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由 searchadmin 于 周二, 10/16/2007 - 06:44 提交。
tag:prototype 数据验证 表单验证 validator js javascript
Really easy field validation
Here's a form validation script that is very easy to use.
Current Version: - 06 Jan 2007 - Demo / Download
当前版本: Jan 2007 - 演示/下载
The basic method is to attach to the form's onsubmit event, read out all the form elements' classes and perform validation if required. If a field fails validation, reveal field validation advice and prevent the form from submitting.
Include the javascript libraries:
You write elements like this:
passing the validation requirements in the class attribute.
You then activate validation by passing the form or form's id attribute like this:
new Validation('form-id'); // OR new Validation(document.forms[0]);
It has a number of tests built-in but is extensible to include your custom validation checks.
The validator also avoids validating fields that are hidden or children of elements hidden by the CSS property display:none. This way you can give a field the class of 'required' but it's only validated if it is visible on the form. The demo illustrates what I am talking about
Here's the list of classes available to add to your field elements:
* required (not blank)
* validate-number (a valid number)
* validate-digits (digits only)
* validate-alpha (letters only)
* validate-alphanum (only letters and numbers)
* validate-date (a valid date value)
* validate-email (a valid email address)
* validate-url (a valid URL)
* validate-date-au (a date formatted as; dd/mm/yyyy)
* validate-currency-dollar (a valid dollar value)
* validate-selection (first option e.g. 'Select one...' is not selected option)
* validate-one-required (At least one textbox/radio element must be selected in a group - see below*)
*To use the validate-one-required validator you must first add the class name to only one checkbox/radio button in the group (last one is probably best) and then place all the input elements within a parent element, for example a div element. That way the library can find all the checkboxes/radio buttons to check and place the validation advice element at the bottom of the parent element to make it appear after the group of checkboxes/radio buttons.
When the validation object is initialised you can pass the option {stopOnFirst : true} to enable the stop on first validation failure behaiour. The demo above has this set to false which is the default. If set to true only the first validation failure advice will be displayed when the form is submitted instead of all at once.
new Validation('form-id',{stopOnFirst:true});
You can also pass the option {immediate : true} to enable field valiation when leaving each field. That is on the onblur event for all the form elements.
同样你可以设置选项{immediate : true}来使在每一表单项失去焦点时验证,同表单元素的onblur事件
By default the library will add an event listener to the form's onsubmit event and stop the event if the validation fails. If you pass the option {onSubmit : false} it wont do that. This way you can call the validate function manually within your own javascript.
默认验证器会添加一个表单的onsubmit事件监听并且阻止表单的submit事件如果表单验证失败的话。如果你添加了{onSubmit : false}选项的话,这一切将不会发生。使用这种方式就可以在form onsubmit的时候调用自定义的javascript函数
By default the library will focus on the first field that contains an error. If you pass the option {focusOnError : false} it wont do that.
默认情况下验证失败选项会自动获得输入焦点focus。通过设置选项{focusOnError : false}禁用此功能。
You can also pass the option {useTitles : true} to make the field validators use the form elements' title attribute value as the error advice message.
你也可以设置option {useTitles : true}来使用表单项的标题title属性值来用作出错提示。
You can set callbacks by using the options {onFormValidate : yourFunction, onElementValidate : yourFunction}.
可以通过选项{onFormValidate : yourFunction, onElementValidate : yourFunction}来使用自定义函数。
onFormValidate is called after form validation takes place and takes two arguments: the validation result (true or false) and a reference to the form. OnElementValidate is called after each form element is validated and also takes 2 arguments: the validation result (true or false) and a reference to the form element.
onFormValidate 在表单验证后发生并且带两个参数--表单验证结果(true or false)和 reference to the form,onElementValidate 在每一个表单项被验证后发生带两个参数--表单项验证结果(true or false)和 reference to the form element.
Instead of using the error message in the validator you can create your own validation advice page element. Now when the script is creating the advice element it first looks for an element with an id matching 'advice-' + validation-class-name + '-' + element.id and if not found then one matching 'advice-' + element.id . If your form element does not have an id attribute then match the name attribute. If it finds an element it will make that one appear. See the 'Donation' field in the demo for an example. If you make a custom validation advice element make sure you set the style to display : none .
你可以自定义验证出错信息而不使用默认通过设置表单项。现在验证器将会首先从id为'advice-' + validation-class-name + '-' + element.id 的元素如果没有则从'advice-' + element.id 匹配,如果表单元素没有id属性,将会匹配表单的name属性。如果发现元素则使其出现。演示文档中的'Donation'项说明了这个问题。使用自定义advice message 要确保显示容器的display为none;
Also if you reference the effects.js file from Scriptaculous in your page head, it'll use a fade-in effect for the validation advice.
CSS Hooks
As well as the validation css classes above, the validation library uses CSS classes to indicate validation status:
validation-failed and validation-passed
The validation advice element has a class of validation-advice and an id matching the following pattern
验证建议信息使用validation-advice类 并且 其id格式如下:
'advice-' + validation-class-name + '-' + element.id
so if the field ' birthdate' uses the ' validate-date' validation class then the validation advice element will have an id of ' advice-validate-date-birthdate'.
因此 表单项'birthdate'使用'validate-date'验证类。那么他的建议信息容器的id应该为:'advice-validate-date-birthdate'.
Javascript API
By default the class attaches an event observer to the form's onsubmit event. If you prefer to do the form submit via javascript yourself you can still validate the form like this:
Javascript 接口
var valid = new Validation('form-id', {onSubmit:false});
var result = valid.validate();
The instance method, validate(), will return true or false.
The class has an instance function which resets all the field validation:
实例函数validate()将返回true 或者 false
var valid = new Validation('form-id');
Note that it doesn't reset the form, just the validation.
The Validation class also has some static methods that can be used independantly.
Validation.validate([element OR element id] [, options])
This validates the field (or field with that id), using all validation classes present. You can also pass the option {useTitle : true} to make the field validator use the form element's title attribute value as the error advice message.
You can run a specific validation test on a field or field value by doing this:
我们可以通过前面的验证类设置表单验证,同样的 你也可以通过选项{useTitle : true}来使用表单项的title属性值作为出错信息提示.
Validation.get('validator-name').test(value [, element]);
To add your own validator do this:
Validation.add('class-name', 'Error message text', function(value [, element]) {
return /* do validation here */
}, options);
or this:
Validation.add('class-name', 'Error message text', options);
The first example above includes a function as the third argument. The function enables you to write your own custom validation. The options argument is optional. The second example the third argument has become the options argument. Validator options can be used to perform common validation options without the need to write them into a function. Multiple options can be combined to create a complex validator and they can also enhance your custom validation function. Here are the available options and example usage below:
Validation.add('class-name', 'Error message text', {
pattern : new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z]+$","gi"), // only letter allowed
minLength : 6, // value must be at least 6 characters
maxLength : 13, // value must be no longer than 13 characters
min : 5, // value is not less than this number
max : 100, // value is not more than this number
notOneOf : ['password', 'PASSWORD'], // value does not equal anything in this array
oneOf : ['fish','chicken','beef'], // value must equal one of the values in this array
is : '5', // value is equal to this string
isNot : 'turnip', //value is not equal to this string
equalToField : 'password', // value is equal to the form element with this ID
notEqualToField : 'username', // value is not equal to the form element with this ID
include : ['validate-alphanum'] // also tests each validator included in this array of validator keys (there are no sanity checks so beware infinite loops!)
For example here's one of the in-built ones:
Validation.add('validate-alpha', 'Please use letters only (a-z) in this field.', function (v) {
return Validation.get('IsEmpty').test(v) || /^[a-zA-Z]+$/.test(v)
And here's a custom one using options:
Validation.addAllThese('validate-password', 'Your password must be more than 6 characters and not be 'password' or the same as your name', {
minLength : 7,
notOneOf : ['password','PASSWORD','1234567','0123456'],
notEqualToField : 'username'
If you supply a custom function and a combination of options they are all tested and if all are true the field validates.
When you add a new validator it is added to a static group of validation methods with the class name as key. You then must use the class in the form elements to use your custom validation function.
To make adding mupltiple custom validators easier you can use Validation.addAllThese() like this:
如果你提供一个自定义函数 和 一组选项 ,其中所有的选项均通过验证时才能通过验证。
['required', 'This is a required field.', function(v) {
return !Validation.get('IsEmpty').test(v);
['validate-number', 'Please use numbers only in this field.', function(v) {
return Validation.get('IsEmpty').test(v) || !isNaN(v);
['validate-digits', 'Please use numbers only in this field.', function(v) {
return Validation.get('IsEmpty').test(v) || !/[^d]/.test(v);
You pass an array, where each element of the array is an array with 3 or 4 elements: [className, error, function, options] or [className, error, options]
tag:prototype 数据验证 表单验证 validator js javascript
Really easy field validation
Here's a form validation script that is very easy to use.
Current Version: - 06 Jan 2007 - Demo / Download
当前版本: Jan 2007 - 演示/下载
The basic method is to attach to the form's onsubmit event, read out all the form elements' classes and perform validation if required. If a field fails validation, reveal field validation advice and prevent the form from submitting.
Include the javascript libraries:
You write elements like this:
passing the validation requirements in the class attribute.
You then activate validation by passing the form or form's id attribute like this:
new Validation('form-id'); // OR new Validation(document.forms[0]);
It has a number of tests built-in but is extensible to include your custom validation checks.
The validator also avoids validating fields that are hidden or children of elements hidden by the CSS property display:none. This way you can give a field the class of 'required' but it's only validated if it is visible on the form. The demo illustrates what I am talking about
Here's the list of classes available to add to your field elements:
* required (not blank)
* validate-number (a valid number)
* validate-digits (digits only)
* validate-alpha (letters only)
* validate-alphanum (only letters and numbers)
* validate-date (a valid date value)
* validate-email (a valid email address)
* validate-url (a valid URL)
* validate-date-au (a date formatted as; dd/mm/yyyy)
* validate-currency-dollar (a valid dollar value)
* validate-selection (first option e.g. 'Select one...' is not selected option)
* validate-one-required (At least one textbox/radio element must be selected in a group - see below*)
*To use the validate-one-required validator you must first add the class name to only one checkbox/radio button in the group (last one is probably best) and then place all the input elements within a parent element, for example a div element. That way the library can find all the checkboxes/radio buttons to check and place the validation advice element at the bottom of the parent element to make it appear after the group of checkboxes/radio buttons.
When the validation object is initialised you can pass the option {stopOnFirst : true} to enable the stop on first validation failure behaiour. The demo above has this set to false which is the default. If set to true only the first validation failure advice will be displayed when the form is submitted instead of all at once.
new Validation('form-id',{stopOnFirst:true});
You can also pass the option {immediate : true} to enable field valiation when leaving each field. That is on the onblur event for all the form elements.
同样你可以设置选项{immediate : true}来使在每一表单项失去焦点时验证,同表单元素的onblur事件
By default the library will add an event listener to the form's onsubmit event and stop the event if the validation fails. If you pass the option {onSubmit : false} it wont do that. This way you can call the validate function manually within your own javascript.
默认验证器会添加一个表单的onsubmit事件监听并且阻止表单的submit事件如果表单验证失败的话。如果你添加了{onSubmit : false}选项的话,这一切将不会发生。使用这种方式就可以在form onsubmit的时候调用自定义的javascript函数
By default the library will focus on the first field that contains an error. If you pass the option {focusOnError : false} it wont do that.
默认情况下验证失败选项会自动获得输入焦点focus。通过设置选项{focusOnError : false}禁用此功能。
You can also pass the option {useTitles : true} to make the field validators use the form elements' title attribute value as the error advice message.
你也可以设置option {useTitles : true}来使用表单项的标题title属性值来用作出错提示。
You can set callbacks by using the options {onFormValidate : yourFunction, onElementValidate : yourFunction}.
可以通过选项{onFormValidate : yourFunction, onElementValidate : yourFunction}来使用自定义函数。
onFormValidate is called after form validation takes place and takes two arguments: the validation result (true or false) and a reference to the form. OnElementValidate is called after each form element is validated and also takes 2 arguments: the validation result (true or false) and a reference to the form element.
onFormValidate 在表单验证后发生并且带两个参数--表单验证结果(true or false)和 reference to the form,onElementValidate 在每一个表单项被验证后发生带两个参数--表单项验证结果(true or false)和 reference to the form element.
Instead of using the error message in the validator you can create your own validation advice page element. Now when the script is creating the advice element it first looks for an element with an id matching 'advice-' + validation-class-name + '-' + element.id and if not found then one matching 'advice-' + element.id . If your form element does not have an id attribute then match the name attribute. If it finds an element it will make that one appear. See the 'Donation' field in the demo for an example. If you make a custom validation advice element make sure you set the style to display : none .
你可以自定义验证出错信息而不使用默认通过设置表单项。现在验证器将会首先从id为'advice-' + validation-class-name + '-' + element.id 的元素如果没有则从'advice-' + element.id 匹配,如果表单元素没有id属性,将会匹配表单的name属性。如果发现元素则使其出现。演示文档中的'Donation'项说明了这个问题。使用自定义advice message 要确保显示容器的display为none;
Also if you reference the effects.js file from Scriptaculous in your page head, it'll use a fade-in effect for the validation advice.
CSS Hooks
As well as the validation css classes above, the validation library uses CSS classes to indicate validation status:
validation-failed and validation-passed
The validation advice element has a class of validation-advice and an id matching the following pattern
验证建议信息使用validation-advice类 并且 其id格式如下:
'advice-' + validation-class-name + '-' + element.id
so if the field ' birthdate' uses the ' validate-date' validation class then the validation advice element will have an id of ' advice-validate-date-birthdate'.
因此 表单项'birthdate'使用'validate-date'验证类。那么他的建议信息容器的id应该为:'advice-validate-date-birthdate'.
Javascript API
By default the class attaches an event observer to the form's onsubmit event. If you prefer to do the form submit via javascript yourself you can still validate the form like this:
Javascript 接口
var valid = new Validation('form-id', {onSubmit:false});
var result = valid.validate();
The instance method, validate(), will return true or false.
The class has an instance function which resets all the field validation:
实例函数validate()将返回true 或者 false
var valid = new Validation('form-id');
Note that it doesn't reset the form, just the validation.
The Validation class also has some static methods that can be used independantly.
Validation.validate([element OR element id] [, options])
This validates the field (or field with that id), using all validation classes present. You can also pass the option {useTitle : true} to make the field validator use the form element's title attribute value as the error advice message.
You can run a specific validation test on a field or field value by doing this:
我们可以通过前面的验证类设置表单验证,同样的 你也可以通过选项{useTitle : true}来使用表单项的title属性值作为出错信息提示.
Validation.get('validator-name').test(value [, element]);
To add your own validator do this:
Validation.add('class-name', 'Error message text', function(value [, element]) {
return /* do validation here */
}, options);
or this:
Validation.add('class-name', 'Error message text', options);
The first example above includes a function as the third argument. The function enables you to write your own custom validation. The options argument is optional. The second example the third argument has become the options argument. Validator options can be used to perform common validation options without the need to write them into a function. Multiple options can be combined to create a complex validator and they can also enhance your custom validation function. Here are the available options and example usage below:
Validation.add('class-name', 'Error message text', {
pattern : new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z]+$","gi"), // only letter allowed
minLength : 6, // value must be at least 6 characters
maxLength : 13, // value must be no longer than 13 characters
min : 5, // value is not less than this number
max : 100, // value is not more than this number
notOneOf : ['password', 'PASSWORD'], // value does not equal anything in this array
oneOf : ['fish','chicken','beef'], // value must equal one of the values in this array
is : '5', // value is equal to this string
isNot : 'turnip', //value is not equal to this string
equalToField : 'password', // value is equal to the form element with this ID
notEqualToField : 'username', // value is not equal to the form element with this ID
include : ['validate-alphanum'] // also tests each validator included in this array of validator keys (there are no sanity checks so beware infinite loops!)
For example here's one of the in-built ones:
Validation.add('validate-alpha', 'Please use letters only (a-z) in this field.', function (v) {
return Validation.get('IsEmpty').test(v) || /^[a-zA-Z]+$/.test(v)
And here's a custom one using options:
Validation.addAllThese('validate-password', 'Your password must be more than 6 characters and not be 'password' or the same as your name', {
minLength : 7,
notOneOf : ['password','PASSWORD','1234567','0123456'],
notEqualToField : 'username'
If you supply a custom function and a combination of options they are all tested and if all are true the field validates.
When you add a new validator it is added to a static group of validation methods with the class name as key. You then must use the class in the form elements to use your custom validation function.
To make adding mupltiple custom validators easier you can use Validation.addAllThese() like this:
如果你提供一个自定义函数 和 一组选项 ,其中所有的选项均通过验证时才能通过验证。
['required', 'This is a required field.', function(v) {
return !Validation.get('IsEmpty').test(v);
['validate-number', 'Please use numbers only in this field.', function(v) {
return Validation.get('IsEmpty').test(v) || !isNaN(v);
['validate-digits', 'Please use numbers only in this field.', function(v) {
return Validation.get('IsEmpty').test(v) || !/[^d]/.test(v);
You pass an array, where each element of the array is an array with 3 or 4 elements: [className, error, function, options] or [className, error, options]
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在Web开发中,为了提供更好的用户体验,我们常常需要实现无刷新验证功能,即在用户输入信息时即时检查数据的有效性,而无需提交整个表单。本教程将关注如何使用JavaScript库Prototype结合JSON(JavaScript Object ...
表单验证是任何Web应用中不可或缺的功能,它保证了用户提交的数据是符合预期格式的。本文将详细介绍如何在Vue项目中使用Element UI来实现表单验证。 Element UI提供了丰富的表单组件,例如 `<el-form>`、`...
- **表单验证**:利用Prototype的DOM操作能力,可以轻松实现客户端表单验证。 - **动态内容加载**:通过Ajax技术,可以在不刷新整个页面的情况下加载新的内容。 - **交互式元素**:例如弹出窗口、拖拽功能等,都可以...