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var object = {}; _.extend(object, Backbone.Events); object.on("alert", function(msg) { alert("Triggered " + msg); }); object.trigger("alert", "an event");
onobject.on(event, callback, [context])
Alias: bind
Bind a callback function to an object. The callback will be invoked whenever the eventis fired. If you have a large number of different events on a page, the convention is to use colons to namespace them: "poll:start", or "change:selection". The event string may also be a space-delimited list of several events...
book.on === book.bind; //true
book.on("change:title change:author", ...);
To supply a context value for this when the callback is invoked, pass the optional third argument: model.on('change', this.render, this)
Callbacks bound to the special "all" event will be triggered when any event occurs, and are passed the name of the event as the first argument. For example, to proxy all events from one object to another:
有一个特殊的事件,即 all,任何事件的触发都会触发all绑定的事件,同时会将事件名作为第一个参数传递给all绑定的事件。
proxy.on("all", function(eventName) { object.trigger(eventName); });
All Backbone event methods also support an event map syntax, as an alternative to positional arguments:
book.on({ "change:title": titleView.update, "change:author": authorPane.update, "destroy": bookView.remove });
offobject.off([event], [callback], [context])
Alias: unbind
Remove a previously-bound callback function from an object. If no context is specified, all of the versions of the callback with different contexts will be removed. If no callback is specified, all callbacks for the event will be removed. If no event is specified, callbacks for all events will be removed.
// Removes just the `onChange` callback. object.off("change", onChange); // Removes all "change" callbacks. object.off("change"); // Removes the `onChange` callback for all events. object.off(null, onChange); // Removes all callbacks for `context` for all events. object.off(null, null, context); // Removes all callbacks on `object`. object.off();
Note that calling model.off(), for example, will indeed remove all events on the model — including events that Backbone uses for internal bookkeeping.
object.trigger(event, [*args])
Trigger callbacks for the given event, or space-delimited list of events. Subsequent arguments to trigger will be passed along to the event callbacks.
var object = {}; _.extend(object, Backbone.Events); object.on("all", function (eventname) { alert(eventname); }); object.on({ "test" : function (msg) { alert(msg); }, "hello" : function (msg) { alert(msg); } }); object.trigger({ "test" : "hello", "hello" : "hello world" });
onceobject.once(event, callback, [context])
Just like on, but causes the bound callback to only fire once before being removed. Handy for saying "the next time that X happens, do this".
listenToobject.listenTo(other, event, callback)
Tell an object to listen to a particular event on an other object. The advantage of using this form, instead of other.on(event, callback), is that listenTo allows the object to keep track of the events, and they can be removed all at once later on.
view.listenTo(model, 'change', view.render);
stopListeningobject.stopListening([other], [event], [callback])
Tell an object to stop listening to events. Either call stopListening with no arguments to have the object remove all of its registered callbacks ... or be more precise by telling it to remove just the events it's listening to on a specific object, or a specific event, or just a specific callback.
view.stopListening(); view.stopListening(model);
listenToOnceobject.listenToOnce(other, event, callback)
Just like listenTo, but causes the bound callback to only fire once before being removed.
Catalog of Events
Here's the complete list of built-in Backbone events, with arguments. You're also free to trigger your own events on Models, Collections and Views as you see fit. TheBackbone object itself mixes in Events, and can be used to emit any global events that your application needs.
- "add" (model, collection, options) — when a model is added to a collection.
- "remove" (model, collection, options) — when a model is removed from a collection.
- "reset" (collection, options) — when the collection's entire contents have been replaced.
- "sort" (collection, options) — when the collection has been re-sorted.
- "change" (model, options) — when a model's attributes have changed.
- "change:[attribute]" (model, value, options) — when a specific attribute has been updated.
- "destroy" (model, collection, options) — when a model is destroyed.
- "request" (model, xhr, options) — when a model (or collection) has started a request to the server.
- "sync" (model, resp, options) — when a model (or collection) has been successfully synced with the server.
- "error" (model, xhr, options) — when a model's save call fails on the server.
- "invalid" (model, error, options) — when a model's validation fails on the client.
- "route:[name]" (params) — Fired by the router when a specific route is matched.
- "route" (router, route, params) — Fired by history (or router) when any route has been matched.
- "all" — this special event fires for any triggered event, passing the event name as the first argument.
Generally speaking, when calling a function that emits an event (model.set(),collection.add, and so on...), if you'd like to prevent the event from being triggered, you may pass {silent: true} as an option. Note that this is rarely, perhaps even never, a good idea. Passing through a specific flag in the options for your event callback to look at, and choose to ignore, will usually work out better.
整体来说,当触发一个事件的回调函数是,你也可以通过传递参数silent: true,来阻止回调函数的执行。
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backbone-events-standalone, 独立,最低版本的Backbone.Events backbone-events-standalone 这是在浏览器或者nodejs环境中,提取 Backbone 插件( 可以使用独立的( 无外部相关性) )的事件的插件模块。哦,亲爱的,为...
以下方法可用于支持 Backbone.Events API 的任何对象。 即View 、 Model 、 Collection或通用。 使用默认的“就绪”事件: object.onReady(callback) 在callback triggerReady时或之后立即运行callback 。 ...
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3. **集合(Collections)**:集合是模型的有序列表,它们继承自Backbone.Events,因此可以触发和监听事件。集合有自己的URL,可以进行同步操作,如`fetch`和`create`。集合中的模型可以通过比较ID来保持唯一性。 4...
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- **Backbone.Events**:允许对象之间通过事件进行通信,是Backbone.js中最基础也是最核心的部分。 - **on**: 注册监听器。 - **off**: 移除监听器。 - **trigger**: 触发事件。 - **Backbone.Model**:负责数据...
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Backbone.View允许开发者通过声明式的事件处理(如`events`对象)来管理DOM事件,提高代码的可读性和可维护性。 3. **路由器(Router)**:路由器在Backbone中起到了URL路由的作用,它监听浏览器的URL变化,并调用...
Backbone.js 是一个轻量级的JavaScript框架,专门用于构建富客户端Web应用程序。它的设计灵感来源于经典的MVC(Model-View-Controller)模式,帮助开发者结构化前端代码,提高代码的可维护性和可扩展性。以下是对...