  • 浏览: 82443 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 上海

Create Payment Method Module




  • 读取信用卡的信息
  • 交易提交前进行验证
  • 在订单支付记录中记录该交易的ID


首先确保你的 app/code/local 在 include_path中(你不能确定的话,请看我前面的文章有相关的代码完成该功能).

如果你的system->cache Management 中的configuration cache是开着的话,把它Disable,或者在更新*.xml配置文件时reset/reflash一下。


 新建 app/etc/modules/CompanyName_NewModule.xml:

<!-- declare CompanyName_NewModule module -->
<!-- this is an active module -->
<!-- this module will be located in app/code/local code pool -->
<!-- specify dependencies for correct module loading order -->
                <Mage_Payment /> 




Create app/code/local/CompanyName/NewModule/etc/config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- declare module's version information for database updates -->
<!-- IMPORTANT: if you use your own namespace (i.e. CompanyName) you also have to declare blocks group for new module. See topic: http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewthread/22416/#t102732 -->
<!-- declare model group for new module -->
<!-- model group alias to be used in Mage::getModel('newmodule/...') -->
<!-- base class name for the model group -->
<!-- declare resource setup for new module -->
<!-- resource identifier -->
<!-- specify that this resource is a setup resource and used for upgrades -->
<!-- which module to look for install/upgrade files in -->
<!-- specify database connection for this resource -->
<!-- do not create new connection, use predefined core setup connection -->
<!-- declare default configuration values for this module -->
<!-- 'payment' configuration section (tab) -->
<!-- 'newmodule' configuration group (fieldset) -->
<!-- by default this payment method is inactive -->
<!-- model to handle logic for this payment method -->
<!-- order status for new orders paid by this payment method -->
<!-- default title for payment checkout page and order view page -->
                <title>Credit Card (Authorize.net)</title> 


上面的xml文档定义了一些配置选项,在Magento admin panel System > Configuration 你将会看到这些选项。

Create app/code/local/CompanyName/NewModule/etc/system.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- payment tab -->
<!-- newmodule fieldset -->
                <newmodule translate="label" module="paygate"> 
<!-- will have title 'New Module' -->
                    <label>New Module</label> 
<!-- position between other payment methods -->
<!-- do not show this configuration options in store scope -->
<!-- is this payment method active for the website? -->
                        <active translate="label"> 
<!-- label for the field -->
<!-- input type for configuration value -->
<!-- model to take the option values from -->
<!-- field position -->
<!-- do not show this field in store scope -->
                        <order_status translate="label"> 
                            <label>New order status</label> 
                        <title translate="label"> 

打开 Admin / System / Configuration / Payment Methods, 看到"New Module” group.Enable之,然后检测一下新模块是否可以工作了. 在payment methods可以看到"New Module” payment method并且带有填写信用卡信息的表单.


Create app/code/local/CompanyName/NewModule/sql/newmodule_setup/mysql4-install-0.1.0.php:

// here are the table creation for this module e.g.:
$this->run("HERE YOUR SQL");






然后 create app/code/local/CompanyName/NewModule/sql/newmodule_setup/mysql4-upgrade-0.1.0-0.2.0.php:

<?php // here are the table updates for this module e.g.:
 $this->run("HERE YOUR UPDATE SQL");


  • Dont put your module in /Mage. It belongs in app/code/community/ or app/code/local
  • Make sure your module’s first letter is capitalized. newmodule apparently will not work, it must start with a capital letter Newmodule.
  • Also make sure that the recipient folder of the module’s folder (CompanyName in the example) is capitalized as well. companyName doesn’t seem to work, either.
  • If your module is not showing in configuration>advanced then check your config.xml
  • If your module shows in the list of modules (configuration>advanced) but not in the Payment Methods, your problem is probably in system.xml
  • Make sure you clear the cache.


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