View Flow for Android
ViewFlow is an Android UI widget providing a horizontally scrollable ViewGroup with items populated from an Adapter. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for a screen shot.
The component is a Library Project. This means that there's no need to copy-paste resources into your own project, simply add the viewflow component as a reference to any project.
In your layout
The use of app:sidebuffer
is optional. It defines the number of Views to buffer on each side of the currently shown View. The default sidebuffer is 3, making up a grand total of 7 (3 * 2 + 1) Views loaded at a time (at max). To be able to use the more convenient app:sidebuffer
attribute, the application namespace must be included in the same manner as the android namespace is. Please refer to the layout main.xml in the example project for a full example. Again, note that it's the application namespace and not the viewflow namespace that must be referred like xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/your.application.package.here"
In your activity
ViewFlow viewFlow = (ViewFlow) findViewById(R.id.viewflow);
Setting a different initial position (0 being default) is as easy as:
viewFlow.setAdapter(myAdapter, 8);
Although possible, you should not call setSelection(...)
immediately after callingsetAdapter(myAdapter)
as that might load unnecessary views giving you a decrease in performance.
Listen on screen change events
If you need to listen to screen change events you would want to implement your ownViewFlow.ViewSwitchListener
and pass it to the setOnViewSwitchListener()
viewFlow.setOnViewSwitchListener(new ViewSwitchListener() {
public void onSwitched(View v, int position) {
// Your code here
Flow Indicator
It is also possible to add a flow view indicator to your layout. The purpose of aFlowIndicator
is to present a visual representation of where in the item list focus is at. You may either implement aFlowIndicator
yourself or use an implementation provided by the View Flow library. The View Flow library currently supports the following indicators:
Circle Flow Indicator
This indicator shows a circle for each View
in the adapter with a special circle representing the currently selected view (see screenshot below).
android:padding="10dip" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/viewflowindic"
And then you'll need to connect your ViewFlow
with the FlowIndicator
CircleFlowIndicator indic = (CircleFlowIndicator) findViewById(R.id.viewflowindic);
The following attributes are supported: activeColor
, inactiveColor
(either fill or stroke), inactiveType
(either fill or stroke),fadeOut
(time in ms until indicator fades out, 0 = never), radius
Title Flow Indicator
This indicator presents the title of the previous, current and next View
in the adapter (see screenshot below).
android:id="@+id/viewflowindic" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
app:footerTriangleHeight="10dp" app:textColor="#FFFFFFFF" app:selectedColor="#FFFFC445"
app:footerColor="#FFFFC445" app:titlePadding="10dp" app:textSize="11dp" app:selectedSize="12dp"
app:clipPadding="5dp" />
And then you'll need to connect your ViewFlow
with the FlowIndicator
TitleFlowIndicator indicator = (TitleFlowIndicator) findViewById(R.id.viewflowindic);
Building a jar file
If you rather want a jar file instead of a including the project as an android library, runant jar
in the android-viewflow/viewflow
folder, to build a jar file.
The manifest states a min sdk version of 4, which is true. But in any case you want to support an api level < 8 you will have to forward anonConfigurationChanged
event to the ViewFlow
from your Activity
. I know this isn't a very nice solution, feel free to propose better ones!
public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
The following persons deserves a mention for their contributions:
Want to contribute?
GitHub has some great articles on how to get started with Git and GitHub and how to fork a project.
Contributers are recommended to fork the app on GitHub (but don't have too). Create a feature branch, push the branch to git hub, press Pull Request and write a simple explanation.
One fix per commit. If let's say a commit closes the open issue 12. Just add closes #12
in your commit message to close that issue automagically.
If you still feel uncomfortable contributing the project github-wise, don't hesistate to send a regular patch.
All code that is contributed must be compliant with Apache License 2.0.
Copyright (c) 2011 Patrik Åkerfeldt
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* @author 张兴业
* 邮箱:xy-zhang#163.com
* android开发进阶群:278401545
在Python的开发环境中,`PyPI`(Python Package Index)是官方的第三方软件仓库,它提供了丰富的Python库供开发者下载和使用。`django-viewflow-0.3.0.tar.gz`这个资源就是从PyPI官网上获取的一个压缩包,它包含了名...
14.[开源][安卓][视图切换的效果库]android-viewflow-master android-viewflow是Android平台上的一个视图切换的效果库,ViewFlow相当于Android UI部件提供水平滚动的ViewGroup,使用Adapter进行条目绑定。
本篇将对"ltc_viewflow-dem"这个Android应用源码进行深入解析,帮助读者理解Android应用开发的核心技术和流程。 首先,"ltc_viewflow-dem"这个名字中的"ViewFlow"是一个常见的Android UI组件,它提供了一种平滑的...
"viewflow-视图切换" 是一个专门为Android平台设计的视图切换效果库,它为开发者提供了更加丰富和流畅的用户界面体验。在Android应用开发中,视图切换是一个常见的需求,例如在滑动浏览、Tab切换或者多面板展示等...
由于其高度可定制性和易用性,ViewFlow在许多Android应用开发中被广泛采用。 在`android-viewflow-master`这个压缩包中,你将找到ViewFlow的源代码、示例项目和其他相关资源。通过阅读源码,你可以深入理解ViewFlow...
总结,`ltc_viewflow-demo`项目是一个极好的学习资源,它涵盖了Android应用开发中的许多重要概念,如自定义视图、适配器模式、事件处理、布局设计等。对于想要深入理解Android UI编程的开发者来说,这是一个宝贵的...
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