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- Write:将msg存储到ChannelOutboundBuffer中
- Flush:将msg从ChannelOutboundBuffer中flush到套接字的发送缓冲区中。
////DefaultChannelHandlerContext public ChannelHandlerContext flush() { final DefaultChannelHandlerContext next = findContextOutbound(); EventExecutor executor = next.executor(); if (executor.inEventLoop()) { next.invokeFlush(); } else { Runnable task = next.invokeFlushTask; if (task == null) { next.invokeFlushTask = task = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { next.invokeFlush(); } }; } executor.execute(task); } return this; } private void invokeFlush() { try { ((ChannelOutboundHandler) handler).flush(this); } catch (Throwable t) { notifyHandlerException(t); } }
//HeadHandler public void flush(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { unsafe.flush(); }
//AbstractUnsafe public void flush() { ChannelOutboundBuffer outboundBuffer = this.outboundBuffer; if (outboundBuffer == null) { return; } outboundBuffer.addFlush(); flush0(); }
outboundBuffer 是之前第一步中msg所存储的地方,通过调用outboundBuffer.addFlush(),将outboundBuffer 的unflushed置为tail,这样本次等待flush的msg在buffer数组中的位置区间就为[flushed, unflushed)。
//ChannelOutboundBuffer void addFlush() { unflushed = tail; }
//ChannelOutboundBuffer protected void flush0() { if (inFlush0) { // Avoid re-entrance return; } final ChannelOutboundBuffer outboundBuffer = this.outboundBuffer; if (outboundBuffer == null || outboundBuffer.isEmpty()) { return; } inFlush0 = true; // Mark all pending write requests as failure if the channel is inactive. if (!isActive()) { try { if (isOpen()) { outboundBuffer.failFlushed(NOT_YET_CONNECTED_EXCEPTION); } else { outboundBuffer.failFlushed(CLOSED_CHANNEL_EXCEPTION); } } finally { inFlush0 = false; } return; } try { doWrite(outboundBuffer); } catch (Throwable t) { outboundBuffer.failFlushed(t); if (t instanceof IOException) { close(voidPromise()); } } finally { inFlush0 = false; } }
//NioSocketChannel protected void doWrite(ChannelOutboundBuffer in) throws Exception { for (;;) { // Do non-gathering write for a single buffer case. final int msgCount = in.size(); if (msgCount <= 1) { super.doWrite(in); return; } // Ensure the pending writes are made of ByteBufs only. ByteBuffer[] nioBuffers = in.nioBuffers(); if (nioBuffers == null) { super.doWrite(in); return; } int nioBufferCnt = in.nioBufferCount(); long expectedWrittenBytes = in.nioBufferSize(); final SocketChannel ch = javaChannel(); long writtenBytes = 0; boolean done = false; boolean setOpWrite = false; for (int i = config().getWriteSpinCount() - 1; i >= 0; i --) { final long localWrittenBytes = ch.write(nioBuffers, 0, nioBufferCnt); if (localWrittenBytes == 0) { setOpWrite = true; break; } expectedWrittenBytes -= localWrittenBytes; writtenBytes += localWrittenBytes; if (expectedWrittenBytes == 0) { done = true; break; } } if (done) { // Release all buffers for (int i = msgCount; i > 0; i --) { in.remove(); } // Finish the write loop if no new messages were flushed by in.remove(). if (in.isEmpty()) { clearOpWrite(); break; } } else { // Did not write all buffers completely. // Release the fully written buffers and update the indexes of the partially written buffer. for (int i = msgCount; i > 0; i --) { final ByteBuf buf = (ByteBuf) in.current(); final int readerIndex = buf.readerIndex(); final int readableBytes = buf.writerIndex() - readerIndex; if (readableBytes < writtenBytes) { in.progress(readableBytes); in.remove(); writtenBytes -= readableBytes; } else if (readableBytes > writtenBytes) { buf.readerIndex(readerIndex + (int) writtenBytes); in.progress(writtenBytes); break; } else { // readableBytes == writtenBytes in.progress(readableBytes); in.remove(); break; } } incompleteWrite(setOpWrite); break; } } }
- 如果ChannelOutboundBuffer的size<=1,即其中存储的待发送的msg只占用buffer数组中的一个entry(buffer是一个Entry[]数组,参见上一篇文章),则不需要采用gathering write的方式,可以直接调用父类AbstractNioByteChannel的doWrite方法。
- 如果size>1,即其中存储的待发送的msg占用buffer数组中的至少两个entry,则通过调用in.nioBuffers()方法对ChannelOutboundBuffer的Entry[]数组变量buffer进行转换:将每个Entry元素中存储的msg由io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf类型转换为java.nio.ByteBuffer类型。最终得到ByteBuffer[]数组,并赋给变量buffers。
- 如果转换后得到的数组为空,即msg不是ByteBuf类型,则也不需要采用gathering write的方式,可以直接调用父类AbstractNioByteChannel的doWrite方法。
- 否则,执行gathering write方法。
a) 首先分析super.doWrite(in)方法,即父类AbstractNioByteChannel的doWrite方法
protected void doWrite(ChannelOutboundBuffer in) throws Exception { int writeSpinCount = -1; for (;;) { Object msg = in.current(); if (msg == null) { // Wrote all messages. clearOpWrite(); break; } if (msg instanceof ByteBuf) { ByteBuf buf = (ByteBuf) msg; int readableBytes = buf.readableBytes(); if (readableBytes == 0) { in.remove(); continue; } if (!buf.isDirect()) { ByteBufAllocator alloc = alloc(); if (alloc.isDirectBufferPooled()) { // Non-direct buffers are copied into JDK's own internal direct buffer on every I/O. // We can do a better job by using our pooled allocator. If the current allocator does not // pool a direct buffer, we rely on JDK's direct buffer pool. buf = alloc.directBuffer(readableBytes).writeBytes(buf); in.current(buf); } } boolean setOpWrite = false; boolean done = false; long flushedAmount = 0; if (writeSpinCount == -1) { writeSpinCount = config().getWriteSpinCount(); } for (int i = writeSpinCount - 1; i >= 0; i --) { int localFlushedAmount = doWriteBytes(buf); if (localFlushedAmount == 0) { setOpWrite = true; break; } flushedAmount += localFlushedAmount; if (!buf.isReadable()) { done = true; break; } } in.progress(flushedAmount); if (done) { in.remove(); } else { incompleteWrite(setOpWrite); break; } } else if (msg instanceof FileRegion) { FileRegion region = (FileRegion) msg; boolean setOpWrite = false; boolean done = false; long flushedAmount = 0; if (writeSpinCount == -1) { writeSpinCount = config().getWriteSpinCount(); } for (int i = writeSpinCount - 1; i >= 0; i --) { long localFlushedAmount = doWriteFileRegion(region); if (localFlushedAmount == 0) { setOpWrite = true; break; } flushedAmount += localFlushedAmount; if (region.transfered() >= region.count()) { done = true; break; } } in.progress(flushedAmount); if (done) { in.remove(); } else { incompleteWrite(setOpWrite); break; } } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unsupported message type: " + StringUtil.simpleClassName(msg)); } } }
protected final void incompleteWrite(boolean setOpWrite) { // Did not write completely. if (setOpWrite) { setOpWrite(); } else { // Schedule flush again later so other tasks can be picked up in the meantime Runnable flushTask = this.flushTask; if (flushTask == null) { flushTask = this.flushTask = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { flush(); } }; } eventLoop().execute(flushTask); } } protected final void setOpWrite() { final SelectionKey key = selectionKey(); final int interestOps = key.interestOps(); if ((interestOps & SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) == 0) { key.interestOps(interestOps | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); } }
- 如果当前msg为空,即buffer[flushed]存储的msg为空,则说明所有msg已经发送完毕,所以需要清除selectionKey中的OP_WRITE位。
- 目前Netty仅支持两种类型(ByteBuf和FileRegion)的写操作,本文只对ByteBuf类型进行分析。
首先调用buf.readableBytes()判断buf中是否有可读的消息,即writerIndex – readerIndex>0。如果结果为0,则执行in.remove方法;否则,采用类似于自旋锁的逻辑对buf执行write操作。
//NioSocketChannel protected int doWriteBytes(ByteBuf buf) throws Exception { final int expectedWrittenBytes = buf.readableBytes(); final int writtenBytes = buf.readBytes(javaChannel(), expectedWrittenBytes); return writtenBytes; } //UnpooledHeapByteBuf public int readBytes(GatheringByteChannel out, int length) throws IOException { checkReadableBytes(length); int readBytes = getBytes(readerIndex, out, length, true); readerIndex += readBytes; return readBytes; } private int getBytes(int index, GatheringByteChannel out, int length, boolean internal) throws IOException { ensureAccessible(); ByteBuffer tmpBuf; if (internal) { tmpBuf = internalNioBuffer(); } else { tmpBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(array); } return out.write((ByteBuffer) tmpBuf.clear().position(index).limit(index + length)); }
- 如果msg已全部写完毕,则执行in.remove()方法进行清理
//ChannelOutBoundBuffer public boolean remove() { if (isEmpty()) { return false; } Entry e = buffer[flushed]; Object msg = e.msg; if (msg == null) { return false; } ChannelPromise promise = e.promise; int size = e.pendingSize; e.clear(); flushed = flushed + 1 & buffer.length - 1; safeRelease(msg); promise.trySuccess(); decrementPendingOutboundBytes(size); return true; }
//Entry public void clear() { buffers = null; buf = null; msg = null; promise = null; progress = 0; total = 0; pendingSize = 0; count = -1; }
void decrementPendingOutboundBytes(int size) { // Cache the channel and check for null to make sure we not produce a NPE in case of the Channel gets // recycled while process this method. Channel channel = this.channel; if (size == 0 || channel == null) { return; } long oldValue = totalPendingSize; long newWriteBufferSize = oldValue - size; while (!TOTAL_PENDING_SIZE_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, oldValue, newWriteBufferSize)) { oldValue = totalPendingSize; newWriteBufferSize = oldValue - size; } int lowWaterMark = channel.config().getWriteBufferLowWaterMark(); if (newWriteBufferSize == 0 || newWriteBufferSize < lowWaterMark) { if (WRITABLE_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, 0, 1)) { channel.pipeline().fireChannelWritabilityChanged(); } } }
b)最后,分析gathering write逻辑:
//NioSocketChannel protected void doWrite(ChannelOutboundBuffer in) throws Exception { for (;;) { //之前已介绍非gathering write的逻辑,所以此处省略相关代码 int nioBufferCnt = in.nioBufferCount(); long expectedWrittenBytes = in.nioBufferSize(); final SocketChannel ch = javaChannel(); long writtenBytes = 0; boolean done = false; for (int i = config().getWriteSpinCount() - 1; i >= 0; i --) { final long localWrittenBytes = ch.write(nioBuffers, 0, nioBufferCnt); if (localWrittenBytes == 0) { break; } expectedWrittenBytes -= localWrittenBytes; writtenBytes += localWrittenBytes; if (expectedWrittenBytes == 0) { done = true; break; } } if (done) { // Release all buffers for (int i = msgCount; i > 0; i --) { in.remove(); } // Finish the write loop if no new messages were flushed by in.remove(). if (in.isEmpty()) { clearOpWrite(); break; } } else { // Did not write all buffers completely. // Release the fully written buffers and update the indexes of the partially written buffer. for (int i = msgCount; i > 0; i --) { final ByteBuf buf = (ByteBuf) in.current(); final int readerIndex = buf.readerIndex(); final int readableBytes = buf.writerIndex() - readerIndex; if (readableBytes < writtenBytes) { in.progress(readableBytes); in.remove(); writtenBytes -= readableBytes; } else if (readableBytes > writtenBytes) { buf.readerIndex(readerIndex + (int) writtenBytes); in.progress(writtenBytes); break; } else { // readableBytes == writtenBytes in.progress(readableBytes); in.remove(); break; } } setOpWrite(); break; } } }
- 同样采用类似于自旋锁的方式执行gathering write
- 如果所有的msg都已flush到发送缓冲区中,则对这些msg执行release;如果ChannelOutBoundBuffer的isEmpty方法返回true(即执行flush期间,没有并发执行write操作导致ChannelOutBoundBuffer中新增待发送的msg,保持了unflushed不变。那么此种情况下,unflushed=flushed),则清除selectionKey的OP_WRITE位;
- 如果还有msg未flush到发送缓冲区中,则按照flushed->unflushed的顺序对每一个ByteBuf进行处理,如果ByteBuf全部flush完,则进行release,否则仅仅更新该ByteBuf的readerIndex
- incompleteWrite(setOpWrite)的作用之前已介绍过:如果最后一次write调用返回0,则说明发送缓冲区已经完全没有空间了,此种情况可以退出循环,设置selectionKey的OP_WRITE位,以依赖selector的异步通知。如果多次调用write后,数据还是没有写完,则将剩下数据的写作为一个异步任务放到当前线程的任务队列中,等待调度执行。
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