- 浏览: 142384 次
- 性别:
- 来自: 成都
因为之前开发,web项目,使用过javascript和其中的优秀的插件,因此首先选择了jquery mobile.
个人觉得,Bootstrap, 还是比较好用.容易上手,在API,方面和其他现有的插件相比较,还是比较优秀的,和大家分享下:
Simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions.
现在最新的是:Bootstrap 2.0.4 released
to all dismiss buttons in alerts and modals to avoid a bug in which they prevent their parent’s form
from properly submitting. .lead
selector and various resets, we target each type of input like input[type="text"]
, etc. <p>
for font-family
, font-size
, andline-height
. color
declaration from the <label>
element. legend
and .form-actions
share the same border-color
, #e5e5e5
.max-width: 100%;
on images from messing up Google Maps rendering. .pull-right > .dropdown-menu
. .placeholder()
mixin to use &
operator in Less for proper output when compiling. -ms-input-placeholder
to .placeholder()
- bootstrap.zip (71.1 KB)
- 下载次数: 3
2012-10-15 10:15 3100因为最近要准备考试,找了些资料,觉得尤其这些是核心.和大家分享 ... -
HTML5 type 新增的枚举值
2012-04-19 14:44 1373Keyword Data type h ... -
HTML5 标签Email等 (自动验证格式)
2012-04-19 14:28 12071谷歌Chrome浏览器。在Windows的【开始】--> ... -
2012-04-19 09:07 3085javaScript javaScriptjavaScript ... -
Socket 类 客户端例子
2012-05-04 10:15 1271当客户程序需要和服务器通讯时,客户程序在客户机创 ... -
2011-12-29 14:27 1036在平时工作中,难免会遇到把 XML 作为数据存储格式。面对目前 ... -
转 JSTL标签使用
2011-12-02 09:37 1088JSTL 学习、应用记录 原来一直没有看过,我说过我是新手, ... -
java freemarker(xml模板) 导出word
2011-11-29 16:10 19519最近,由于项目的需要要导出规范样式的word文档,且要求较高。 ... -
FullCalendar 官方文档翻译(转)
2011-10-20 18:09 17971. 使用方式, 引入相关 ... -
(转载)FusionCharts参数的详细说明 中文乱码 字体大小
2011-10-20 17:53 5630功能特性animation ... -
转 jQuery 常用操作select、radio、checkbox
2011-09-28 10:57 1428jQuery获取Select选中的Text和Value(jqu ... -
java 持久化对象---hibernate核心接口
2011-09-28 10:50 1435Hibernate 核心接口 : Configurat ... -
Oracle 中like效率 正则表达式 浅析
2011-07-14 14:07 6418Oracle 中like常用但是其效率不是高。 特别是使用 ... -
2011-07-08 16:09 2095变量属性 属性部分: 全局变量 g_ 常 ... -
java 将Excel(CSV)导入数据库(上传、读取文件)
2011-07-07 18:38 16490最近由于项目的需要,必须使用Excel导入数据。 ... -
JQuery 常用技巧 :jquery对象与dom对象的转换
2011-05-18 18:11 12031、关于页面元素的引用 ... -
JQuery 判断value选中checkbox 判断checkbox是否选中 修改、获取value值
2011-05-12 10:05 9833<html><head><scr ... -
2011-04-19 13:19 1118JavaScript ******************** ...
twitter-bootstrap-admin, 使用 Twitter Bootstrap的管理界面 Twitter Bootstrap 管理这个项目为基于 Twitter Bootstrap的管理界面提供了一个基本的HTML模板。有 5页模板:index.html: 带有密码恢复选项的登录页面...
Charisma is a fully featured, free, premium quality, responsive, HTML5 admin template (or backend template) based on Bootstrap from Twitter, it comes with 9 different themes to suit your style and ...
这个压缩包“bootstrap-HTML, CSS, and JS toolkit from Twitter-master.zip”包含了Bootstrap的最新源码,我们可以从中学习到很多关于HTML、CSS和JavaScript的知识。 **HTML**: Bootstrap提供了丰富的预定义HTML...
官方介绍:Bootstrap, from Twitter基于HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT的简洁灵活的流行前端框架及交互组件集 http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/ http://wrongwaycn.github.com/bootstrap/docs/ 推荐2款我试用的...
BootstrapVue是Vue.js 2应用程序开发的一个强大框架,它提供了丰富的、完全可定制的Twitter Bootstrap 4组件。这个框架使得开发者能够轻松地在Vue.js应用中利用Bootstrap的UI设计和交互性,从而创建出响应式、优雅且...
An applied guide exploring two web applications such as Twitter and Dashboard from scratch Hands on the Bootstrap version 4 even before the official release Who This Book Is For If you are a frontend ...
Bootstrap 是当前最受欢迎的前端框架之一,来自 Twitter,Python 中同样可以使用 Bootstrap。Bootstrap 提供了大量的前端组件,能够快速构建响应式的web应用程序。Bootstrap 的核心是基于 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript ...
This book guides you through the process of creating an ASP.NET MVC website from scratch using Bootstrap. You will learn about various Bootstrap components as well as techniques to include them in ...
Developed by Twitter and available free from GitHub, Bootstrap supports responsive design by dynamically adjusting your web page layout. With just a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you ...
Originally developed by Twitter, Bootstrap is a front-end web framework that's revolutionized modern web development. It makes it easy to build professional, feature-packed websites in no time. Better...
This book guides you through the process of creating an ASP.NET MVC website from scratch using Bootstrap. You will learn about the various Bootstrap components as well as techniques to include them in...
In this time it’s grown from an internal tool at Twitter to the most used UI/front-end framework on the Web, with more than 7 million websites using it to som degree. This book is a collection of ...
Twitter Bootstrap in the first place. Chapter 2, Applying a Custom Theme, shows you how to create your first Bootstrap project and apply a Bootswatch theme to it. Chapter 3, Creating Your Own Build, ...
Bootstrap是由Twitter开发的一款开源CSS框架,它简化了网页设计和开发过程,尤其是对于响应式布局的支持。框架包括栅格系统、排版、按钮、表单、导航及其他UI组件。 在"Bootstrap-Form-Examples"中,我们主要关注的...
import { BsDropdownModule } from 'ngx-bootstrap/dropdown'; @NgModule({ imports: [ BsDropdownModule.forRoot() ] }) export class AppModule { } ``` 接下来,可以在模板中直接使用这些组件,比如创建一个...
import { Typeahead } from ' react-bootstrap-typeahead ' ; // ES2015 var Typeahead = require ( ' react-bootstrap-typeahead ' ) . Typeahead ; // CommonJS UMD构建 NPM软件包中包含开发和生产版本。 或者,...