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Use Erlang NIF to snoop, capture packets(in Windows XP), in OTP-R13B04 -
GeoffCant在git clone git://git.e ...
Use Erlang NIF to snoop, capture packets(in Windows XP), in OTP-R13B04
from http://www.davispj.com/2009/11/23/erlang-nif-test.html
This tutorial requires a fairly recent snapshot of Erlang. I'm using the snapshot from November 22nd, 2009. The official release containing the required functionality is slated to be out on November 25th, 2009. You'll see I haven't actually installed the snapshot build in case you're like me and want to wait for an official release.
No more NIF's! The daily snapshot page was updated and the new tarball for today doesn't include the new NIF functions. Luckily there are public mirrors of the code.
$ git clone git://github.com/janl/erlang0d.git otp_src_R13B03
$ cd otp_src_R13B03
$ git checkout origin/R13B03-20091122225501
Erlang NIF's
I've been waiting excitedly for the new Natively Implemented Function (NIF) interface to land in the next Erlang release since I first saw them announced. Then I saw another message form @dizzyco that was more specific. So I did what any normal person would do. Read the test suite and wrote a minimal NIF to figure out the compiling and call semantics.
The NIF Module C API
The first thing to note is that a NIF module has four callbacks that are used for bookkeeping with loading the shared library code: load, reload, upgrade, and unload. Each function gets an ErlNifEnv* argument, a pointer to some driver specific data, and (except unload) an ERL_NIF_TERM load_info argument. The environment and private data pointers are pretty standard for this sort of thing. I'm not entirely certain what load_info is for. The method for initializing NIF modules takes a second parameter which may be what this is for, but I haven't investigated to find out for certain.
After defining each of those four methods, to actually implement the NIF functions we define a function that takes an ErlNifEnv* argument and zero or more positional parameters of type ERL_NIF_TERM. These functions will show up in the Erlang side and can be called as expected.
The code for our minimal NIF module looks like this:
// mynif.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "erl_nif.h"
static int
load(ErlNifEnv* env, void** priv, ERL_NIF_TERM load_info)
return 0;
static int
reload(ErlNifEnv* env, void** priv, ERL_NIF_TERM load_info)
return 0;
static int
upgrade(ErlNifEnv* env, void** priv, void** old_priv,
ERL_NIF_TERM load_info)
return 0;
static void
unload(ErlNifEnv* env, void* priv)
do_something(ErlNifEnv* env, ERL_NIF_TERM a1)
unsigned long val;
if(!enif_get_ulong(env, a1, &val)) {
return enif_make_badarg(env);
} else {
return enif_make_ulong(env, val*2);
static ErlNifFunc mynif_funcs[] =
{"do_something", 1, do_something}
ERL_NIF_INIT(mynif, mynif_funcs, load, reload, upgrade, unload)
That's all fairly straight forward. Define the four required functions and just return 0 to indicate no error. The ErlNifFunc structure appears to be a triple of {name_in_erlang, arity, name_in_c} calls. There's an example in the source on having the same Erlang name and different arities. As you'd expect, you just specify the same string, and change the second value.
The implementation of do_something shows a basic error when the argument is not an unsigned long. We'll test that this works as expected later.
The Erlang API
The Erlang side is pretty simple as well. To load a NIF module we just call erlang:load_nif/2. The first parameter is the path to the shared object to load. The second parameter I just specify as 0 to follow the test code, I've not investigated its use though I assume it shows up in the load_info argument in the module API.
Another thing to note is that the NIF module and its corresponding Erlang module have overlapping function namespaces. When we define a function in the NIF module, it shows up in our Erlang module. The tests use a pattern to throw an error if the Erlang function gets called. In other words, when we load the NIF module it replaces the Erlang definition, so if we hit the Erlang definition we report an error.
Our Erlang code looks like this:
// mynif.erl
-export([start/0, do_something/1]).
start() ->
erlang:load_nif("mynif", 0).
do_something(_Val) ->
nif_error(Line) ->
Building the Modules
Building appears to just be the standard shared object style. I happened to have an example lying around from my earlier work on an EEP0018 module (which I'll definitely be revisiting now). The linker dark magic is outside this simple example, but there are plenty of places that will explain this. I haven't tested the Linux flags, but they should work just fine.
// Makefile
INCLUDES = -I$(OTPROOT)/erts/emulator/beam/
# OS X flags.
#GCCFLAGS = -O3 -fPIC -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -fno-common -Wall
# Linux Flags
GCCFLAGS = -O3 -fPIC -shared -fno-common -Wall
OBJECTS = mynif.o
DRIVER = mynif.so
BEAM = mynif.beam
all: $(DRIVER) $(BEAM)
rm -f *.o *.beam $(DRIVER)
gcc -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)
$(BEAM): mynif.erl
erlc $^
With all three of those files in your $CWD you should be able to just run make
and have the proper output in the same directory.
Running the Example
A sample console log to show that it behaves as expected:
$ ~/tmp/otp_src_R13B03/bin/erl
Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [source] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
1> mynif:start().
2> mynif:do_something(0).
3> mynif:do_something(2).
4> mynif:do_something(nil).
** exception error: bad argument
in function mynif:do_something/1
called as mynif:do_something(nil)
5> mynif:do_something(2.3).
** exception error: bad argument
in function mynif:do_something/1
called as mynif:do_something(2.3)
And there you have it. This is fairly exciting stuff. I've already got a list of projects I'm going to play with integrating into the NIF API to see what type of speedups I can get.
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在"erlang nif test"这个项目中,我们很显然看到这是一个关于测试Erlang NIF功能的演示。 Erlang是一种面向并发、分布式计算的函数式编程语言,它的设计目标是构建高可用、容错性强的系统。NIFs是Erlang与C交互的...
【标题】:“rustler编写erlang nif” 在Erlang生态系统中,Native Implemented Functions (NIFs) 是一种机制,允许开发者用其他语言(如C、C++或Rust)编写性能关键部分的代码,然后在Erlang虚拟机(VM)中调用。...
示例Rustler是一个用于以安全的Rust代码编写Erlang NIF的库。 这意味着应该没有任何办法。 入门指南 示例Rustler是一个用于以安全的Rust代码编写Erlang NIF的库。 这意味着应该没有办法使BEAM(Erlang VM)崩溃。 该...
在Erlang中,`NIF (Native Implemented Functions)` 是一种机制,允许开发者使用其他语言(如C或Rust)编写高效性能的代码,并在Erlang虚拟机中调用。本篇主要介绍如何利用Rust语言来开发Erlang NIF,并探讨`erl_nif...
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Rust 中的 Erlang NIF 这是一个如何在 Rust 中实现 NIF 的示例。 它对我有用,也可能对你有用,但如果它吃掉了你的作业,请不要生气。 虽然这将是可行的写现实世界的代码下面这个例子,因为整个erl_nif.h接口可用...
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盗贼文档|入门|例子Rustler 是一个用安全的 Rust 代码编写 Erlang NIF 的库。这意味着应该没有办法让 BEAM (Erlang VM) 崩溃。该库提供了用于生成与 BEAM 交互的样板的工具,处理 Erlang 术语的编码和解码,并在它们...
在Erlang中,为了实现与C或其他低级语言的高效交互,Erlang提供了一个名为`erl_nif`的接口。本文将深入探讨`erl_nif`,了解它是如何扩展Erlang的功能,并讨论如何使用它来提升性能。 `erl_nif`(Erlang NIF,Native...
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2. **测试**:使用`make test`命令,这通常会运行一个测试套件,确保NIFs在Erlang环境中正确工作且没有错误。测试对于验证NIF的正确性和安全性至关重要,因为不当使用NIFs可能会导致Erlang进程崩溃,影响整个系统的...
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RE2正则表达式库的Erlang NIF绑定 使用re2 考虑到RE2的差异,该库的API尽可能遵循标准的Erlang / OTP re API。 $ erl 1> re2:run("Bar-foo-Baz", "FoO", [caseless]). {match,[<<"foo">>]} 2> re2:replace(...
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