gardener gardenia gargoyle garland garment
393 garret gash gasp gate gathering
394 gauge gavel gaze gazette gazetteer
395 gear gem gemstone gender gene
396 genealogy general generality generation generator
397 genius genome genre gentleman genus
398 germ gesture geyser ghost giant
399 gift gimmick giraffe girder girdle
400 girl girth glacier glade gladiator
401 glance gland glare glass glaze
402 gleam glider glimmer glimpse glitch
403 globe glory glossary glove glow
404 glut gnat gnome go goad
405 goal goat goblet god goddess
406 gong goodbye goose gorge gorilla
407 gosling gospel gossip gouge gourmand
408 gourmet governor gown grab gradation
409 grade gradient graduate graft grain
410 grammar gramophone granary grand granddaughter
411 grandson grandstand grant granule grape
412 graph graphic graphics grass grasshopper
413 grate grating gratuity grave graveyard
414 graze green greenhouse grenade grid
415 grill grin grip gripe gripping
416 grocer grocery groom groove grotesque
417 grotto grouch ground group grouse
418 grove growth grudge guarantee guard
419 guardian guess guest guffaw guide
420 guideline guild guillotine guise gulch
421 gulf gull gully gulp gum
422 gun guru gust gut gutter
423 guy gymnasium habit hack hacker
424 hair haircut half hall hallmark
425 hallucination halo halt ham hamburger
426 hammer hamper hamstring hand handbook
427 handful handicap handicraft handkerchief handle
428 handout handset hangar hankering harangue
429 harbinger harbour harmonic harmonica harness
430 harpoon harridan harrow harvest hat
431 hatch hatchback hatchery hatchet haul
432 haunt haven hawk hawker hawser
433 hazard head headache heading headline
434 headmaster headmistress heap hearing heart
435 hearth heat heater heavy hectare
436 hedge hedgehog hedonist heel height
437 heir heirloom helicopter helm helmet
438 helper hem hemisphere hen herald
439 herb herbalist herd herdsman heretic
440 hermit hero heroine hexagon hide
441 hierarchy hieroglyph high highlight highway
442 hike hill hillbilly hillside hilt
443 hindrance hinge hint hinterland hip
444 hippopotamus historian history hit hive
445 hoard hoax hobby hoe hoist
446 hold holder hole holiday hollow
447 holster home homily honeymoon honorarium
448 honour hoof hook hoop hop
449 hope hopeful horde horizon horizontal
450 hormone horn hornet horror horse
451 hose host hostage hostess hotel
452 hound hour house household housewife
453 housing hovel hovercraft howler hub
454 huckster huddle hue hulk hull
455 human hummingbird hump hunch hunk
456 hunt hurdle hurricane husband husk
457 husky hut hybrid hydrocarbon hymn
458 hyphen hypocrite hypotenuse ice iceberg
459 icicle icon iconoclast idea ideal
460 identity idiom idiot idol idyll
461 ill illness illusion illustration image
462 imagination imbecile imbroglio imitation immigrant
463 imp impact impediment imperative implant
464 implement implication imponderable import impostor
465 impresario impression imprint improvement impulse
466 impurity incantation incendiary inch incident
467 incinerator incision incisor incline increase
468 increment incubator incumbent index indicator
469 individual industry infant infection inference
470 inferno infirmary influence influx informer
471 infusion ingot ingredient inhabitant inheritance
472 initial initiate initiative injection injunction
473 inkling inlet inmate inn innovation
474 inquiry inscription insect insert inside
475 insider insignia inspector inspiration installation
476 instalment instance instant instantly instinct
477 institute institution instruction instructor instrument
478 instrumentalist insulator insult insurgent intake
479 intellect intellectual interdict interest interface
480 interior interjection interlocutor interloper interlude
481 intermediary intermission intern international interpretation
482 interpreter interrogative intersection interval interview
483 intestine intimacy introduction intruder invader
484 invalid invention inventor inventory invertebrate
485 investiture investment invitation invite invoice
486 ion iron irritation island isle
487 isotope issue isthmus item itinerant
488 itinerary jack jacket jamb jamboree
489 janitor jape jar jarring jaunt
490 jaw jeer jellyfish jerk jest
491 jesting jet jewel jibe jigsaw
492 jingle job jockey join joint
493 joke journal journalist journey joy
494 judge jug juggernaut jumble junction
495 juncture junior junk jurisdiction justice
496 juvenile kaleidoscope kangaroo keep keeper
497 kennel kernel kettle key keyboard
498 kid kidney kill killer killjoy
499 kiln kilo kilogram kilometre kilowatt
500 kind kindergarten kindness king kingdom
501 kiosk kit kitchen kite knack
502 knapsack knave knee knife knight
503 knob knock knoll knot lab
504 label laboratory labyrinth lace laceration
505 lackey lad ladder lady lag
506 laggard lagoon lair lake lamb
507 lament lamp lampshade lance land
508 landfill landing landlady landlord landmark
509 landscape landslide lane language lantern
510 lap lapse laptop larder lark
511 larva larvae larynx laser lash
512 lasso latch lathe lattice launch
513 laundry lavatory law lawsuit lawyer
514 lay layer layering layman layoff
515 layout lead leader leadership leaf
516 leaflet league leak leap lease
517 leash lectern lecture ledge ledger
518 leg legacy legend legion legislature
519 legume lemon length lens leopard
520 lesion lesson let letter level
521 lever levy lexicon liability liaison
522 liar libertine librarian library libretto
523 licence lick lid lie lieutenant
524 life lifesaver lifetime lift light
525 lighter lightly lightweight likeness limb
526 lime limerick limit limousine line
527 liner lining link lion lip
528 liqueur list listener lithograph litigant
529 litre litter littoral liver living
530 load loaf loan lobby lobe
531 local locale locality locally location
532 lock locker locomotive locus locust
533 lodge lodging loft log logjam
534 logo loom loop loophole lord
535 lorry loss lot lottery lotus
536 loudspeaker lounge lout love lover
537 low loyalty lubricant lull lullaby
538 lumberjack luminary lump lunatic luncheon
539 lung lure lush luxury lyric
540 lyricist machine mackintosh madam madrigal
541 maelstrom maestro magazine magician magistrate
542 magnate magnet magpie maid maiden
543 main mainspring mainstream major majority
544 make malcontent male malefactor mall
545 mallet mammal mammoth man manacle
546 manager mandate mangle mangrove manhole
547 mania maniac manifestation manifesto mannerism
548 mansion mantle manual manually manufacture
549 manufacturer manuscript map marble march
550 mare margin marine mariner marionette
551 mark market marriage marshal marsupial
552 martyr marvel mask mason masquerade
553 mass mast master mastermind masterpiece
554 mat matador match mate matrix
555 matter mattress maverick maxim mayor
556 maze meadow meal meander means
557 measure measurement measures mechanic mechanics
558 mechanism medal medical mediocrity meditation
559 medium medley meet meeting megaton
560 melody melt member membrane memento
561 memo memoir memorandum memorial memory
562 menace mentality mentor menu mercenary
563 merchant mercy merger meridian mermaid
564 mesa mess message messenger meteor
565 meteorite meter method metre metro
566 metropolis metropolitan microbe microcomputer microcosm
567 microorganism microphone microprocessor microscope microwave
568 middle midget migrant mile milestone
569 milieu militia mill millennium millimetre
570 millionaire mimic minaret mind mine
571 miner mineral miniature minibus minimalist
572 minion minister ministry minnow minor
573 minority mint minuet minus minute
574 miracle mirage mirror misanthrope miscellany
575 misconception miscreant misdeed miser misery
576 misnomer missile mission missionary missive
577 mistake mistress mite mitten mix
578 mixer mixture mnemonics moan moat
579 mob mobile mobility mock mockingbird
580 mode model modem moderator module
581 mogul molar mole molecule moment
582 monarch monarchy monastery mongrel monitor
583 monk monkey monocle monograph monologue
584 monopoly monotone monsoon monster montage
585 month monthly monument mood moon
586 moor mop moped moral morality
587 morass moratorium moron morsel mortal
588 mortar mortgage mortuary mosque mosquito
589 motel motif motion motivation motive
590 motor motorbike motto mould mount
591 mountain mouse moustache mouth mouthful
592 move movement movie muffler mug
593 multiple multitude municipality mural murderer
594 murmur muse museum musical musician
595 musket must mute mutineer mystery
596 mystic nag nail name nap
597 napkin narcotic narrative nation national
598 nationality native natural naturalist navy
599 necessity neck necklace necropolis needle
600 negative neighbour neighbourhood neologism neophyte
601 nephew nerve nest nestling net
602 nettle network neuron neutron newscast
603 newspaper newsstand nexus nib nibble
604 nicety niche nick nickel nickname
605 niece night nightclub nightmare nip
606 nippers nipping no noble nobody
607 noise nomad nominee nonentity noodle
608 noose norm nose nostril nostrum
609 notable notary notch note notebook
610 notice notion noun novel novelty
611 novice nozzle nuclei nucleus nude
612 nuisance number nun nurse nursery
613 nut nutrient nymph oaf oar
614 oasis oath obelisk obituary object
615 objective oblong observation observatory observer
616 obstacle obstruction occasion occupant occupation
617 occurrence ocean octagon octogenarian oddments
618 ode odometer odyssey offence offensive
619 offer office officer official offspring
620 ohm oil oligarchy olive omen
621 omission onlooker onslaught opening operation
622 operative operator opiate opinion opponent
623 opposite optimist option optometrist opus
624 oracle oral oration oratorio oratory
625 orbit orchard orchestra orchid ordeal
626 order orderly ordinance organ organism
627 organization oriental orientation orifice origin
628 original originality ornament orphan ostrich
629 otter ounce outbreak outcast outcome
630 outfit outflow outgrowth outing outlaw
631 outlet outline outlook outrage outside
632 ovation oven over overall overcoat
633 overdose overflow overhang overpass override
634 oversight overture owl owner ox
635 oxen oyster pace pacifist pack
636 package packer packet pact pad
637 paddle paddock paean pagan page
638 pageant pail painkiller painter painting
639 pair pal palace palate palette
640 pall palliative palm pamphlet pan
641 panacea pancreas panda pandemic pane
642 panegyric panel pang panorama pantheon
643 panther pantomime pantry paper paperback
644 papyrus parable parabola parachute parade
645 paradigm paradise paradox paragon paragraph
646 parakeet parallel parameter paraphrase parasite
647 parcel parent pariah park parka
648 parliament parody paroxysm part participant
649 particle particulate partisan partition partner
650 party passage passenger passion passport
651 password past pastel pastime pastor
652 pastry pat patch patent patently
653 path pathogen pathway patient patio
654 patriarch patrician patriot patrol patron
655 pattern pauper pause pavement paw
656 pawn payment payroll pea peach
657 peacock peak peanut pear pearl
658 peasant pebble pecan peccadillo peculiarity
659 pedagogue pedal pedant pedestal pedestrian
660 peer peg pellet pelt pen
661 penalty pencil pendant pendulum peninsula
662 pennant penny pension pensioner penumbra
663 pepper percentage perception perch percussionist
664 performance performer perfume perimeter period
665 periodical periodically peripheral periphery periscope
666 permanence permanent permanently permission permit
667 perplexity perquisite person personage personality
668 perspective persuasion pervert pest pestle
669 pet petal petition petitioner petunia
670 phantom pharaoh pharmacist pharmacy phase
671 phenomenon phial philatelist philistine philosopher
672 philosophy phobia phoenix phone photo
673 photograph phrase physical physically physician
674 physicist physique piazza pick pickup
675 picnic picture piece pier pig
676 pigeon pilchard pile pilgrim pill
677 pillar pillory pillow pilot pimple
678 pin pincers pinch pink pinnacle
679 pint pioneer pipe pipeline pirate
680 pirouette pistol piston pit pitch
681 pitcher pitfall pittance pivot placard
682 place placebo plagiarism plague plain
683 plaintiff plait plan plane planet
684 planetarium plank plant plantation plaque
685 plaster plate plateau platform platitude
686 play player playground playwright plaza
687 plea pleasure pleat pledge plight
688 plinth plot plough ploy plug
689 plumber plume plural plus plutocracy
690 pocket pocketbook pod podiatrist podium
691 poem poet point poker pole
692 policeman policy politician poll pollinator
693 pollster polyglot polymer poncho pond
694 pontificate pony pool pope population
695 porch porcupine pore porpoise port
696 portable porter portfolio portion portrait
697 portraitist portrayal pose poseur position
698 posse possession possibility post postcard
699 postcode poster posterior postgraduate postman
700 postmaster postmortem postscript postulate posture
701 pot potboiler potentate potion potter
702 pottery pound power practical practice
703 practitioner prank prayer precaution precept
704 precipice precursor predator predecessor predicament
705 predilection predisposition preface prefix preliminary
706 prelude premier premiere premise premium
707 premonition preoccupation preparation preposition prerequisite
708 prerogative prescription presence present presentation
709 presenter presentiment preservation preserve presidency
710 president press presumption presupposition pretext
711 preview price prick prickle pride
712 priest prig primary primate prince
713 princess principal principle print printer
714 printout prior priority prism prisoner
715 private privilege prize probe problem
716 proceeding process procession proclamation proclivity
717 prodigy producer product production profession
718 professor profile profiteer progenitor prognosis
719 program programme progression prohibition project
720 projectile projecting projection projectionist projector
721 prologue promenade promise promoter pronoun
722 proof prop propeller propensity property
723 prophet proponent proportion proposal proposition
724 proprietor prospectus prostitute protagonist protection
725 protectionist protest protocol proton prototype
726 protuberance proverb province provincial provision
727 proxy prude prune psalm pseudonym
728 psyche psychiatrist pub publication puddle
729 puff pugilist pull pulley pulpit
730 pulse pump pun punch puncture
731 pundit pupil puppet puppy purchase
732 purgative purpose purse pursuit puzzle
733 puzzling pygmy pylon pyramid pyre
734 quack quadrangle quadruped quagmire quail
735 quake qualification quality qualm qualms
736 quandary quarrel quarry quart quarter
737 quarterly quartet quaver quay queen
738 queer query quest question questionnaire
739 queue quibble quill quilt quip
740 quirk quisling quiver quiz quota
741 quotation quote rabbit race rack
742 racket racketeer raconteur radial radiator
743 radio radius raffle raft rafter
744 rag rail railroad railway rainbow
745 raise raisin rake rally ram
746 ramble ramification rampart ranch rancher
747 range ranger rank ranking rap
748 rascal rash rasp rat rate
749 rating ratio ration rattle rattlesnake
750 rave raven ravine ray razor
751 reaction reactor read reader reading
752 reagent reality realm ream reaper
753 rear reason rebate rebel rebound
754 rebuttal receipt receiver receptacle reception
755 receptionist receptor recess recipe recipient
756 recital recluse reconstruction record recorder
757 recount recreation recruit rectangle red
758 reduction redundancy reed reef reel
759 refectory referee reference referendum refinery
760 reflection reformer refrain refrigerator refuge
761 refugee refund regent regime regiment
762 region register registrar regular regularity
763 regularly regulation regulatory rehearsal reject
764 rejection rejoinder relation relationship relative
765 relay release relic relief religion
766 remainder remark remedy reminder remit
767 remnant rendering rendezvous rendition renegade
768 renewable rental repeat repercussion repertoire
769 replacement replica reply report reporter
770 repository representation representative reprieve reprise
771 reprobate reproduction reptile republic reputation
772 request requirement requisite rescue reservation
773 reserve reservoir residence resident residue
774 resolution resort resource respondent response
775 rest restaurant restorative restriction result
776 retailer retainer retard retinue retreat
777 retrial retriever retrospective return reunion
778 revelation reverie reverse review revival
779 revolution revolutionary revue reward rhapsody
780 rhinestone rhyme rhythm rib ribbon
781 riddle ride rider ridge rifle
782 rift rig rigmarole rim ring
783 ringlet rinse riot rip ripple
784 rise risk rite rival river
785 rivet rivulet road roast robber
786 robe robot rock rocket rod
787 rodent role roll roller romance
788 roof rookie room roost rooster
789 root rose roster rostrum round
790 roundabout route routine row royal
791 royalty rub rubber rubric ruby
792 ruck rucksack rudder ruffian ruffle
793 rug ruin ruins rule ruler
794 rumble run rung runner rupture
795 ruse rush rustic rustler saboteur
796 sac sack sacrament saddle safe
797 safeguard saga sage sail sailor
798 saint sale salesman salient salmon
799 salt salutation sample sampler sanatorium
800 sanction sanctuary sandal sandstorm sandwich
801 sap sapling sardine sash satellite
802 satire satirist saucer savage savant
803 saving savings saw scab scabbard
804 scaffold scald scale scaled scalpel
805 scan scandal scapegoat scar scare
806 scarf scenario scene scent schedule
807 scheme scholar scholarship school science
808 scientist scion scoop scooter score
809 scorpion scourge scout scrap scrape
810 scraping scratch screen screw screwdriver
811 script scroll sculptor scuttle scythe
812 sea seagull seal seam seaman
813 seamen seaport search seashore season
814 seat second secret secretary sect
815 section sector sedative seed seedling
816 segment seismograph selection self seller
817 semester semiconductor seminar seminary senator
818 senior sensation sense sensor sentence
819 sentiment sentinel sentry sequence serenade
820 serial series sermon serpent servant
821 serve service session set setback
822 setting settlement sewer sex sextant
823 shack shade shadow shaft shake
824 sham shanty shape shard share
825 shareholder shark sharp sharply shavings
826 shawl sheaf sheath sheep sheet
827 shelf shelter shepherd sheriff shibboleth
828 shield shift shilling shingle ship
829 shipload shipment shipwreck shipwright shirt
830 shoal shock shocked shoe shoot
831 shop shopkeeper shore short shortcoming
832 shot shoulder shovel show shower
833 shred shrimp shrine shrink shroud
834 shrub shuck shudder shutter shuttle
835 sibling side sideline sideshow sidewalk
836 siege sieve sight sign signal
837 signatory signature signpost sill silversmith
838 similarity simile simpleton simplification sin
839 sinecure sinew singer single sink
840 sip siren sister site situation
841 six size skate skein skeleton
842 sketch skewer ski skiff skill
843 skillet skinflint skip skirmish skirt
844 skit skull skunk skyline skyscraper
845 slab slag slate slave sledge
846 sledgehammer sleep sleeve sleigh slew
847 slice slick slide sling slip
848 slipper slit sliver slogan sloop
849 slope sloping slot sloth sluice
850 slum slump slur slurp smash
851 smear smell smile smudge snack
852 snag snail snake snap snapshot
853 snare snarl snatch snippet snitch
854 snob snout snowball snowdrift snowflake
855 snowman snowstorm snub snug soap
856 sob social socialist society sock
857 socket sod soda sofa softball
858 sojourn soldier sole solicitor solid
859 solo soloist solution son sonata
860 song sonnet sop sophomore sore
861 sort soul sound source souvenir
862 sovereign sow soybean spacecraft spaceship
863 spade span spangle spanking spar
864 spark sparkle sparrow spat spate
865 spatula speaker spear special specialist
866 speciality species specification specimen speck
867 spectacle spectacular spectacularly spectator spectrum
868 speech speed spell spelling spend
869 spendthrift sphere sphinx spider spike
870 spill spine spiral spire spirit
871 spiritual spit splash spleen splint
872 split spoke spokesman spokesperson sponge
873 sponsor spoof spool spoon sport
874 sportsman spot spotlight spouse spout
875 sprain spray spread sprig spring
876 sprint sprout spur spy squad
877 squall square squat squeeze squint
878 squirrel stable stack stadium staff
879 stage stagecoach stain stained stair
880 staircase stairway stake stalk stall
881 stalwart stamp stance stand standard
882 standby standing standoff standpoint stanza
883 staple star starfish stash state
884 statement statesman station stationer statistician
885 statistics statue steak steamer steeple
886 steer stem stench stencil step
887 stereo stereotype stern stethoscope steward
888 stewardess stick stickler stigma still
889 stilt stimulant sting stint stipend
890 stitch stock stockade stockholder stocking
891 stoic stomach stone stonemason stool
892 stoop stop store storey storm
893 story stove stowaway straight strain
894 strait strand stranded stranger strap
895 stratagem stratum straw strawberry streak
896 stream street stretch stricture stride
897 strike string strings strip stripe
898 stroke structure strut student studio
899 study stump stunt stupor stutter
900 style stylus subdivision subject subjected
901 submarine submission subordinate subpoena subscription
902 subsection subsidiary subsidy subspecies substance
903 substitute substratum subtitle suburb subversive
904 subway success successor suffix suffragist
905 sugar suggestion suit suitcase suite
906 sum summarily summary summation summit
907 sun sundial sunflower sunrise sunset
908 superfluity superintendent superior superlative supermarket
909 supernova superstructure supervisor supplement supplicant
910 support supposition surcharge surface surge
911 surgeon surgery surging surname surplus
912 surprise surround survey surveyor survivor
913 suspect suspender suspicion suture swallow
914 swan sweat sweater sweep sweet
915 swell swift swiftness swine swing
916 swipe switch sword sycophant syllable
917 syllabus symbol symphony symposium symptom
918 syndrome synonym synopsis synthesis synthesizer
919 syringe system table tablet taboo
920 tack tactic tactics tadpole tag
921 tail tailor taint take taking
922 tale talisman tally talon tambourine
923 tangle tank tanker tantrum tap
924 tape taper tapering tapestry tapeworm
925 target tariff tarpaulin tart task
926 taste tavern taxi taxicab teacher
927 teaching teapot tear tease technician
928 technique technocrat teenager telecommuter telegram
929 telephone telescope television telex temp
930 temperature tempest temple tenant tendency
931 tenement tenet tenor tense tent
932 tentacle term terminal terminus termite
933 terrace territorial territory terror terrorist
934 test tether text textbook textile
935 thatch thaw theatre theme theorem
936 theory thermal thermometer thermostat thesaurus
937 thesis thespian thicket thief thigh
938 thing third thorn thought thrash
939 thread threat threshold thrift thrill
940 throat throne throng throttle throw
941 throwback thumb thunderstorm thyroid tibia
942 tick ticket tide tie tiff
943 tiger till tilt timber timbre
944 time timetable tin tinge tinker
945 tint tip tipple tirade tire
946 tissue title toad toady toast
947 toddler toe toilet token toll
948 tomb tombstone ton tone tongue
949 tonic tool tooth top topic
950 topography torch torment tornado torpedo
951 torrent torso tortoise total totem
952 touch touchdown touched touchstone toupee
953 tour tourist tournament tourniquet tout
954 towel tower town toy trace
955 track tract tractor trade trademark
956 trader tradesman trail train trainee
957 trait traitor trajectory tram tramp
958 trance transaction transcript transfer transformer
959 transient transistor translation transmission transmitter
960 transport trap trapeze trapper travesty
961 tray tread treadmill treasure treasurer
962 treat treatise treaty treble tree
963 tremor trench trend tresses trial
964 triangle tributary trick trifle trigger
965 trilogy trinket trip tripod trolley
966 troop trophy trowel truant truce
967 truck truism trumpeter trunk truss
968 trust truth try tub tube
969 tuber tuck tug tulip tumour
970 tune tunnel turbine turf turkey
971 turn turncoat turning turnout turnpike
972 turret turtle tusk tutor tutorial
973 tuxedo twig twin twinge twist
974 tycoon type typewriter typhoon typist
975 tyranny tyrant tyre tyro ulcer
976 ultimatum umbrella umpire underdog undergraduate
977 underling understanding understatement understudy undertaking
978 undesirable unicorn uniform uniformly union
979 unit universal universe update upheaval
980 upper upright uprising upset upstart
981 upswing urchin urge usage use
982 user utensil utility utterance vacancy
983 vacation vacuum vagabond vagary vagrant
984 valedictory valley value valve vampire
985 van variability variable variant variation
986 variety vase vat vault vaulted
987 vector vegetable vehicle veil vein
988 vendor vent ventriloquist venture venue
989 verb verdict verge vernacular verse
990 version vertebrate vertical vessel vest
991 vestige veteran viaduct vicar vice
992 victim victor video view viewer
993 viewpoint villa village vineyard vintner
994 violet virgin virtue virtuoso virus
995 visa visage vision visionary visitor
996 vista visual vitamin vocalist voice
997 void volcano volley volt volume
998 volunteer vortex vote voter voucher
999 vow vowel voyage vulture waffle
1000 wag wage wagon waist wait
1001 waiter waitress wake walk walkout
1002 wall wallaby wallet walrus ward
1003 warden wardrobe warehouse warmonger warning
1004 warp warrant warranted warranty warrior
1005 wash wasp wasteland wastrel watch
1006 watchdog watercourse waterfall waterproof watershed
1007 watt wave wavelength way wayside
1008 weakness weapon weasel weave weaver
1009 web webcast wedding wedge weed
1010 week weekday weekend weekly weight
1011 weld well western wet whale
1012 wharf wheel whelp whiff whip
1013 whirl whirlpool whirlwind whisker whistle
1014 white whole wholesaler wick widow
1015 width wife wig wilderness will
1016 willow wind windbag windfall winding
1017 windmill window wing wingspan winkle
1018 winner wipe wire wireless wish
1019 wit witch withdrawal witness witticism
1020 wolf woman womb wonder wood
1021 woodpecker woods woolly word work
1022 workaholic worker workforce workload workman
1023 workmate workplace works workshop world
1024 worm worry wound wraith wrangler
1025 wrap wreath wreck wrench wrinkle
1026 wrist wristwatch writ writer wrong
1027 xerox yacht yard yardstick yarn
1028 year yell yes yield yoke
1029 yokel youngster youth zebra zephyr
1030 zigzag zip zone zoo zoom





    词性分类可以帮助我们更好地理解单词在句子中的功能和意义。以下是关于10种主要英语词性的详细解释: 1. **名词(n.)** - 名词是表示人、事物、地点、概念等的词汇,如"box"、"pen"、"tree"、"apple"。它们可以是可...


    为了确保学生对名词的理解和运用,课堂导入环节可以通过展示一组单词(如dictionary, rice, knowledge, face, man, mouse, China, table)引导学生发现它们的共同特性——都是名词。同时,教师可以结合上节课的内容...




    对于认识的多词性单词,如display、concern、challenge,要标记所有可能的词性。对于以-ing、-ed结尾的词,要考虑它们可能既是动词也是形容词。 4. **处理近义词和反义词**:若选项中出现近义词或反义词,通常会有...




    5. **判断空缺词性**:在填空题中,根据句子结构判断所需单词的词性。例如: - 句子只有一个谓语动词。 - 名词通常充当主语或宾语。 - 形容词或名词可以修饰名词。 - 限定词后面必须跟名词。 - 谓语动词前要有...




    例如,将词汇分为“物质世界”、“人类社会”和“科学思维”三大类别,再进一步细分。这种方法有助于构建单词间的关联,使记忆更加系统化,提高记忆效率。 除了以上方法,还有一些其他策略可以帮助提升雅思口语: ...


    随着句子中的单词逐一被处理,依赖关系树逐渐自底向上构建,直至所有单词处理完毕且堆栈中只剩下一个完整的子树,句法分析任务才算完成。 自底向上的句法分析策略是从句子的最小组块开始,通过逐步组合成更大的结构...




    3. 词性标注:在分词基础上,对每个词语进行词性标注,如动词、名词、形容词等。 4. 命名实体识别:识别文本中的专有名词,如地名、人名等。 5. 依存关系分析:分析词语之间的依存关系,以理解句子的结构。 在处理...


    转化法也是专业英语词汇构成的一种方式,它涉及改变单词的词性,使得单词能够在不同的语境下表达不同的意义。例如,一个形容词在特定语境下可能被用作名词使用。 派生法是利用词缀(前缀、后缀)和词根相结合的方式...






    接下来是单词的词性和用法练习: 1) thread:作为名词时,表示“线”,如“她没能把线穿过针眼”。作为动词时,表示“穿过去”,如“He threaded through the throng.”(他穿过人群。) 2) round:作为动词时,表示...


    导入nltk(自然语言工具包),它由最常用的算法组成,例如标记化,词性标记,词干,情感分析,主题细分和命名实体识别。 NLTK帮助计算机分析,预处理和理解书面文本。 使用“停用词”摆脱英语单词,这些单词不会给...


    根据给定文件的信息,我们可以提炼出以下相关的知识点: ### 完形填空篇 #### 一、考情分析 1. **题型概述** - **定义与来源**:考研英语中的完形填空(Cloze Test)源自西方完型心理学的概念Closure。这种题型...

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