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演示一次sybase ASE15.0.3跨平台备份恢复的过程。
(1). 检查欲备份的数据库testdb的完整性,利用checkdb和checkalloc
(2). 将数据库testdb设置为单用户模式
(3). 清空testdb的日志,并设置检查点
1> dump tran testdb with no_log
2> go
1> checkpoint
2> go
(4). 将属于数据库testdb的脏页写到磁盘上面去,并发出检查点命令。 在发出sp_flushstats系统过程后要等待一段时间,保证数据库有足够的时间把页面信息刷新到磁盘上。
(5). 备份数据库testdb
(6). 利用ftp服务器将备份出来的testdb-20100409.dmp文件拷贝到solaris服务器上。
(8). 将目的数据库服务器中的testdb调整成在线。
(9). 进入testdb,执行sp_post_xpload系统存储过程来重建用户表的索引。
补充:以下为load database过程显示的所有的反馈信息。
1> select @@version 2> go ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.3/EBF 16738 ESD#2/P/NT (IX86)/Windows 2003/ase1 503/2708/32-bit/OPT/Mon Jul 27 20:19:56 2009
1> select @@version 2> go ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.3/EBF 16548 ESD#1/P/Sun_svr4/OS 5.8/ase1503/268 0/64-bit/FBO/Thu Mar 5 09:39:28 2009
(1). 检查欲备份的数据库testdb的完整性,利用checkdb和checkalloc
1> dbcc traceon(3604) 2> go 1> dbcc checkdb(testdb) 2> go 1> dbcc checkalloc(testdb) 2> go
(2). 将数据库testdb设置为单用户模式
1> use master 2> go 1> sp_dboption testdb,"single",true 2> go
(3). 清空testdb的日志,并设置检查点
1> dump tran testdb with no_log
2> go
1> checkpoint
2> go
(4). 将属于数据库testdb的脏页写到磁盘上面去,并发出检查点命令。 在发出sp_flushstats系统过程后要等待一段时间,保证数据库有足够的时间把页面信息刷新到磁盘上。
1> sp_flushstats 2> go 1> checkpoint 2> go
(5). 备份数据库testdb
1> dump database testdb to "d:\testdb-20100409.dmp" 2> go
(6). 利用ftp服务器将备份出来的testdb-20100409.dmp文件拷贝到solaris服务器上。
1> load database testdb from "/app/sybdata/testdb-20100409.dmp" 2> go
(8). 将目的数据库服务器中的testdb调整成在线。
1> online database testdb 2> go
(9). 进入testdb,执行sp_post_xpload系统存储过程来重建用户表的索引。
1> use testdb 2> go 1> sp_post_xpload 2> go
补充:以下为load database过程显示的所有的反馈信息。
1> sp_helpdb testdb 2> go name db_size owner dbid created status ------ ------------- ----- ---- ------------ ------------- testdb 1300.0 MB sa 4 Apr 09, 2010 don't recover (1 row affected) device_fragments size usage created free kbytes ------------------------------ ------------- -------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- testdb_dat 1000.0 MB data only Apr 9 2010 7:05PM 1016720 testdb_log 300.0 MB log only Apr 9 2010 7:05PM not applicable Msg 921, Level 14, State 2: Server 'SYB_NFJD_TEST', Procedure 'sp_helpdb', Line 588: Database 'testdb' has not been recovered yet - please wait and try again. -------------------------------------------------------------- log only free kbytes = 0 (return status = 0) 1> load database testdb from "/app/sybdata/testdb-20100409.dmp" 2> go Backup Server session id is: 19. Use this value when executing the 'sp_volchanged' system stored procedure after fulfilling any volume change request from the Backup Server. Backup Server: Dumpfile name 'scourt5100990F2E6' section number 1 mounted on disk file '/app/sybdata/testdb-20100409.dmp' Backup Server: Database testdb: 23940 kilobytes (1%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 58630 kilobytes (4%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 93320 kilobytes (7%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 127118 kilobytes (9%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 151180 kilobytes (11%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 172814 kilobytes (12%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 194448 kilobytes (14%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 216082 kilobytes (16%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 237716 kilobytes (17%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 259350 kilobytes (19%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 280984 kilobytes (21%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 302618 kilobytes (22%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 324252 kilobytes (24%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 345886 kilobytes (25%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 367520 kilobytes (27%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 389154 kilobytes (29%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 409636 kilobytes (30%) LOADED. Backup Server: Database testdb: 409646 kilobytes (100%) LOADED. Backup Server: LOAD is complete (database testdb). Started cross-platform conversion for database testdb. Started cross-platform conversion for system objects. Cross-platform conversion for database testdb: 672 pages completed. Completed cross-platform conversion for system objects. Started cross-platform conversion for user objects. Cross-platform conversion for database testdb: 10073 pages completed. Cross-platform conversion for database testdb: 20273 pages completed. Cross-platform conversion for database testdb: 30458 pages completed. Cross-platform conversion for database testdb: 40604 pages completed. Cross-platform conversion for database testdb: 50796 pages completed. Cross-platform conversion for database testdb: 60924 pages completed. Cross-platform conversion for database testdb: 71117 pages completed. Cross-platform conversion for database testdb: 81317 pages completed. Cross-platform conversion for database testdb: 91517 pages completed. Cross-platform conversion for database testdb: 101717 pages completed. Completed cross-platform conversion for user objects. Started cross-platform conversion for log records. Cross-platform conversion for database testdb: 11119 pages completed. Completed cross-platform conversion for log records. Completed cross-platform conversion for database testdb. Caution: You have set up this database to include space on disk 5 for both data and the transaction log. This can make recovery impossible if that disk fails. All dumped pages have been loaded. ASE is now clearing pages above page 102400, which were not present in the database just loaded. ASE has finished clearing database pages. Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'testdb'. Database 'testdb', checkpoint=(79128, 0), first=(79128, 0), last=(79128, 0). Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'testdb'. Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'testdb'. Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'testdb'. Started REDO pass for database 'testdb'. The total number of log records to process is 1. Completed REDO pass for database 'testdb'. Use the ONLINE DATABASE command to bring this database online; ASE will not bring it online automatically. 1> online database testdb 2> go Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'testdb'. Database 'testdb', checkpoint=(79128, 0), first=(79128, 0), last=(79128, 0). Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'testdb'. Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'testdb'. Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'testdb'. Recovery of database 'testdb' will undo incomplete nested top actions. Checking table 'sysstatistics' (object ID 24): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysstatistics_24' (partition ID 24) of table 'sysstatistics'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysstatistics' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. (1 row affected) (1 row affected) (485 rows affected) (1 row affected) (57 rows affected) (1 row affected) (16 rows affected) (1 row affected) (3 rows affected) (1 row affected) (0 rows affected) (915 rows affected) Checking table 'sysobjects' (object ID 1): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysobjects_1' (partition ID 1) of table 'sysobjects'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysobjects' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysindexes' (object ID 2): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysindexes_2' (partition ID 2) of table 'sysindexes'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysindexes' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'syscolumns' (object ID 3): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'syscolumns_3' (partition ID 3) of table 'syscolumns'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'syscolumns' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'systypes' (object ID 4): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'systypes_4' (partition ID 4) of table 'systypes'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'systypes' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysprocedures' (object ID 5): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysprocedures_5' (partition ID 5) of table 'sysprocedures'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysprocedures' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'syscomments' (object ID 6): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'syscomments_6' (partition ID 6) of table 'syscomments'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'syscomments' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'syssegments' (object ID 7): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'syssegments_7' (partition ID 7) of table 'syssegments'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The table 'syssegments' has no indexes. Checking table 'syslogs' (object ID 8): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'syslogs_8' (partition ID of table 'syslogs'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. *** NOTICE: Space used on the log segment is 101 pages (0.39 MB), 0.39%. *** NOTICE: Space reserved on the log segment is 0 pages (0.00 MB), 0.00%. *** NOTICE: Space free on the log segment is 25499 pages (99.61 MB), 99.61%. The table 'syslogs' has no indexes. Checking table 'sysprotects' (object ID 9): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysprotects_9' (partition ID 9) of table 'sysprotects'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysprotects' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysusers' (object ID 10): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysusers_10' (partition ID 10) of table 'sysusers'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysusers' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysalternates' (object ID 11): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysalternates_11' (partition ID 11) of table 'sysalternates'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysalternates' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysdepends' (object ID 12): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysdepends_12' (partition ID 12) of table 'sysdepends'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysdepends' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'syskeys' (object ID 13): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'syskeys_13' (partition ID 13) of table 'syskeys'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'syskeys' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysgams' (object ID 14): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. The total number of data pages in this table is 8. The indexes for 'sysgams' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysusermessages' (object ID 15): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'csysusermessages_15' (partition ID 15) of table 'sysusermessages'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysusermessages' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysreferences' (object ID 16): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysreferences_16' (partition ID 16) of table 'sysreferences'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysreferences' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysconstraints' (object ID 17): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysconstraints_17' (partition ID 17) of table 'sysconstraints'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysconstraints' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'systhresholds' (object ID 18): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'systhresholds_18' (partition ID 18) of table 'systhresholds'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The table 'systhresholds' has no indexes. Checking table 'sysroles' (object ID 19): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysroles_19' (partition ID 19) of table 'sysroles'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysroles' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysattributes' (object ID 21): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysattributes_21' (partition ID 21) of table 'sysattributes'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysattributes' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysslices' (object ID 22): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'csysslices_22' (partition ID 22) of table 'sysslices'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysslices' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'systabstats' (object ID 23): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'systabstats_23' (partition ID 23) of table 'systabstats'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'systabstats' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysstatistics' (object ID 24): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysstatistics_24' (partition ID 24) of table 'sysstatistics'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysstatistics' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysxtypes' (object ID 25): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysxtypes_25' (partition ID 25) of table 'sysxtypes'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysxtypes' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysjars' (object ID 26): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysjars_26' (partition ID 26) of table 'sysjars'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysjars' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysqueryplans' (object ID 27): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysqueryplans_27' (partition ID 27) of table 'sysqueryplans'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'sysqueryplans' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'syspartitions' (object ID 28): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'syspartitions_28' (partition ID 28) of table 'syspartitions'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'syspartitions' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'syspartitionkeys' (object ID 29): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'syspartitionkeys_29' (partition ID 29) of table 'syspartitionkeys'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'syspartitionkeys' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. Checking table 'sysencryptkeys' (object ID 98): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'sysencryptkeys_98' (partition ID 98) of table 'sysencryptkeys'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. Msg 9989, Level 16, State 1: Server 'SYB_NFJD_TEST', Line 1: The number of deleted rows (65535) in the page header of DOL datapage 633, partition ID 98 is incorrect. This value cannot be negative. One or more indexes are corrupt. They will be rebuilt. There are 0.000000 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysencryptkeys'. Clustered index 'csysencryptkeys' (ID = 2) successfully restored for object 'sysencryptkeys' in 'testdb' database. (50 rows affected) (0 rows affected) (0 rows affected) WARNING: One or more indexes on user tables may have been marked as 'suspect' making these indexes unusable. Use the sp_post_xpload stored procedure to check and rebuild these indexes. Database 'testdb' is now online. 1> use testdb 2> go 1> sp_indsuspect 2> go Suspect indexes in database testdb: Own.Tab.Ind (Obj_ID, Ind_ID) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- testuser.S_OFFICE.S_OFFICE_IND1_x (395145422, 2) dbo.office.unique_indx_officeid (439669583, 2) testuser.S_USER.S_USER_IND1_x (699146505, 2) testuser.S_USER.S_USER_IND2_x (699146505, 3) dbo.devices.abc (704002508, 2) dbo.databases.abc (736002622, 2) dbo.usages.abcd (768002736, 2) testuser.LAN_PAGENO_RANGE.aaaaa (788194827, 2) dbo.pbcattbl.pbcattbl_idx (800002850, 2) dbo.pbcatcol.pbcatcol_idx (848003021, 2) dbo.pbcatfmt.pbcatfmt_idx (896003192, 2) testuser.LAN_SYS_syscolumns.LAN_SYS_syscolumns (1012195625, 2) testuser.WF_EFORM.PK_WF_EFORM_x (1019147645, 2) testuser.LAN_SYS_sysobjects.LAN_SYS_sysobjects (1060195796, 2) testuser.ARCHIVES.PK_ARCHIVES_x (1084527866, 2) /************************************************** 省略一部分表的索引............ **************************************************/ testuser.LAN_SYS_sysindexes.LAN_SYS_sysindexes (1108195967, 2) dbo.PartitionTestTable.idx_PartitionTestTable_id (1223672376, 2) dbo.PartitionTestTable.idx_PartitionTestTable_name (1223672376, 3) dbo.test3.idx_test3_id (1351672832, 2) dbo.test4.idx_test4_id (1399673003, 2) testuser.LAN_sysdevices.namesss (1828198532, 2) testuser.LAN_sysusages.pk_lan_sysusages (1892198760, 2) testuser.LAN_sysdatabases.pk_lan_sysdatabases (1940198931, 2) dbo.lzftest.idx_lzftest_id (1975675055, 2) testuser.Usertype_relation.Idx_Usertype_relation (2020199216, 2) Msg 17870, Level 16, State 1: Server 'SYB_NFJD_TEST', Procedure 'sp_autoformat', Line 267: Table '#temp1' does not exist in database 'tempdb'. (return status = 0) 1> 2> sp_post_xpload 3> go sp_post_xpload: Processing table AIX_PAGENOS (1/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table AIX_PAGENO_RANGE (2/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table AIX_SYS_syscolumns (3/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table AIX_SYS_sysindexes (4/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table AIX_SYS_sysobjects (5/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table AJDACG (6/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table AJDAJY (7/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table AJGDB (8/419) Checking table 'AJGDB' (object ID 796526840): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'AJGDB_796526840' (partition ID 796526840) of table 'AJGDB'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. One or more indexes are corrupt. They will be rebuilt. There are 127204.000000 rows in 10481 pages for object 'AJGDB'. Non-clustered index 'PK_AJGDB_x' (ID = 2) successfully restored for object 'AJGDB' in 'testdb' database. There are 127204.000000 rows in 10481 pages for object 'AJGDB'. Non-clustered index 'INDX_AJGDB_SN_x' (ID = 3) successfully restored for object 'AJGDB' in 'testdb' database. There are 127204.000000 rows in 10481 pages for object 'AJGDB'. Non-clustered index 'PK_AJGDB_SN_x' (ID = 4) successfully restored for object 'AJGDB' in 'testdb' database. sp_post_xpload: Processing table ARCHIVES (15/419) Checking table 'ARCHIVES' (object ID 1084527866): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'ARCHIVES_1084527866' (partition ID 1084527866) of table 'ARCHIVES'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'ARCHIVES' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_SXGG (118/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_TB (119/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_TJGL (120/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_WS (121/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_XS1 (122/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_XS2 (123/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_XSBHR (124/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_XSFDMSSSZX (125/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_XZ1 (126/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_XZBG (127/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_YS (128/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_ZBGZB (129/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_ZHENGR (130/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_ZHESJG (131/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_ZHESJGYJ (132/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_ZJ (133/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_ZJLT (134/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table CASES_ZX1 (135/419) Checking table 'DATACODE' (object ID 1189576245): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'DATACODE_1189576245' (partition ID 1189576245) of table 'DATACODE'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'DATACODE' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table DB_10 (146/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table DB_11 (147/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table DB_5 (148/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table DB_6 (149/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table DB_7 (150/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table DB_8 (151/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table DB_9 (152/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table DGKJZMX (153/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table DSR (154/419) ......................... sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_PAGENOS (243/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_PAGENOS_DB10 (244/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_PAGENOS_DB11 (245/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_PAGENOS_DB5 (246/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_PAGENOS_DB6 (247/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_PAGENOS_DB7 (248/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_PAGENOS_DB8 (249/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_PAGENOS_DB9 (250/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_PAGENO_RANGE (251/419) Checking table 'LAN_PAGENO_RANGE' (object ID 788194827): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'LAN_PAGENO_RANGE_788194827' (partition ID 788194827) of table 'LAN_PAGENO_RANGE'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'LAN_PAGENO_RANGE' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_PAGENO_RANGE2 (252/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_PAGENO_RANGE3 (253/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_SYS_syscolumns (254/419) Checking table 'LAN_SYS_syscolumns' (object ID 1012195625): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'LAN_SYS_syscolumns_1012195625' (partition ID 1012195625) of table 'LAN_SYS_syscolumns'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'LAN_SYS_syscolumns' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_SYS_sysindexes (255/419) Checking table 'LAN_SYS_sysindexes' (object ID 1108195967): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'LAN_SYS_sysindexes_1108195967' (partition ID 1108195967) of table 'LAN_SYS_sysindexes'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'LAN_SYS_sysindexes' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_SYS_sysobjects (256/419) Checking table 'LAN_SYS_sysobjects' (object ID 1060195796): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'LAN_SYS_sysobjects_1060195796' (partition ID 1060195796) of table 'LAN_SYS_sysobjects'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'LAN_SYS_sysobjects' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_sysdatabases (257/419) Checking table 'LAN_sysdatabases' (object ID 1940198931): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'LAN_sysdatabases_1940198931' (partition ID 1940198931) of table 'LAN_sysdatabases'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'LAN_sysdatabases' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_sysdevices (258/419) Checking table 'LAN_sysdevices' (object ID 1828198532): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'LAN_sysdevices_1828198532' (partition ID 1828198532) of table 'LAN_sysdevices'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'LAN_sysdevices' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table LAN_sysusages (259/419) Checking table 'LAN_sysusages' (object ID 1892198760): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'LAN_sysusages_1892198760' (partition ID 1892198760) of table 'LAN_sysusages'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'LAN_sysusages' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table PartitionTestTable (271/419) Checking table 'PartitionTestTable' (object ID 1223672376): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'zhang' (partition ID 1239672433) of table 'PartitionTestTable'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'liu' (partition ID 1255672490) of table 'PartitionTestTable'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'wang' (partition ID 1271672547) of table 'PartitionTestTable'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'li' (partition ID 1287672604) of table 'PartitionTestTable'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. One or more indexes are corrupt. They will be rebuilt. There are 262144.000000 rows in 1082 pages for object 'PartitionTestTable'. Non-clustered index 'idx_PartitionTestTable_id' (ID = 2) successfully restored for object 'PartitionTestTable' in 'testdb' database. There are 262144.000000 rows in 1082 pages for object 'PartitionTestTable'. Non-clustered index 'idx_PartitionTestTable_name' (ID = 3) successfully restored for object 'PartitionTestTable' in 'testdb' database. sp_post_xpload: Processing table S_OFFICE (346/419) Checking table 'S_OFFICE' (object ID 395145422): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'PK_S_OFFICE_x_395145422' (partition ID 395145422) of table 'S_OFFICE'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'S_OFFICE' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table Usertype_relation (364/419) Checking table 'Usertype_relation' (object ID 2020199216): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'Usertype_relation_2020199216' (partition ID 2020199216) of table 'Usertype_relation'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'Usertype_relation' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table databases (395/419) Checking table 'databases' (object ID 736002622): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'databases_736002622' (partition ID 736002622) of table 'databases'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'databases' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table devices (396/419) Checking table 'devices' (object ID 704002508): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'devices_704002508' (partition ID 704002508) of table 'devices'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'devices' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table employee (397/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table employee_bak (398/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table kqjcb (399/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table lzftest (400/419) Checking table 'lzftest' (object ID 1975675055): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. /************************************************** 省略一部分表的索引重建过程............ **************************************************/ Checking partition 'li' (partition ID 1991675112) of table 'lzftest'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'liu' (partition ID 2007675169) of table 'lzftest'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'wang' (partition ID 2023675226) of table 'lzftest'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'zhang' (partition ID 2039675283) of table 'lzftest'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'zhu' (partition ID 2071675397) of table 'lzftest'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'lzftest' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table office (401/419) Checking table 'office' (object ID 439669583): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'office_439669583' (partition ID 439669583) of table 'office'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'office' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table office_bak (402/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table pbcatcol (403/419) Checking table 'pbcatcol' (object ID 848003021): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'pbcatcol_848003021' (partition ID 848003021) of table 'pbcatcol'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'pbcatcol' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table pbcatedt (404/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table pbcatfmt (405/419) Checking table 'pbcatfmt' (object ID 896003192): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'pbcatfmt_896003192' (partition ID 896003192) of table 'pbcatfmt'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'pbcatfmt' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table pbcattbl (406/419) Checking table 'pbcattbl' (object ID 800002850): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'pbcattbl_800002850' (partition ID 800002850) of table 'pbcattbl'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'pbcattbl' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table pbcatvld (407/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table syscolumn (408/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table sysobjects1 (409/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table temp2 (410/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table temptbl (411/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table test (412/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table test (413/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table test2 (414/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table test3 (415/419) Checking table 'test3' (object ID 1351672832): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'pk_test3_id_1351672832' (partition ID 1351672832) of table 'test3'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'test3' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table test4 (416/419) Checking table 'test4' (object ID 1399673003): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'pk_test4_id_1399673003' (partition ID 1399673003) of table 'test4'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'test4' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. sp_post_xpload: Processing table testtimestamp (417/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table testvarchar (418/419) sp_post_xpload: Processing table usages (419/419) Checking table 'usages' (object ID 768002736): Logical page size is 4096 bytes. Checking partition 'usages_768002736' (partition ID 768002736) of table 'usages'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes. The indexes for 'usages' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt. (return status = 0) 1> sp_indsuspect 2> go There are no suspect indexes in database testdb. (return status = 0) 1>
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Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 版本 12.5.3 引入了增强的备份与恢复功能,这些功能解决了在不同平台上移动数据库时遇到的问题,即能够从一个平台上的 ASE 服务器备份数据并恢复到另一个平台上的 ASE ...
Sybase数据库备份是指将数据库中的数据复制到另外一个存储设备或文件中,以便在出现数据丢失或数据库崩溃时能够快速恢复数据库的操作。Sybase数据库备份有多种方法,本文将介绍 Sybase 数据库备份数据的方法,以 ...
【Sybase数据库的备份与恢复】是SQL Server中确保数据安全的关键操作,旨在预防意外情况导致的数据丢失。数据库管理员需要定期执行备份,以便在系统发生故障时能够迅速恢复数据。 一、基本概念 1. 事务处理及其日志...
"Sybase 数据库扩容详解" Sybase 数据库扩容是指对现有的数据库设备进行扩展,以满足不断增长的数据存储需求。扩容可以通过增加新的数据库设备或扩展现有的数据库设备来实现。在本文中,我们将一步步讲述 Sybase ...
8. 恢复数据库:在Sybase中,恢复数据库通常是指将之前备份的数据文件和日志文件重载到数据库系统中。这一过程可以通过Sybase的恢复工具或命令来执行,包括使用交互式命令恢复(restore interactive)和非交互式命令...
3. Open Client/Open Server:接口工具,使Sybase能够与其它数据库系统互连,实现跨平台的数据访问。 在Windows NT环境下,Sybase提供了高度兼容性和灵活性,使其成为企业级应用的热门选择。 总结,Sybase数据库...
8. **系统恢复模式**:在极端情况下,可能需要启动Sybase服务器到单用户模式或恢复模式来删除数据库。启动参数通常在`sybserver.ini`配置文件中设置。 9. **Sybase文档和社区资源**:如果以上方法都无法解决问题,...
SYBASE 数据库安装举例 SYBASE 数据库安装是指在服务器上安装和配置 SYBASE 数据库管理系统的过程。这篇文章将详细介绍 SYBASE 数据库安装的步骤和要求。 安装前的准备 在安装 SYBASE 数据库之前,需要准备以下...
Sybase 数据库锁机制和锁表查询 Sybase 数据库锁机制是指数据库管理系统中用于控制并发访问和维护数据一致性的机制。锁机制可以防止多个事务同时访问同一资源,避免数据的不一致和损坏。 在 Sybase 数据库中,锁...
使用方法: 1.解压下载的sqladv-12_5.zip至任意目录下! 2.编辑sqladv-12_5\ini目录下的sql.ini文件,添加想要连接的Sybase...成功连接到Sybase服务器后,查看数据库内的表,点菜单View>Pick Lists>Tables & Columns
而Delphi 7是一款基于Windows平台的集成开发环境,提供了丰富的组件库,使得开发者可以轻松地构建与数据库交互的应用程序。 在Delphi 7中,我们可以使用第三方控件来实现Sybase数据库的连接。描述中提到的...
【Linux5.4下安装Sybase数据库】 在Linux5.4环境下安装Sybase数据库是一个涉及多个步骤的过程,本文将详细讲解如何在RHEL 5.2操作系统上进行安装。首先,确保你的系统满足以下基本要求: 1. **操作系统版本**:Red...
**华为Sybase数据库内部资料详解** 华为作为全球领先的信息与通信技术(ICT)解决方案供应商,其在数据库领域的应用和管理也具有深厚的积累。Sybase数据库是华为在企业级环境中广泛采用的一种高性能、高可用性的关系...
Sybase数据库系统管理指南(PDG) Sybase数据库系统管理指南(PDG) Sybase数据库系统管理指南(PDG) Sybase数据库系统管理指南(PDG) Sybase数据库系统管理指南(PDG) Sybase数据库系统管理指南(PDG) Sybase数据库系统管理...